First Women Gang

It is Saturday morning and I am going to be seeing a gang consisting of 35 women. This is the first time ever visited a gang that only had women in it. Earlier in the week, I bought supplies for the undercover women to make six dozen burritos for me. My King told me that these girls were going to be hungry. It was going to be close to a week before they received any income. After eating breakfast with Blue Mustang, I picked up the burritos from the undercover women and headed to their home. It was a large beautiful home that they were staying in. Have you ever wondered how gangs can get these homes? Most gangs would never survive a background check. The answer is: lay a big pile of cash in front of the landlord. This is the best kind of distraction. I have some idea how they get this kind of cash. Sometimes it is from rich families. Other times it comes from whatever activities they are involved in. It also appears that all the women who live here drive black Lexus automobiles. There are lots of them parked around the home.

It is now time for me to go to the door. The undercover police told me what to expect when I would see them. They said, “Sonny, the Leader is called Ninja. She has two Asian sisters that are thoroughly competent in the martial arts. They will take out anyone who threatens the Leader. So be careful in what you say.” My King has already been working on their hearts and he has given me the go. I knocked on the door. Like I am usually greeted by first time gangs, the girls that came to the door had their pistols drawn on me and sternly asked, “What do you want?” All the girls in this home looked beautiful. The body art I feel distracts from their true beauty but it will tell a story when they give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Their leader is a six foot tall blonde girl. She was being carefully watched by the Asian sisters. They kept their pistols pointed at me.

I said, “My King said that you are hungry. I have brought burritos for you to eat.” They were pretending like everything is cool here and did not believe that anyone would do this. I did not play their game. I said, “If you do not want the food I brought, I am going to take it to the homeless.” I started to turn around to leave. She said, “No! No! we are hungry. But don’t try anything funny or we will shoot you.” She just quoted my most given line. I gave her my usual response. I said, “Before you shoot me, let me pray for you and the rest of the girls.” She allowed me to do that. I set out the food and drinks that I had before praying for them. I read John 3:16 to them before I started praying. The Holy Spirit started giving me insight to each girl I was praying for. Ninja was listening to everything I said. It was now her turn. As I started to pray for here. She was having extreme difficulty in holding back the tears. She said, “Sonny, I want you to leave now.” I found out that they were rationing meals to get by. My King knew this and had me bring extra food to help them get by. I put the rest of the drinks in their almost bare refrigerator. I then turn around and left the house.

As I left the home, the Asian sisters wanted to talk to me. They said, “We were listening to what you said about witnessing to all the gangs in this city. You must know my brother. He goes by the name Bruce Lee. He looks so much like the real dude.” They then said, “He is presently all alone at a park in Commerce City. He is in a mess right now and we are worried that he is going to get killed. We hope that you could pray for him.” They gave me further description of the gang so that I would go to the right one.

I said, “I know this gang who you are talking about. I will go and see him. Tell him that I will be coming to see him.” I immediately headed to the park. Sure enough, I got saw a little Nissan all black car that he drives. I parked next to his car and saw him sitting on one of the little benches. I said, “It is pretty cold to be sitting here outside. Do you want to sit in my truck. My name is Sonny.”

Bruce said, “Yes, I remember you. My sister called and said you were coming. I would like to talk to somebody right now.” He got up of the bench and followed me to my pickup. I started my pickup to warm up the cab. He began sharing, “My boss asked me to do something that I just could not do. He cannot stand this all female gang that appeared in Denver. He wanted me to do a drive by shooting to get rid of them. My sisters are in this gang that I am supposed to hit. I love my sisters too much to do a drive by on them.”

I said, “I guess that you are out of the gang now.” He said, “Yes!”

I then said, “Did you ever think about joining another gang?” With a
puzzled look, he said, “Join a new gang.”

I said, “Yeah, a Christian gang.” Bruce said, “I don’t know if I can do that but I am ready to do something different.”

I said, “God did create you for a purpose in this life and it was not to be in a gang which leads to destruction. But he desires for you to have a freedom in Jesus Christ. My King will bless you for turning your life over to him.” Bruce responded, “I used to go to church when I was little. The first verse I remembered was John 3:16. I read that same verse to my sisters.” I began to realize that really must have hit his sisters in their hearts when I read it to them.

I said, “I am not going to pressure you to accept Jesus Christ but tomorrow is never promised. Today can be your day of Salvation. Your
decision will determine where you will spend eternity.” He said. “Yeah, I know about Salvation. I know about Jesus because I used to go to church. I did ask for forgiveness when I was little. But do I have to ask again.”

I answered, “Yes you do. Just openly confess what you have done and give your heart to him.” Bruce was starting to cry. My King has kept him safe. No one from his gang has come after him for disobeying the leader. Disobedience to any leader can cause the rest of the gang to lose respect. To prevent this from happening, some painful beating or death is initiated. Bruce began the process of giving his heart to Jesus Christ. He started praying to Jesus about the forgiveness of his sins. I could tell he has prayed before but he walked away from God when he was younger. He then called his sisters and told them what he just did. After he finished talking, he looked at me and said, “Hey Sonny, my sisters are coming to the park. They are leaving their gang also. We all want to go back to California. This life is way too dangerous. I’m gonna die out here. I have decided it is better to serve God than men.” When his sisters arrived, he shared more with them about he had done. They totally understood what he was talking about. They too knew the word from youth. The girls also started crying. They too were excited to go back home. The sisters said, “We have our bags already. We are going to go home with you.”

Bruce started speaking to his sisters and said, “Today is the day of Salvation. It is time for all of us to give our hearts to Jesus Christ.” His sisters too rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ. Their families still did not know of their plans to come home and the rededication of their hearts to God. I said, “Why don’t you call your parents and tell them what you have just done.” They responded, “But Sonny, we didn’t leave on very good terms with our parents.”

I said, “That was yesterday. Today is a new day. You have been transformed by God.” They put their phones on speaker and called. The Mom answered the phone. She must have recognized the number and asked, “Are you OK?” They excitedly began talking about what just happened. The mom started crying. She asked, “Are you really coming home?” The dad heard the commotion and came to the phone and asked the same question. He then asked if I was still there. I answered, “Yes I’m here.” He started thanking me for my part in bringing his children home. He then said, “Anytime you want to come to San Jose, California, we have a place for you to stay.” He also began to tell me about the revival of God happening here in our city. He then said, “There are huge tents here in San Jose. We are taking people there to hear the preacher speak. This man is on fire for God.”

I said, “The man you are speaking about is Mario Murillo. He does have a heart for Jesus Christ. His desire is to transform the entire state of California under the kingship of Jesus Christ. The people of California are so hungry for Jesus that he sometimes cannot finish his message. He immediately has the alter call. He is definitely on fire for Jesus Christ.” I finished talking to their dad. They came towards me and gave me a big hug. My King had me go to Costco earlier to pick up granola bars and chips. I handed it over to them. I gave them all the cash that I had on me for miscellaneous expenses. I then said, “Let me fill up your car with gas.” We prayed and anointed the car for their return trip. After seeing them off, my King had me visit more gangs.

I went to pick up the food I needed before meeting them. My King had me take them donuts, orange juice, milk and some other breakfast supplies to them. I served up breakfast and began witnessing to them. I looked out the window and saw it starting to snow hard. It was continuously getting worse as I looked out from time to time. I now feel like I need to get home before it gets bad. So I began my trip home. But this is not what God wanted. He had me pull over to get off the road. Soon my phone rang. It was the leader of the girls gang. She sounded distraught. She said, “My bodyguards have left me and are going home just because what you said to them. I need to talk to you in person.”

I said, “I am heading your way now.” When I arrived, she opened the door for me to get out of the snow. I asked, “What is going on?”

She replied, “I do not know what’s going on in the hearts of my girls right now. But my girls are all ready to go home.” She sternly said, “I am not going home. We are going to stay here.” She not only was trying to act like a leader but was trying to justify why they were here in the first place.

I replied, “You cannot keep a bird caged up forever. Birds were meant to fly. When Jesus comes into your heart, he transform it and now they are ready to fly.” She then replied, “I do not understand what’s going inside of me.”

I said, “It is Jesus knocking at your door trying to talk to you.” She said, “I think I have asked enough questions, have a nice day.” She then escorted me to the door. She had me drive me all the way over here just to say this. She could have asked that over the phone for such a short conversation. Blue Mustang looked at me at our breakfast meeting and said, “She was testing you to determine if she was valuable enough for you to make the trip to see her. She wants make sure that you are real.” Three days later she would call me again.

She asked, “Can you come again? I have to ask a few more questions.” I replied, “I will be there to talk to you. I am heading that way now.” I was grateful that I was already coming to Denver for the women’s highway patrolman Bible study. I climbed into my pickup early and headed to her home. The heavy snow has started clearing up so I made good time. Ninja was waiting for me and she let me in the house. Ninja said, “You know when I was a little girl, I asked Jesus to come into my heart but since then I have done a lot of bad things. How can God really forgive me?”

I said, “Just confess it to Jesus Christ first. Just come out and speak it. God will then take a hold of it and you will be forgiven.” She replied, “I just don’t know if I’m ready. Have a good night.” She ended the conversation and escorted me out the door. She will call me again.

That next night, I was sound asleep. At 11:30 PM Ninja calls me again. She said, “Sonny, I want to meet with you now. I still have a lot of questions to ask you.” I said, “I live in Loveland and I’m not afraid to tell you where I live but it’s gonna take some time to get there. But I will be there.” She agreed to my terms. I put my work clothes on because I knew I probably will be going directly to work after our meeting. I slipped my hoody over my clothes so she would recognize me in the dark when walking to the door. She had the living room light was on when I arrived. I just tapped on the door because I did not want to wake the girls up with the door bell. She let me in and had coffee made for me. She got right to the point. She said, “Sonny, what would it take for me to totally surrender my heart to God.”

I said, “Open up your heart completely. Then you have to ask for the forgiveness of all your sins. Once that is done, just ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and fill it with his presence. She said, “I am responsible for all these girls who are in this house with me.”

I then said, “Why don’t you give all these girls to God. He will take care of them for you. They all have been talking about wanting to go home.” She began thinking about why they came to Denver in the first place. She then said, “When we arrived in Denver, we were talking together about taking over the East side of Denver and now we’re all talking about going home.”

I answered, “Their hearts are already prepared to go home. They are just waiting on you. They respect you and are waiting for direction from you.” I looked her directly into her eyes and said, “Jesus Christ is my boss, my Savior and my King. He tells me what to do and when to do it. I just do it.” She replied, “Oh come on! That does not make sense.” She knew it was getting late for me and asked if I could come tomorrow after work to talk some more. I prayed for her again before I left. This time praying was different. She actually closed her eyes while I prayed for her. This is one thing that gang leaders never do is close their eyes while they are awake. They don’t trust anyone. She then escorted me to the door and said, “You have a blessed night. I will see you after work.” I went straight to work from her home. I got 1.5 hours of sleep that night but God refreshed me as I left Denver. I found out Ninjas real name is “Faith”.

After work, I went back to Faith’s home. As I entered the home, I noticed all kinds of bags packed up in their house. Faith said, “We are going to California. The highways are all open and we are going home.” The Holy Spirit has been working hard on all the girls hearts. They are ready. I said, “Those of you that want to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, raise your hands.” All 30 girls, everyone that was left, raised their hands. One of the girls said, “Is it really that easy to accept Jesus Christ? It can’t be that easy! What do we have to do?” I explained to them what to do and they eagerly gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. As the Holy Spirit began to move. they started crying. They called their parents and told them what just happened. Some of the parents were wanting to fly out right away to pick them up before they changed their minds. They said, “No, the highways are clear, we’re driving home. We all have cars.” Then the parents asked, “Can Sonny pray for us?” I heard them over the speaker phone. I prayed with them. I then handed the conversation back to the girls as the parents began to cry. Their parents asked, “Who is this guy, Sonny?”

The girls told them all about me and how important they were to me to seek them out. They said, “We wanted to shoot him but he knew that we were hungry and wanted to feed us. He listened to his King. He is someone who really does care for us.” They continue talking more about me and their new adventure with Jesus Christ. They then said, “We are coming home! We want to serve God now. We are part of a new gang now. Jesus Christ is our leader” Their mom just kept saying, “I cannot believe you are coming home now. I thought we lost you forever.” Their daughters have been gone a long time and the excitement must be intense. I helped them all pack their bags into their cars as they all readied themselves for the long trip home. It will be anything but boring. When Jesus begins to run your life, the peace is hard to describe.

As they headed to their cars, they gave me a farewell hug. I had just bought a bunch of granola bars at Costco and two coolers of pop. God told me to let them take all of it on their journey. Those supplies were always for them. They just looked at me and said, “Sonny, you are too much.” Their parents wired money for gasoline and food on the way back. The girls said, “We wish all of us could have gotten to know you better.”

I said, “You have my ministry card. You can call me anytime.” One of the girls asked me to visit her if I ever came to California. She said, “I would love to introduce you to my parents.” I handed her one of my ministry cards with the ministry website address on the back. I said, “Anytime you want to see what the Holy Spirit is up to in my life, check out the website.” The rest of the girl started using their phones to take a picture of the web address for themselves.

The landlord came as the girls were getting ready to leave. He noticed that they left that house immaculate. The landlord looked at Faith and asked, “So does that mean you guys are not a gang anymore. You are going back to your families now. How did this happen so quickly?” Faith said, “This guy standing right here came and told us about Jesus Christ. Now we are born again Christians. Faith looked intently at the landlord and asked, “Is your name written in the Lambs Book of Life, Yes or No!” She is already starting to preach now to the landlord. He replied, “You know what. I am already Christian. I saw it as a ministry when you girls came here. I did not want to rent it to you because you are a gang. But God told me that he wanted to bless you with this home.” He then handed them an envelope that had $5000 dollars in it. He gave them everything they paid. He said, “Take this for your trip home.” The landlord then prayed over them also before everyone had a chance to leave. My King get the Glory and the Victory. I reaped the joy and reward of seeing these girls released from their bondage.

What If

What would life have been like in the United States if we as Christians could have stood up for biblical principles in our government. This means speaking out against evil. You know things like abortion and human trafficking that we like to ignore. God never meant for us to stay hidden and just pray for it to go away. If you think praying is enough, Paul should have sat in his home and prayed that God would reveal himself to the Romans. Are you better then he is? Would we be in this situation today if we would have been bold like him. Whatever you may think, God was pleased with Paul. He also thinks “separation of church and state” is stupid and cannot be found in the Constitution of the US. He is majorly disappointed in many of us Christian’s lack of interest in elevating his agenda. This is interesting what you hear from many Christians:  if you speak the truth even in love,  it will just make them angry and they won’t listen to you anyway.

There may be some truth to that but at least their blood is not on my hands. I do know that when many people stand together with the truth it will change the culture. All Christians need to stand together and push God’s agenda. Never forget about love and never speak out before you pray.  The Holy Spirit is capable of delivering an awesome response from you. Let him give you the words to speak. This is a promise he also gave to Paul.

I like what Hank has to say about the church and our Cool President Trump: [Note: At time 19.5 min message starts. Enjoy!]

Coolest President Ever

Could it be that many Americans like living in the darkness? This man is anything but this and they hate the exposure he is creating. He is a great strategist because of all the traps the Left are jumping into. It really is hard to compete with a genious who is combining the strategy of the Holy Spirit on top of his own. You might as well commit suicide and get it over with. I am thankful that I am on the side of President Donald Trump. Go get them!


Blessing a Stranger

Blue Mustang and I always eat breakfast on Saturday morning to talk about the weeks events. After we finished breakfast, Blue Mustang said, “I have something for you. I think you are going to need this.” He reached into his briefcase and pulled out $180 in cash. I didn’t know for sure what he was talking about but I just put it in my wallet and forgot about it. I then went to Denver and witnessed two gangs in the park. 32 gang members, which included an entire gang gave their life to Jesus Christ. Later on Sunday while still in Denver, I was helping some of them move stuff. It was just before 3 pm and I was getting tired and was ready to go home. I started driving towards Loveland anxious to get some rest.

As I was driving, my King said, “Sonny, turn onto the next street.” I did as he asked. I said to myself, “There are no gangs down here. This looks like a nice neighborhood.” As I continued driving, a van pass me going the other direction. My King said, “That is the van we are looking for. Turn around and follow them. That family needs $150 now or they will lose the deal on their home.” I did as my King asked and turned around. As I began to follow them, I saw their van turn into a driveway. I turned there also and parked next to them. I got out of my pickup and walked along the side of the van. I noticed the man scrumaging through the ash tray like he was looking for change. I found out later that he was $150 short of meeting his damage deposit/rent requirement. The landlord was standing firm on “No cash. No deal.” I stopped walking and the landlord asked, “What do you want?”

I said, “My King sent me here to give this man a gift of $150 so he can settle the difference between you and him.” They were shocked that I knew exactly how much they were short. Both the family and the landlord were Christians but still do not realize the power of the God they served. They then asked, “Who are you?”

I said, “I am Sonny. I came here because my King sent me. In fact, Blue Mustang sent the cash with me because he sensed I was going to be able to bless someone this weekend who had a need.” I continued to share with them what my ministry is about and who Blue Mustang is. The landlord listened as I spoke about things. The Holy Spirit began to convict his heart. He then said, “Sonny I have lost my focus. This business is not mine but belongs to God. I am not thinking as Jesus would. If a complete stranger can give someone $150, I want to give them one month of free rent.”

The family was also witnessing what was happening. They then asked, “Sonny, could you pray over this home before you leave.” I said, “Sure!”. I immediately went to get my bottle of oil. We anointed and prayed over every room and the yard. I did the same for the family. The Holy Spirit spoke to the landlord. He came to the family and handed the money to them and said, “Go and get clothes, food or whatever you need. I will also give you your damage deposit back when you have to leave.” The husband replied, “We never gave you a damage deposit. You gave it back to us.” The landlord then said, “God said for me to give you a sum to match what you would have paid.” The landlord then looked at me and thanked me again for humbling him before God and getting my life on track.

I wanted to go home to rest but I would not miss what happened for anything.

Blood Drive

It is Thursday night and I’m heading down to do the men’s Highway Patrol Bible study. As I arrived at the gate, I heard shouting going on. I could see three men, standing by a white van, shouting obscenities at the other four men. I recognized the four men. They were all highway Patrolmen out of uniform. The other men did not realize they were to be surrounded by patrolmen. I parked my pickup near the gate and asked my King what I should do. He answered, “Sonny, just walk between them to break it up.”

I said, “What should I say?”

My King said, “Do not worry about it. I will give you the words to say. Hurry, it is starting to get ugly!” I immediately grabbed my Bible and proceeded to get out of my pickup. My King then said, “Leave your Bible in the pickup. It will mess up what I am planning to do.” I laid the Bible back on the seat and proceeded to walk between the men. The three men felt that the other four cut them off as they were turning into the parking lot. They were going to make sure they knew it. My stepping in did not help matters. They then yelled, “What the F do you think you are doing.”

I looked at the three men and answered, “Are you here for the blood drive?” This definitely caught everyone off guard. The three men said, “Blood drive?” I then said, “Yeah, do you know your blood type.” I paused for a second then said, “Even if you don’t, we can probably figure out what your blood type is. We have figured out a new way to draw blood. We poke the needle through the nipple. I am new at this. You can you be my first patients to try out this new method of drawing blood.” Two things were going on as I spread the bull crap. The Highway Patrolmen were trying not to laugh as I was spreading it thick. The three men were thinking that I was a witch doctor and wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. They got back inside their van and squealed the tires trying to get away. The Denver police were called before I got there and arrived as they were leaving. They asked us what was going on as the van was speeding off. Everyone here knows each other but the public is not allowed to know who we are. So the police had to be called in to protect everyones identity. A patrolman had taken a picture of the license plate. The police did not give chase but wanted to make sure the van was not involved with illegal activities. After the Highway Patrolmen shared with the cops what happened, everyone including myself was cracking up laughing. They asked, “Sonny, where did you dig up such a crock and bull story?”

I said, “When they confronted me, the words just came out.” We all finally stopped laughing and headed inside to start the Bible study. I finished the night out and went home to bed.

I went to work Friday morning. The Highway Patrolmen did not let what happened last night go. They found out where the white van owner lived. One of the cops got access to a blood drive van. That same morning they went and parked that van right in front of the white van owner’s home. When the white van owner came out of the house, he wanted to know what was going on. The cop said, “We are doing a blood drive today. Do you want to donate today? It is painless because we draw blood from the nipple.” The white van owner was pale with fear. He said, “No way!” and made a fast getaway. The poor guy may never give blood again. The cop definitely had fun with this guy and left the scene. This also gave me a good laugh at work.

After work ended, I left for Denver to do the undercover police Bible study. I made good time and everything was going smoothly getting there. I walked up to the podium to speak. Twelve guys started coming forward immediately. I assumed they wanted prayer. As they lined up in front of the podium, they all took their shirts off. I exclaimed, “What are you guys doing?” They said, “We are getting ready for the nipple blood drive.” I put my hands over my face and said, “Oh no, does everyone know about this? Again the whole room was roaring with laughter. Finally, we all settled down to finish the Bible study. It was getting towards the end so I finished by praying over everyone. Rachael, who heads the prostitute division, came forward with twelve of her girls. These girls could all be models. They were dressed with those short skirts for tonights business. I could see their husbands in the crowd place their hands over their faces with what their wives were about to do. No, get your mind out of the gutter. These ladies are representing Jesus Christ and will not take their tops off. They did undo one button and sexily said, “We are here for the nipple blood drive.”

I responded, “Who does not know what happened last night?” One of the men chimed in, “Sonny, you know we are all family. We do not keep secrets from one another.” Again, everyone started laughing again. I firmly believe that our King orchestrated this whole thing to get everyone to laugh. They live a very dangerous life. I am thoroughly thankful for what they do for us. My King now wants me to witness to people on the streets.

As I was talking to people about Jesus, I noticed some of Rachel’s girls being harassed by two pimps. They were putting a lot of pressure on the girls to get them to work for them. I was not sure if I needed to get involved. Before I could even pray about it, Rachel came from nowhere. She walked right up to them. One of the pimps looked her over and said, “Woah baby. With that fine body, you need to come work for me.” Rachel did not say a word. She made a fist and hit him in the temple. He fell backwards on his car then falling to the ground. The second pimp came after her. Even with those extremely high heels she had on, she kicked him in the head and he went down. The other pimp came to and tried to retaliate but she kicked him also. He also went down for the count. Rachel then grabbed the two girls and walked towards me. She sexily said, “I am too busy right now for giving blood. You might want to leave the scene before these guys come to.” Rachel and her girls know the martial arts extremely well. They continue to practice so they can protect themselves. My King never ceases to amaze me on all the creative ways he reaches people.

Valentines for Three Gangs

Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year. My KING wanted to give me enough time do something special for the girls on this special weekend. He said, “Sonny I have three gangs I want you to take homemade burritos for. It is Valentines weekend and you need to bring flowers to the girls of each gang.” When I had my Wednesday night bible study with the highway patrol women and I told them about what my King’s plans were. They said, “Sonny we will take care of the flowers for you.” I told them I needed 37 flowers to represent one flower per girl. They said, “Sonny, we will have them ready for you to pick up when you are ready to go witness to the gangs.”

The weekend is here and it is time to pick up both the homemade burritos and flowers. The flowers were roses of different colors. The women personalized each flower with a Bible verse. I put them in my pickup right away because it was cold out and I did not want them to freeze. I had already picked up the burritos and I was ready to go see the first gang. I knew the first two gangs but I never met the third gang. I have seen the third gang at a distance but witnessing to other gangs kept me from witnessing to them. Today, I will have the chance to change that but my King gave me the order to visit each gang.

The first gang had eleven girls in it. There were so many colors and I had no idea which assortment to create. I asked, “God, how do I know which color to take in.” God replied, “Do not worry about it Sonny. Just grab a random assortment.” I did what he told me. I serve a mighty God. Each girl will get the right flower with the right Bible verse that will change their lives. I got out of my pickup and randomly chose eleven flowers and a bag of burritos. As I walked up to the door, some of the men opened the door for me. They knew who I was and assumed I was bringing them breakfast but asked, “Sonny, what are those flowers for?” I said, “The roses are for the girls for Valentine’s Day.” I continue to walk inside their home and as I came in contact with the girls, I started handing out a rose to each one of them. They began crying as they accepted each rose. One of the girls said, “I don’t know how long it’s been since anyone has given me a flower. ” All the girls were crying as I handed out the last rose. They all came up and gave me a hug to show their appreciation for what I did. The leader came up to me and said, “Sonny that was a good idea.” I replied, “These girls are precious because God created them that way. They deserve to be loved in this way. God knows they love flowers.” The leader began to frown at me and sarcastically said, “Thanks a lot Sonny. ” The leader was embarrassed that he did not think highly enough of his girls to get flowers for them and left the room. He went to his bedroom and closed the door. I never saw him again while everybody was eating burritos. I prayed with them for the food and I prayed over them personally. As breakfast closed, it was time to go see the second gang.

The second gang had 14 girls in it. Again, I randomly grabbed 14 roses and another bag of burritos for the gang. This time the girls answered the door instead of the guys. They knew who I was and weren’t afraid to open the door. But when they did, they saw all the flowers that I had and they began to cry. They said, “Oh my gosh! Sonny you brought us flowers.” I said, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” They all proceeded to hug me then they said, “You brought us breakfast too.” I said, “Yes, I have homemade breakfast burritos.” As I entered the home the girls started gathering up jars so they could put their flowers in them. They decided to put their roses in one jar and place the display in the middle of the table where we ate. It did make a beautiful display. The leader asked, “Why did you bring flowers to the girls?” I said, “It is because they are precious. God loves them dearly and asked me to bring flowers to show his love for them.” The leader then responded, “That’s a good idea. I should have thought of that myself.” One of the girls then stepped up and said, “You don’t think like that. You would never bring us flowers. Don’t lie to Sonny you tell him the truth.” The leader hesitated a bit and said, “Well maybe not; but Sonny it was still a good idea.” They hug me and thank me again for the flowers. I prayed for the food and I prayed over them too but again I could not stay. I had to go and meet the third gang.

This is the largest of the three gangs. The first two gangs work with the third gang. They work the east side of Denver together. They warned them to stay away from me because all I do is talk about Jesus Christ but on a positive note, he does bring food from some guy named Blue Mustang. The home that this gang lives in is huge three story home. As I got out of my truck, they greeted me with pistols drawn. Their leader said, “What are you doing here with these flowers? Do you want those on your grave?” I said, “If you want to put them on my grave that would be cool. But right now the roses are for the girls.” The leader said, “You have a lot of flowers there.” I responded, “How many girls do you have?” The leader said, “There are 17.” I began handing them out and said, “The these are for the girls.” The girls began hugging me and thanking me as I handed them their personal rose. These girls did not put their roses on any table. Each one took their rose into their room. They then came out of their rooms and sat down with the men to eat. When they began eating, I began reading John 3:16 to them. I then explained to them what this verse meant. The gang then asked, “So Jesus Christ came here to this world for us, he died for us and he rose again.” I said, “He had to do that so that we could have salvation.” They sat there and began thinking more about what I said as they continued eating burritos. My King said, “Sonny, my Spirit is working on their hearts as they are eating. It is time to go back to speak with the first game again.”

I went back to the first home and they let me in. I looked at the girls then turned my head towards the guys. I said, “Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?” This question made the leader uncomfortable and said, “Sonny, I think we will have to think about that.” They began to shy away from me. But the girls were excited to come forward. A total of seven of them came forward wanting to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. They said, “Sonny, we want to our hearts to Jesus Christ. Also we all want to go home. I want to get out of this life.” I prayed for the girls as they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I left the hearts of the men into the hands of the Holy Spirit as he sent me back to the second gang.

When I arrived they also let me in. I asked them the same things I did with the first gang. The guys too were uncomfortable to make that decision today but some of the girls were ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ now. Again, I prayed for the girls as they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit let me know it was time to leave for the third gang. He has everything the way he wants it here.

Before I went to the third gang, my King asked me to get some more tacos to bring with what burritos I had left for them. I was not sure how they would react to me when I arrived. The Holy Spirit must have done some major heart softening because they were nice to me. As I spoke, their hearts were even open to my Kings message. But the guys too were not ready today to make the change either. But the girls were ready to commit their hearts today. More girls wanted to give their life to Jesus Christ there too.

There was a total of 17 girls that gave their life to Jesus Christ on that Saturday before Valentine’s Day. It was about 3 p.m. when I finished witnessing to all three gangs. Even though all the girls did not give their hearts today to Jesus Christ, they saw what happened with the girls who did. The Holy Spirit has not given up on the rest of them. He will use what happened today to change their hearts also. My King has other things for me to do with these gangs tomorrow.

On Sunday after meeting with the homeless from a previous story, I begin taking some of the girls home in my pickup. At on time I had a total of eight girls squeezed into my pickup. We looked like a bunch of sardines in there but I didn’t care. They were just giggling and laughing at their new freedom in Jesus Christ. I took them all to one of the parks on the east side of Denver were their families met to pick them up. All the families began crying when they realized that they got their daughters back. Our King does not give up anybody. It is his desire for us to enter his Kingdom. He was happy to see what happened here today.

Later on Sunday, I received a call from the first leader. He wanted to talk to me more about this Jesus Christ that I have been speaking about. The other two leaders want to meet with you also. He began to share, “All of our girls have left to go to their homes. We even had parents stopping by the house to pick up their daughters. We just want to know what’s happening to our lives with all that is going on.” I begin praying for him right over the phone. He then said, “When we met you while holding pistols on you, all you would do is talk about Jesus Christ. Our pistols did not even bother you. And because of this I want to know more about this Jesus Christ. I want to know how a man could talk about Jesus Christ when there are people around him who want to kill him. I just do not understand. I just want to know more.” He then said, “When you brought flowers to my girls, I was so embarrassed at what I did to them that I had to go to my room. You made me think about what I had.” I have set up a meeting to meet him and the other leaders this weekend.

It is now next week and I am going to meet with the leaders. The meeting was to be held at the third leaders home. The leader’s name is Marty. When I arrived, there were cars all over the place. I silently said, “Wait a minute, I thought I was just going to meet only the leaders not the entire gangs. I walked up to Marty’s home and rang the doorbell. They opened the door and had me come in. I asked, “Do you guys want to go take a drive?”

They said, “No man, we want you to stay here. Let us go to my garage where we have more space. As I entered his garage, I noticed the lazy boys positioned all around the outside of the walls for everyone to sit down. I walked with the leaders into the middle of the garage while everyone else that down around us. Leader two looked at me and said, “You know we all lost a lot of our girls. They have already gone back to their families. You said that Jesus is coming back soon. I was talking with the other leaders and I said that I want to be ready when Jesus does come back. We are tired of this life but can God really forgive us? We have really done a lot of bad things to our girls. We have already asked for forgiveness for our behavior. None of us have touched the girls since you came to see us last week. How do you accept Jesus Christ?”

I said, “You just need to ask Jesus Christ yourself for forgiveness of your sins. Then you just ask Jesus to come into your heart. For those of you who wants your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, today is the day of salvation because tomorrow is never promised for any of us. Not even for me.” Then all the sudden they got off track and they asked me questions about the story of Moses. All three gangs had sat down together to watch “The Ten Commandments” on Netflix. They said, “It is crazy how Moses, just a single man, could get all those people out of Egypt?”

I responded, “How many people do you see around me? I bring God’s Kingdom just as Moses did.” Then Marty asked, “Can you tell us how you have that much faith?” Before I could answer Marty continued, “I told my second-in-command, Charlie, to waste you but he wouldn’t do it. He told me he couldn’t do it. It would not be right to hurt someone that brings tacos and burritos to eat. I’m not going to shoot that guy no way.” Marty then said, “Does that mean if you accept Jesus Christ that you are forgiven.”

I said, “No, you must ask Jesus Christ to forgive you first.” Marty then said, “I think we are all ready to do that now. We all, including are entire gangs, are ready to give our lives to Jesus Christ. I don’t want to be in gang anymore. We all want to go home. We want to have our own families. We are going to get our GED online. I want to make sure I am right with God. I am tired of this life.” Marty wanted to make everything right with God but one thing was bothering him. He then said, “I am wondering if I should talk with his parents? I really feel uneasy about doing that.” Before I could respond, he began telling me why. He continued, “I ran away when I was 14 years old because my mom and dad were drug addicts. I also took my younger brother with me to my uncle. My uncle did take the younger brother but he wanted nothing to do with me. Because he thought I was a troublemaker. I became a gang leader when I was 15. I started a gang just so I could take care of myself. And I also took care of anybody who stayed with me. I have been in this life four years. ”

I answered, “Why don’t you get their phone number from your uncle and give them a call.” Marty then said, “Sonny, I am really nervous about doing that.”

I then asked, “Do they live in the same house you ran away from? Marty said, “Yes they do.” I said, “I will go with you and I will pray together with you and your parents.” Marty asked, “You will do that for me.” I said, “Yeah man, I’ll be glad to do that for you.” All the gang members were excited about going home. Like Marty, their biggest concern about going home was if their parents would take them back. I thought to myself, “That is the saddest thing that how they could even think that.” I then said, “Your moms will want you back. At one time she cared for you in her womb. She will remember that. She will take you back.” This comforted them and as they gradually began giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. The all began to cry as they began to feel that peace that only Jesus can give. I convinced them all to start calling home to make arrangements to meet their parents. They began doing that. They immediately told them that they have gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I could hear them crying over the phone as they gave the message to their parents. The parents all said that they were going to come and get them now.

70% of the parents that came were Christians. I prayed for all of them who were not. Those parents soon gave their lives to Jesus Christ also after seeing what happened to their children. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I just get to see it. I heard many of the parents of the other gangs leaders say, “We just can’t believe that you’re going to be giving this all up and for us and come home.”

When Marty call his parents. His dad answered the phone. I could tell he was skeptical because he said, “When you come home, we can talk about it.” When everyone left Marty’s home, I followed Marty to his parents home. When his dad saw that Marty actually showed up, he came out running. He started crying as he hugged his son. Soon Marty’s mom followed. She came out crying along with his brother and two sisters who also began crying. I looked at Marty’s dad and told him that Marty was concerned that with your alcohol and drug addictions that you would not accept him. Marty’s dad then shared with me that we got help from our drug addictions after Marty left. Shortly we gave our hearts to Jesus Christ. Marty’s brother stayed with the uncle for one year but came home after we got our lives in order. It was awesome that as soon as we accepted Jesus Christ, our addictions to drugs immediately stopped. We then tried to reach Marty but every time we called, he would hang up on us. Marty said, ”That was true. I always thought that they were wanting me to give them money so they could buy more drugs. So I would never answer the phone when I saw their number.” Mom stepped in and asked, “Marty, do you take drugs.” Marty said, “No Mom. I don’t even drink alcohol. I cannot be drunk and be a leader. You need to stay sober and alert or you could get shot.” Marty then looked at me and said, “Sonny kept coming back and would never give up on us. I kept telling my boys to shoot him but they would not do it. They would always tell me how can we shoot somebody who brings us food. There’s even a guy named blue Mustang whoever that is that make sure that Sonny can do that for us.” His mom blurted in and said, “He must be like Robin Hood.” She just laughed at her answer but said to me, “Thanks for not giving up on my son. Thanks also for not giving up on the boys and the girls in these gangs.”

I said, “I know how it feels to be abandoned and broken. These boys and girls are broken. I brought God’s kingdom here to this home. You need healing in this house. There still is a little tightness in this environment. We need to get rid of it.” The mom asked, “Can you anoint our home with oil?”

I said, “Yes we can. I will get my oil bottle.” We began anointing the whole house. The last room to do was Marty’s. The parents said, “Marty, let’s go to your room. Sonny, we want you to see it also.” I followed them into his room. As we entered his bedroom, Marty said, “Nothing has changed. It is exactly as I left it when I was 14 years old.” I observed that the north wall has his Hot Wheels collection on it. He loved baseball and the Yankees. He had posters of all the baseball greats posted on the walls. On the East wall, he had an airplane collection. He always wanted to be a pilot. I watched as Marty open the second drawer of his dresser. Laying on his clothes was his journal. His mom replied, “Marty, I have not touched anything. It it is exactly as you left it. I only dust things from time to time.” Marty then said, “Mom read this journal. It will tell you exactly how I felt when I left.” His mom started crying as she silently read what he wrote in that journal. Marty looked over at me and said, “Sonny this is my first miracle.” This family is now becoming healed. I checked on the second gang leader next.

I heard second leader say, “We are going to get our GEDs and we are going to live for Jesus Christ. Sonny said he would give us discipleship. He is not going to let us fall.” His men left all of their pistols with him. His mom asked, “What are you going to do with those guns?” He said, “I am going to get a safe and put them in there. They’re too valuable to throw away. They are all 9 mm Berettas.” The gang leader showed me one of the guns that he had. He pointed to the place where a stray bullet hit the gun in a shoot out. He said, “I don’t have the courage to shoot it but it is interesting to see how close the bullet was to hitting me.”

I was curious why he decided to finally accept Jesus Christ. So I asked, “What finally made you give your heart to Jesus Christ?” He replied, “When you said that Jesus Christ is coming for us, and some of us will be left behind. I decided I did not want to be left behind. I do not want to be thrown into the lake of a fire for eternity. I discussed this with the other gang leaders and they also thought it was a good idea not to go there. No, I want to walk with Jesus in heaven. He has a mansion ready for us in his kingdom. Why would I want to give that up I want to see him and what he has for me.” That satisfied me as I continued to check on other gang members.

There were a couple of dads that weren’t very nice to there children when they came to take them home. I took them on a drive and I confronted them and prayed over their stubbornness. The Holy Spirit convicted their hearts and they decided that they needed Jesus Christ also. I prayed over them again as they accepted Jesus into their hearts. Our King gets the Glory and the Victory. No one else could do what he did. I will be being seeing many more gangs. As Jesus would do, let us get as many as we can into the Kingdom of Heaven.