What If

What would life have been like in the United States if we as Christians could have stood up for biblical principles in our government. This means speaking out against evil. You know things like abortion and human trafficking that we like to ignore. God never meant for us to stay hidden and just pray for it to go away. If you think praying is enough, Paul should have sat in his home and prayed that God would reveal himself to the Romans. Are you better then he is? Would we be in this situation today if we would have been bold like him. Whatever you may think, God was pleased with Paul. He also thinks “separation of church and state” is stupid and cannot be found in the Constitution of the US. He is majorly disappointed in many of us Christian’s lack of interest in elevating his agenda. This is interesting what you hear from many Christians:  if you speak the truth even in love,  it will just make them angry and they won’t listen to you anyway.

There may be some truth to that but at least their blood is not on my hands. I do know that when many people stand together with the truth it will change the culture. All Christians need to stand together and push God’s agenda. Never forget about love and never speak out before you pray.  The Holy Spirit is capable of delivering an awesome response from you. Let him give you the words to speak. This is a promise he also gave to Paul.

I like what Hank has to say about the church and our Cool President Trump: [Note: At time 19.5 min message starts. Enjoy!]
