Single Mom is Blessed

It is Saturday June 19. I began heading to Denver and I was anticipating that God would be sending me back to the same King Soopers store to bless another family. But as I was getting close to what I thought would be my destination, God said, “Sonny, do not stop here. I want you to drive over to a specific Dollar Store.” He directed me there and told me where to park. I sat there for nearly 20 minutes before anything happened. My King is still teaching me patience. I have learned to pray for the hearts of the people whom my King wants to bless. Then I saw this single mom and her son walking toward the store. God revealed to me that was her. Other things that he showed me was her son is 2 years old today and was about ready to have a birthday party. He also showed me that she only had a partial bottle of milk and a partial bottle of orange juice in her frigerator and there was nothing else. Her husband cheated on her and decided to abandon her and go in another direction with another woman. She has been doing her best to raise her son on her own. They were going to have a birthday celebration for her son Caleb at the park today.

I watched her as she began shopping. Her son Caleb was getting hungry and wanted a snack. She said, “We only have enough money to pick up a few things.” This is the time to break the ice. I introduced myself to her and said, “God has revealed to me that you have only a partial bottle of milk and orange juice in your refrigerator and basically you have no food in your home.” She began to cry as I revealed this to her. I then said, “Blue Mustang blesses people each week with their finances.” I handed her $140 to buy groceries. She started to cry even more and began opening her heart to me. She has been praying fervently that God would do a miracle in her finances. I carefully listened to every word she said. I was not paying any attention to anyone around me; but an older couple was listening and watching. She picked up the things she needed for the party and a snack for Caleb. I told her that I was going to pay for her items at the checkout. The manager running the check out said, “No, I am going to pay for her items.” God was already beginning to multiply the $140 that I gave her. We then left the store. The old couple in the store brought out six more balloons. They came up to us and gave her the balloons and $200 in cash for groceries and said, “We heard your story and we want to help out.” God just multipled the $140 again. The mom was excited and was giving Glory to our King for answering her prayers. About that time her mom came by to check out to see if she had enough money to buy all the supplies. She excitedly told her mom everything that just happened. It was definitely a shock to her to discover that total strangers would bless her daughter like this. But she to gave Glory to our King.

They invited me to come to the party. My King said that would be okay to go. I think he had other plans to show his love when I got there. As the young mom began celebrating Caleb’s birthday, she started sharing the wonderful news on how God blessed her and Caleb at the Dollar Store while pointing at me. I finally had an opportunity to address the crowd. I began telling them how our God loves us so much and he really wants to bless us. They were so excited about how God took care of Caleb’s mom. 124 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ at the park this day. Blue Mustang and I want to continue to be there for God so he can continue to bless his people who have financial needs. It is continually fun to see how God blesses people. I am glad that God has added blessing his people this to this ministry that he created.