Isaiah 41:10

It is Saturday morning. I asked God if I needed to go to the same King Soopers store today. He confirmed that I needed to go there. God had me go to that same King Soopers on Saturday. There is something about this $140 that Blue Mustang gives me and how God is always applying it to families. They are hurting and they need it when I get there. The next step God then multiplies it. Again my King has me park in the exact same spot in the parking lot. God has taught me patience but I am still working on it because nothing ever moves fast enough for me. God is always telling me, “Sonny,  just be still and know that I am God.” To keep myself busy, I begin to pray for the hearts of those people who I am going to meet today. I was sitting in the quiet of my pickup. I closed my eyes and began praying for those whom I was to meet. I also began worshipping God while I was sitting there waiting. Suddenly, somebody tapped on the passenger window on my pickup. I rolled my window down and asked them how I could help. He said, “I know this that you have the verse Isaiah 41:10 on your pickup. We pulled up here next to you, hungry and not knowing what to do. We looked the verse up and it is a very powerful verse.

10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I just wanted to thank you for putting that verse on your truck. We needed that word today. We were not sure why but there were King Soopers a lot closer to us but God said, “No, I want you to drive over to this King Soopers.” We told our daughters to have faith that God had something planned for us today. I said, “Let me get out of the pickup and talk to you.” I then told him that my King had me put that specific verse on my pickup. People do read it as they pull up beside me. It is fun when I pull up to a stop light. You can see the driver signaling to the passenger to look up the verse that’s on my door. This verse gives so many people hope.

The couple’s name was Rachel and Fernando. The daughters are Megan and Nancy. I said, “How can I pray for you guys?” Rachel got out of the vehicle and said, “We are hungry. We only have one loaf of bread at home. God had us drive over here. He said that there would be someone here with a word. And the word he wanted us to see was on the side of your pickup.”

I said, “Jesus Christ loves you very much. Now I want to tell you about Blue Mustang.” They exclaimed, “Blue Mustang.” Megan said, “I like Mustangs. They are the coolest cars in the world.”

I continued, “God has put it in his heart to buy food for families.” Megan said, “God bless Blue Mustang because I am hungry.” I said, “Let’s go in to the store and do some shopping.” I have asked myself why I just don’t give them the money but that is not what my King wants me to do. The time we spend with people is as valuable as financially giving to people. We always need to remember this. I learned this lesson from witnessing to the homeless people on that one extremely cold winter night. My presence with them changed their lives forever. Now they are out on their own supporting homeless people just because of the time I invested with them.

When I walked into the store the manager saw me. The manager soon walked away. The assistant manager then came out. She also knew what I was up to and she held her to hands together symbolizing that she is praying. We walked around the store together and I said, “Whatever you need, just put it in your cart and I will take care of it.” Rachel said, “I know exactly what I need for the week.” As she began shopping, I began talking with Fernando and their daughters. Rachel had the cart pretty well full by the time she got everything she needed. We headed for the checked out. The bill came out to be $217. The assistant manager put her hand on my back to prevent me from getting out my wallet. She said, “This bill is taken care of.” Both the assistant manager, manager and the employees that worked this shift all contributed to paying for their groceries. The family is Christian and they all love God. After we got the groceries sacked, we headed back towards the parking lot. I looked at them and said, “We need to go and fill your vehicle with gas. I put the $140 in an envelope that always says “Be Blessed” on it. I said, “This came from Blue Mustang and God. You do not need to look inside to see how much it is.” But the little girl smiled at me and said, “Don’t you remember you? You told us that Blue Mustang always gives $140.” I chuckled and said, “You are right. ” Another manager comes out that takes care of the shift changes. He asked, “Sonny, are you are you blessing another family again?” He saw the envelope I gave them and said, “Why that blue Mustang!” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a gift card. He said, “Here, I always have five $50 gift cards on me for blessing people. Give this card to them.” Of course their fuel gauge was pegged on the E. We went over to the gas pumps where  Isaiah, the store manager,  filled their vehicle with fuel.

The parents acknowledged to their daughters that God was faithful today. He brought us here today and a miracle happened. I also know that the daughters are going to remember this day for a long time. My King gets the Glory and Victory. We are not through blessing families. We are having way too much fun to quit doing this.