Pimp Jerome Follows Jesus

It is the weekend before Christmas and my King had me witnessing on the streets. I was near a place on Colfax where ten pimps were having a meeting. In these meetings, they discuss their territories where they can distribute their girls and they swap and buy girls. It is a lot like buying a better race horse to increase one’s revenue. My King said, “Sonny, I want you to go and pray with them.” As I drove towards their Mercedes van, they recognized my pickup. Four of them got out of the vehicle and pointed their pistols at me. Jerome is one of the pimps who was standing with them.

Jerome is a well built African American who I have been trying to witness to for a while. He would always draw his pistol on me and would say, “Sonny, I do not want to hear anything about Jesus Christ.” He never shot at me but he would always proceed to get back into his van and leave. Sometimes his body guards would rough me up but never seriously harmed me. Later, I was about to find out from the undercover police that they’ve been trying to catch him in the act of this trade and they have not been successful. They also said he was the meanest pimp in Denver. One day I had a chance to talk to him more and I gave him a message from our King. I said, “Jerome, the day is coming when you will be coming to me to ask questions about Jesus Christ. I will reveal to you his love and his plan for your life.” I think this scared him even more. Jerome’s time was to come soon. But tonight, Jerome did not draw his pistol on me as he stood with the rest of the pimps.

They said, “Sonny, we do not want you to talk to us about Jesus Christ. If you do not leave now, we are going to shoot you.”

I said, “Okay, but I want to pray for you guys before I go.”

They said, “Go ahead, but get it over with quickly.” I began praying for each one. As I got to one of the pimps to pray for him he started poking the barrel of his pistol into my head while I was praying for him. I continued praying while I ignored it. One of the pimps stepped up and said, “Quit poking Sonny with that pistol! Sonny is not here to cause problems. He is just praying for us.” As I finished praying for the last one they said for me to quickly get out of here and get going. I headed to my pickup and left. The Holy Spirit revealed the things I needed to pray for each of these men. Jerome was beginning a heart transformation.

It is now New Year’s Eve night and my King had me witnessing out on the streets again. A black Mercedes van pulled up beside me. Jerome got out and wanted to talk to me. He had ten beautiful girls with him. Since our last encounter, he decided to released his girls so they could go back home. Jerome treated his girls better than most pimps. They had nice clothes and no scars on them which showed me that he did not beat them. After he released the girls, he gave each one a three inch thick pile of 100 dollar bills. The girls came with him to meet me because of the transformation of Jerome. Jerome began to ask questions about Jesus Christ and what to do in order to be saved. The girls, as they listened, began to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ also. Even Jerome’s bodyguards wanted to give their hearts over to Jesus Christ. They asked, “Sonny, could you forgive us for all the bad things we did to you?”

I replied, “I forgave you that same day for what you did to harm me. Just as Jesus Christ has forgivin me for all the bad things I have done to him, I will always forgive you.” I prayed for everyone as they begin to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. Six of the girls called their parents to come and get them. Four of the girls did not want their parents to come to this part of the city and wanted me to take them home which I did later. I stayed until the parents arrived safely for the other girls.  Jerome signed over the titles of their cars to them.  He wanted to make sure they had something to start their new lives with Jesus Christ. While we continued waiting for the parents to arrive,  another van showed up. Jerome said, “Excuse me Sonny. I need to take care of this.” I watched as Jerome went over to the other van and spoke to the guy. Jerome came back and explained, “This guy was another pimp who wanted to exchange some girls with me. I told him that I turned my life over to Jesus Christ and already released my girls to go home. He was kind of shocked when I told him that but he did wish me that I would have a good life with my decision.” Soon after Jerome told me what happened, the parents started showing up. I prayed for the parents of the girls. They too wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ after seeing what happened to their daughters. I then proceeded to take the rest of the girls home and to meet their parents. They too wanted to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour after they found out what happened. My King gets the the Glory and the the Victory. If it would not be for the Holy Spirit going in and softening their hearts first, I would not be able to accomplish what my King asked me to do. I have learned the importance of when to go in and witness to whoever my King want to reveal himself to.

The undercover police we’re watching my every move I made as I was talking with Jerome. They wanted to know what we talked about.  They revealed to me again that they’ve been trying to get him off the streets by arresting him for doing illegal activities. I told him that he has now given his life over to Jesus Christ. They were shocked at first when I told them this because of the fact he was such a mean dude.  But again,  they have seen God work through me with other people just as bad. They too were joyous that he gave his life over to Jesus Christ.

One Reply to “Pimp Jerome Follows Jesus”

  1. Five more of the pimps who were with Jerome also called me to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Before they called me, they all released their women to go home. Just as dangerous it is for one to leave a gang, it can be the same for the women if they are not released by their pimps. The pimps wanted the girls to feel safe when they left their organizations. The Holy Spirit I am sure is still working on the hearts of the other pimps. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

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