Meeting Gestapo

After the Friday night undercover police Bible study, my King had me go to a different part of Colfax Avenue where it’s a little bit more ritzy. I haven’t been here in a long time. I began walking the street. All of a sudden three white vans pulled up in my vicinity. All three of the vans had swastikas on them. My King said, “Go and talk to these guys and tell him about the love of Jesus Christ.” As I approached their vans, they all got out. You should have seen these guys. They were all blonde and fully dressed in Gestapo uniforms. You swear that these guys were right out of a movie the way they were dressed. They all carried German ruger’s on their side. They asked me, “What do you want?” I said, “Don’t you guys know that Adolph Hitler is dead.” They replied, “He was the greatest man ever.” I know where he is today so I asked, “My King wants me to ask you a question? Are you guys good swimmers.” They said, “Yeah we’re good swimmers.”

I then said, “If you continue the path you are on today, you are going to be spending your eternity in the Lake of Fire. He wants you to change your destiny by giving your hearts to Jesus Christ. He loves you very much and he has other purposes for your life.” I paused then said, “Tomorrow is never promised. You need to give your hearts to him today.” They replied, “We are not interested in what you are trying to tell us.”

I said, “When you see my King, you will not be able to tell him that no one told you about the love of Jesus Christ because I am telling you that now.” They were becoming increasingly irritated. They said, “We are going to shoot you. We do not want to hear any of this.”

I said, “Let me pray for you before you shoot me.” Normally, people let me pray for them but they still continued to go for their guns. Suddenly, all these Mustang showed up and surrounded these guys. The Latinos jumped out of their cars with both of their 9 mm Berettas pointed at these guys. Lorenzo said, “I see that you are mistreating Sonny. You better keep those guns in their holsters right now. In fact, I want you to get back into your vans right now and our state. I will send three of my boys to make sure that you don’t get lost.” The guys in the van said, “We have an appointment to meet someone here.” Lorenzo replied, “Your meeting has been canceled by me.” One of the men looked at me and asked, “Do you own these guys?” After almost shooting me they were hoping I would let them stay. I said, “No. No one owns these guys. They just protect me and believe what I say.” I did not have an opportunity to pray for them at all. Lorenzo made sure they all got in their vans. You should have seen them leave heading east to Kansas. Lorenzo said, “Three of you go and follow them to make sure they exit Colorado. Wait there on the state line for three hours. If they turn around and come back, just shoot them.”

I do take Lorenzo seriously. He told me about a time that they were wintering in California. A MS-13 gang, which are the most violent of all gangs, tried to take the city. I asked him what happened. He said when we got through, their cars were shot up badly and bodies were on the ground. The MS-13 lost the battle. He did not say whether they were physically shot or just beaten up. Lorenzo’s gang would rather beat up the bad guy than shooting them if they can. This goes to show you that our King can use anybody to protect me. Eventually Lorenzo’s gang will give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I continue to pray and love these guys until they finally give their hearts over to Jesus Christ.