Afternoon at the Cemetery

My King had me go out New Years day to witness to two gangs in east Denver. One of the gangs was a new gang. It was cold so no one was outside. I walked to their cars and talked to them about Jesus Christ through their windows. I physically went from car-to-car to talk to each of them. Many of them asked questions but when I got to the leader’s car he listen to me for a minute but soon rolled his window up to cut me off. I continued to do this with both gangs. After witnessing to both gangs, I was starting to get tired. Normally, I’d go to another place nearby to rest when I am at this park. But for some reason God had me stop by another nearby parking lot to rest. A cemetery was next to where I parked.

As I was laying back to rest, I was looking towards the cemetery. I noticed a hearse unloading a casket. It looked odd to have a funeral but no family members present. As this thought crossed my mind, God said, “Sonny, go over there and pray and read John 3:16 over the casket. I said, “Lord, why do you want me to pray over a dead body?” My King does not need to justify anything thay he does and said, “Sonny just go over and do it.” I was in what they call a protest mode. Because I felt that it could be so foolish praying to a corpse. But I did what my King asked. I walked over to the grave site. As I approached the men, one of the five guys present asked, “Do you know John.”

I said, “No, but I said my King told me to come here to read John 3:16 and pray over him.” As they listened, I began by reading John 3:16 over the casket. I wasn’t sure what to pray but I said, “Holy Spirit, you take over and give me the words to pray.” The Holy Spirit started giving me words to pray. I looked intently at each man as I prayed over John. I could see everyone starting to cry. Then I realized that John 3:16 and the prayer was not meant for the deceased but it was for them. Soon, I had the opportunity to pray for each man there. I stayed at the head of the casket as I prayed for all of them. I said, “John cannot change his destiny. He is either going to be in the Lake of Fire or with our King in heaven. Even for me tomorrow is never promised. We need to turn our lives over to Jesus Christ today.” They all began to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ as I finish speaking. All five gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. One guy’s name was Isaac. He operates the tractor and other equipment at the cemetery. He was one of the first ones to call his wife and share what he just did. The other four men also called their wives and shared with them what just happened. Isaac’s wife came down immediately to meet me.

When she arrived, I could tell she was pregnant. My King revealed that she was going to have a boy. She ecstatically asked Isaac who was responsible for him accepting Jesus Christ as a personal Savior. Isaac pointed me out and she came over and began talking to me about Isaac. She said, “Isaac has been a good husband to me but really never wanted much to do with God. Something that happened in his youth totally turned him off about God. He may go to church on Christmas or Easter for me but that was as much of God that he wanted. I have been praying a long time for him that Jesus Christ would touch his heart. You came into his life one day and change his life forever.”

I said, “My King told me to come over and pray for Isaac. He gets the Glory and the Victory for Isaac’s heart change.”

She said, “That may be true but you chose to obedient to his calling. And for that I am truly greatful.” She continued to share more information about her family. Before she left, she asked, “Could you pray for the birth and health of my baby before we go?”

I said, “I would love to pray for your son.” She was surprised when I knew the sex of her baby. She said, “You are right the ultrasound test showed it was a boy. ” I layed my hand on her shoulder to pray for her. She immediately moved my hand over her belly. As words began to come out of my mouth, the baby began moving around. He continued to move as the Holy Spirit moved the child. I said, “God has great plans for your son.” Isaac began the process of placing the casket in the ground and covering it with dirt. They quicky finished the task and moved the equipment away. As Isaac began to leave with his wife, I was also getting ready to leave. My King said, “Sonny, I want you to stay here and continue praying.” I sat down and began praying. Shortly, a black Cadillac showed up beside me. I did not think a lot about the car because I figured that they were here to view the grave of someone else. But they walked over to me.

The family was waiting for the grave to be covered. It was too heart breaking to see their sons casket being lowered into the ground. They were surprised to see me here by myself by their son’s grave. They half crying asked, “Do you know our son John?”

I said, “My King brought me here to pray over your son.” They thought that was awesome that I prayed over their son. The mom began sharing with me who their son was.

John had a high paying job and he gave his life over to Jesus Christ. He had great compassion for homeless people. He quit his job and gave up life’s luxuries to be out in the field with them. He would do odd jobs to get money to buy food and clothes for those living on the street. He would do anything to help those on the street. We went to Cosco many times for him to get food and clothes for John so he could distribute them to the homeless. John would look for close outs on food to be able to buy more for the homeless. He finally caught the Coronavirus. He did not go to hospital for treatment and soon passed away one night. After learning all this about John, I gave the mom one of my ministry cards. She looked at the card and paused a short time. She then reached into her purse and pulled out another one of my cards. She said, “My son talked about a man who was beaten badly that he helped. He said that God healed him while he was holding him in his arms. Are you that man?”

I said, “Yes, I am that man. Your son was brave in the presence of the gang that beat me up. I was grateful for him.” I continued to share with them more about God’s ministry. When is was time to go, the whole family asked me to pray for a fresh Anointing from God. They also rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. What I thought was foolishness changed the life of the five men and John’s family. That was one of the best 2.5 hours I have ever spent. John is in heaven with our King. His life on earth was spent transforming the lives of the homeless. I am sure he had a big impact on others who saw him shining the light of Jesus Christ.