Cold Night with the Homeless

After I witnessed to the gangs on this extremely cold Saturday, I headed home to warm up and go to bed. It was 9 pm and I was ready to crash for the night. My King said, “Sonny, I need for you to go back to Denver. My homeless people are cold and hungry and I want you to tell them about me. I want you to take pizza, hot cider and hot chocolate to them.” I have learned that when my KING says go, I go even if it takes me into the cold. I usually get my food in Loveland Colorado but I would have to backtrack. I decided to pick everything up in Denver. When I was about half way there, I received a phone call from the head woman of the undercover police. She said, “Where are you at?”

I replied, “I am here in Denver. My KING wants me to take care of the homeless on this frigid night.”

She then said, “The Holy Spirit had several undercover families make a bunch of food. One family purchased a bunch of pizzas. Another family made hot cider and hot chocolate. Another family was lead to make cookies. We were thinking that it might be for you.”

I said, “Our KING requested that list of those items that the families made.”

She then replied, “Tell Blue Mustang that he can take the night off because we will continue to make whatever you need. By the way, I have dispensing containers that you can use to keep the drinks hot. I just need them back in the morning.” When I arrived at her home she had everything my KING requested there. They gave me other items that the homeless would need. I had grabbed the extra blankets, gloves and sleeping bags at my apartment that I don’t use anymore to give with their things. I then headed to the park where they were camping out. I parked next to a dark tunnel bridge where they were huddled trying to keep warm. My pickup said it was seven below zero outside. When it is this cold, the homeless have to keep moving or they might freeze to death. They came out to see what was going on. I said, “My KING told me to come and bring food and hot drinks to warm you up. He wants me to tell you how much he loves you. That is why I am here.” I began playing worship music as I set out the pizza and drinks on my tailgate. I then prayed over the food so they could began eating. They were all very hungry because of all the energy they have used to try and stay warm. I pulled my Bible and a pillow out of my pickup. I began reading John 3:16 to them. As the first words came out of my mouth, the light under the tunnel came on. The lights brightness made it like daytime. Even heat was radiating from the light. One of the homeless ladies said, “I have been here over a year and that light has never come on.” She repeated saying that several times as the night continued because I feel she knew that our KING turned that light on. I continued reading scripture as they ate. Because of the cold, homeless people from all over came when that light came on. They too were hungry and asked to join in. Others in the group left to get their buddies so they would not miss the blessing. There was a lot of food but I feel that people drank and ate more food and drink than what I brought. My KING made sure everyone had enough to eat and drink. The most requested song they wanted to hear was “Amazing Grace.” I played that song many times.  They continued to listen to the music playing and the KING’s message I shared with. Some of the homeless grabbed something to eat but left right away.

The Holy Spirit said it is now time for them give their hearts to Jesus. I read Matthew 6:33 to them and said, “This life you are living here is all temporary. We are never promised tomorrow. We all need to decide where we are going to spend eternity. Now is the time to give your heart to Jesus Christ so we can be with him.” As I gave the alter call, 24 of the homeless wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I prayed for them as they began turning their lives one by one over to Jesus Christ. A peace fell over them from the power of the Holy Spirit and some started going to sleep. I brought my pillow and sat down on the cold ground with them. I layed some of the blankets I had on the ground by me. Some of the women took advantage of the blankets and even rested their heads on my lap and feet. The cold got to my speakers in the back of my pickup and the music stopped playing. I continued talking with them about their new lives in Jesus. One person turned to me and said, “We have received food and goods from other people which we are grateful but it was like feeding an animal in a zoo. They drop the package off and leave the scene quickly. You are different. No one would ever come this late at night and in this cold to love and share with us. You are not in any hurry to leave because you want to bless others that keep coming by. The light even obeys you. Who are you?”

I said, “I am Sonny, I am just doing what my KING asked me to do. He gets the Glory and the Victory.” All of them began to fall asleep. I placed blankets over the ladies who fell asleep next to me. My KING had me stay and continue to read my Bible and pray over everyone as they slept. As I was praying, I was interrupted someone walking by. He was surprised to see me awake by myself and that my pickup had not been harmed in this dangerous neighborhood. He said, “You have a nice pickup. It is going to get trashed in this neighborhood. ”

I said, “This is not my pickup.” He said, “Whose pickup is it?”

I replied, “My KINGs.” He said, “What do mean by your KING?”

I replied, “Jesus Christ is my KING.” When I mentioned the name of Jesus, he took off running. Eventually he came back. He began to realize there was food here and a place to get warm. He came back and apologized for his behavior. I offered him pizza and hot drink. I told him what I told the other homeless and he too gave his heart to Jesus Christ and fell asleep with the others. I asked God what I should read as the night continued. He said, “Sonny, start reading Psalms 1 and keep reading.” It was approaching 2 am and God said, “You can stop reading. It is now time to go home and get some sleep.” The Holy Spirit had everyone fast asleep. I started wiggled my way from the women laying on me. Even though I was trying to be careful, it looked like I was banging them around. Everyone was still fast asleep as worked my way entirely out. I started my pickup and turned my lights on. Still there was no one stirring. I continued watching as I put my pickup in reverse and backed away.  I started driving forward and left the park as everyone remained fast asleep. It was 3 am when I arrived at my warm apartment and went to bed.

Sunday morning my KING had me check on their progress. I went back where I left them. A white van from one of the shelters was there feeding them breakfast. They came to pick them up to take them to a shelter. They all picked up the things I brought them and climbed into the van with them. They are going someplace warm. The reason my KING had me come back was for me to watch what was going on. The homeless women were praying and witnessing to the shelter people after only knowing Jesus for a short time. They were listening to exactly every word I said last night because they quoted to the staff word for word what I said to them. Soon the shelter staff began giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. Some of the homeless saw me watching and shouted, “Sonny! There is the man who cared for us and brought us to Jesus Christ.” The staff came over and talked to me. They were amazed how I stayed with the homeless most of the night and how these homeless people brought Jesus into their lives. Like the homeless they asked, “Who are you?” And like I said to the homeless, “I am just Sonny. I only did what my KING asked me to do.” It was very interesting that when they were ready to load the last of their possessions into the vans, they began grabbing the food that was left. The staff said, “You can throw that food away. We have plenty at the shelter.” The homeless replied, “No way! We do not waste food. We have experienced hunger and all food is precious to us.” They continued to pick up all the food. As I watched the vans go, I thought to myself how our KING used me to reach them for the Kingdom and keep them alive until they could be picked up by someone. My heart has a spot for the homeless and I want to thank our KING for allowing me to serve them.

It was still cold outside and it became very quiet after the vans disappeared. So I left the park to talked to some more gangs at their homes. After sharing with them, I went home to warm up and eat a snack.