Brothers Received Miracle

Today is the 2nd Saturday of May. My King sent me to a park in Denver to witness to some more gangs. As I was getting close to my destination, my King said, “Sonny, go to the store and break the $100 bill Blue Mustang gave you into two $50’s.” I knew that my King was about to bless some people. When I arrived at the park, I noticed two small families praying together before eating lunch. The Holy Spirit began to share with me how stressed out each family was. Each of the parents had one child. The family on the left had a little boy and the family on the right had a little girl. I have seen families eating at the park before but both families today shared just one package each of Salami, Bologna, cheese and one small bag of chips. They bought it all at the dollar store. Both dads are brothers who started new jobs. It will be next Friday before either will get paid. They had just enough money for gas but nothing to buy groceries with until payday. I walked quietly up to them holding my Bible in my hand as they finished their prayer with “Amen”.

They asked, “How can we help you?” I said, “I’m here to help all of you.” I then said, “There is man called Blue Mustang that gave me money to bless people this week that are struggling financially. So here’s $70 for you and $70 dollars for you.” As I laid the money into their hands, the parents started to cry.

I had friends that are undercover police sitting at a picnic table nearby. They saw what I was doing and came over and introduced themselves to the parents. They were careful to keep their identities a secret. They said, “Sonny is a good friend of ours. God told us to come and take you guys grocery shopping.” The blessing is multiplying again. The parents started to cry even more. They hugged us and thanked God for me and my friends. They said, “We know that you, Blue Mustang and your friends were all sent to us by God.” They remained choked up after experiencing a miracle and the fast answer to prayer. They then followed my friends to a Walmart store. My King would not let the gangs interfere with blessing the families. The gangs did not arrive at the park until they left. My friends reported back to me that they bought each family $300 worth of groceries. Our King is Faithful and loves all us very much. He did not like what they were going to experience and answered their prayer. That is part of the calling of Jesus Christ is to help one another. Also, God blesses us so we can bless others. It is not to retire and do nothing.