Three Gangs Against Me

It is the 1st Saturday in May. My King is having me witness to three gangs from Pueblo that are moving to take territory in Commerce City. I am to be eliminated if I interfere and I don’t even know who they are. They have heard of me from other gangs but have not visually seen me. When I arrived, two of the gangs were already there. I had homemade burritos for them along with Dr. Pepper and water. As I started to get the supplies out of my pickup, both gangs came up to me with their pistols drawn. They looked over my pickup and noticed my name on it. They said, “You must be that Sonny we have heard about. We do not I want you to tell us anything about Jesus Christ. If you even mention Jesus Christ, we are going to shoot you. We don’t want to hear his name at all. We know that you minister to gangs around here but we don’t want you to minister it to us at all.” One leader began waving his pistol at me. He then said, “Just try it and I will shoot you.”

I said, “Before you shoot me, let me pray for you guys before you shoot me. I am doing what God has asked me to do. No matter what I win because I have either done what my Father has told me to do or I get to go and see him.” The gang leader replied, “We are like pirates right now. We are doing whatever we want. We don’t care about Jesus at all. We just want to have our fun.”

I said, “That is a funny thing that you would mention that because one of these days you will see my King and you will not be able to tell him that nobody has talked to you about Jesus Christ.” I paused briefly then said, “Jesus Christ wants your heart today. He does not want them broken as they are right now.” The gang leader said, “You know nothing about our hearts.”

I said, “Your dad was an alcoholic. He used to beat you, your mom, brother and little sister up all the time. Is that true?” The gang leader said, “How do you know that?”

I said, “My King showed me this. I am sorry that this happened to you. I know that you’re broken. That’s not fun.” The gang leader asked, “What else do you know.”

I said, “I know that you walked from your family when you were 14 years old and today you’re almost 20 years old. The gang leader asked, “Who in the world is telling you all this?”

I said, “It is my God. He wants to bring healing to you.” He looked intently at me and said, “I am done talking to you.” He then left my presence to keep from getting shot by his own men. I looked toward his men and asked, “Before you shoot me, does anybody have a prayer request. I will pray for you, your family or whatever you need.” I did not have to wait long. One of the gang members came up and asked, “Can you pray for my dad? He is also an alcoholic.” I then asked, “What is his name?” He replied, “His name is Roberto.”

I said, “Let’s pray for him right now. Can you call him on the phone?” He began the process of calling home. Immediately, another gang member stepped up and asked, “Can you pray for my mom? She is not feeling well.”

I said, “Let’s call her.” He replied, “Well, normally I don’t call her more than once a month.”

I said, “Don’t you remember. You said that you’re going to shoot me. We need to call her now while I’m still alive. This is the only time she’s going to have anybody praying for her.” He said, “Okay.” and proceeded to call her. Could you imagine these gangs were here to shoot me. And now they are all beginning to ask me for prayer. His mom quickly answered the phone and he began telling her about me. She asked him to let me speak to her. He passed his phone to me. She said, “So, you are speaking to my son about Jesus Christ.”

I said, “Yes, my King loves him and has a different plan for his life than what he is doing now.” She said, “Wow Sonny! You are amazing. Do you know I am sick? I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

I said, “My King said that you need tell the nurse to cut up a bunch of lemons and mix it in a glass of water. God has shown me that that there is something wrong with your stomach. Am I right?” She said, “Yes and I cannot use the bathroom. But the nurses will never allow me to do that.” There was a Christian nurse standing right by her at that time. Since the phone was on speaker, the nurse heard everything that I was saying. She said, “I will do it.” so she proceeded to do as I requested. They were about to put some machine down her to try to fix the problem. Soon the nurse brought the lemon water concoction to her that I requested. She consumed the whole glass. The nurse said, “I have to go now. They want to run more tests.” After the nurse left, I said, “I am going to pray for you and I want you to expect a miracle.”

I then hung up and talked to the gang members father Roberto. I then finished the call by praying with him over the phone. Roberto said, “Are you actually talking to my son about Jesus Christ?” I said, “Yes I am.” Roberto asked, “Did he tell you that I was an alcoholic?”

I said, “Yes. My King can deliver you from that bondage. He can set you free.” Roberto asked, “Where are you guys at?”

I said, “We are in the park over here by Commerce City.” Roberto said, “I will be right there.” Then his son said, “Are you really coming here Dad.” Roberto said, “I want to meet this guy. I want to have him pray for me in person.” Just as Thomas had to see the nail marks in Jesus’s hands, some people have to see me to believe it is real. Which is okay even for me. After these prayer events happened, they all started opening up. One said, “Can you pray for my grandma? She is very sick.” Another one asked, “Pray for my parents because they are mad at me for running away.” I began praying for all of them every one of them had an issue that needed to be prayed for.

About this time the third gang showed up. Their plan was to combine forces and take over the entire East Side. If they would have combined, the gang would consist of 62 men. The leader of the third gang asked, “What’s going on.” The other gangs introduce me and began telling them what they were doing. The leader asked, “Why have you not shot him by now.” They replied, “He just asked if he could pray for all of us and our families before we shot him.” In disbelief, the gang leader looked at me intently and said, “You’re going to pray for all of us before we shoot you.”

I said, “I am doing what I was supposed to do. Do you have anything that you want me to pray about for you?” That gang leader paused then asked, “I lost my dad five years ago and my mom is all messed up. She is on drugs and it’s taking a toll on her. I don’t even want to be around her.”

I said, “We should call her and talk to her.” He then silently left for a minute and came back with her connected. I asked him, “What is her name?” He said, “Rosalinda.” I took his phone and said, “Rosalinda, I want to pray for you.” She replied, “Why do you want to pray for me?”

I said, “Jesus wants to heal your heart.” She immediately began to cry. I prayed and handed the phone back to the gang leader. He must have talked to his mom for 30 minutes until she decided to come to us. Soon she arrived at the park along with Roberto. I begin to notice that all the gang members were on their phones. I began to realize if they were all calling people they knew so that I could pray for them. It all started out that the three gangs were here to kill me and now they’re bringing their families and the people they care about to me to pray for them. I began praising God as all kinds of people started showing up. I have no idea how many people were here at this time. Even up to this special moment, many of the gang members still had their pistols on me. But as more and more of family members showed up they began to put their pistols away. I asked what needs that everyone needed me to pray for. Most of the parents requested that they just wanted their sons back. I said, “I am praying that Jesus Christ will do that.” As the Holy Spirit began to move, almost everybody in those three gangs were beginning to cry. Because the crowd was so large I had to stand in the back of my truck in order to talk to everyone. I asked anyone that wanted their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life to come over here. I immediately read John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 to them because it talks about their future. They all raise their hands and came forward. This is the largest group of gang members here in Colorado that I’ve ever witnessed to that gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I have seen larger ones in other cities but those gangs we’re already set up to be there. There definitely was a lot of crying going on. What was interesting about this is that almost all the parents of the boys lived in Denver. Almost every one of them ran away from home and headed to Pueblo.

Later this afternoon the mom of the first gang leader called and said, “After I drink that lemon water everything opened up in my system. I am now back to normal. That acid in the lemon did something and I told everyone to get out of the way. I need to go to the restroom bad. The doctors began telling me that they found out I ate a piece of steak and swallowed that hard piece that it got lodged someplace and the acid from the lemons loosened it up to the point where I could go to the restroom again.” This is the second time that my King has used this method to do a healing. We all know he’s powerful enough to heal anyone who has a problem without using lemons but we serve a creative God. She was released to go home the next day. It was getting late and I told everyone that I would be back tomorrow afternoon to talk to everybody here again. I knew there were a lot more questions that needed to be answered.

Sunday, I went back down to talk to the gangs again. They even brought more aunts and uncles with them. I was kept busy this afternoon praying and talking to everyone there. Their biggest request was “Families in conflict. We always seem to fight as families.” They wanted to be released from that and to be able to live a life together in harmony. They said, “We are families and we want this type of behavior to stop.” I began turning this request over to our King.

While I was praying and talking about Jesus Christ to everybody, I noticed that three food trucks showed up. I said to myself that this is what is considered a dangerous part of the city and this is not normal for those guys to show up here. I found out later that the parents from the previous day requested that these guys show up to make burritos for everybody because they knew that there would be a large crowd here today. The food truck drivers were curious and asked, “What is going on here?”

I said, “All of these people here have given their lives to Jesus Christ.” One of the drivers replied, “I have been running from God for a long time and I am tired of this. I just don’t know what to do.” I said, “You have come to the right place because Jesus loves you right where you are at. Your family may have abandoned you. But your King will never abandon you because he loves you.” He said, “I do not know why I am crying but I need for you to pray for me.” He began turning his heart to Jesus Christ. The other two drivers came over and asked, “Why are you crying, Essay.” He said, “I have rededicated my life over to Jesus Christ again. I am tired of running from God.” The other drivers asked, “Is it really that easy to accept Jesus Christ? I have done a lot of bad things. In fact, I am still doing bad things.” I said, “You need just to ask forgiveness of your sins and turn your heart and your life over to Jesus Christ.” One of the men said, “I’m ready to give it a try.” Soon both of them were giving their hearts and life over to Jesus Christ.

I am sure glad that I did what my King told me to do because many gave their lives over to Jesus this weekend. My King gets the Glory and the Victory and I got to see it all.

Biden & Trump Comparison

This is how Joe Biden and his supporters feels about America and its people.

Then there is our still President Donald Trump. This is how he feels about America and its people. I know there is 100 million people in this nation who feels the same.

Wow! what a President. I am sure he will be the best President ever.

Brothers Received Miracle

Today is the 2nd Saturday of May. My King sent me to a park in Denver to witness to some more gangs. As I was getting close to my destination, my King said, “Sonny, go to the store and break the $100 bill Blue Mustang gave you into two $50’s.” I knew that my King was about to bless some people. When I arrived at the park, I noticed two small families praying together before eating lunch. The Holy Spirit began to share with me how stressed out each family was. Each of the parents had one child. The family on the left had a little boy and the family on the right had a little girl. I have seen families eating at the park before but both families today shared just one package each of Salami, Bologna, cheese and one small bag of chips. They bought it all at the dollar store. Both dads are brothers who started new jobs. It will be next Friday before either will get paid. They had just enough money for gas but nothing to buy groceries with until payday. I walked quietly up to them holding my Bible in my hand as they finished their prayer with “Amen”.

They asked, “How can we help you?” I said, “I’m here to help all of you.” I then said, “There is man called Blue Mustang that gave me money to bless people this week that are struggling financially. So here’s $70 for you and $70 dollars for you.” As I laid the money into their hands, the parents started to cry.

I had friends that are undercover police sitting at a picnic table nearby. They saw what I was doing and came over and introduced themselves to the parents. They were careful to keep their identities a secret. They said, “Sonny is a good friend of ours. God told us to come and take you guys grocery shopping.” The blessing is multiplying again. The parents started to cry even more. They hugged us and thanked God for me and my friends. They said, “We know that you, Blue Mustang and your friends were all sent to us by God.” They remained choked up after experiencing a miracle and the fast answer to prayer. They then followed my friends to a Walmart store. My King would not let the gangs interfere with blessing the families. The gangs did not arrive at the park until they left. My friends reported back to me that they bought each family $300 worth of groceries. Our King is Faithful and loves all us very much. He did not like what they were going to experience and answered their prayer. That is part of the calling of Jesus Christ is to help one another. Also, God blesses us so we can bless others. It is not to retire and do nothing.

First Date Miracle

It was the first Saturday evening in May and I needed to purchase some Coke for one of the gangs that I was going to feed. Normally my sister keeps me supplied in all the soda pop I need but for some reason she either forgot to get the Coke or they were sold out. So I headed down to the King Soopers store near where I was at. I got in line behind two young boys who were purchasing a pack of gum. They began talking about their dates they had for tonight.  From their conservation, I could tell they and their dates are home schooled. As they paid for their package of chewing gum, they realized they only had $35 left in their wallet. They promised to take their dates to Red Robin and they knew that would not be enough. One said, “Man, it may cost us nearly $80 to dine there. I am too embarrassed to tell them we don’t have the money to go to dinner.” For both of them, it was their first date. Even though they have known their dates for a long time, they still wanted to impress them. He then said, “We need a miracle.” The other boy said, “Let’s pray about it. We serve an awesome God and we’ll just ask him to provide a miracle for us.” They were not concerned at what anybody might say about them praying out loud. I don’t think they even knew that I was standing behind them. They physically joined hands and started praying out loud for a miracle.

My King said, “Give the $120 that Blue Mustang gave you to bless my people.” After they finished praying, I asked, “Would it be okay if somebody helped you out right now.” They said, “It sure would be cool.” I then reached in my pocket and pulled out the money and handed it to them. But one boy said, “This would not be right. Our girlfriends are not here and they need to see this. We want them to know where this money came from.” I marveled at the character this boy displayed. I agreed and followed them outside. When the girls saw me following them, they both got out of the back seat. They were beautiful and classily dressed for their dates. They all showed class. They were curious what was going on. One boy exclaimed what happened in the store and how God answered their prayer. As he finished explaining everything, an older couple showed up. They said, “We heard your dilemma and how you prayed for a miracle.” The man looked at the boys and said, “You keep that money for a second date. Here is $100 for tonight.” My King has been taking Blue Mustang’s money and multiples it every time it blesses someone. It was hard to hold the tears back as our King did the miracle. One of the girls was highly anointed with the Holy Spirit. She climbed into the car to get the anointing oil in her purse. She started praying and anointing all of us present and my ministry. I gave all of them my ministry cards. When she finished anointing everyone, it became emotional as the Holy Spirit began to move. Soon it was time for them to go to dinner. What a dinner that was going to be. They would be discussing what happened tonight.

A few days later, one of the dads called. He had to share what happened when he went to church that Sunday. Normally, the pastor gets a praise report later in the service; but since he was going to do a sermon on miracles, he decided to ask if anybody in the church had experienced a miracle this week. Both of the boys and the girls stood up. The girls were sitting on one side of the church and the boys were sitting on the other. The pastor said, “I know that all of you just had your first date. Come forward and share your miracle with us.” They excitedly told the congregation what happened. The church even applauded at what happened. The Dad made sure that I knew that I changed their kids lives. I assured him that it was the Holy Spirit that set all of this up from the mistake of the Coke and to the blessing of your children. Our King kept his promise of the result praying to him and receiving a victory. We need to give the Glory and the Victory to him. You and I both get to see it.

Shaolin Monks

April 7, 2021
It was Wednesday and I was heading down to do the Highway Patrolmen’s women Bible study. As I was approaching Denver, my King said, “Sonny, you need to buy some fruit at King Soopers.” I preceded to go to the closest King Soopers from where I was at. I pulled into the parking lot and walked into the store and picked up oranges and bananas as my King requested. As I began checking out, he said, “Make sure at you pick up a $50 gift card also.” When I walked back to my pickup, I noticed three shaolin priests observing my truck. You could tell who they were from their orange robes and they were all barefoot. They continued talking back and forth as they watched me unlock my pickup. One of them asked, “Is this your pickup?” I said, “Yes it is.” He then asked, “So your name is Sonny as it is written on the side of the pickup.” I acknowledged him. He then asked, “Why is that scripture on my pickup?” I have Isaiah 41:10 written on the door panel. That scripture says:

10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

“So this is what your God says” he replied. I said, “Yes. He is the one that created both you and me.” He retorted, “We believe in Buddha.” I immediately replied, “He is a fake God.” The power of the Holy Spirit did not let them talk about Buddha anymore. They were more concerned about what happened before I arrived at my pickup. They asked, “We have a question for you. What is this wall around your pickup? We tried to get closer to see what else is on your pickup but we hit some kind of barrier that keeps us twelve feet from your pickup. We have never experienced anything like this.” I watched their hand bounce off the barrier as they tapped at it.

I said, “That wall is Jesus Christ. He represents God’s Kingdom that protects my pickup.” They asked, “But what is it?” I replied, “It is the power of God’s Kingdom. It protects me as it protects my pickup.”
Since we serve the one true God, that means all other gods are the devil in disguise. I directed them to show them what else was on my truck but my King would not let them near my pickup or to come into contact with me. They confirmed this and said, “No, we cannot get closer.” They continue to hit the wall with their hands. They had difficulty understanding who the true God is. They asked, “Are you using magic?” I said, “No, it is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. You are experiencing their power. Jesus Christ is the son of Yahweh and his name is Joshewa. You guys serve a fake god. It is a stone made from man’s hands that looks like a fat guy that is just someones art project. My King is real.” They then asked, “How do you know he’s real?”

I said, “Take a look at your right hand. See these veins on my hand.” They said, “We have the same thing.” I said, “We have the same God who created us.” They then asked, “How come we are different than you?”

I said, “It’s because you come from a different country. We are to serve the one God who created us. Look at the stars. People claim that they just appeared. No, the stars did not just appear. The true God knows all of them by name.” They said, “Boy, you must be an noble guy to your God. We see that you have a lot of respect for him just like we do to Buddha.”

I said, “Let me tell you about how powerful your Buddha is. Yesterday I went to a Chinese restaurant. There was an inflated Buddha in their front yard. I cut the string and Buddha took off from that front yard. Everyone wanted to smile when the fake god took off. A Chinese guy who worked in the restaurant questioned me and asked me why I did that. I told him I do not want a fake god in front of me. His answer was Buddha cost him a lot of money. I told him all I see it is a fake god and you see him as money. You are serving a fake god.” I looked the priest’s eyes to make sure they were paying attention. I said, “We are going to see Jesus Christ face to face.” I then asked, “Are you guys good swimmers?” The priests said, “We know how to swim very well.”

I said, “Swimming in a Lake of Fire for eternity does not sound like very much fun. This is what this Bible says. It is not what I say.” The priests said, “Tell us more about this wall.”

I said, “When you ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask God to transform your heart. He will transform your heart and establish a relationship with you. He will protect you wherever you go. The wall you are running into is his hands surrounding me and my pickup. He protects me as I minister to gangs all over the United States. Gangs are people that nobody wants to talk to. But this is my ministry to bring Jesus Christ to those individuals.” One priest said, “Gangs are boys that have no discipline.”

I said, “That is true. But they are also broken and lost. They are lost just like you. You will never be able to tell anyone that nobody came to you to tell about the love of Jesus Christ. I have just revealed this to you. He created you for his purpose not for your own desires.” He replied, “Ok. This is interesting.” I do not think he was paying attention to me. The priest continued to bang his hand on the wall that was surrounding me and my pickup. He was still not understanding the experience of a real God. Even worse, of not accepting him to prevent a residence at the Lake of Fire.

I said, “Watch this.” I placed my hand out towards his hand and was within a couple of inches of touching his hand. My King would not allow me to touch him directly so he kept me about two inches away from his hand. He said, “I still do not get it.” They challenged me further and asked if I could stand behind their car. I said, “I can do that.” I walked over and stood behind their car. They thought since I left the vicinity of my truck that the field would not be there. They come up and tried to touch me. Again they could not get within 12 feet of me. I told them that wall that you are encountering always goes with me. Just because I move does not make a difference. The Holy Spirit is in me and is part of my life. I get his protection as gift of serving him. Then I showed him that the Holy Spirit is protecting you from me.

I said, “Watch again. I will walk up to you but you cannot walk up to me.” So I immediately started walking toward him and raised my hand towards his hand. I could almost touch him but the Lord said not to come into direct contact with him to keep a barrier between our hands so they could not come into contact with each other.

About that time their nephew came from the store. His uncle asked him to come here and feel the wall. The nephew couldn’t figure out what he was talking about because he couldn’t see anything. As he approached my pickup, he too had his hand blocked by the power of the Holy Spirit. He looked at me and asked “What is this? Are you some kind of evil man?” I said, “No. My King protects me and puts a shield around me.” He then replied, “It’s a magic trick.”

I said, “No. It is the power of Jesus Christ that you are experiencing.” The nephew looked at his uncle in fear and said, “Let’s go. We need to leave now.” The nephew left immediately and headed to their vehicle. But the uncles continue to stare at my pickup trying to figure out what the wall really was. They still had a tough time believing that any god would have this kind of power. They said, “We can not see it.”

I said, “You cannot see it unless you come on my side.”

They said, “We can not come on your side.”

I said, “Oh yes you can. All you have to do is ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins. Then ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart. After that you will be able to walk through the wall.” They asked, “Is that true?”

I said, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life? Yes or No.” They said, “We must go.” I gave each of them a ministry card as the began to leave.

I said, “Let me pray for you guys before you go.” They said, “We will talk to you soon Sonny.” They climbed into their car and left. These monks are so brainwashed; it’s not even funny. It is going to be a challenge for them to understand the true God. If you ever get at a crossroads, it is imperative that we choose God’s Kingdom and not the world. One leads to eternal misery. The other leads to God’s Kingdom. I caught one of the monks starting to cry as he took the card. I could see a tear in his eye as he wiped it away.

You are probably still wondering about the fruit that I purchased before all this happened. I was still holding the bag in my hand as they left. I had picked up two bundles of bananas and a big bag of those cuties. As I was standing there alone, an old van pulled up by me. There was a family with three kids in it. When the side door opened, an eight year old boy exclaimed, “Those are bananas and oranges. They looks so good.” I said, “These are for you.” The parents said, “Our kids have been asking for oranges and bananas ever since we left the house. We were getting tired of hearing about it. We were gonna stop by the store just to pick up four bananas and four oranges.” I then handed the parents the $50 gift card. I had $102 left in my emergency fund and my King said, “I want you to give that to them also.” What is interesting about all this is that the wife already made a list of things that she wanted to buy at the grocery store. The husband said, “Why are you doing that? We can’t afford to buy any of that stuff.” She replied, “Because God told me to make this list. I was being obedient to him.” We are talking about faith here. Many times we don’t receive anything it is because we do not speak it out. Even in Genesis, it talks about the Holy Spirit moving across the darkness. Until God spoke it “Let there be light.” did something happen. We need to apply the same principles in our own lives. Believe it and you will receive it as long as it is not contrary to God’s word or your own destruction. She said, “I created this list and now we are going to be able to receive it. The oldest daughter, who is named Martha, asked, “Are we actually going to be able to get groceries.” Her parents said, “Yes.” They then looked at me and said, “You can have your oranges and bananas back. We can now go buy our own.” I said, “No, these are for you.” I was standing by the sliding door when their little boy jumped into the air into my arms as I caught him. He had already eaten some of the bananas and oranges that I gave them. I looked on as they went into the store. I serve an awesome God. He gives me many opportunities to bless people and witness to others.

At lunch time on Thursday, the nephew called and said, “You messed up my uncle’s a lot.” I replied, “I did not mess them up. It was the Holy Spirit.” The nephew said they went and talked to my grandfather Hiroshi and the body of our organization. They told them what happened. They got the curiosity of everybody up and they are wanting to know more about that wall that the uncle’s encountered. They wanted me to come on Saturday after 10 a.m. to discuss the wall. I said, “I will be there man.” The nephews then warned, “Our grandpa, Heroshi, has four bodyguards around him. Do not touch or get close to him. Those guys will hit you. They are mean.”

I said, “Whatever my King tells me to do I will do it even if that means getting close to your grandpa.” He gave me further instructions about where the location of the house was. The home was in South Parker and he said it has a huge parking lot in front of the house. He warned me that when I walk through the gate that I needed to take my shoes off. They do not allow anyone to wear shoes in the area of the home. I said, “My King has no problem with me taking my shoes off. The Holy Spirit will not leave me because I do.”

April 13

On Saturday, my King had me prepare a rice and vegetable dish to bring to them. I called ahead and told them I was bringing dinner. It was 2 p.m. when I arrived at monks home. I was greeted at the gate by four hostile guards. They begin telling me that I needed to get the heck out of here right away as they drew their swords. The nephew came just in time and said, “You let him in. He is scheduled to be here. The nephew had me drive up to the beautiful home and park in the middle of the huge circle in the front of the house. I noticed two of those big Buddha balloons flying in the air nearby. My King said, “I do not like them either. I want you to cut them loose.” I definitely do serve a jealous God. He does not want any other gods before him. I cut the strings with my knife. I watched as they went up into the air. When they reached an altitude of three hundred feet, they exploded. It was as though they had hydrogen in them. My King destroyed them up at the same time. The explosion was great enough that it threw rubber pieces all over the place. The guards were extremely angry at what I did but yet they could do nothing because my King would not allow them to do anything. I put my knife back in my pickup.

The younger adults came out in the commotion to introduce themselves to me but my King had already put up the shield around my pickup and around me. Nobody present in the compound could get within 12 feet of me or my pickup. They started asking me questions of this shield that was around my pickup. They were thoroughly fascinated with it. Again, as I explained to the three monks the previous day, that it is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ that is surrounding my pickup. The god that you serve is evil and my God does not want him near me. I continued talking to the parents for a while about Jesus Christ and how he created this wall of protection around me. I begin praying over the families that God would reveal himself to them and that they would understand what the kingdom of Jesus Christ is. These people have been brainwashed so long about Buddha that it was difficult for them to grasp the concept of John 3:16.

Soon the grandparents came out and everyone got down on their knees and bowed down before them. I remained standing because I will never bow to anyone but Yahweh and Joshewa. They told me that it is in our culture and the honorary thing to bow down before the high monk. I said, “I will never bow to anyone in any culture but the one true God of Jesus Christ”. Normally, no man could get away with what I did here. My King brought me here and protected me. No one had the power to come against me. Hiroshi asked, “What did you bring us?”

I said, “My King had me bring a rice dish that you will love.” He liked what I brought and said, “I will let your insubordination go this time.” The Holy Spirit revealed to me things about about the grandma and grandpa.

I said, “Your wife was ten years old and you were twelve. You both served Jesus Christ for two years. Both of your parents were beheaded for serving God. You both became angry at God because of this and decided to serve Buddha.” I brought up this fact in front of everyone that both of them once worshipped Jesus Christ. This really upset the people who were there because they were told that the grandparents always worshipped Buddha. They said to them that he was the only god. The grandparents had been exposed. Hiroshi decided to leave the scene.

As I finished sharing with the adults, a bunch of the families kids came over to greet me. They walked right through the shield and stood right by me. You should have seen the expressions on the parents faces when their kids were not stopped by the shield. The parents tried calling their kids back right away but I said, “Leave them alone. Let the children come unto me.” I got in the center of all the kids and sat down on the ground in the middle of them. They started to ask questions. I began telling them about Jesus Christ. The kids surrounding me were between 8 and 19 years old. I started talking to about what I did and about Blue Mustang’s part. They then asked me if he drives a blue Mustang and I confirmed it was so. The one little kid said, “That is so cool. I would like to have nickname.” He tried thinking about a cool nickname but soon gave up. He finally said, “I think I want to be Blue Mustang.” So he told everyone his new name. I continued to speak about Jesus Christ to the kids and a lot of them wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ. I do understand that some of them are too young yet to know what kind of commitment they’re making but I’ve heard many young kids who have become very powerful serving my King at a young age. The parents kept testing the wall and finally asked, “How is it that our kids can come to you and we can’t?”

I said, “Your children’s hearts are still pure. They have not been defiled by your god. If you ask for forgiveness and turn your hearts over to Jesus Christ, you too will be able to come and stand by me.”

Hiroshi came back. Even though he was still perplexed about the wall around my pickup, he was sure Buddha would give him the power to get through my King’s wall. At first he sent some of his bodyguards out. He sent out two and they hit the wall. They said, “We can’t move any further.” Then he sent out two more into the wall and they said, “We cannot move any further.” Of course, Hiroshi thought he was like a god and that he would be able to penetrate it. He too walked into the wall. He sheepishly said, “I cannot go any further.” They were all becoming scared because they had no idea what was happening and they escorted me out of the home. Later that evening, I was going to get a phone call from one of the men at the residence to meet me at the park on Sunday. I agreed to meet him.

April 14

I arrived at that Park on Sunday to talk to him. As we were talking about Jesus, for the next 40 minutes almost 200 people showed up. There was a lot of talk going amongst them as I left the house the previous day. When they found out one family was going to see me, they all had their curiosity aroused and started calling each other about that family’s plan and started coming. When they arrived, they were all dressed up in their monk costumes and were barefoot. They started blowing up these helium Buddha balloons. Again, I do serve a jealous God and he had me cut the strings on the balloons. Again, as the balloons hit about the 300 foot altitude they all exploded. It was amazing to watch. I would cut one string; it would go up and explode. I would cut the next one and it would do the same thing. Each one exploded precisely at the 300 foot mark. Helium balloons do not explode in the lower atmosphere like that. They continue to go a lot higher but my King was destroying them. To show he is real, he destroyed them at the same altitude each time. The Holy Spirit had already restored the shield around me and my pickup. The first thing everyone did was to test to see if the wall was still there. They definitely could not come within 12 ft of me. I continue to add answer a lot of their questions and talking about Jesus Christ. Finally two of the monks gave their life to Jesus Christ at the park and everyone left. I wasn’t going to hear from anyone else until Friday.

April 16th

On Friday, Hiroshi called me and asked me if I could bring him a Bible. I said I would be there later that evening to bring him one. After I gave the undercover police Bible study, I was about ready to leave. They undercover police asked me if I would take the 21 extra pizzas they had for the monks. I warned them that they normally only eat certain vegetables and rice dishes. I am not sure whether they would eat pizza or not. But I went ahead and brought them with me anyway. I headed back to their home in Parker. When I arrived, it was a cool sight. I could see what look like runway lights but instead they were torches lighting the path to the home. Each torch was held by a guard. The guards escorted me on foot to the house. The monks were still thinking that the power source was radiating from my pickup so I had to walk. The driveway was about a 150 yards long and there were 20 guards on each side with a flaming torch in their left hand and a sword in the right hand. Their blades looked extremely sharp. They physically had their swords pointing at me as I was walking to the house. They were afraid of me because of the King’s shield. I physically had my Bible drawn and pointing back at them while my King had me pray for them while making the trek.

As I was escorted into the Hiroshi’s room, this weird stone Buddha was lit in a strange light. The Holy Spirit in me did not want to look at the image so I positioned myself to talk to him with the statue to my back. I then handed him the Bible he asked for. I then said, “You served Jesus Christ for two years between the ages of 10 and 12. All that time you served him well. Even now you and your wife both still have your Bibles packed away in your suitcases. Are you ready to begin serving him again?” He replied, “I have kept a journal from when I was young.” The guard who was with Hiroshi was listening to what was being said. He joined in the conversation and said, “I remember when you shared your journal with me a year ago that you talked about the time you served Jesus Christ. Are we going to serve him?” Hiroshi could not give him a straight answer and replied, “I want to study the Bible further before I make my decision.” He made everyone leave the room but me.

I said, “Just remember tomorrow is never promised. Your salvation is at stake.” Hiroshi and I spent some more time talking together about Jesus Christ then he called the guards to escort me out. Hiroshi told me to go. His guards then surrounded me and directed me to the door. While the guards escorted me back to my pickup, they did not have their swords drawn. They started talking to me and asking me questions. They commented on when I prayed for them what an experience that was for them. We started even joking around a little bit and they started laughing. I said, “You guys live in here in America. It’s good for you to laugh.” When I got closer to my pickup I asked them if they wanted pizza. They gave me this strange look and said we’ve never had pizza before. They won’t allow us to have it so we don’t want want it.” But when I got to my pickup, I set the pizzas out on my tail gate. Soon, they started smelling the pizza. They started looking at each other hoping someone would make the first move. Soon they were all starting to chow down the pizzas. Some of the pizzas had jalapenos on them and I was wondering what that kind of diet could do to their digestive system. I got some of the pop and water out of my cooler. I dumped it into these big bowls. I dumped my ice too. Most of them never even had pop. They really love the Dr Pepper. They continue to enjoy the food as I continue talking to them about Jesus Christ and how much he loves them. Soon the captain said, “I would never harm you even if I was ordered to. You are an honorable man.” Soon the captain called the rest of the guards down to enjoy the pizza. He made up an excuse for them to come down to investigate something. Soon the entire guard was down there eating that pizza and drinking my pop and water. I started asking questions about them. They shared with me that they’ve been doing this job between four and five years. None of them have seen their families once during this time. When they all began to think about that, the laughter turned into a kind of sadness.

I said, “It is time for you guys to go and see your families.” They replied, “We might lose rank by doing so.”

I said, “Are your families more important to you than your rank?” They looked at me and nodded; acknowledging inside their minds that I was correct. I then changed the subject back to food after they devoured everything I brought. I then said, “Have you ever had burritos?” They replied, “We have seen pictures of them on the internet and they look good but we’ve never had the access to them.” I told them that I would make them burritos if they wanted to come down to the park tomorrow. They began making arrangements to do so.

April 24

The head Guard gave me a phone call and asked me about my burritos. He said, “We have never had a burrito before. Could you make us some today.”

I said, “I can make you some.” He added, “With sausage and eggs.” I said, “With all of that. There is one condition. You have to meet me at the park; not at the mansion.” They said, “We only have two hours off.”

I replied, “Your schedule will work fine for me.” All 40 of the guards showed up at the park. That was definitely an interesting sight. Seeing 40 men dressed in red robes, barefoot and carrying Samurai swords, would definitely draw attention. They came up to greet me but still could not get within 12 feet of me. They said, “We are excited to try some burritos. We only get to eat scrambled eggs and vegetables for breakfast.”

I said, “You don’t even eat Captain Crunch cereal.” They looked at me funny and said, “What is that.”

I said, “Where are you guys from never to experience Captain Crunch cereal. You got to have some Captain Crunch cereal with milk.” I knew that none of the guards have ever tried it so I went ahead and brought Captain Crunch cereal and milk along with the burritos. I laid out the burritos first. The captain of the guard said, “Is that what a tortilla looks like?” I nodded my head. When the guards took their first bite of a burrito, you should have seen their eyes open wide because they have never had an experience like this. My burritos have Jalapenos in them so they are a little spicy. I asked them about that. They too love spicy food. They have some peppers that are nice and hot that can match our peppers. All of them said, “These burrito sure are good.” The way they commented on the burritos, I could tell the two dozen burritos they ate were not enough. They sheepishly asked, “Do you have any more?” I did have more in my pickup that I take for the gangs. I brought them out for them to eat. By the time they were done with these they had consumed four dozen burritos. I had some pop and water in my pickup. Those guys really went for Dr Pepper again. I then brought out the Captain Crunch cereal with the milk. They loved that also. Now that their stomachs were full they started asking me questions.

The head guard looked intently at me then asked, “Can you tell me more about the Holy Spirit? We are trained to fight the enemy. We are taught how to penetrate any kind of enemy. But with you we are forced to stay 12 feet from you. We hit a wall.”

I said, “The Holy Spirit is a force given to us by our King. When he rose from the dead, the Holy Spirit was sent by him. He can give peace or that power you experienced. That power protects me.” The head guard still had trouble grasping what I was saying. He then asked, “What kind of power is that?”

I said, “No man, including me or machine can produce this wall. It is the Holy Spirit from the living God. The reason you have not seen this is because you have been serving a fake god. I ask my living God for protection and he has assigned seven angels to watch over me and clear my path to bring his word to the gangs and the down trodden. This wall of protection you are experiencing may even be from those angels.” The guard asked, “Are they real angels?”

I said, “Yes! You cannot see them but you did feel them when you ran into them thinking you hit the wall. That was them that you were experiencing. The guard said, “I want to experience that kind of power.”

I said, “First, you have to willing to surrender your heart to King. Next, ask him for the forgiveness of your sins. Follow this by giving your heart over to him. Finally, you have to start living for him. When you do that, you will experience the same kind of power that you witnessed today. From now on you will be serving only Yahweh. You cannot bow down to any man; whoever it is. Man is NOT a god. You still need to continue to respect your leaders. This greatly pleases our King when you respect authority that does not come against him.” The guard then said, “These are our weapons.” He began brandishing the sword in his hand, gracefully.

I said, “This is my weapon.” I brandished my Bible before him but maybe not as graceful but more powerfully. Then he asked, “How can I become a man like you.” I emphasized what I said previously about giving your whole heart to King. But again they were wanting to have the same power that I had like it came from a machine. Again, I had to explain, “It is not me but it is Jesus Christ in me who provides this power. Without him, I am as weak as anyone else.” They were beginning to understand. The head guard and his men decided that it is time to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. They began to realize Buddha is a fake god. They said, “After getting this power, we want to go home to cause a movement like this in China and Japan.”

Again I said, “Focus on Jesus Christ and listen to him. The power comes with obedience to him.” They then said, “Okay! Did you bring us any Bibles?”

I said, “Yes I did.” Even though they came from Asia, they all new English well. So they had no problem reading our English Bibles. I then asked them, “All of you who want your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life cross this line.” The guards looked down and said, “We don’t see a line.” Just remember that they have not given their hearts to Jesus Christ yet and that 12 foot barrier is preventing them coming to me. But after they made the choice, this began to change. They took seven steps forward. In their culture when they surrender their lives to somebody, they hold their swords with both hands and they began offering them up to me. I said, “You are not surrendering to me. You are surrendering them to Jesus Christ. Hold them up to him.” They started to hold their swords high. I then asked, “Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for you?” They said, “We have heard about Jesus Christ doing that but we have never accepted it.” I said, “Jesus did die on that cross and his shed blood was for you this very day.” After they confessed the sinner’s prayer, many of them started crying. The head guard asked, “Why are we crying? We don’t cry!”

I said, “It is the Holy Spirit inside of you transforming your heart. Just close your eyes and let the Holy Spirit continue what he is doing.” All of the guards began to close their eyes. They’ve been trained not to close their eyes for their own protection and the one they serve. They were giving their lives to Jesus Christ and trusting in him. They all closed their eyes completely. I continued praying for all of them. After I finished, they asked, “Now what do we do?”

I said, “Now that you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, you need to follow him daily. It is about a relationship not a religion. You now need to read your Bible and pray to him daily.” One of the guards asked, “I do not know how my wife in China is going to take this.”

I said, “When you die, you will not stand before your wife but you will be standing before Jesus Christ.” As time continued passing, they could not stop crying. They asked, “Why can we not stop crying. We are warriors.”

I said, ” I am saved; but I am not soft either. God made us all warriors for his Kingdom. We stand in the promises of God.” They then asked, “Are you from this world? Because the way you talk scares us.”

I replied, “My words should not scare you but they should bring peace to you. At one time my heart was ripped out of me. That is the reason why Jesus has my entire heart.” They then asked, “Are you scared of us.”

I said, “No, my King is bigger than you are.” They did not ask any more questions. Now it’s the big moment. They were concerned about going to go back and telling Heroshi about what they just did. I then said, “Let us go to him together.” We went back to the home and the guards escorted me to his room where he was at. All of his men stood upright before Hiroshi as they presented themselves. Hiroshi just looked at all of them. Normally, they bow down when they encounter his presence but they would not bow. The lead guard said, “We cannot bow down before you anymore Hiroshi. We only bow down to our new King who is called Yahweh.”

His guards did not know what to expect but the encounter I had last night with Hiroshi changed his life. When I handed him the Bible, he did not answer the guards question about accepting Jesus Christ. He had everybody leave the room. The Holy Spirit was beginning to convict his heart as he read some of the passages in the Bible. Soon he said, “I want to know the God that you know. I want to rededicate my heart to him.” He began asking for forgiveness of his sin and the rededication of his heart to Jesus Christ. He began to cry as the Holy Spirit started releasing the garbage in his life. But he did not tell anybody what he had done. So Hiroshi totally understood where his guards were coming from. Hiroshi said, “I know. I too only bow down to Yahweh also. I remember when I felt his presence when I was twelve. Sonny reminded me that God never left me but I’d left him.” After that confession everyone in the room began crying as the Holy Spirit began moving. After hearing them cry. Heroshi’s wife, Rosalyn, came out and asked what was going on. Hiroshi said, “Jesus Christ lives in my heart now. I walked away from him. I am never going to walk away from him again.” Rosalyn asked, “Does that mean with that we are going to serve Jesus Christ now.” Hiroshi said, “I am. But the choice is yours. If you want to serve him, you have to make that decision. Don’t you remember that when we were younger, we both loved and served him. When you were 10 years old, you got baptized along with me.”

His wife wasn’t quite ready to make the commitment. She looked at me and said, “You seem to know an awful lot about Hiroshi. But what do you know about me? If you really know your God like you say, you will know things about me.” I said, “You were both handing out flyers as you walked behind your missionary parents that had John 3:16 on them. The soldiers then came and started pushing both of your parents around. They made your parents bow down before them. That’s where they beheaded them as you both watched.” She began crying. I than said, “Have you ever told your husband that you were adopted. Those were not your real parents.” Hiroshi exclaimed, “Were you really adopted? No way!” She said, “I was really adopted. My parents did not want me. I just did not want you to know that.” She then looked at me and said, “You definitely do serve the true God. Nobody knows the secret about me being adopted. I surrender to Jesus Christ. You have to be led by God in order for you to know what you revealed to me.” His wife came over and hugged me. She begin to have a release of knowing the true God again. She has been held prisoner by the fake god Buddha for a long time. She began to feel peace as Jesus restored her heart again. Hiroshi then confirmed that he still loved her and said, “I do not care whether you were adopted or not. Now we need to find your parents if they’re still alive.”

With all the commotion going on, the other adults in the house started coming out of their rooms. Remember there was approximately 200 people living here. They asked, “Hiroshi and Rosalyn, why are you crying.” They replied, “We have rededicated our hearts to Jesus Christ. We are not going to bow down to this fat thing anymore.” I know this is a solemn situation but I had to hold the laughter back when he said, “fat thing”. The adults asked, “Are we going to serve Jesus Christ also?” The grandparents said, “It is your choice. Only you can decide that.” It was getting crowded where I was standing. I walked over to the other side of the room to ask the others if they wanted to get their names written the Lamb’s Book of Life. Just remember, I have already talked to these people on our first encounter on who Jesus Christ is. Since the wall is still up, I said, “I cannot go over to you. You have to come over to me if you want your name written there.” They all raise their hands and started coming towards me. As done in their culture, they started to bow down in front of me. I said, “No! Do not bow before any man. But it is okay to bow your head in reverence to our King.” Hiroshi and Rosalyn we’re listening in the corner where they were standing. They then came over while I was talking to them. They took over and led the rest of the adults there to Jesus Christ.

The head guard came over and stood by me and said, “I am never going to worship that thing again. I’m going to stand with you and only worship our King.” The other guards asked, “What does this mean for our lives when we go back to China and Japan.” I said, ” our King will go with you and before you.” After the parents gave their lives over to Jesus Christ, they went to the childrens rooms and woke all of them up and had them come out. As the kids were standing together in the room, the parents said, “We are now serving Jesus Christ. We do not want to force this on you but we wants you to decide on your own.” The kids smiled while looking at their parents and said, “We have already willingly given our lives to Jesus Christ at the park. We have been praying for all of you since then.” One mom ask her kid, “Did you really give your life to Jesus Christ already?” Their kid replied, “Mommy, my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I have been reading the Bible that Mr. Sonny has given us. My favorite story is Noah. Mom you need to read about Noah.” They rest all talked about surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ. I stepped in and said, “Surrender is only part of it. Now it is time for everyone to start living for Jesus Christ. When you go back to your country you need to start spreading the word to the people you left back there.” Like Moses made excuses not to go back to Egypt they did likewise. They said, “We could get in trouble for doing that.” I said, “It is better to get in trouble with man then be in trouble with our King by being disobedient.”

Hiroshi then called his brother in Colorado Springs and told him that he wanted to sell the house and move back to China. He said, “We have given our hearts to King and feel we need to go home.” Heroshi’s brother was a challenge. He called and attacked me for what I
was spreading. He said, “After they killed our parents, I made a vow to myself to never serve God again.” I said, “You worship Buddha as he is God yet you say you will never serve God. Not only is your statement false but you serve a fake god. You have experienced the power of the real God at the park.” I had him thinking about what he said to me. Soon his phone calls began to change as I shared the love of my King. His last phone call he gave his life to the true King. He said, ” After I seen the truth, I gave my life to Jesus Christ also over the phone. I love God and I want to serve him. I will buy the house.”

I am still getting calls from them asking questions about serving the true God. Until the adults gave their life to Jesus Christ they could not get near me or my pickup. My King does not like what other religions represent because they are not backed by anything.

A good example of this is when Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal. He said let the real God consume the wood on the altar. Elijah let them go first. They sat there praying to their fake god and cut themselves to show their dedication to him but nothing happened. Elijah had some fun and said maybe you need to talk louder he may be sitting on the pooper. But nothing happened. Elijah said, “It my turn. Hey let’s make it more challenging. Pour water on the wood and get it wet. After they had it thoroughly drenched, Elijah prayed to the real God and immediately the fire from heaven came down and consumed the wood on his Altar and the wood on their altar. Only the true God could do something like this.

As Buddhist monks they are evil to my King and he would not even think about letting them near me. But the children’s hearts haven’t been contaminated yet by the evil. My King allowed them to walk up to me with no hindrance. There is also a lesson here to realize how valuable are children are and we need to reach them before their hearts are contaminated. I have never done anything quite like this one but again my King gets the Glory and the Victory and I got to see it all.

Meeting Gestapo

After the Friday night undercover police Bible study, my King had me go to a different part of Colfax Avenue where it’s a little bit more ritzy. I haven’t been here in a long time. I began walking the street. All of a sudden three white vans pulled up in my vicinity. All three of the vans had swastikas on them. My King said, “Go and talk to these guys and tell him about the love of Jesus Christ.” As I approached their vans, they all got out. You should have seen these guys. They were all blonde and fully dressed in Gestapo uniforms. You swear that these guys were right out of a movie the way they were dressed. They all carried German ruger’s on their side. They asked me, “What do you want?” I said, “Don’t you guys know that Adolph Hitler is dead.” They replied, “He was the greatest man ever.” I know where he is today so I asked, “My King wants me to ask you a question? Are you guys good swimmers.” They said, “Yeah we’re good swimmers.”

I then said, “If you continue the path you are on today, you are going to be spending your eternity in the Lake of Fire. He wants you to change your destiny by giving your hearts to Jesus Christ. He loves you very much and he has other purposes for your life.” I paused then said, “Tomorrow is never promised. You need to give your hearts to him today.” They replied, “We are not interested in what you are trying to tell us.”

I said, “When you see my King, you will not be able to tell him that no one told you about the love of Jesus Christ because I am telling you that now.” They were becoming increasingly irritated. They said, “We are going to shoot you. We do not want to hear any of this.”

I said, “Let me pray for you before you shoot me.” Normally, people let me pray for them but they still continued to go for their guns. Suddenly, all these Mustang showed up and surrounded these guys. The Latinos jumped out of their cars with both of their 9 mm Berettas pointed at these guys. Lorenzo said, “I see that you are mistreating Sonny. You better keep those guns in their holsters right now. In fact, I want you to get back into your vans right now and our state. I will send three of my boys to make sure that you don’t get lost.” The guys in the van said, “We have an appointment to meet someone here.” Lorenzo replied, “Your meeting has been canceled by me.” One of the men looked at me and asked, “Do you own these guys?” After almost shooting me they were hoping I would let them stay. I said, “No. No one owns these guys. They just protect me and believe what I say.” I did not have an opportunity to pray for them at all. Lorenzo made sure they all got in their vans. You should have seen them leave heading east to Kansas. Lorenzo said, “Three of you go and follow them to make sure they exit Colorado. Wait there on the state line for three hours. If they turn around and come back, just shoot them.”

I do take Lorenzo seriously. He told me about a time that they were wintering in California. A MS-13 gang, which are the most violent of all gangs, tried to take the city. I asked him what happened. He said when we got through, their cars were shot up badly and bodies were on the ground. The MS-13 lost the battle. He did not say whether they were physically shot or just beaten up. Lorenzo’s gang would rather beat up the bad guy than shooting them if they can. This goes to show you that our King can use anybody to protect me. Eventually Lorenzo’s gang will give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I continue to pray and love these guys until they finally give their hearts over to Jesus Christ.