Christmas in Nevada

My sister and brother-in-law, living in Reno Nevada, wanted me to celebrate the Christmas holiday with them. She said, “Sonny, you need to take a vacation. I have sent airplane tickets for you to come and stay with us.” My King thought this time to refresh myself would be good for me. I arrived early at the airport in Denver. I went through security at Southwest Airlines quickly and used the extra time to read my Bible. A lady noticed the writing on my hoodie and me reading my Bible. She asked me to pray for her. I gladly prayed over her situation. The two pilots that were flying the plane also observed what was going on. As I finished praying for her, they came up to me and asked, “We saw reading your Bible and praying for that woman. Would you pray with us to have a safe journey to Nevada?” Both men were Christians and knew about the power of prayer.

I said, “Of course I will.” So I prayed for safe trip and for their families. It was awesome. God is so faithful. It still was not time to board the jet so I continued reading. Two airline stewardess came up to me and asked me if I would pray with them. They also were part of the flight to Nevada. They asked if I would pray for their families because they were going through some tough circumstances. God just kept sending people to me so I could pray for them at the Denver airport. God loves us too much to lose an opportunity to reach or encourage us. Even on vacation, let us never get so selfish that we don’t use the opportunities God gives you to witness to people. Because we’re here to pray for those that are lost or brokenhearted. The loudspeaker finally called me to board the plane. I had a chance to sit in the front row where there is a lot of leg room. As I was sitting, a little eight year old boy, whose name is Carlton, sat by me. He was from a Wyoming ranch. He dressed the part with the cowboy hat and cowboy boots. He was going to visit his mom in Nevada. He saw me reading my Bible and asked, “Are you a Pastor.”

I replied, “God has given me a ministry to witness to gangs all over the United States. I minister a lot on the streets on Colfax in Denver.”

Carlton then asked, “What does it mean to be born again.? I have heard my Dad talk about being born again. ” I explained to him about being born again. I said, “You first ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins. This is followed by asking Jesus Christ to come into your heart. The Holy Spirit then transforms your heart. At this point you are now a new creation under Jesus Christ. This is what being born again means.”

The little boy paused then said, “I want Jesus Christ to come into my heart.” I prayed for Colton and he accepted Jesus Christ into his heart. He began crying and thanked me for for telling him how simple it was to be born again. He couldn’t wait to get to Nevada to tell his mom what he just did. After we landed in Nevada, the airline stewardess came over and thanked me for sitting with Colton. She also prayed for me before escorting Colton to his Mom. Both my sister and brother-in-law picked me up at the airport. They introduced me to some people that needed prayer. The Holy Spirit touched their iives as he gave me the words to pray with them. They all re-dedicated their hearts to God. It was so beautiful to see the Holy Spirit in action.
God gets all the Glory and the Victory.

The next day my sister took me to a restaurant to eat breakfast. As we began eating breakfast, my sister noticed that there was a girl crying in the restaurant. She said, “There is a girl in the corner booth crying.” Immediately God said, “Sonny, go and pray for her.” I got up and walked over to the table where she was sitting. My sister was amazed when I went to her but was not surprised. I stood by her table and said, “My sister noticed that you were crying and my King sent me here to pray for you. You are never alone. God loves you and wants to bring healing to you.” As I prayed with her and her mom, they both began crying. As I finished praying, they both wanted to rededicate their hearts to Jesus Christ. They then said, “It is so beautiful that you would come and take the time to pray with us.” The Holy Spirit showed me that their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

The next day we went shopping. As we came out of the store, a man stopped me near the door. He reacked of alcohol. He noticed the writing on my hoodie and asked, “Are you a preacher? ”

I said, “I am more of an evangelist. I reach gangs in Colorado.”

He the said, “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be working?” He began trashing me some more so God locked his lips so he could not speak.

I replied, “Even Jesus got away from it all to re-energize his Spirit to become more effective for the Kingdom of God.” I the notice he carried a locked Bible. I then said, “You have a lock on your Bible. Don’t you realize God’s word is to be kept free. Any Bible should be available to read by anyone. Are you trying to prevent people from finding out the truth about my King. I know you are hiding truth about what you are doing. You cannot hide anything from God. You know it is wrong to use God’s word to scam people for money so you can go to the liquor store. Your soul is at stake. You need to repent now. No one is guaranteed tomorrow.” I could see the panic on his face when he could not utter a word. I then said, “When you get one block away from me, God will restore your voice. ” He left as quickly as he could. I am sure that he is going to make changes in his life as he ran away.

Every day that I was in Nevada, I came into contact with somebody who needed prayer of some kind or encouragement. I had a blessed time with my sister and my brother-in-law. Now it is time to go home. When I arrived at the airport, God kept sending people to me for prayer. The weather in Colorado was supposed to be bad when our flight would arrive. The two stewardesses asked me to pray for a safe trip back to Colorado. I then boarded the jet and sat down in my seat. Two girls sat by me on the plane. They saw my Bible and asked me if I would pray with them. As I prayed a prayer of salvation with them, they asked, “Is it really that easy to accept Jesus Christ.”

I said, “Yes it is.”

They both said, “We are sisters and we both have been running from God. We both are tired of running. We would like to rededicate our hearts to Jesus Christ.” Our King gets all the Glory and the Victory. Never forget that if you go on vacation, always look for opportunities to talk to people about Jesus Christ. When I got back home I was thoroughly refreshed. It is time again to be part of God’s great revival that is coming to America. I want to be on the front lines with him when he starts moving.