Father’s Day Card Miracle

Saturday I went to a park in Commerce City. Before I parked, I observed my surroundings. There were five different gangs at the park. I had already picked up all the breakfast burritos, granola bars, donuts and drinks. With five gangs, I was beginning to doubt whether I had enough food for everyone. I only had five dozen burritos. I was thinking maybe my King might have to do the the “five loaves of bread and two fish” miracle in order to have enough to go around. As I was pondering this question, two of the gangs all of the sudden got in their cars and left. I have seen this behavior from these two gangs before. I will watch them as they talk to each other; then they all get into their cars and leave. They must have some business deal going on.

As I turned my attention to the other three gangs, the two older gangs began surrounding the younger 18 member gang. It looked as though that gang was going to get into a lot of trouble. If you have not established territory at a park, the other gangs can remove you by whatever means they want. The situation was not looking good and God knew it. He said, “Sonny, drive your pickup onto the grass right between both gangs to intervene. We have to stop this.” Normally, I would never drive up on the grass at any park. But when my King said go, I did as he asked. I have learned hesitation can be harmful to those he wants to protect. The action of my pickup going between them definitely distracted what they were about to do. I did know the leader from the gang on the left. He came over and tapped on my window with his pistol barrel. I rolled down my window and asked, “Are you guys hungry?” He said, “What are you doing man?”

I said, “I brought you guys food to eat. If you don’t want it, I will take it to the homeless. They will eat it up.” He exclaimed, “Oh no. We are very hungry.” He then asked, “What is your name?”

I replied, “Look at my door. What does it say?” He read my name on the pickup. I continued, “That’s me.” The leader of the gang on the right, Rico, came around and said, “This is Sonny. He always gives us breakfast. This guy serves good food.” In a less enthusiastic tone he then said, “He talks about Jesus Christ.” His tone then switched and he said, “If you don’t like that, you can leave now and will eat the food.” The other gang leader said, “No … No .. No.” He then looked at me and said, “What do you have?” I told him what I have. He loved what I brought. God knows our likes and dislikes and he has me bring what they want. I have learned the phrase “Serve them first and they will listen”. Rico said, “Put your weapons away. Sonny is a good guy. He won’t hurt any of us. Let us call a truce.”

I asked, “What are you guys doing to this younger gang?” Both gangs said, “We are going to teach them a lesson. You do not show up at a park without first owning that part the park. We own this park. If they are going to be part of this park, they are going to have to fight us for it.”

I said, “Let us not fight right now. Let’s just eat.” The gangs were hungry and wanted eat now. They said, “Okay man.” I laid out all the breakfast burritos, donuts, milk and orange juice. The girls dug into the donuts like crazy. They talked about how good they tasted. All the gangs thoroughly enjoyed everything I seved. I then asked, “Are you guys ready for a word from God?” They replied, “Come on man. We’re eating breakfast right now.” I said, “Remember, you are eating breakfast because of Blue Mustang and others who made this meal possible.” With hesitation, they said, “Go ahead and talk about Jesus.” I always read John 3:16 because it’s such a powerful verse. It defines why I am here. I read it very loud because they were a lot of people present between the three gangs. One asked, “Why would Jesus come down or step down from heaven for me. I have done a lot of bad things.” He paused to think about what he had heard about Jesus when he was younger. Then he said, “So, he knew who I was even before I was born and he knew that I would become this. But yet he still came.” He still was having a difficult time understanding the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us.

I said, “Again, it is because he loved the world so much. He loves you. He knows you by your name. He created you not for this world but for his Kingdom. But you still live in this world to serve him.” He then said, “If he died for our sins, why do I have to ask for forgiveness?”

I replied, “It is a choice that you have to make to accept him. If you do not ask for forgiveness, you will not see his Kingdom.” I then asked, “Are you good swimmers? Because if you don’t you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity. After you give your life to Jesus Christ he will give your life a new purpose. You will go back to your families and he will show you what to do. You need to seek his heart.” I then held up my Bible and said, “His heart is in his word.” The gang then said, “You make it look real easy.”

I said, “Accepting him is easy but it’s the walk that can be challenging. You need to serve him daily. Not to live for ourselves but to serve others as Jesus did.” Then they asked, “What else do you have for us?” I walked over to my pickup. I had a box that I picked up from work. My King had me go to the Dollar Store and pick up Father’s Day cards for all of them. Of course he told me how many I would need. I brought the box over to the table and started passing cards out to all three gangs. They gave me that strange look and exclaimed, “Father’s Day cards.”

I said, “Every one of you have a father. Just write something to your father. Just say something like thank you for creating me. Even if you may not have a perfect father, he does love you. We are not perfect either.” I could tell some did not have a good relationship with their dads. Then I said, “If your dad wasn’t a good Dad, you need to forgive him. Just write down on the card ‘Happy Father’s Day’ if you have nothing to say.” I began passing out a bunch of old pens that I had stashed away for them to write their messages. They all sat down and started writing messages in their cards. The girls were the first ones to start crying. One of the leaders asked, ” Why did you bring these cards? This is hurting me.”

I asked, “How long has it been since you seen your mom and dad?” They began responding to my question. Many of them said to me that that’s been over three years. I said, “You put a name and address on your envelope. I will put a stamp on it and I will mail them for you.” One girl said, “You don’t have to mail mine. I have decided to go home. I am going to call my parents right now.” When she said this, it was like someone throwing a stone into the water. When the ripples moves across the water, it changes everything. The gang they were going to beat up all began calling home first to ask if they could come back home. They did all of this in front of the other two gangs. The girls from those gangs asked, “Are you guys really going home?” They confirmed that was the plan. One of the girls then said, “I am done with this life. I’m calling home.” The other girls got the push they needed to do the same. They began calling home also. The remaining gangs both looked at each other. Finally, they began speaking up and said, “I am ready to go home also.” Another then said, “I’m going to call home and talk to my dad.” None of them were sure if their parents would even take them back. I encouraged them to try. That young gang that was trying to establish a position at the park, ended up wanting to go home instead.

It was strange when God asked me to get them Father’s Day cards. I said, “I am here to deliver them a message.” My King acknowledged, “You are delivering a message. Just tell them what I tell you to say. The cards will be the catalyst.” I had to apologize to my King for trying to figure this thing out and not seeing his plan. Some of them bypassed the cards and immediately called their parents. Eventually everybody wrote something in their card. You could hear some arguing going on between some of the gang members and their parents. They were still trying to figure things out. The young gang all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. One thing that happened from all the discussions that the boys were having with their parents, they soon began showing up here at the park. Each boy began handing their Father’s Day card to their dad. When they started reading what they put on their card, they began crying. From listening to their conversations, I could tell about 40% of their parents were already Christians. I walked over to those parents who were not and asked them if they wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ. One of the parents said, “If my son is willing to give his life to Jesus Christ, I want to do the same.” I began praying for those parents. While I was praying, more parents started showing up. The boys were all making phone calls to their dads. I kept jumping from gang to gang to pray and answer questions as more showed up. Luckily, the young gang had already accepted Jesus Christ and they began getting ready to home with their parents. By the end of the day I felt like a pinball machine but I was sure having fun doing it. Soon, all the gangs were crying with their families. There were eight in one gang and fourteen in the other gang who gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Those that didn’t accept Jesus Christ did talk with their parents but they eventually went to their cars and left. It is a beginning. I have planted seeds into their life. It was a beginning of healing and restoration of the family.

The Dads were amazed by what just happened. They asked, “You bought them Father’s Day cards. And that is what started all of this.” I said, “That is what my King said for me to do. The cards get them right in their heart. It is now time for you decide disciple your children. Love them and do not ignore them like you did before. Show them who Jesus Christ is through your life.”

Those three gangs were all ready to fight. The Holy Spirit transformed their hearts and now they’re either giving their life to Jesus Christ or going home. Fighting is the last thing on their mind today. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

The Ranger that was on duty at that park that day knew what I was up to and did not do anything about me driving on the grass. We met earlier in my Ministry at this same park. He was an alcoholic. Somehow was able to keep this job of being a park ranger. One day, he was so drunk that he passed out in the back of his park pickup. I could smell the liquor on him when I walked by the pickup. My King said, “Sonny, stand there and wait till he wakes up. You talk to him about me.” When he finally awoke, I asked him if he was hungry. I said, “I have a Double Cheese Whopper and a Coke. Let’s sit down at this table and eat.” The ranger just barely made it out of his pickup. I started reading the word of God to him. I read John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 to him and explain these verses to him. I said, “God has a purpose for your life. He’s not here to harm you. He wants you to get rid of that liquor and take hold of this world.” I gave him a Bible. God at this moment sobered him up. He began puking all the stuff up that was in his stomach. He has not touched a drop of liquor since.

He saw everything how the gangs turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. He saw the transformation of their anger into joy. He went home and called his family to share what he witnessed. He wanted to bring them here to the park. Most everyone has left the park by now. I was sitting down on a bench and just praising God for what just happened. That is when I saw the Ranger bring his family. There were a total of 30 people involved in that family. When they all came around where I was, he pointed at me and said, “This man is the real deal. He will tell you about Jesus. I am sick and tired of the fighting amongst our family members. We fight all the time for no reason. I want this guy to pray for us as a family. I saw everything that he did with these gangs today and he will tell you that it was God who did everything. I want to be able to get together as a family and not fight.” He looked at his family then looked at me and said, “Sonny, please pray for us.” As I prayed for them, they started confessing. One brother said, “I have not talked to my brother for seven years.” as he pointed him out. One said, “I had four brothers but I only talk to one of them.”

I said, “Everyone here has to forgive and let go of anything that happened in the past. Yesterday is gone but God’s mercies are new everyday. You have to be able to forgive or my King will not be able to forgive you. If anybody needs forgiveness, I want you to walk up to them and ask for it.” After they began doing this, they began hugging each other and crying. I then said, “Any of you who wants your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, come over here.” They all came to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ. After they accepted Jesus Christ, they did something that they never did before. They call Pizza Hut and had them deliver pizza to the park. They all sat down together as a family without fighting. They have been fighting constantly for over eight years and now they are hugging each other. The Holy Spirit is powerful enough to transform anyone’s heart. Sometimes the only thing that is needed to make it happen is to pray and have a desire to change.