Our Success

The success of God’s ministry was made great by many groups of people in this nation. They all should be recognized.

In 1600’s the Pilgrims came to America. They came from England where worship was being controlled by the government. There was no freedom of worship. They came here to America to have religious freedom. It was a lot of work for them to get here. When they landed on our soil, they held the dirt up to God and said, “We are going to create a colony based upon biblical principles.” The pilgrims made a covenant with God on that day which in 2021 he still has not forgotten about. I wish I could go back and thank those Pilgrims for doing that for me. Even though I cannot go to them, I can thank God that he made that covenant with them. Even President Donald Trump values covenants when he moved the American embassy to Jerusalem.

The United States military has kept America free. God’s ministry does not have to go underground to reach souls for Jesus Christ. Many died to ensure that we can spread God’s word freely. President Donald Trump recognized the benefits of a strong military. Thank you Mr President for restoring the military to a greatness never seen before that the Dems wanted to destroy.

Another group of people that I want to congratulate are all the remnant of Christians in this country who have been praying and fasting that God restores America back to its former glory. You are to be congratulated for doing this amazing thing believing that God would answer this prayer for America. I know that our President Donald Trump was also lifting our nation up to our King. He was also praying for the American people. Even though we speak vicious things about our President, he has remained faithful to making America Great Again. Many churches today do not speak the truth today because the love of man is greater than the love of God. Many of those same people in the church have voted to install a demonic platform to run America today. Those who understand and know God have voted for the platform that brings life. We need to stay away from fake news and listen to those who speak the truth. God’s Word will identify the truth if you have a hard time telling the difference.

President Donald Trump has done a lot to encourage our churches by calling us essential. He has pushed our freedom to meet together and worship our King as important. He is now our past president. The last sentence I wrote is fake news. I just had to see what it was like to write garbage like the main stream media does.