Turning Garbage into Blessings

I made a trip down to Denver on Saturday to witness to new gangs. God had me pull into the same King Soopers he has asked me stop at many times. I assumed the reason he had me stop was going to be another family that needs to be blessed. It was around lunch time. I already purchased a BK Whopper and a drink. As I was eating my meal, I was getting impatient and said, “Lord, I don’t see anybody here that needs anything.” God replied, “Be patient! Just finished your meal and enjoy it while it’s hot.” I finished eating and continued to watch. A family appeared between two empty parking places walking to the store. God said, “That is the family I want to bless.” The family had one girl and two boys. I got out and started following the family to the store. I heard the wife talking to her husband. She said, “I have this list and I don’t know why I even made it because we can’t afford to buy anything on it.” I could feel her disappointment. She then said, “Let us get enough ingredients to make some sandwiches and forget the rest.” She then took the list she had in her hand and crumpled it up into a wad. She just made a hook shot and tried to hit the open trash can that was nearby. She did not realize how close I was behind her. I reached out and snagged it before it went into the trash can. She just caught a glimpse of me next to her but did not realize what I did. She turned around and asked, “Did I just hit you?” I said, “No, you did not hit me.”

When we entered the store, they went shopping for sandwich ingredients. I went to the manager right away and said, “There is this family who came into this store and they only have enough money to buy some ingredients for sandwiches.” I then laid out the list in front of the manager. I then said, “I need your team to fill this list out right now. I want you to double everything that is on this list.” The manager excitedly said, “Ok, I will take care of it for you.” She went and made four copies of the list right away and gave a copy of it to four different employees. She told each one what section to go to and to only fill out that part of the list in their section. I knew that the family would be back to checkout before they could locate everything. I looked at the manager and said, “We need somebody to to distract them for a while to give your employees enough time to get everything.” She said, “I am on it. I am going to send a couple of my girls to go and talk to their little girl.” They went over to the family and started complimenting the little girl on how good she looked and just dialogued with her just to waste time. The little girl didn’t mind telling them about her how her mom made her dress, her love going to the park and some of the other things that she like to do. I watched everything unfold from a distance. The employees got back with their carts. We dumped everything from all the carts into a single cart. The family came and got in line right behind me. I was pushing the cart with all the food in it. The wife started examining my cart and she noticed that everything that was in my cart was on her list. I turned around and asked, “Is that all that you are getting?” The husband said, “Yes, this is all we are getting.”

I turned to the checker and said, “Just add their items in their cart to my bill.” The husband asked, “You are going to buy our groceries?”

I said, “Yes, I want to do that.” They greatfully said, “Thank you. We sure needed that.” The checker tallied the bill which came out to be $195. I got my wallet out to pay the bill. The checker said, “No need for your wallet. Somebody has already taken care of that bill.” I found out later that it was one of the managers who covered the entire grocery bill. The family said, “Did somebody really pay for your whole basket?” At that moment I said, “They paid for your groceries. These are all yours. Here is the list that I confiscated from you.” I unwrapped the list and laid it down in front of her. The wife started crying when she saw that it was her list. She said, “You got to be kidding.” She began looking around to see if there are cameras around. She sarcastically asked, “Is this a joke?” I said, “No, it is a blessing.” With teary eyes, she looked over all the groceries in the cart. She then said, “There is more of each item in the cart than was on my the list.”

I said, “Yes, God wanted to bless you. He wants to make sure you had plenty of food.” I then handed her the money that Blue Mustang gave me. I said, “Blue Mustang wants to bless you also. You can use this money to buy gas for your car whatever you else need this week.” The wife replied, “My husband does have a job but he’s not going to get paid until next Friday.” Meanwhile, the manager disappeared for a few minutes. Then she said, “You are giving us all that food plus $140.” Now the husband started crying. He said, “I have been fighting God for a long time but I am not anymore. I want to rededicate my heart to Jesus Christ. I noticed the writing on your T-shirt that says God Over Gangs. You must be a preacher. Nobody would wear that without being one.”

I said, “That is a Ministry that belongs to God. There are a lot of people like Blue Mustang who help me.” The manager came back and gave a $250 gift card to the family. The manager said, “All I ask is that you not buy any liquor or cigarettes with the card. This is a blessing from God.” The husband replied, “We don’t smoke or drink.” The manager then looked over their children and said, “You have beautiful children. Just make sure you take good care of them.”

As we left the store, God said, “Take them over to the pumps and fill their car with your card.” I found out that the fuel gauge was not even registering on their vehicle. It was a miracle from God that they did not run out of gas getting here. They both were still crying and they kept saying, “We just can’t believe it.” I said, “Believe it. God is faithful. Continue to seek God’s heart and not the things of this world and God will bless you for it. Never look behind you but keep looking forward to the finish line.” I prayed with them and anointed them with oil.

After I met this family, their little girl has been holding my hand the entire time. Neither one of us even know each other. The little girl said, “You are amazing Mister.” I said, “It is not me but it’s God who is amazing. He gets all the Glory and I get to see it.” The little girl has been craving chili dogs. She asked, “Do you want to have chili dogs with us tonight?” Their little girl shared a lot with me. The most amazing thing that she said, “Mom and Dad you always tell me God is faithful. Why is everyone surprised when he keeps his word?” That makes you think about who our God is. I left the family in awe and wonder and I am now heading off to witness to the gangs the rest of the day.

I am going to be having chili dogs with her next week. I do not know how to explain it; but every investment we make in people, God has been doubling and even tripling it. I just love how God works. And to think I was about ready to leave the parking lot. This King Soopers, especially this parking lot, is definitely anointed. And the people in this store are givers. The manager revealed to me that they are a giving store. They carefully checked their customers baskets and can tell if they are struggling. They will take care of it. That is who we are.

I asked, “How long have you been a Christian.” She said,” I accepted Jesus Christ at 11 years old. It was interesting because my parents could not get a babysitter during the Bible study. I always went to their meeting. When they gave an opportunity for people to come forward for Jesus Christ, I did not hesitate a bit. I came forward quickly. I did not go in the beginning when we first started because I was not ready. But when I finally figured it out who Jesus was, I knew it was time to serve him. I did not waste any time. We all serve him at this store.”

Blue Mustang has given me another $140. He said, “Sonny take this and let’s change another family’s life.” The story that will unfold is going to be amazing. My King gets the Glory and the Victory and he continues to let me see it all.