Meeting Denver Drug Cartel

One month ago on Friday night I was witnessing on Colfax Avenue in Denver. I was topic talking to a group of prostitutes . All of the sudden a bunch of Cadillacs pulled up. The minute these cars showed up, the prostitutes wanted to leave because they knew they were a drug cartel. I happened to be standing near what appeared to be homeless guys. They knew who I was because they were undercover cops. They said, “These guys are looking for you and they have a $50,000 hit on your head.”

This piece of information did not bother my King at all and he told me that I need to witness to them. I said, “My King wants me to witness to them. I need to have their address.” I am sure that they thought I was crazy. My King is leaving a track record of his Ministry in their lives. So they don’t try to stop me.

They said, “We don’t have their address now but we can give it to you later.” They must not have seen me because the Cadillacs began leave. I continued witnessing on the street as my King instructed me to do. It was the following Friday when I was talking to undercover cops that they gave me the address of the drug cartel. Before they handed me the address, they said, “Sonny, you should not see these guys because of the hit they have out on your life.”

I said, “This is not the first time someone has a hit on my life. My King has always protected me from whatever harm they might do.”

They replied, “This can’t last forever. One of these days it will change.”

I fired back, “My King is the same today as he was yesterday. I serve an unchanging God. He will protect me today just as he did last time.” I won that argument and they handed the address over to me. But my King is still not ready for me to talk to them tonight. One week later, he spoke to me. My King said, “Sonny, it is time to see that drug cartel. They would like some homemade burritos.” So I bought the ingredients and delivered them to my favorite undercover women to prepare them. They always create a bunch of amazing burritos for me. The day that I was to meet with the drug cartel, they had them all ready for me to pick up. I drove them to the address given me. It was a good looking building with ample parking. There are no meter poles on the street so I parked in front of the building right on the street. I then walked up to the front door which was locked and rang the doorbell. When they open the door they had pistols aimed at me. Most of the time when I’m greeted with pistols, they threaten me right off the bat but they were more inquisitive about who I was. The leader, whose name is Antonio, was in the room with his men. I told them who I was and told them that Jesus Christ loves them and wants me to pray for them. I then told them I brought breakfast burritos for them. When I told them who furnished the burritos, Antonio asked, “Blue Mustang!” He was puzzled by that phrase.

I said, “The Latinos gave him that name. He loves Jesus also and wants to show love to you guys by providing you with food.”

Antonio replied, “He does not even know us yet he brings food for us.”

I said, “Yes, he understands his calling in God’s Kingdom to do this for you.” This was more than he could comprehend so he felt somehow that this is not possible that someone would do this for him. I could tell from the expressions on their faces that they were wondering why we were even talking to this guy and why we haven’t shot him already. Antonio then said, “I am going to shoot you now.”

I said, “Before you do, let me serve you burritos and pray for everyone.” Anthony gave me permission to do so. I prayed over the food so Anthony’s men could start eating. I then started praying for each one of his men. I payed for Antonio last. The Holy Spirit revealed things about each man as I prayed. While I was praying, the Holy Spirit touched eight of the men. They came to me to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I can tell that the Holy Spirit was working on the leaders heart even before I got there. He held no animosity towards his men who wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. He went into his office where he had a beautiful African mahogany desk that had all the titles to the Cadillacs that his men drive. He selected those titles that belong to each man’s car and signed the titles over to them. The leader changed his mind about shooting me and just asked me to leave. I left with the eight men from the building. They escorted us out with pistols drawn. This will not be the last time that I will meet these guys. I am sure my King will have me meet with them again.

A week later on Sunday my King wanted me to witness to the drug cartel a second time. This time he asked me to pick up donuts, orange juice and milk for them. I parked and walked up to the buildings front door. It snowed yesterday and everything was white as I walked to the door. The door was locked again so I rang the doorbell. They knew who it was. The minute the door opened they asked, “Sonny, did you bring us burritos again?”

I said, “No, I didn’t bring any burritos but I did bring donuts, milk and orange juice.” I was pulling everything up to the door in a red wagon. They looked over what was in my wagon, then looked at me and said, “That will do.” Antonio’s men escorted me under gun point to the elevator to take me up to where Antonio was sitting. Even with the $50,000 on my head, no one tried to take me out today either. I prayed over the food. I told them again about how much Jesus loves them. This time they didn’t threaten to shoot me and let me pray for them again. After I prayed for them, they told me thanks for praying for them but I needed to leave now. They walked me to the elevator under gun point and forced me to leave my red wagon. Antonio’s men continue to walk me to my pickup under gunpoint. It was interesting to watch the people out on the street when they saw the pistols drawn on me. Everyone walked way out in the street and kept walking. They curved back to the sidewalk after they deemed that they were far enough away from getting shot. No one even cared that they were holding pistols on me. None of the cartel accepted Jesus Christ today but I planted lots of seeds.

Nearly a week has past since my last meeting with the cartel. It is Friday night and I received a call from the leader Antonio. He wanted to meet me at his buildings park parking lot at 9:45 pm. My King confirmed my meeting with him. I told the undercover police that I was going to meet with the drug cartels leader after our weekly Bible study. They were concerned for me and wanted to send sharpshooters in the background with me in to make sure that it wasn’t a trap. I went to meet with Antonio after I finished the undercover police Bible study. I arrived before 9:45 pm and Antonio was already there. The Cadillacs of all his men surrounded his car leaving an opening for me to drive into so I could talk to their leader. I pulled along side of Antonio’s car and rolled my window down. I said, “What’s up?” I could see that something was troubling him. He responded, “My mom is deathly sick and I wanted to talk to you.” He then asked, “Could you could pray for her? I am taking the hit off your life that I have on you.”

I said, “Yes, let’s go to your Mom and pray for her now.” His mom lived in Parker Colorado. We left as a caravan. Antonio had four guys lead in front of him. He had me follow directly behind him. I had three of his men following directly behind me. We made good time getting to Parker. When I arrived at the house, I was impressed on how big and beautiful it was. It was one of the many multimillion-dollar homes In that area. Being that it was already getting late, I expected the house to be dark. This was not the case. I could see several cars parked around the home. It appeared that several family members were also present. Antonio walked me to the door. The three guys that drove behind me stayed in the driveway while the rest of his men went home. When I entered the home, Antonio’s Dad sternly asked, “What do you want?” Antonio stepped in and said, “This is Sonny. I have invited him here to pray for Mom.” His Dad looked at him and said, “You’ve actually been talking to a preacher!” His Dad was shocked. Antonio said, “He’s just here to pray. That’s it.”

I said, “Let’s go to your mom and pray for her.” I was expecting just me, Antonio and the Dad to go into the room but the whole family followed. I looked at Antonio’s Mom and she did look like she wasn’t feeling very well. She was an beautiful Italian woman. The next thing I noticed was her open Bible that she was reading as I entered the room. She felt like she was going to die any minute. I found out she has been in this bed now for over a week. Antonio then introduced me to his Mom. She looked at me and asked, “Did he beat you?”

I said, “No, he did push me around a little bit at first but has not harmed me since.” The Holy Spirit began showing me what was happening to her. I said, “God has revealed to me that you have a broken heart because of what your son Antonio has been doing. It has been driving you crazy because you feel like you have run out of options.” I then said, “You need to give your heart to Jesus Christ so he can fix your heart and restore peace into your life.” The whole family was listening to me as I was telling what her problem is. She shared, “I have been praying for my son that he would give up what he is doing. At one time, when I was a teenager, I loved God and I still do. When I got married, my husband never wanted to go to church with me and I basically did what he did. Soon Jesus was put on the back shelf. Now I do not want to live for myself. I want to rededicate my life to Jesus Christ.” Her husband watched as she gave her life back to Jesus Christ and said, “I need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I want to give my heart to him today.” He to was thinking about how his family is falling apart. By now everyone in the room started crying. Everyone except Antonio who was emotionless. There is battle going on in is heart right now. He feels in order to get respect from his Dad that he needs to make it big in life like his Dad. He figured selling drugs would get him there rapidly. I told him getting a legal job and turning it over to our King while blessing others is the best way to get money. You cannot out give God especially while blessing those in need. God is looking for those people with this kind of heart. The brothers and the sisters were next. They asked for prayer to accept Jesus Christ also. One brother shared, “I have it all. If I want something, I just go and buy it. I still feel so empty inside after having anything I want. Jesus has filled that emptiness. It feels so good.” I continued praying and handing out my ministry cards to the family as Antonio watched.

Antonio’s sisters loved him very much. After they accepted Christ into their hearts, they went over and layed hands on Antonio and began praying for him. The Holy Spirit began moving in the room as things progressed. I was excited to be there but as the family began talking amongst themselves about what just happened, the Holy Spirit prompted me to leave. He said, “Sonny, they need private time to talk. You need to go.” The family was still praying for Antonio as I left the home.

The three guys that stayed in the driveway were still there. When I came out of the home, they said, “Sonny, you are the first person that Antonio has never beaten up. We have been thinking about what you were talking about. We want to know the God that you know.” They paused for a minute and said, “This is not the right time for us to do this. We need to leave now.” They immediately left in their cars. Remember that we are never promised tomorrow. You could die and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire if you have not turned your life over to Jesus Christ. Do not wait any longer. After his men were out of sight, I proceeded to go home for the night.

Antonio’s Mom has called me several times during the week. She has told me that she is feeling much better since Jesus Christ released her. She says even my son has been coming at least every other day. He brings me food and has been talking to me which has been a real change. He has never done that for me. She believes that Jesus Christ will become part of his life very soon. I too feel Antonio is going to give his heart to Jesus Christ. My King gets the Glory & the Victory. I will keep you informed on what he does.