Single Mom is Blessed

It is Saturday June 19. I began heading to Denver and I was anticipating that God would be sending me back to the same King Soopers store to bless another family. But as I was getting close to what I thought would be my destination, God said, “Sonny, do not stop here. I want you to drive over to a specific Dollar Store.” He directed me there and told me where to park. I sat there for nearly 20 minutes before anything happened. My King is still teaching me patience. I have learned to pray for the hearts of the people whom my King wants to bless. Then I saw this single mom and her son walking toward the store. God revealed to me that was her. Other things that he showed me was her son is 2 years old today and was about ready to have a birthday party. He also showed me that she only had a partial bottle of milk and a partial bottle of orange juice in her frigerator and there was nothing else. Her husband cheated on her and decided to abandon her and go in another direction with another woman. She has been doing her best to raise her son on her own. They were going to have a birthday celebration for her son Caleb at the park today.

I watched her as she began shopping. Her son Caleb was getting hungry and wanted a snack. She said, “We only have enough money to pick up a few things.” This is the time to break the ice. I introduced myself to her and said, “God has revealed to me that you have only a partial bottle of milk and orange juice in your refrigerator and basically you have no food in your home.” She began to cry as I revealed this to her. I then said, “Blue Mustang blesses people each week with their finances.” I handed her $140 to buy groceries. She started to cry even more and began opening her heart to me. She has been praying fervently that God would do a miracle in her finances. I carefully listened to every word she said. I was not paying any attention to anyone around me; but an older couple was listening and watching. She picked up the things she needed for the party and a snack for Caleb. I told her that I was going to pay for her items at the checkout. The manager running the check out said, “No, I am going to pay for her items.” God was already beginning to multiply the $140 that I gave her. We then left the store. The old couple in the store brought out six more balloons. They came up to us and gave her the balloons and $200 in cash for groceries and said, “We heard your story and we want to help out.” God just multipled the $140 again. The mom was excited and was giving Glory to our King for answering her prayers. About that time her mom came by to check out to see if she had enough money to buy all the supplies. She excitedly told her mom everything that just happened. It was definitely a shock to her to discover that total strangers would bless her daughter like this. But she to gave Glory to our King.

They invited me to come to the party. My King said that would be okay to go. I think he had other plans to show his love when I got there. As the young mom began celebrating Caleb’s birthday, she started sharing the wonderful news on how God blessed her and Caleb at the Dollar Store while pointing at me. I finally had an opportunity to address the crowd. I began telling them how our God loves us so much and he really wants to bless us. They were so excited about how God took care of Caleb’s mom. 124 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ at the park this day. Blue Mustang and I want to continue to be there for God so he can continue to bless his people who have financial needs. It is continually fun to see how God blesses people. I am glad that God has added blessing his people this to this ministry that he created.

The Real Superman

I have always enjoyed the Superman movies. It was exciting to see the man of steel take out the bad guys. This man of steel, just look at those beautiful steel buildings he created, is doing the same thing today. I think President Trump has improved the quality of the movie. What an inspiration to see the man in action!

More coolness from the man!

Isaiah 41:10

It is Saturday morning. I asked God if I needed to go to the same King Soopers store today. He confirmed that I needed to go there. God had me go to that same King Soopers on Saturday. There is something about this $140 that Blue Mustang gives me and how God is always applying it to families. They are hurting and they need it when I get there. The next step God then multiplies it. Again my King has me park in the exact same spot in the parking lot. God has taught me patience but I am still working on it because nothing ever moves fast enough for me. God is always telling me, “Sonny,  just be still and know that I am God.” To keep myself busy, I begin to pray for the hearts of those people who I am going to meet today. I was sitting in the quiet of my pickup. I closed my eyes and began praying for those whom I was to meet. I also began worshipping God while I was sitting there waiting. Suddenly, somebody tapped on the passenger window on my pickup. I rolled my window down and asked them how I could help. He said, “I know this that you have the verse Isaiah 41:10 on your pickup. We pulled up here next to you, hungry and not knowing what to do. We looked the verse up and it is a very powerful verse.

10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I just wanted to thank you for putting that verse on your truck. We needed that word today. We were not sure why but there were King Soopers a lot closer to us but God said, “No, I want you to drive over to this King Soopers.” We told our daughters to have faith that God had something planned for us today. I said, “Let me get out of the pickup and talk to you.” I then told him that my King had me put that specific verse on my pickup. People do read it as they pull up beside me. It is fun when I pull up to a stop light. You can see the driver signaling to the passenger to look up the verse that’s on my door. This verse gives so many people hope.

The couple’s name was Rachel and Fernando. The daughters are Megan and Nancy. I said, “How can I pray for you guys?” Rachel got out of the vehicle and said, “We are hungry. We only have one loaf of bread at home. God had us drive over here. He said that there would be someone here with a word. And the word he wanted us to see was on the side of your pickup.”

I said, “Jesus Christ loves you very much. Now I want to tell you about Blue Mustang.” They exclaimed, “Blue Mustang.” Megan said, “I like Mustangs. They are the coolest cars in the world.”

I continued, “God has put it in his heart to buy food for families.” Megan said, “God bless Blue Mustang because I am hungry.” I said, “Let’s go in to the store and do some shopping.” I have asked myself why I just don’t give them the money but that is not what my King wants me to do. The time we spend with people is as valuable as financially giving to people. We always need to remember this. I learned this lesson from witnessing to the homeless people on that one extremely cold winter night. My presence with them changed their lives forever. Now they are out on their own supporting homeless people just because of the time I invested with them.

When I walked into the store the manager saw me. The manager soon walked away. The assistant manager then came out. She also knew what I was up to and she held her to hands together symbolizing that she is praying. We walked around the store together and I said, “Whatever you need, just put it in your cart and I will take care of it.” Rachel said, “I know exactly what I need for the week.” As she began shopping, I began talking with Fernando and their daughters. Rachel had the cart pretty well full by the time she got everything she needed. We headed for the checked out. The bill came out to be $217. The assistant manager put her hand on my back to prevent me from getting out my wallet. She said, “This bill is taken care of.” Both the assistant manager, manager and the employees that worked this shift all contributed to paying for their groceries. The family is Christian and they all love God. After we got the groceries sacked, we headed back towards the parking lot. I looked at them and said, “We need to go and fill your vehicle with gas. I put the $140 in an envelope that always says “Be Blessed” on it. I said, “This came from Blue Mustang and God. You do not need to look inside to see how much it is.” But the little girl smiled at me and said, “Don’t you remember you? You told us that Blue Mustang always gives $140.” I chuckled and said, “You are right. ” Another manager comes out that takes care of the shift changes. He asked, “Sonny, are you are you blessing another family again?” He saw the envelope I gave them and said, “Why that blue Mustang!” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a gift card. He said, “Here, I always have five $50 gift cards on me for blessing people. Give this card to them.” Of course their fuel gauge was pegged on the E. We went over to the gas pumps where  Isaiah, the store manager,  filled their vehicle with fuel.

The parents acknowledged to their daughters that God was faithful today. He brought us here today and a miracle happened. I also know that the daughters are going to remember this day for a long time. My King gets the Glory and Victory. We are not through blessing families. We are having way too much fun to quit doing this.

Father’s Day Card Miracle

Saturday I went to a park in Commerce City. Before I parked, I observed my surroundings. There were five different gangs at the park. I had already picked up all the breakfast burritos, granola bars, donuts and drinks. With five gangs, I was beginning to doubt whether I had enough food for everyone. I only had five dozen burritos. I was thinking maybe my King might have to do the the “five loaves of bread and two fish” miracle in order to have enough to go around. As I was pondering this question, two of the gangs all of the sudden got in their cars and left. I have seen this behavior from these two gangs before. I will watch them as they talk to each other; then they all get into their cars and leave. They must have some business deal going on.

As I turned my attention to the other three gangs, the two older gangs began surrounding the younger 18 member gang. It looked as though that gang was going to get into a lot of trouble. If you have not established territory at a park, the other gangs can remove you by whatever means they want. The situation was not looking good and God knew it. He said, “Sonny, drive your pickup onto the grass right between both gangs to intervene. We have to stop this.” Normally, I would never drive up on the grass at any park. But when my King said go, I did as he asked. I have learned hesitation can be harmful to those he wants to protect. The action of my pickup going between them definitely distracted what they were about to do. I did know the leader from the gang on the left. He came over and tapped on my window with his pistol barrel. I rolled down my window and asked, “Are you guys hungry?” He said, “What are you doing man?”

I said, “I brought you guys food to eat. If you don’t want it, I will take it to the homeless. They will eat it up.” He exclaimed, “Oh no. We are very hungry.” He then asked, “What is your name?”

I replied, “Look at my door. What does it say?” He read my name on the pickup. I continued, “That’s me.” The leader of the gang on the right, Rico, came around and said, “This is Sonny. He always gives us breakfast. This guy serves good food.” In a less enthusiastic tone he then said, “He talks about Jesus Christ.” His tone then switched and he said, “If you don’t like that, you can leave now and will eat the food.” The other gang leader said, “No … No .. No.” He then looked at me and said, “What do you have?” I told him what I have. He loved what I brought. God knows our likes and dislikes and he has me bring what they want. I have learned the phrase “Serve them first and they will listen”. Rico said, “Put your weapons away. Sonny is a good guy. He won’t hurt any of us. Let us call a truce.”

I asked, “What are you guys doing to this younger gang?” Both gangs said, “We are going to teach them a lesson. You do not show up at a park without first owning that part the park. We own this park. If they are going to be part of this park, they are going to have to fight us for it.”

I said, “Let us not fight right now. Let’s just eat.” The gangs were hungry and wanted eat now. They said, “Okay man.” I laid out all the breakfast burritos, donuts, milk and orange juice. The girls dug into the donuts like crazy. They talked about how good they tasted. All the gangs thoroughly enjoyed everything I seved. I then asked, “Are you guys ready for a word from God?” They replied, “Come on man. We’re eating breakfast right now.” I said, “Remember, you are eating breakfast because of Blue Mustang and others who made this meal possible.” With hesitation, they said, “Go ahead and talk about Jesus.” I always read John 3:16 because it’s such a powerful verse. It defines why I am here. I read it very loud because they were a lot of people present between the three gangs. One asked, “Why would Jesus come down or step down from heaven for me. I have done a lot of bad things.” He paused to think about what he had heard about Jesus when he was younger. Then he said, “So, he knew who I was even before I was born and he knew that I would become this. But yet he still came.” He still was having a difficult time understanding the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us.

I said, “Again, it is because he loved the world so much. He loves you. He knows you by your name. He created you not for this world but for his Kingdom. But you still live in this world to serve him.” He then said, “If he died for our sins, why do I have to ask for forgiveness?”

I replied, “It is a choice that you have to make to accept him. If you do not ask for forgiveness, you will not see his Kingdom.” I then asked, “Are you good swimmers? Because if you don’t you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity. After you give your life to Jesus Christ he will give your life a new purpose. You will go back to your families and he will show you what to do. You need to seek his heart.” I then held up my Bible and said, “His heart is in his word.” The gang then said, “You make it look real easy.”

I said, “Accepting him is easy but it’s the walk that can be challenging. You need to serve him daily. Not to live for ourselves but to serve others as Jesus did.” Then they asked, “What else do you have for us?” I walked over to my pickup. I had a box that I picked up from work. My King had me go to the Dollar Store and pick up Father’s Day cards for all of them. Of course he told me how many I would need. I brought the box over to the table and started passing cards out to all three gangs. They gave me that strange look and exclaimed, “Father’s Day cards.”

I said, “Every one of you have a father. Just write something to your father. Just say something like thank you for creating me. Even if you may not have a perfect father, he does love you. We are not perfect either.” I could tell some did not have a good relationship with their dads. Then I said, “If your dad wasn’t a good Dad, you need to forgive him. Just write down on the card ‘Happy Father’s Day’ if you have nothing to say.” I began passing out a bunch of old pens that I had stashed away for them to write their messages. They all sat down and started writing messages in their cards. The girls were the first ones to start crying. One of the leaders asked, ” Why did you bring these cards? This is hurting me.”

I asked, “How long has it been since you seen your mom and dad?” They began responding to my question. Many of them said to me that that’s been over three years. I said, “You put a name and address on your envelope. I will put a stamp on it and I will mail them for you.” One girl said, “You don’t have to mail mine. I have decided to go home. I am going to call my parents right now.” When she said this, it was like someone throwing a stone into the water. When the ripples moves across the water, it changes everything. The gang they were going to beat up all began calling home first to ask if they could come back home. They did all of this in front of the other two gangs. The girls from those gangs asked, “Are you guys really going home?” They confirmed that was the plan. One of the girls then said, “I am done with this life. I’m calling home.” The other girls got the push they needed to do the same. They began calling home also. The remaining gangs both looked at each other. Finally, they began speaking up and said, “I am ready to go home also.” Another then said, “I’m going to call home and talk to my dad.” None of them were sure if their parents would even take them back. I encouraged them to try. That young gang that was trying to establish a position at the park, ended up wanting to go home instead.

It was strange when God asked me to get them Father’s Day cards. I said, “I am here to deliver them a message.” My King acknowledged, “You are delivering a message. Just tell them what I tell you to say. The cards will be the catalyst.” I had to apologize to my King for trying to figure this thing out and not seeing his plan. Some of them bypassed the cards and immediately called their parents. Eventually everybody wrote something in their card. You could hear some arguing going on between some of the gang members and their parents. They were still trying to figure things out. The young gang all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. One thing that happened from all the discussions that the boys were having with their parents, they soon began showing up here at the park. Each boy began handing their Father’s Day card to their dad. When they started reading what they put on their card, they began crying. From listening to their conversations, I could tell about 40% of their parents were already Christians. I walked over to those parents who were not and asked them if they wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ. One of the parents said, “If my son is willing to give his life to Jesus Christ, I want to do the same.” I began praying for those parents. While I was praying, more parents started showing up. The boys were all making phone calls to their dads. I kept jumping from gang to gang to pray and answer questions as more showed up. Luckily, the young gang had already accepted Jesus Christ and they began getting ready to home with their parents. By the end of the day I felt like a pinball machine but I was sure having fun doing it. Soon, all the gangs were crying with their families. There were eight in one gang and fourteen in the other gang who gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Those that didn’t accept Jesus Christ did talk with their parents but they eventually went to their cars and left. It is a beginning. I have planted seeds into their life. It was a beginning of healing and restoration of the family.

The Dads were amazed by what just happened. They asked, “You bought them Father’s Day cards. And that is what started all of this.” I said, “That is what my King said for me to do. The cards get them right in their heart. It is now time for you decide disciple your children. Love them and do not ignore them like you did before. Show them who Jesus Christ is through your life.”

Those three gangs were all ready to fight. The Holy Spirit transformed their hearts and now they’re either giving their life to Jesus Christ or going home. Fighting is the last thing on their mind today. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

The Ranger that was on duty at that park that day knew what I was up to and did not do anything about me driving on the grass. We met earlier in my Ministry at this same park. He was an alcoholic. Somehow was able to keep this job of being a park ranger. One day, he was so drunk that he passed out in the back of his park pickup. I could smell the liquor on him when I walked by the pickup. My King said, “Sonny, stand there and wait till he wakes up. You talk to him about me.” When he finally awoke, I asked him if he was hungry. I said, “I have a Double Cheese Whopper and a Coke. Let’s sit down at this table and eat.” The ranger just barely made it out of his pickup. I started reading the word of God to him. I read John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 to him and explain these verses to him. I said, “God has a purpose for your life. He’s not here to harm you. He wants you to get rid of that liquor and take hold of this world.” I gave him a Bible. God at this moment sobered him up. He began puking all the stuff up that was in his stomach. He has not touched a drop of liquor since.

He saw everything how the gangs turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. He saw the transformation of their anger into joy. He went home and called his family to share what he witnessed. He wanted to bring them here to the park. Most everyone has left the park by now. I was sitting down on a bench and just praising God for what just happened. That is when I saw the Ranger bring his family. There were a total of 30 people involved in that family. When they all came around where I was, he pointed at me and said, “This man is the real deal. He will tell you about Jesus. I am sick and tired of the fighting amongst our family members. We fight all the time for no reason. I want this guy to pray for us as a family. I saw everything that he did with these gangs today and he will tell you that it was God who did everything. I want to be able to get together as a family and not fight.” He looked at his family then looked at me and said, “Sonny, please pray for us.” As I prayed for them, they started confessing. One brother said, “I have not talked to my brother for seven years.” as he pointed him out. One said, “I had four brothers but I only talk to one of them.”

I said, “Everyone here has to forgive and let go of anything that happened in the past. Yesterday is gone but God’s mercies are new everyday. You have to be able to forgive or my King will not be able to forgive you. If anybody needs forgiveness, I want you to walk up to them and ask for it.” After they began doing this, they began hugging each other and crying. I then said, “Any of you who wants your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, come over here.” They all came to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ. After they accepted Jesus Christ, they did something that they never did before. They call Pizza Hut and had them deliver pizza to the park. They all sat down together as a family without fighting. They have been fighting constantly for over eight years and now they are hugging each other. The Holy Spirit is powerful enough to transform anyone’s heart. Sometimes the only thing that is needed to make it happen is to pray and have a desire to change.

Turning Garbage into Blessings

I made a trip down to Denver on Saturday to witness to new gangs. God had me pull into the same King Soopers he has asked me stop at many times. I assumed the reason he had me stop was going to be another family that needs to be blessed. It was around lunch time. I already purchased a BK Whopper and a drink. As I was eating my meal, I was getting impatient and said, “Lord, I don’t see anybody here that needs anything.” God replied, “Be patient! Just finished your meal and enjoy it while it’s hot.” I finished eating and continued to watch. A family appeared between two empty parking places walking to the store. God said, “That is the family I want to bless.” The family had one girl and two boys. I got out and started following the family to the store. I heard the wife talking to her husband. She said, “I have this list and I don’t know why I even made it because we can’t afford to buy anything on it.” I could feel her disappointment. She then said, “Let us get enough ingredients to make some sandwiches and forget the rest.” She then took the list she had in her hand and crumpled it up into a wad. She just made a hook shot and tried to hit the open trash can that was nearby. She did not realize how close I was behind her. I reached out and snagged it before it went into the trash can. She just caught a glimpse of me next to her but did not realize what I did. She turned around and asked, “Did I just hit you?” I said, “No, you did not hit me.”

When we entered the store, they went shopping for sandwich ingredients. I went to the manager right away and said, “There is this family who came into this store and they only have enough money to buy some ingredients for sandwiches.” I then laid out the list in front of the manager. I then said, “I need your team to fill this list out right now. I want you to double everything that is on this list.” The manager excitedly said, “Ok, I will take care of it for you.” She went and made four copies of the list right away and gave a copy of it to four different employees. She told each one what section to go to and to only fill out that part of the list in their section. I knew that the family would be back to checkout before they could locate everything. I looked at the manager and said, “We need somebody to to distract them for a while to give your employees enough time to get everything.” She said, “I am on it. I am going to send a couple of my girls to go and talk to their little girl.” They went over to the family and started complimenting the little girl on how good she looked and just dialogued with her just to waste time. The little girl didn’t mind telling them about her how her mom made her dress, her love going to the park and some of the other things that she like to do. I watched everything unfold from a distance. The employees got back with their carts. We dumped everything from all the carts into a single cart. The family came and got in line right behind me. I was pushing the cart with all the food in it. The wife started examining my cart and she noticed that everything that was in my cart was on her list. I turned around and asked, “Is that all that you are getting?” The husband said, “Yes, this is all we are getting.”

I turned to the checker and said, “Just add their items in their cart to my bill.” The husband asked, “You are going to buy our groceries?”

I said, “Yes, I want to do that.” They greatfully said, “Thank you. We sure needed that.” The checker tallied the bill which came out to be $195. I got my wallet out to pay the bill. The checker said, “No need for your wallet. Somebody has already taken care of that bill.” I found out later that it was one of the managers who covered the entire grocery bill. The family said, “Did somebody really pay for your whole basket?” At that moment I said, “They paid for your groceries. These are all yours. Here is the list that I confiscated from you.” I unwrapped the list and laid it down in front of her. The wife started crying when she saw that it was her list. She said, “You got to be kidding.” She began looking around to see if there are cameras around. She sarcastically asked, “Is this a joke?” I said, “No, it is a blessing.” With teary eyes, she looked over all the groceries in the cart. She then said, “There is more of each item in the cart than was on my the list.”

I said, “Yes, God wanted to bless you. He wants to make sure you had plenty of food.” I then handed her the money that Blue Mustang gave me. I said, “Blue Mustang wants to bless you also. You can use this money to buy gas for your car whatever you else need this week.” The wife replied, “My husband does have a job but he’s not going to get paid until next Friday.” Meanwhile, the manager disappeared for a few minutes. Then she said, “You are giving us all that food plus $140.” Now the husband started crying. He said, “I have been fighting God for a long time but I am not anymore. I want to rededicate my heart to Jesus Christ. I noticed the writing on your T-shirt that says God Over Gangs. You must be a preacher. Nobody would wear that without being one.”

I said, “That is a Ministry that belongs to God. There are a lot of people like Blue Mustang who help me.” The manager came back and gave a $250 gift card to the family. The manager said, “All I ask is that you not buy any liquor or cigarettes with the card. This is a blessing from God.” The husband replied, “We don’t smoke or drink.” The manager then looked over their children and said, “You have beautiful children. Just make sure you take good care of them.”

As we left the store, God said, “Take them over to the pumps and fill their car with your card.” I found out that the fuel gauge was not even registering on their vehicle. It was a miracle from God that they did not run out of gas getting here. They both were still crying and they kept saying, “We just can’t believe it.” I said, “Believe it. God is faithful. Continue to seek God’s heart and not the things of this world and God will bless you for it. Never look behind you but keep looking forward to the finish line.” I prayed with them and anointed them with oil.

After I met this family, their little girl has been holding my hand the entire time. Neither one of us even know each other. The little girl said, “You are amazing Mister.” I said, “It is not me but it’s God who is amazing. He gets all the Glory and I get to see it.” The little girl has been craving chili dogs. She asked, “Do you want to have chili dogs with us tonight?” Their little girl shared a lot with me. The most amazing thing that she said, “Mom and Dad you always tell me God is faithful. Why is everyone surprised when he keeps his word?” That makes you think about who our God is. I left the family in awe and wonder and I am now heading off to witness to the gangs the rest of the day.

I am going to be having chili dogs with her next week. I do not know how to explain it; but every investment we make in people, God has been doubling and even tripling it. I just love how God works. And to think I was about ready to leave the parking lot. This King Soopers, especially this parking lot, is definitely anointed. And the people in this store are givers. The manager revealed to me that they are a giving store. They carefully checked their customers baskets and can tell if they are struggling. They will take care of it. That is who we are.

I asked, “How long have you been a Christian.” She said,” I accepted Jesus Christ at 11 years old. It was interesting because my parents could not get a babysitter during the Bible study. I always went to their meeting. When they gave an opportunity for people to come forward for Jesus Christ, I did not hesitate a bit. I came forward quickly. I did not go in the beginning when we first started because I was not ready. But when I finally figured it out who Jesus was, I knew it was time to serve him. I did not waste any time. We all serve him at this store.”

Blue Mustang has given me another $140. He said, “Sonny take this and let’s change another family’s life.” The story that will unfold is going to be amazing. My King gets the Glory and the Victory and he continues to let me see it all.

Basketball Blessing

When I got off work on Friday, my King asked me to go to the bank and get $140. I did as he asked and I placed the money in my wallet. He knew that I had volunteered to go to a children’s walkathon the next day. I was thinking that I was going back to that one King Soopers store where my King is constantly blessing people there. I left the next morning early to arrive there before the walkathon started. While I was there, I prayed with people as they began showing up. By late morning, there was a lot of people participating in the event.

After I finished here, my King had me go to the east side of Denver. He led me to a park where there was five basketball courts. I have never been to this park before. There were cars everywhere. My King said stop and watch the basketball games. I determined that there was some kind a tournament going on here. I kept looking around to see who I was to pray for. As I continue to look on, a beat-up van showed up. Inside the van there was the coach and 11 Hispanic boys. They were there for the tournament. There was a total of 10 teams present; all dressed up in their color of uniform. Then I looked at them as they got out the van. I noticed that their tennis shoes were all duct taped up. Plus they just wore any old t-shirt and shorts to participate in this tournament. My King said, “Sonny, I want you to buy these guys some shoes.” I walked up to them and asked, “Can I pray for you guys?” They all said, “Yes.” I prayed for the whole team. After I finished praying, I asked, “What time do you play?” The coach replied, “We are scheduled to play in an one and a half hours. We are just going to watch them play until it’s our turn.”

I said, “We have time. You guys get in your van and let’s go down to that Payless Shoe store so I can buy your team some new shoes. God said for me to go and bless you.” The coach was not sure what to think. He replied, “You want to buy my boys shoes. My boys don’t have a lot of money. Neither do I; but we have been invited to this tournament.” Before we left for the store, the officials came up and told them that there has been a delay that it would be two and a half hours before your team would be able to play. The coach still in shock verified, “Are you really going to buy my boys new shoes?” I confirmed my answer to him again as we left the park. When we arrived at the Payless shoes, the entire team entered the store and began looking for their size of shoe that they needed. The manager noticed what was going on. He came up to me and asked, “What is going on?” Before I could answer, he then asked, “Are you a basketball team?” The manager then look down at the boys shoes and began crying when he saw the condition of their shoes and immediately was helpful in making sure they got a good fit and the same color. He got the boys all sized up with nice black tennis shoes.

I said, “Give me the bill. I am going to buy their shoes.” The manager replied, “No you’re not. I am going to pitch in half.” When I got through I paid $138 and the manager matched me. There was a family in the store that was bringing breakfast to the manager when we arrived. They were listening and watching what was going on. The Holy Spirit moved in their hearts by what was going on. They came to us and said, “We want to buy uniforms for your boys. We know of a store that specializes in uniforms.” We still had time to spare and they took the boys to something that looks like a Nike store. The family said, “Boys, give them your numbers and they will put them on your jerseys right away.” They picked out black jerseys with white lettering. I asked, “What is the name of your team?” The boys replied, “God Is Faithful.” I replied, “Now, that is a real cool team name.” Both the coach and his team really believe in their team name. It was getting closer to the time that we should head back to the tournament. I said, “I will pitch in what I have left to help pay for the uniforms. The family exclaimed, “We are going to pay for the uniforms. God said bless these boys with new uniforms.” The family began paying for the uniforms. The guys in the back began printing everyone’s uniforms out with their team numbers. The boys began dressing up as soon as their uniform finished printing.

They all looked sharp in their new uniforms and new tennis shoes.
After the boys saw what they look like decked out, they began to hug me and the family. They were grinning ear-to-ear with what God just did for them. I anointed them with oil and prayed over them as they stood there in their uniforms. The boys said, “We have been embarrassed playing in the tournaments because we could not afford uniforms but we have been winning and that is the reason why we’ve been invited to be here at this tournament today. This is totally cool what has just happened to us.” The coach revealed to me that they have been praying for shoes and uniforms for three years. God is always on time when he does something. I am sure he tested that team out. God looks for greatful hearts in people who trust him by giving him their very best even if circumstances are not good. These boys always stand tall and apply everything they have when they play the game.

God gave us enough time to get all this accomplished. We still had 25 minutes before the boys were ready to play. When their bracket came up, it sounded so cool when the announcer said, “The Eastside Rockets are now playing against God Is Faithful.” As the boys were beginning to line up to play, the weather changed from cloudy to mostly sunny. Ideal playing conditions were on their side. They huddled together and signaled for me to come over and pray with them. I said, “I am going to pray for victory. I want you to go out there and play for the Kingdom of God.”

It was interesting to watch the families of this Hispanic team when they showed up. They kept looking for their kids and were having difficulty spotting them because they did not recognize them in their new uniforms. Some of them finally recognize them and came up and asked, “Where did you get the uniforms?” The boys pointed at me and said, “This guy took us down to the Payless Shoe store. He and the owner paid for our shoes.” Meanwhile the the couple that paid for the uniforms had already showed up to watch and film the game. The boys pointed towards where that family sat down. They then said, “Those people over there bought our uniforms.” The families loved the new uniforms they picked out.

The teams that were about to play was undefeated just as they were. “God Is Faithful” and the team from Parker are exact opposites. You could tell every one of the parents from the Parker team drove high-end cars. Their boys appeared to have the latest and greatest of everything for training to get to where they were today. “God Is Faithful” only had their love for each other and the power of God on their side. Those who have the power of God on their side will always be a match to any opponent. When “God Is Faithful” started playing, you should have seen them go. You swear that some of them played for the Harlem Globetrotters. Some of the stunts they could do with the ball was incredible. They passed and/or bounced balls through the legs of their opponents. That is frustrating to their opponents mentally. Four of them were three point shooters. Everybody on the team was accurate in their shooting. They used teamwork to their advantage to get to where they are today. Most basketball teams send men into basket for a rebound when a team member shoots the ball. Not these guys; they immediately head down toward their opponent’s goal post because of the shooting accuracy of each team member. Every time “God Is Faithful” scores, they point up giving credit to God. They won this undefeated team by 32 points.

What is really amazing about this team is their desire to live like Jesus Christ. Almost no fouling occurs when you live for him. This also prevents free points going to the other team. Their love shown the whole game. A referee was trying to catch up with the speed of the game being played. He made a bad twist on his ankle and went down hard. It looked very bad. The “God Is Faithful” coach gave his team anointing oil. The team immediately went over and surrounded the referee as he laid on the floor. They put their hands on his ankle and body and immediately started praying for him. After they finish praying, the referee just stood up. The referee too was surprised that he could stand up. He thought he was done for for the rest of the game. He thought to himself, “Man, I think I broke my ankle. It really hurt when I went down.” What the boys did was about to change the referee’s life forever. He was really pumped. He looked at the boys and said, “I feel great. Thank you boys for what you did for me.” The boys made sure he knew it was our King who did the miracle. They were only being obedient. The whole crowd was amazed at the boys sportsmanship. They went over to the other team and complimented them whenever they made a great shot. If someone tumbled, they would go and help pick them up. When the game was finally over with, they went over and prayed with the other team who weren’t even Christians. The coach from the opposing team asked the boys that they were welcome to play for them. The captain of the team said, “No, we have grown up in the same new neighborhood for years. We played basketball together since we were little. This team belongs to our King. We are our own team.” The coach said, “You are amazing basketball players.”

The healed referee came over to the boys and asked, “Are you Christians?” They acknowledged they were. The referee then said, “What must I do to accept Jesus Christ?” The captain of the team said, “It is easy to accept Jesus Christ. But it is not an easy walk. It’s a relationship and not a religion as Sonny told us.” The referee said, “I have my family here but we don’t know where to go to church.” The team captain said, “You’re welcome to come to our church.” Right there at the court, he along with his wife and two little children gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The rest of the teams have already gone home but these men stayed to share Jesus Christ with the referee. The referee complimented them on their uniforms. They said, “We were blessed today. We did not have any uniforms.” They then turned and pointed towards me and said, “You see that guy there and Blue Mustang. They made it possible for us to get uniforms today.” They went into more detail on how it all unfolded. They all gave credit to our King for what happened to them today. One of the team members came up to me and said, “You know, today is the first day that I played a game and my feet have not been killing me. We just could not afford to buy new shoes.”

When we left the basketball courts and headed back to our van, the referee asked, “Is that your van there?” The coach nodded. The referee looked over the condition of their van then said, “We have a 15 passenger van that we purchased at an auction. We thought about doing some coaching but we do not have enough time to do that. I want to give this van to you.” More blessings came to this team today. This is going to be a day this team will always remember. I believe they will use the events that happened today to bring many people into God’s Kingdom. I am excited just writing it down.

The couple that bought their uniform have the game recorded on video. They were so impressed on how they played that they are trying to find a way to submit their playing skills to a university or college so that these boys can be recognized for their talent. Whenever I give support to someone, my King brings people like this family and the Payless manager into the picture. My blessing is always being multipled by others. This shows you how much our God truly loves us.

The coach now has a good van to drive the team in. He decided to go to section of Colfax and park his old van there. He put a sign on it saying “free van”. Another youth pastor was looking for a van. He was from a new church. The youth ministry was needing some transportation. The coach was not trying to hang anything on him and told him about the condition of the van. But it does have a new motor and tires. Free definitely intrigued the youth pastor. He greatfully took the van home. God works in many ways. I have no idea what I will be doing next but it will not be boring. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.