Valentines for Three Gangs

Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year. My KING wanted to give me enough time do something special for the girls on this special weekend. He said, “Sonny I have three gangs I want you to take homemade burritos for. It is Valentines weekend and you need to bring flowers to the girls of each gang.” When I had my Wednesday night bible study with the highway patrol women and I told them about what my King’s plans were. They said, “Sonny we will take care of the flowers for you.” I told them I needed 37 flowers to represent one flower per girl. They said, “Sonny, we will have them ready for you to pick up when you are ready to go witness to the gangs.”

The weekend is here and it is time to pick up both the homemade burritos and flowers. The flowers were roses of different colors. The women personalized each flower with a Bible verse. I put them in my pickup right away because it was cold out and I did not want them to freeze. I had already picked up the burritos and I was ready to go see the first gang. I knew the first two gangs but I never met the third gang. I have seen the third gang at a distance but witnessing to other gangs kept me from witnessing to them. Today, I will have the chance to change that but my King gave me the order to visit each gang.

The first gang had eleven girls in it. There were so many colors and I had no idea which assortment to create. I asked, “God, how do I know which color to take in.” God replied, “Do not worry about it Sonny. Just grab a random assortment.” I did what he told me. I serve a mighty God. Each girl will get the right flower with the right Bible verse that will change their lives. I got out of my pickup and randomly chose eleven flowers and a bag of burritos. As I walked up to the door, some of the men opened the door for me. They knew who I was and assumed I was bringing them breakfast but asked, “Sonny, what are those flowers for?” I said, “The roses are for the girls for Valentine’s Day.” I continue to walk inside their home and as I came in contact with the girls, I started handing out a rose to each one of them. They began crying as they accepted each rose. One of the girls said, “I don’t know how long it’s been since anyone has given me a flower. ” All the girls were crying as I handed out the last rose. They all came up and gave me a hug to show their appreciation for what I did. The leader came up to me and said, “Sonny that was a good idea.” I replied, “These girls are precious because God created them that way. They deserve to be loved in this way. God knows they love flowers.” The leader began to frown at me and sarcastically said, “Thanks a lot Sonny. ” The leader was embarrassed that he did not think highly enough of his girls to get flowers for them and left the room. He went to his bedroom and closed the door. I never saw him again while everybody was eating burritos. I prayed with them for the food and I prayed over them personally. As breakfast closed, it was time to go see the second gang.

The second gang had 14 girls in it. Again, I randomly grabbed 14 roses and another bag of burritos for the gang. This time the girls answered the door instead of the guys. They knew who I was and weren’t afraid to open the door. But when they did, they saw all the flowers that I had and they began to cry. They said, “Oh my gosh! Sonny you brought us flowers.” I said, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” They all proceeded to hug me then they said, “You brought us breakfast too.” I said, “Yes, I have homemade breakfast burritos.” As I entered the home the girls started gathering up jars so they could put their flowers in them. They decided to put their roses in one jar and place the display in the middle of the table where we ate. It did make a beautiful display. The leader asked, “Why did you bring flowers to the girls?” I said, “It is because they are precious. God loves them dearly and asked me to bring flowers to show his love for them.” The leader then responded, “That’s a good idea. I should have thought of that myself.” One of the girls then stepped up and said, “You don’t think like that. You would never bring us flowers. Don’t lie to Sonny you tell him the truth.” The leader hesitated a bit and said, “Well maybe not; but Sonny it was still a good idea.” They hug me and thank me again for the flowers. I prayed for the food and I prayed over them too but again I could not stay. I had to go and meet the third gang.

This is the largest of the three gangs. The first two gangs work with the third gang. They work the east side of Denver together. They warned them to stay away from me because all I do is talk about Jesus Christ but on a positive note, he does bring food from some guy named Blue Mustang. The home that this gang lives in is huge three story home. As I got out of my truck, they greeted me with pistols drawn. Their leader said, “What are you doing here with these flowers? Do you want those on your grave?” I said, “If you want to put them on my grave that would be cool. But right now the roses are for the girls.” The leader said, “You have a lot of flowers there.” I responded, “How many girls do you have?” The leader said, “There are 17.” I began handing them out and said, “The these are for the girls.” The girls began hugging me and thanking me as I handed them their personal rose. These girls did not put their roses on any table. Each one took their rose into their room. They then came out of their rooms and sat down with the men to eat. When they began eating, I began reading John 3:16 to them. I then explained to them what this verse meant. The gang then asked, “So Jesus Christ came here to this world for us, he died for us and he rose again.” I said, “He had to do that so that we could have salvation.” They sat there and began thinking more about what I said as they continued eating burritos. My King said, “Sonny, my Spirit is working on their hearts as they are eating. It is time to go back to speak with the first game again.”

I went back to the first home and they let me in. I looked at the girls then turned my head towards the guys. I said, “Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?” This question made the leader uncomfortable and said, “Sonny, I think we will have to think about that.” They began to shy away from me. But the girls were excited to come forward. A total of seven of them came forward wanting to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. They said, “Sonny, we want to our hearts to Jesus Christ. Also we all want to go home. I want to get out of this life.” I prayed for the girls as they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I left the hearts of the men into the hands of the Holy Spirit as he sent me back to the second gang.

When I arrived they also let me in. I asked them the same things I did with the first gang. The guys too were uncomfortable to make that decision today but some of the girls were ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ now. Again, I prayed for the girls as they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit let me know it was time to leave for the third gang. He has everything the way he wants it here.

Before I went to the third gang, my King asked me to get some more tacos to bring with what burritos I had left for them. I was not sure how they would react to me when I arrived. The Holy Spirit must have done some major heart softening because they were nice to me. As I spoke, their hearts were even open to my Kings message. But the guys too were not ready today to make the change either. But the girls were ready to commit their hearts today. More girls wanted to give their life to Jesus Christ there too.

There was a total of 17 girls that gave their life to Jesus Christ on that Saturday before Valentine’s Day. It was about 3 p.m. when I finished witnessing to all three gangs. Even though all the girls did not give their hearts today to Jesus Christ, they saw what happened with the girls who did. The Holy Spirit has not given up on the rest of them. He will use what happened today to change their hearts also. My King has other things for me to do with these gangs tomorrow.

On Sunday after meeting with the homeless from a previous story, I begin taking some of the girls home in my pickup. At on time I had a total of eight girls squeezed into my pickup. We looked like a bunch of sardines in there but I didn’t care. They were just giggling and laughing at their new freedom in Jesus Christ. I took them all to one of the parks on the east side of Denver were their families met to pick them up. All the families began crying when they realized that they got their daughters back. Our King does not give up anybody. It is his desire for us to enter his Kingdom. He was happy to see what happened here today.

Later on Sunday, I received a call from the first leader. He wanted to talk to me more about this Jesus Christ that I have been speaking about. The other two leaders want to meet with you also. He began to share, “All of our girls have left to go to their homes. We even had parents stopping by the house to pick up their daughters. We just want to know what’s happening to our lives with all that is going on.” I begin praying for him right over the phone. He then said, “When we met you while holding pistols on you, all you would do is talk about Jesus Christ. Our pistols did not even bother you. And because of this I want to know more about this Jesus Christ. I want to know how a man could talk about Jesus Christ when there are people around him who want to kill him. I just do not understand. I just want to know more.” He then said, “When you brought flowers to my girls, I was so embarrassed at what I did to them that I had to go to my room. You made me think about what I had.” I have set up a meeting to meet him and the other leaders this weekend.

It is now next week and I am going to meet with the leaders. The meeting was to be held at the third leaders home. The leader’s name is Marty. When I arrived, there were cars all over the place. I silently said, “Wait a minute, I thought I was just going to meet only the leaders not the entire gangs. I walked up to Marty’s home and rang the doorbell. They opened the door and had me come in. I asked, “Do you guys want to go take a drive?”

They said, “No man, we want you to stay here. Let us go to my garage where we have more space. As I entered his garage, I noticed the lazy boys positioned all around the outside of the walls for everyone to sit down. I walked with the leaders into the middle of the garage while everyone else that down around us. Leader two looked at me and said, “You know we all lost a lot of our girls. They have already gone back to their families. You said that Jesus is coming back soon. I was talking with the other leaders and I said that I want to be ready when Jesus does come back. We are tired of this life but can God really forgive us? We have really done a lot of bad things to our girls. We have already asked for forgiveness for our behavior. None of us have touched the girls since you came to see us last week. How do you accept Jesus Christ?”

I said, “You just need to ask Jesus Christ yourself for forgiveness of your sins. Then you just ask Jesus to come into your heart. For those of you who wants your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, today is the day of salvation because tomorrow is never promised for any of us. Not even for me.” Then all the sudden they got off track and they asked me questions about the story of Moses. All three gangs had sat down together to watch “The Ten Commandments” on Netflix. They said, “It is crazy how Moses, just a single man, could get all those people out of Egypt?”

I responded, “How many people do you see around me? I bring God’s Kingdom just as Moses did.” Then Marty asked, “Can you tell us how you have that much faith?” Before I could answer Marty continued, “I told my second-in-command, Charlie, to waste you but he wouldn’t do it. He told me he couldn’t do it. It would not be right to hurt someone that brings tacos and burritos to eat. I’m not going to shoot that guy no way.” Marty then said, “Does that mean if you accept Jesus Christ that you are forgiven.”

I said, “No, you must ask Jesus Christ to forgive you first.” Marty then said, “I think we are all ready to do that now. We all, including are entire gangs, are ready to give our lives to Jesus Christ. I don’t want to be in gang anymore. We all want to go home. We want to have our own families. We are going to get our GED online. I want to make sure I am right with God. I am tired of this life.” Marty wanted to make everything right with God but one thing was bothering him. He then said, “I am wondering if I should talk with his parents? I really feel uneasy about doing that.” Before I could respond, he began telling me why. He continued, “I ran away when I was 14 years old because my mom and dad were drug addicts. I also took my younger brother with me to my uncle. My uncle did take the younger brother but he wanted nothing to do with me. Because he thought I was a troublemaker. I became a gang leader when I was 15. I started a gang just so I could take care of myself. And I also took care of anybody who stayed with me. I have been in this life four years. ”

I answered, “Why don’t you get their phone number from your uncle and give them a call.” Marty then said, “Sonny, I am really nervous about doing that.”

I then asked, “Do they live in the same house you ran away from? Marty said, “Yes they do.” I said, “I will go with you and I will pray together with you and your parents.” Marty asked, “You will do that for me.” I said, “Yeah man, I’ll be glad to do that for you.” All the gang members were excited about going home. Like Marty, their biggest concern about going home was if their parents would take them back. I thought to myself, “That is the saddest thing that how they could even think that.” I then said, “Your moms will want you back. At one time she cared for you in her womb. She will remember that. She will take you back.” This comforted them and as they gradually began giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. The all began to cry as they began to feel that peace that only Jesus can give. I convinced them all to start calling home to make arrangements to meet their parents. They began doing that. They immediately told them that they have gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I could hear them crying over the phone as they gave the message to their parents. The parents all said that they were going to come and get them now.

70% of the parents that came were Christians. I prayed for all of them who were not. Those parents soon gave their lives to Jesus Christ also after seeing what happened to their children. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I just get to see it. I heard many of the parents of the other gangs leaders say, “We just can’t believe that you’re going to be giving this all up and for us and come home.”

When Marty call his parents. His dad answered the phone. I could tell he was skeptical because he said, “When you come home, we can talk about it.” When everyone left Marty’s home, I followed Marty to his parents home. When his dad saw that Marty actually showed up, he came out running. He started crying as he hugged his son. Soon Marty’s mom followed. She came out crying along with his brother and two sisters who also began crying. I looked at Marty’s dad and told him that Marty was concerned that with your alcohol and drug addictions that you would not accept him. Marty’s dad then shared with me that we got help from our drug addictions after Marty left. Shortly we gave our hearts to Jesus Christ. Marty’s brother stayed with the uncle for one year but came home after we got our lives in order. It was awesome that as soon as we accepted Jesus Christ, our addictions to drugs immediately stopped. We then tried to reach Marty but every time we called, he would hang up on us. Marty said, ”That was true. I always thought that they were wanting me to give them money so they could buy more drugs. So I would never answer the phone when I saw their number.” Mom stepped in and asked, “Marty, do you take drugs.” Marty said, “No Mom. I don’t even drink alcohol. I cannot be drunk and be a leader. You need to stay sober and alert or you could get shot.” Marty then looked at me and said, “Sonny kept coming back and would never give up on us. I kept telling my boys to shoot him but they would not do it. They would always tell me how can we shoot somebody who brings us food. There’s even a guy named blue Mustang whoever that is that make sure that Sonny can do that for us.” His mom blurted in and said, “He must be like Robin Hood.” She just laughed at her answer but said to me, “Thanks for not giving up on my son. Thanks also for not giving up on the boys and the girls in these gangs.”

I said, “I know how it feels to be abandoned and broken. These boys and girls are broken. I brought God’s kingdom here to this home. You need healing in this house. There still is a little tightness in this environment. We need to get rid of it.” The mom asked, “Can you anoint our home with oil?”

I said, “Yes we can. I will get my oil bottle.” We began anointing the whole house. The last room to do was Marty’s. The parents said, “Marty, let’s go to your room. Sonny, we want you to see it also.” I followed them into his room. As we entered his bedroom, Marty said, “Nothing has changed. It is exactly as I left it when I was 14 years old.” I observed that the north wall has his Hot Wheels collection on it. He loved baseball and the Yankees. He had posters of all the baseball greats posted on the walls. On the East wall, he had an airplane collection. He always wanted to be a pilot. I watched as Marty open the second drawer of his dresser. Laying on his clothes was his journal. His mom replied, “Marty, I have not touched anything. It it is exactly as you left it. I only dust things from time to time.” Marty then said, “Mom read this journal. It will tell you exactly how I felt when I left.” His mom started crying as she silently read what he wrote in that journal. Marty looked over at me and said, “Sonny this is my first miracle.” This family is now becoming healed. I checked on the second gang leader next.

I heard second leader say, “We are going to get our GEDs and we are going to live for Jesus Christ. Sonny said he would give us discipleship. He is not going to let us fall.” His men left all of their pistols with him. His mom asked, “What are you going to do with those guns?” He said, “I am going to get a safe and put them in there. They’re too valuable to throw away. They are all 9 mm Berettas.” The gang leader showed me one of the guns that he had. He pointed to the place where a stray bullet hit the gun in a shoot out. He said, “I don’t have the courage to shoot it but it is interesting to see how close the bullet was to hitting me.”

I was curious why he decided to finally accept Jesus Christ. So I asked, “What finally made you give your heart to Jesus Christ?” He replied, “When you said that Jesus Christ is coming for us, and some of us will be left behind. I decided I did not want to be left behind. I do not want to be thrown into the lake of a fire for eternity. I discussed this with the other gang leaders and they also thought it was a good idea not to go there. No, I want to walk with Jesus in heaven. He has a mansion ready for us in his kingdom. Why would I want to give that up I want to see him and what he has for me.” That satisfied me as I continued to check on other gang members.

There were a couple of dads that weren’t very nice to there children when they came to take them home. I took them on a drive and I confronted them and prayed over their stubbornness. The Holy Spirit convicted their hearts and they decided that they needed Jesus Christ also. I prayed over them again as they accepted Jesus into their hearts. Our King gets the Glory and the Victory. No one else could do what he did. I will be being seeing many more gangs. As Jesus would do, let us get as many as we can into the Kingdom of Heaven.