First Date Miracle

It was the first Saturday evening in May and I needed to purchase some Coke for one of the gangs that I was going to feed. Normally my sister keeps me supplied in all the soda pop I need but for some reason she either forgot to get the Coke or they were sold out. So I headed down to the King Soopers store near where I was at. I got in line behind two young boys who were purchasing a pack of gum. They began talking about their dates they had for tonight.  From their conservation, I could tell they and their dates are home schooled. As they paid for their package of chewing gum, they realized they only had $35 left in their wallet. They promised to take their dates to Red Robin and they knew that would not be enough. One said, “Man, it may cost us nearly $80 to dine there. I am too embarrassed to tell them we don’t have the money to go to dinner.” For both of them, it was their first date. Even though they have known their dates for a long time, they still wanted to impress them. He then said, “We need a miracle.” The other boy said, “Let’s pray about it. We serve an awesome God and we’ll just ask him to provide a miracle for us.” They were not concerned at what anybody might say about them praying out loud. I don’t think they even knew that I was standing behind them. They physically joined hands and started praying out loud for a miracle.

My King said, “Give the $120 that Blue Mustang gave you to bless my people.” After they finished praying, I asked, “Would it be okay if somebody helped you out right now.” They said, “It sure would be cool.” I then reached in my pocket and pulled out the money and handed it to them. But one boy said, “This would not be right. Our girlfriends are not here and they need to see this. We want them to know where this money came from.” I marveled at the character this boy displayed. I agreed and followed them outside. When the girls saw me following them, they both got out of the back seat. They were beautiful and classily dressed for their dates. They all showed class. They were curious what was going on. One boy exclaimed what happened in the store and how God answered their prayer. As he finished explaining everything, an older couple showed up. They said, “We heard your dilemma and how you prayed for a miracle.” The man looked at the boys and said, “You keep that money for a second date. Here is $100 for tonight.” My King has been taking Blue Mustang’s money and multiples it every time it blesses someone. It was hard to hold the tears back as our King did the miracle. One of the girls was highly anointed with the Holy Spirit. She climbed into the car to get the anointing oil in her purse. She started praying and anointing all of us present and my ministry. I gave all of them my ministry cards. When she finished anointing everyone, it became emotional as the Holy Spirit began to move. Soon it was time for them to go to dinner. What a dinner that was going to be. They would be discussing what happened tonight.

A few days later, one of the dads called. He had to share what happened when he went to church that Sunday. Normally, the pastor gets a praise report later in the service; but since he was going to do a sermon on miracles, he decided to ask if anybody in the church had experienced a miracle this week. Both of the boys and the girls stood up. The girls were sitting on one side of the church and the boys were sitting on the other. The pastor said, “I know that all of you just had your first date. Come forward and share your miracle with us.” They excitedly told the congregation what happened. The church even applauded at what happened. The Dad made sure that I knew that I changed their kids lives. I assured him that it was the Holy Spirit that set all of this up from the mistake of the Coke and to the blessing of your children. Our King kept his promise of the result praying to him and receiving a victory. We need to give the Glory and the Victory to him. You and I both get to see it.