Blessing a Stranger

Blue Mustang and I always eat breakfast on Saturday morning to talk about the weeks events. After we finished breakfast, Blue Mustang said, “I have something for you. I think you are going to need this.” He reached into his briefcase and pulled out $180 in cash. I didn’t know for sure what he was talking about but I just put it in my wallet and forgot about it. I then went to Denver and witnessed two gangs in the park. 32 gang members, which included an entire gang gave their life to Jesus Christ. Later on Sunday while still in Denver, I was helping some of them move stuff. It was just before 3 pm and I was getting tired and was ready to go home. I started driving towards Loveland anxious to get some rest.

As I was driving, my King said, “Sonny, turn onto the next street.” I did as he asked. I said to myself, “There are no gangs down here. This looks like a nice neighborhood.” As I continued driving, a van pass me going the other direction. My King said, “That is the van we are looking for. Turn around and follow them. That family needs $150 now or they will lose the deal on their home.” I did as my King asked and turned around. As I began to follow them, I saw their van turn into a driveway. I turned there also and parked next to them. I got out of my pickup and walked along the side of the van. I noticed the man scrumaging through the ash tray like he was looking for change. I found out later that he was $150 short of meeting his damage deposit/rent requirement. The landlord was standing firm on “No cash. No deal.” I stopped walking and the landlord asked, “What do you want?”

I said, “My King sent me here to give this man a gift of $150 so he can settle the difference between you and him.” They were shocked that I knew exactly how much they were short. Both the family and the landlord were Christians but still do not realize the power of the God they served. They then asked, “Who are you?”

I said, “I am Sonny. I came here because my King sent me. In fact, Blue Mustang sent the cash with me because he sensed I was going to be able to bless someone this weekend who had a need.” I continued to share with them what my ministry is about and who Blue Mustang is. The landlord listened as I spoke about things. The Holy Spirit began to convict his heart. He then said, “Sonny I have lost my focus. This business is not mine but belongs to God. I am not thinking as Jesus would. If a complete stranger can give someone $150, I want to give them one month of free rent.”

The family was also witnessing what was happening. They then asked, “Sonny, could you pray over this home before you leave.” I said, “Sure!”. I immediately went to get my bottle of oil. We anointed and prayed over every room and the yard. I did the same for the family. The Holy Spirit spoke to the landlord. He came to the family and handed the money to them and said, “Go and get clothes, food or whatever you need. I will also give you your damage deposit back when you have to leave.” The husband replied, “We never gave you a damage deposit. You gave it back to us.” The landlord then said, “God said for me to give you a sum to match what you would have paid.” The landlord then looked at me and thanked me again for humbling him before God and getting my life on track.

I wanted to go home to rest but I would not miss what happened for anything.