Banana Power

It is Thursday afternoon and while I was driving home from work I was having an extreme craving for some bananas. I pulled over into a King Soopers parking lot and picked out some nice bunch of bananas from the produce section. I went to the checkout line. As I was standing there waiting my turn, a family pulled up behind me. I looked in their cart and I noticed that they only had a package of Bologna, bread, some cheese and a small bag of chips. The Holy Spirit revealed, “Sonny, that is all they can afford.” I could see the disappointment on their faces having to eat just Bologna but they were not bitter. I was wondering what I should say to break the ice. The Holy Spirit revealed to me the answer “Ask them if they are going on a picnic.” I asked, “Are you going on a picnic?”

They said, “No, this is going to be our supper tonight. This is all we can afford.” I always try to keep $50 in my wallet for emergencies. My King said, “Sonny, give the $50 to the family.” He then said, “I want you to fill their car with gas also.”

I asked, “Would you mind if someone gave you $50.” They said, “We would be extremely grateful if someone would do that.” I reached for my wallet and pulled the $50 bill out and gave it to them. I then said, “My King wants me to fill your car with gas before you go home.” I began scanning my bananas to check out. After I paid for my groceries, I looked back at the family. They excitedly said, “Someone who was listening to us talk in one of the other checkout lines gave us $100.” I was beginning to realize that my King gave me the craving for the bananas so I could be here for this family. As we walked to their car, I shared the wonders of Jesus Christ in our ministry with them. I then directed them to the gas pumps to fill their car. The family loves our King very much. I prayed for them to have a safe journey to Colorado Springs.

I went to the highway patrol Bible study after fueling their car. After I finished teaching, I went back to my pickup and noticed a man walking around my pickup. As I got closer, I begin to recognize who it was. It was Charlie. He is a homeless man who is a born again Christian that I met early in my ministry. He was reading Psalm 91 as he walked around my pickup. My King said, “Leave him alone. Let him finish reading over your pickup.” So I stood back and watched as he continued reading Psalm 91. He walked around my pickup many times because that is a long chapter. After he finished, I went over and said, “Hi Charlie. What up?” We talked a little bit about what just happened. He said that God told him to read Psalm 91 over your pickup. I greatly appreciated that he did that for me. I then asked, “Charlie, are you hungry?”

He replied, “I am very hungry.”

I said, “I bought some bananas at the store today. I also have some drinks here in my cooler that you are welcome to have. Oh, I even have some burritos for you.” Charlie is amazing man of God. Some of his buddies were nearby. He took the food and immediately went over to them and started sharing everything with them.” Isn’t it amazing how God used my bananas to bless multiple people today. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. No way would I have my King ever change a thing.