Darkness Meets Light

It was Friday night. I had some undercover cops who were on vacation call me asking for prayer. I met with them to pray over their needs. After I finished praying I left to go and witness on the streets. But my King had other plans. He told me to drive east for a while. This is definitely an older section of Denver. I noticed the street lights are far apart. Definitely a lot of darkness between lights. He finally had me  turn right into an alley and pull over. As I came to a complete stop, he had me turn my headlights off and wait. The area where I was at was pitch black and extremely quiet. As I continued trying to make out what was in front of me, I finally could see shadows in the distance. The faint glow of their cigarettes allowed me to see that a gang of some kind was there.

My King said, “Those are the guys. Get your flashlight and go meet them.” I kept the light off because I know that gangs get riled up when you glare a light on them. I started walking towards them and when I got within ten yards of them, my King said, “Turn your flashlight on them now.” I was not to excited to do that but I have learned to be obedient to my King. One of guys said, “What are you doing? You better turn that light off or we’re going to shoot you.”

I said, “Jesus Christ sent me here to bring light Into darkness.” I found out later that they called themselves “Darkness”. When I said that, one of the boys said, “I have been having this vision every night. I did not understand what it meant and it keeps me awake The vision keeps telling me to walk towards the light. Now I understand what the vision means and I am coming over to you.” The leader looked at him and said, “You never told us that you were having these visions.” He said, “Yeah, I didn’t want you guys to think I was crazy. I use to go to church when I was young. I still remember the song ‘Jesus Loves Me This I Know’. He is calling me.” They then asked, “So you said that God sent you here to meet us.”

I said, “Yes.” At that moment I turned my flashlight off. It was only dark for a second. The dark street light above us came on as soon as I turn my flashlight off. They looked at me in awe and said, “We’ve been here a long time and this street light has never worked.” The oldest one was 19 and the youngest was 14. They all began to think about what happened. The gang member who came over to me and told me more about his vision. He said, “Our parents are disgusted with what’s going on in our lives. I want to give my life to Jesus Christ and go home. The rest of them listened to what he said and did the same thing. They all started calling their parents telling them what they just did. All the parents excitedly came to give their sons a ride home. This was a new gang. None of them had a car. In fact, the gang was so new that they did not have enough money to even rent a house to live in. They set up pallets and plastic to make places to live. 60% of the parents we’re Christians. But after the other families saw what happened to their sons. They too gave their lives to Jesus Christ. One set of parents said to their son, “Your room is just as you left it when you left the house. All of the boys spent that night in their own beds. God got them while their hearts are relatively pure. Another Victory for my King. It is never too dark for him. In fact, his light shines brighter when it is dark. The enemy now has to go find another dark place to roam until my King sends me in again to run him off again.

Families Praying for a Miracle Right in Front of My Pickup

It is Saturday morning and I had breakfast with Blue Mustang. He gave me $280 to blessed two families. Before I went to the store, I went to my sister’s home to pick up the water and the pop for the gangs. I then headed to the King Soopers where I usually go to bless families. When I arrived at the store, my King had me go to the east side parking lot. The parking lot on the east side was empty. This is highly unusual. I asked, “Lord, what is going on here? Why is this parking lot so empty?” He knows me real well. He said, “Wait and be patient.” So I begin praying and reading my Bible to get some verses to speak to the gang leaders today. All of the sudden, two vans and two cars pulled up. They all parked in front of me. A sidewalk separated me from them. We were that close. Everyone from all four vehicles gathered around in a circle to pray. There was a total of two families and grandparents that were praying together. One of the dads stepped up and started praying for a miracle. He said, “You are a God of Miracles. You created the whole world. You created us and we’re believing you for a miracle. You brought us here so that we would be able to buy groceries. We will wait here until you answer our prayer because you brought us here. You said that the a miracle would occurred here.” I just sat there in my pickup listening to every word they said. I then heard one of the daughters say, “I know that God does miracles. But why do we have to wait here because the groceries are in there.” The Dad said, “They have been helping us but they cannot do anything more for us this month. So that is why we’re waiting here for a miracle.” The grandparents also financially strapped could not help their kids out anymore this month either. One of the daughter’s said, “You know Mom and Dad, we have seen a lot of miracles. We are going to believe that he will come through again.”

God said, “These are the families that we are going to help today. Do not get out of the pickup yet.” The little girl, whose name is Chelsea, looked at her grandma and said, “You always said that we have to walk by faith and not by sight. God answers prayers. I think we should make a list of the groceries we need.” The other granddaughter, whose name is Sarah, decided she wanted to make a list for her family. Both families started writing lists on the hood of one of the vehicles. One grandpa said, “Make sure you write down what you need and not what you want.” Then Chelsea quickly said, “We got our list done!” Sarah followed right behind her. They all laid hands on the list and prayed over them. At this moment, I began to cry. They were definitely walking by faith. God sent them here but they still had no idea what he was going to do. At this moment, God said, “Now is the time to step out. Tell them that I answer prayers.” When they wrote the list down on paper, that is when God told me to move. Many times God wants us to speak it out before he will do anything.

I told them what my King shared with me and they began to cry. At this moment, I still have not shown them any money. I said, “My name is Sonny. God brought me here to bless two families for groceries. They asked, “So God brought you here just like he brought us here.”

I said, “Yes and I was already here waiting for you.” One wife asked, “How long have you been here?” I said, “I’ve been here 45 minutes and this entire parking lot was empty when I got here. God told me to park right where I was because he knew that you would be parking on the other side of the sidewalk in front of me.” She said, “Oh my gosh! This is so cool.” One of the little girls took out her note pad and started taking notes of what just happened. She is documenting the things that God is doing in her life. I think more of us should document what God does for each one of us. We would also realize the many blessings that we get that we sometimes take for granted. Both Sarah and Chelsea showed me their list. They said, “This list is of things that we need but nothing we want.” It is almost time to give them money. The first thing I always tell them about is Blue Mustang’s desire to help families. Again, I love the expressions the kids always give me talking about Blue Mustang. I said, “God put it in his heart to give $140 to one family and another $140 to another family to bless them for groceries. And that is you guys.” They were still having a difficult time processing what  just happened. So they asked, “Are you carrying $280 right now just to bless somebody to buy groceries?” I already had the $280 separated into $140 in each pocket. I pulled the cash out of the left pocket and gave it to one family.  I reached into my right pocket and gave the $140 to the other family. Then Sarah said, “You even had the money separated already.” I said, “Yes, we don’t want to give $100 to one family and $180 to another. We want to bless each family equally.”

They started saying, “God is real. God is real in America.” Their grandparents spoke up and said, “We have seen so many miracles in our life but many times we have to sit here and wait. We need to give God time to do what he’s going to do. We cannot rush him.” The little girls, in their infinite wisdom, said, “If God could create the earth and the universe in six days, it would be no effort for him to give us money in a while or in a few minutes.” I then told them about prayer warrior Terry Bird. Yep, just like all the children, they thought he was related to Big Bird. I just went along and said “He is his little brother.” The families started praying for Terry Bird, Blue Mustang and me. While this is going on, three employees that worked here at King Soopers were walking along the sidewalk. They are required to park far away from the door so that customers can park closer. They were on their way to work.

I begin to realize that one of the employees had parked right behind my pickup and she heard everything that was going on. She ran over to the other two and started talking with them about what happened. They walked by and sheepishly said, “Hi.” They then halfway started running into the store. I didn’t think much of it and I just started praying with the families before they began to walk into the store. As they started walking, the manager came outside to greet them. I began to wonder what she is going to do. She stopped each family and gave a gift card to each one of them. The manager came over to me and said, “You gave them $140 each and I gave each family $140. It was interesting, I was just going to do a hundred dollars. But God said up it to $140.” The manager went back to the families. The manager said, “I know each of you made a list of all the things that you need. But I also want you to get some things that you want.”

One of the Moms said, “No, we are not going to overdo it. We are going to only get the things that we need. We still need money for gas.” The manager reached into her pocket and pulled out gift cards for the gas pumps. This ended up becoming a triple blessing again from our glorious God and King. The little kid came over and hugged me and  said “You must be an angel. We need to pray for you.” I said “I do have a lot of people praying for me already. You can also pray for me.” When I mentioned Terry Bird’s name again the little girls always respond whether he’s related to Big Bird or not. She said “That is so cool whenever I get a pet or something I am going to call him Terry Bird.” The little boy said “No it’s going to be Blue Mustang.” At this point they all hugged me for the last time and walked into the store to buy groceries.

I begin heading back to my pickup. I noticed that all four of the windshields on their vehicles were just covered with dirt and bugs. I silently said, “I wonder how they can even see out of those windows.” At that moment God said, “You clean all of their windows.” Earlier, I happened to stop by Morey’s Glass in Windsor to picked up some of their glass cleaner. So I begin to clean their windows until they were spotless. After finishing, I left the parking lot and headed to my first gang I was going to witness to. When I was halfway there, the Grandpa called and asked, “Sonny, did you clean all of our windows.” I said, “Yes, God told me that I needed to clean them because they were dirty.” The grandpa then said, “Bless your heart Sonny. You blessed our lives today. Make sure that you tell Blue Mustang that we are grateful he blessed us today.” At the end of our conversation, he said, “We even got Oreo cookies for dessert tonight. We had to buy milk to dip them in.” I then continued driving to a gang to bring Jesus Christ to them.

The parents of both daughters can help them out from time to time but they’re in a situation where they could not help out their daughters. But God brought them here to the store to be blessed. Jake, one of the dads, was asleep. God woke Jake up and told him to drive up to the King Soopers up on the hill and to expect a miracle. This message occurred even before Blue Mustang gave me any money at all. I’m so grateful that our ministry loves families and God allows us to rock their world. Only God can read our hearts and determine what we are going to do to plan this all out. Our God is an awesome multitasker and listener to our prayers. I just wonder how many blessings are missed because we do not ask him for help. He enjoys it when we pray with others in the name of Jesus Christ. Get someone to pray with you like these families do to strengthen your prayers.

Smoking Radio Brings Salvation

Last Saturday I was having an unusual day. I was listening to some praise music on my radio and all of the sudden the devil must not have liked what I was listening to because my radio started smoking. I mean it was to the point where I had open my doors and let the smoke out. I thought for sure that my radio was going to ignite and catch my pickup on fire. I did not have one of those tools for extracting a radio so I had to use my knife to work my way in there to get it out. It was challenging to extract the radio with the smoke in the cab.

The highway patrol were just getting over a meeting in that location where my pickup was billowing smoke. They know who I am and were concerned for my safety. They all came running with their flashing lights on and surrounded my pickup. They were trying to figure out what kind of trouble I was in. I had the situation resolved by the time they arrived but some smoke was still lingering in the air. One highway patrolman said, “It looks like the devil was trying to take your pickup out. We want to pray over you.” It looked like to the public that I must be a really bad guy. Everyone was probably wondering what I did to get this kind of attention. I had seven patrol cars surrounding me with their lights flashing. All the officers then got out of their cars and came over and surrounded me. Each one laid one hand on me and the other hand on each other. It kind of looked like a spoke wheel pattern as they prayed over me. All these guys are Christians and know me very well so they knew what to pray for. After the highway patrolman finished praying for me, they suddenly got an emergency call and they all had to leave the scene quickly.

Two couples saw what was going on from a distance and watched the event unfold. They were captivated by what just happened and they had to find out what happened. They came over to me and one husband started to ask questions. I told him what happened with my radio and how they rushed over to pray for me. I was wondering what they were thinking as this was unfolding. I know it first looked like I was in deep trouble but when the officers surrounded me and laid hands on me,  that must have been an amazing sight. How often do you see highway patrolman gathering around in a group praying for someone like what happened to me today? The wives were Christians already but the husbands were not but the Holy Spirit touched their hearts when the power of the highway patrolmen’s prayer was released. The husbands said, “What happened there to you is really cool. We have decided that we need to serve the same God that you serve.” Both husbands gave their lives to Jesus Christ today just because of what happened to me. The devil tried to ruin my day and my pickup by trying to catch my radio on fire. I know he was also extremely angry with the worship music that I was listening to which edified the true King. Our King took his destruction and brought two men to Jesus Christ. Only our King can take something that is bad and make it glorious. I am out one radio but a person’s salvation is worth it. Plus, it makes a good story. I know I am going to see even more unusual things in the future because I serve the only real and the only great God.

Proposal Miracle

Blue Mustang gave me some more money to bless people. I said, ” Lord, you need to direct me so that I can give it to the people who need it.” I was trying to go to King Soopers again but God said, “No, I want you to get back on the highway.” My King eventually had me drive to the Flatirons Mall in Denver. When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a single car. I watched as a young man with his Bible under his arm got out of the car and walked towards one of the grassy areas. He stepped onto the grassy area and knelt down. It was looking like he was getting ready to say a prayer. I asked my King to show me something about what he’s going through as I walked towards him. He said, “This guy works two jobs. He almost has enough money to buy the ring. He wants to propose to his girlfriend. He is exactly $140 short. This guy works really hard for me. He was going to pick up the ring today but when he added up all his money, he realized he was going to be $140 short. He is in the process of asking me on how he could raise the cash. He is very disappointed because he had his heart set on buying that ring today. He does not want to get himself in a situation where he has to make payments.” My King shared other things as I came into listening distance to him. I was careful not to interrupt him while he was praying. He said, “Father, I have been working hard. I need a miracle to be able to purchase this ring today. I have been holding two jobs and I want to purchase this ring with cash and not to make any payments on buying a ring. You even told me that I need to cash for it. This mall is going to be opening up soon and I need to get it ordered.” I began to cry as I was listening to him pray to God to help him with this situation. I waited quietly until he said “Amen”. Then I said, “Good morning, Jonathan.” Jonathan jumped up and spun around. He asked, “How did you know my name?”

I said, “My King heard your cry for a miracle. I heard your whole prayer. My King brought me here just for you. I am just the delivery boy. Let me tell you about Blue Mustang.” Jonathan exclaimed, “Blue Mustang!” That name just blows them apart. I continued, “Blue Mustang gave me $140 to bless a family today. You were crying out for $140 and here it is.” He was speechless for a moment. Then Jonathan’s said, “You got to be kidding me.” I said, “No! God heard your prayer. My King said that your heart has been pure. You always have been respectful. You love my King and you do everything for his kingdom.” Jonathan did not take the cash with his hands. He physically opened his Bible and had me lay it between two pages. Jonathan said, “Our King delivered. As his word said it is true.” Jonathan began crying and he began hugging me. He begin to share with me how he took on an additional job to finance the ring. He showed me his little book he used to keep track of payments that he was saving up for that ring. But when he added things up again, it showed he was still $140 short. Jonathan then asked, “Could I take a picture with you? I want to send it to my grandma to show her how powerful prayer is. I am going to put in the caption ‘This guy was sent here by God and he was ready to deliver even before I completed my prayer’.” We started talking about God and how awesome Jesus is.

While we were discussing things, a 1967 Shelby Mustang pulled up. At first we thought that the Latinos we’re pulling up but Jonathan said, “No, these are just my uncle and cousins. They love Mustangs. My uncle knew that he was going to be there today.” They were just out driving around having fun and decided to stop and see if Jonathan had enough to purchase the ring. Jonathan told his uncle everything that just happened to him, about how he got $140 from Blue Mustang and how God answering his prayer saved the day. After the uncle finished listening to the story, He said, “You know, I have been running from God for a long time. That was a miracle that just happened. I want to know the God you guys know.” Jonathan lead his uncle to the Lord right there on the spot. After that I left Jonathan ministering to his uncle.

I headed off to a Walmart store. I was getting ready to go into the store but God said, “No, just let your tailgate down and sit on it.” I sat on the tailgate and some of the undercover police showed up. They had 22 dozen breakfast burritos and some snacks. I prayed with them and I said goodbye to them. They were on a mission. I then said, “Lord, you’ve brought me here for a reason. Do I go now or do you want me to stay?”

Before my King had a chance to say a word, this van pulled up beside me. It was a family with two kids. The guy rolled his window down and said, “I am sorry that I have to bother you and I am sorry that I have to beg. But do you know anywhere that we could go to get some food. Because we are very hungry.” I said, “Turn your engine off. I am going to tell you about Blue Mustang.” They sat there and listened as I talked about him. After I finished, they said, “We just need to get through for one week. We are short of food.” The little seven year old girl said, “Yeah, all we have is bread and cheese.” Her heart is still pure and she was honest. She then said, “I want some cereal and milk.” I can tell that it has been a while since they’ve enjoyed the foods that we take for granted. I said, “Why don’t we go grocery shopping.” The little girl asked, “Do you want to go with us.” I said, “Yeah.” I looked at the parents and said, “Go and get what you need.” His wife said, “I have a list made up already.” I said, “Look at your list carefully. If there’s anything that you think you need to double go ahead and double it.” One of their little girls would not let go of my hand the entire time we shopped. The family did not go for the expensive stuff. They tried to buy generic as much as they could. I watched them as they walked by the hot dog section. First, she was going to pick up the hot dogs with cheese in them. But she put them down and got the regular ones. I said, “No, if you want the ones with the cheese, you get those.” She then said, “My kids love chili dogs. They could eat those three meals a day.” The husband went and got one of those huge rolls of hamburger that Walmart sells. He asked, “Do you think we could get this because I can make some cheeseburgers.” I said, “If you need it, go ahead and get it.” It was now time to go to check out. They had everything in the cart that they had on the list. Again we started talking about God and I began to share more about what Blue Mustang does. It is fun to watch their faces whenever I bring up “Blue Mustang”. I shared about all the other prayer warriors that are on my team. I brought up Terry Bird as one of my partners. I love it when the kids say “Terry Bird”. The little girl asked, “Is he related to Big Bird?” I said,”Yeah, he is Big Bird’s little brother. She said, “Big Bird’s little brother. That is so cool.” The little boy asked, “Does Blue Mustang drive a Mustang?” I said, “Yeah, he does.” I showed him a picture of the car. The little boy looked at me intently and said, “One of these days, I am going to get myself a Mustang. But mine is going to be red.”

There was a couple behind us listening while all of this conversation was going on. They knew enough to know that this family was hurting. They said to themselves, “This man is going to buy their food.” When the total came up, that family behind us said, “We want to buy their food. We heard everything that you were talking about. We want to step up and help.” It was interesting that a lot of people were around us but they took no interest in supporting this family because no one else responded. I then found out the girl running the cash register put in her Walmart discount for employees for this family. I’m not sure but I think that’s another 10% off. The family behind us paid for the families groceries and their groceries and had her put it up on one bill. So the old couple behind us also got a 10% discount. I then pulled out the other $140 Blue Mustang gave me and gave it to them. I said, “You can use this to buy gas or whatever else you need to get you by. The lady behind the cash register said, “Every week I spend $140 on some needy family. I feel I too need to bless this family.” She handed her $140 to them. She then said, “God just doubled the blessing. May God bless Blue Mustang a thousand fold.” I jumped in and said, “May God bless you a thousand fold.” This family was crying as all of the blessings from God were coming to them. The lady at the checkout said, “Use your money wisely. It is not to be used for cigarettes, drinking or gambling.” The family said, “We are Christian people and we don’t believe in doing any of that.” She then said, “This is a testimony that you need to share with your church. They need to know what God does for the people he loves.” The little girl said, “I finally have cereal.” Before we could leave, the lady at the checkout prayed for all of us. She did not care if the manager was listening or not. She prayed over the children. She then prayed over the family that purchased their groceries. Everyone in our line joined in as we prayed. Some say it may be coincidence but I firmly believe God ordained this. That lady at the checkout stand was bold. She gives $140 every week to needy families. She pays attention to what people buy. If she sees people buy just a loaf of bread, salami and some mustard. Many times that’s a sign of families who are in need and who are just trying to get by. She will strike up a conversation and determine their need. I gave everyone one of my Ministry cards as we started leaving the store.

Wow! What a morning of blessing. This is fun to see how other people bless people in need. It is now time to go witness to the gangs. God is still bringing them to me so I can give his message of salvation to them. I cannot wait until we take part in blessing a family next week.

Colorado Springs Rescue of One Becomes Entire Gang

I just got off work on Tuesday and I was thinking about going home, taking a shower and resting for the rest of the evening. God said, “No, you have to go to Colorado Springs now.” Normally, I do not get a request like this on a Tuesday and I usually fill my tank midweek. I would never fill my pickup on a Monday because of all the traffic at the Costco pumps on that day. But for some reason I filled my pickup on a Monday so I had a full tank of fuel to make it to Colorado Springs. Halfway there, I received a phone call. It was a young lady from one of the gangs. She said, “Sonny, I know you live in Loveland but could you come to Colorado Springs. I want to leave the gang.” She then shared with me that the testimony about Blue Mustang and Terry Bird and the other people involved convicted her to want to go home. She had a good recollection of everything that I said. I do remember who she was because she thanked me a lot for the burritos and the other food that I brought down to to them. She then said, “What you did had a great impact on my life and I cannot sleep at nights. I just need for you to come and get me.”

I said, “Yes, I can come. In fact God has already sent me to you.” She exclaimed, “Really!” I said, “I am already passing through Denver and I am heading towards you right now.” She then said, “God really is amazing. I just want to get out of this gang. I just want out!” I usually rescue women from gangs around midnight. That hour is when the gangs are usually asleep. I pull into the alley, the girls get in and I leave. No one knows that I’ve been there until morning. I do this to make sure that nobody gets shot or hurt. But today was to be daylight rescue. She gave me the address where she lived in Colorado Springs. When I got there, I made no effort to hide myself. I parked in front of the house. The entire gang was standing outside as I pulled up. The gang leader whose name is Jonathan said, “Sonny what’s up? Did you bring anything for us to eat?”

I pointed at the girl who called me and said, “No man. Not this time. I have come here to take her back to her family.” Jonathan said, “Yeah, she told us that she was going to go back home.” Jonathan then looked at me intently and said, “You know what. I’ve only met you one time but when you talked about John 3:16 , that just tugged at my heart. Then when you brought food from Blue Mustang and you told us about this guy named Terry Bird. I think that is just crazy.” Jonathan then became serious and said, “I think that serving God like you do is so cool. I just love that. I inturn don’t serve anybody but myself. I have been reading that Bible that you’ve given me and always ponder John 3:16. There are givers and there are prayer warriors and sometimes they are both like Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. I just laugh every time I say those names.” Jonathan paused a second then asked, “Are those real people?”

I laughed and said, “Yes, they are real and I love them.” Jonathan began thinking about this relationship I have with these guys. Jonathan then said, “I never belonged to a family. I was abandoned when I was really young.”

I said, “God’s Kingdom can be your family. His family knows you, loves you and created you.” The Holy Spirit was hard at work on Jonathan’s heart. Jonathan replied, “You came here to take one girl home. Maybe you came here for all of us to give our hearts to Jesus Christ and go back to our families. Last weekend, I went to Denver trying to find you but I never saw you.”

I said, “I did give you my ministry card last time. You could have called me. He said, “Yeah, but I threw it out the window.” I said, “That was good, somebody else did find it. Two days ago, there was a guy out on the streets that called me. He said he found my card laying out on the street. He was on his way to the overpass so he could jump. But when he found the card you threw out the window, he called me. You saved somebody’s life. God used you and because of you this man is still alive today.” Jonathan started to cry. I said, “That is the first thing that God has used you for.” Jonathan must be trying to share Jesus on the street. He said, “I love being out on the street and talking about Jesus. If Blue Mustang and Terry Bird can help people like that, I want to be able to help people like that.” Now I was starting to cry because of the words he spoke. His men felt the same way he did. They said, “We don’t want to go home unless we know the Jesus Christ you know.” I felt it was getting time to celebrate.

I asked, “Is everyone getting hungry?” They replied, “Yes, we are starved.” I said, “I’m going to go get something and I will be right back.” The gang asked, “Hey, can we ride in your pickup with you?We just love that ‘Kingdom music’ that you play through those speakers. Those guys sure know how to play music.”

I said, “Yeah, I can put five people up front with me. They said, “No, we want to ride in the back. You have subwoofers back there and we want to listen to that.” I said, “Blue Mustang helped me get that awesome sound functioning back there.” While we were driving, everyone decided they wanted to go to Little Caesars to get pizza. Everyone was still carrying their pistols and you could easily see them on their shirts while we were driving down the street. It was so fun watching the expressions on people’s faces as we stopped for red lights. When we pulled into the Little Caesars parking lot and parked, everybody jumped out with their guns still visible while we walked into the store. Just remember these guys have not given their hearts to Jesus Christ yet. You should have seen the eyes on the manager when those guys walked in with those pistols strapped on. He cautiously asked, “How can I help you guys?” I said, “We need 12 pizzas.” Then Jonathan stepped in and said, “Sonny, I don’t think that will be enough. We need 14 pizzas.” We ordered them all with pepperoni and jalapenos. It took a few minutes to get that many pizzas ready. I stepped up to the counter to pay for them. I had my card in my hand to put into the slot. This older gentleman who was standing beside me had his card already out also. He raced me to the credit card machine. He stuck his card in before I could put mine in. He said, “I beat you to it, man.”

I said, “You know that is 14 pizzas.” He said, “Sonny, it is all about the blessing. Never forget that.” I found out that this guy watched me when I was bringing Jesus Christ to the Chinese Mafia a few years back. He was there all three times when we met to bring them the message of Jesus Christ. When the gang members were riding in the back of my pickup, he realize that the pickup he saw was mine. He began to follow me and God said, “I want you to pay for the pizzas this man is getting.” He never knew my name because he only saw me from a distance. He knew who I was today because my name is visible on my pickup. When anyone pulls up beside me they can read my name. He was listening to me talk about Jesus Christ to this gang all the time while we were getting out of the pickup and going into the store.

Jonathan asked, “What’s your name.” He said, “My name is Paul. The Paul in the Bible was a mighty man of God.” So Paul started preaching to this gang. Meanwhile, my pickup was still running outside and some of the gang members were still sitting in back listening to the music. Before I went outside, I picked up some 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper for them to drink with the pizzas. Of course, gang members don’t use glasses. They just screw the cap off and passed the bottle around. Then they asked Paul if he was a giver like Blue Mustang, Terry Bird and Sonny. Paul said, “It’s not about the giving. It’s about blessing. Those men you are talking about are a blessing from God and you don’t even know who they are.” He then pointed at me and said, “This guy does an amazing ministry reaching out to bring you guys to Jesus Christ. I was told by God to stop here because there was going to be a man who is going to buy a lot of pizzas. He wanted me to pay for them to bless you.”

We all went outside the store and went to the pickup. I put the tailgate down and laid the pizzas out. I blessed the food and we began eating the pizzas. It was now 7 p.m. and there was a lot of light out for everybody to visit. Jonathan said, “Paul, you bought the pizzas. Why don’t you join us.” Paul said, “I would love that.” Paul only ate one slice. As we were beginning to eat, suddenly all these cars began pulling up. I found out it was all the families of all these boys and girls that were with me. The Holy Spirit is working on their hearts as they started calling their parents. They had a strong desire to go home. Soon the whole parking lot was full of families from the gang. Some of the Dads came to me and said, “You reached out to my son. I need to rededicate my life to Jesus Christ. My son is coming home and that is a miracle! I want to be the father that Jesus wants me to be.”

The families began going into the store and order more pizzas. The store was having a difficult time keeping up with all the orders. The manager came outside and said, “We have been struggling to sell pizzas at this location. You guys just made our day by ordering all this food.” This all started by going after the one. My intent was to bring a girl out of a gang. While the Holy Spirit had prepared their hearts when I previously met them, now they all wanted to go home.

While the celebration was going on in the parking lot, the police were driving by and noticing all the commotion going on. The police could see all these guys wearing their pistols. Most of them kept driving by. One of the passing patrol cars started driving real slow into the parking lot. He kept driving until he parked in front of my pickup. He got out said, “So you are Sonny?” I found out that he did a license plate check on my pickup and that’s how he knew my name. I found out later that the undercover police and other cops that knew me, were disappointed when he stopped because he could have ruined something by showing up in front of the gang. The police officer told them, ” I need prayer and this guy is like a magnet. I just felt like I was drawn to stop.” I prayed for him and that police officer rededicated his life to Jesus Christ right in front of the whole gang. Jonathan said, “Are you hungry, sir? We have pizza here.” The police officer excitedly said, “I will take a piece. I’m starving.” Jonathan said, “You have came to the right place.” Now there was a police officer eating with the gangs. You just wondered if he ever had to arrest any of these guys. The police officer then asked, “So you guys have given your life to Jesus Christ.” Jonathan said, “Yes sir, we are about to. We are tired of this life. We have a new purpose for our life.” The police recommended him not to be carrying those pistols around anymore. Jonathan replied, “We live in America. There aren’t going to be any terrorist messing with us.” At that response the police officer said, “That’s okay. Let’s just eat pizza.” The police officer even went into the Little Caesars store and he bought the entire shelf of soda pop and began passing that around. Again, no glasses were used. They just passed the bottles around. The police officer then climbed up on my pickup and stood where my speakers are. He asked everyone to come closer and gather around the pickup. The gang all started moving closer together as they were looking at each other wondering what was about to happen. The police officer said, “I want to pray for all you guys.” The police officer then made an altar call and asked, “All those who want to come forward and to give your life to Jesus Christ, stand here.” God sent him here to refresh his spirit. He can now say that he led the entire gang to Jesus Christ. He was responsible for many of the parents giving their life to Jesus Christ.

An older gentleman pulled up in a 39 Coupe. He must be in his mid-80s. He asked, “Who is Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. The kids were talking to me about how they were bringing food to us. I feel like we need to pray for those guys.” So we got together and prayed for those guys. It was finally getting late and everyone was was ready to go back to the house to get their stuff. They realized that this is it. They are now ready to go home and start a new life with Jesus Christ. And you could see the tears in their eyes as they were pondering that. I continue to minister with them late into the night. I asked, “Do any of you guys have any prayer requests?” Everyone of them had at least one prayer request. Some of the Christian parents came up with me and helped pray for the prayer requests that I received. Everyone from the street could see that we were praying. We had many cars stop and they said, “I see that you guys are praying. I need prayer really bad.” So we ended up praying for many people who came directly off the street. One of the prayer request off the street was the guy who lost his landscaping business because of the covid. The police officer came forward and said he had a brother who needs a supervisor for his landscaping business. I will check with him. I found out he is now employed there.

There were over 220 people here who got saved in this parking lot this evening. In fact, it got so late that I didn’t even have time to go home. I had to go directly to work and I got there 20 minutes before work started. But as I got ready to start work, God energize me. Even though it would have been great to rest, I would never trade it for this experience that he let me see. God gets the Glory and the Victory and I got to see it all. One of the people I worked with came over and asked me if I had anything to eat. I said, “Yes I do.” I had two sandwiches in my lunchbox and I said, “You can have it all.” He was grateful and gave me thanks for the lunch. A few minutes later, my supervisor came to me and said, “God said that you were hungry. So I ordered lunch for both of us.” Everyone at work found out that I did not have any sleep the night before. They all came up around me and prayed for me during break time. It is great to have a family even at work.

Just Blessed Family Blesses Another Family

It was Saturday and time to bless more families. I stopped at the same King Soopers store where multiple blessings have occurred. God has not revealed to me anyting about who I was to meet. I was craving an apple and a banana. I decided to go into the store and buy some. After I purchase the bag of apples and bananas, I went back to my pickup and put the tailgate down so I’d have a place to sit down outside. I picked an apple out of the bag and started eating it and praising God for my opportunity to serve him and whoever he might send my way. Up to this point, God still has not shown me a single thing about what might possibly happen. I was wondering who God might send my way today. As I was eating on the apple, this little girl, whose name is Lydia, comes running up to me and asks, “Hey mister, can I have one of those bananas.”

I said, “Sure, it would be great if you had one of my bananas.” Soon her parents and her two siblings came also. Their kids asked, “Could we have an apple? Is that okay?”

I said, “Yeah, help yourselves.” The parents began to apologize and said, “We are so sorry. We were just sitting over there where we observed you putting your tailgate down. The kids saw you put out the apples and the bananas. The kids wanted to run over and see if they could have some.” I said to myself this family is hurting.

I said, “Please help yourself. I don’t care if you take it all. I have already had a banana and an apple and that’s all I want. You guys can have the rest.” Lydia said, “Thanks a lot Mister. I’ve been craving fruit for a long time.” I then asked, “How are your groceries at home?” The mom, whose name is Lisa, began crying when I asked that question. I then said, “You guys don’t have any groceries, do you.” Lisa said, “No we don’t. We just moved here from Kansas. My husband is working but we are just not making it right now.”

I said, “That’s okay.” While I was praying with them, an old couple pull up next to us in a 39 coupe. They saw me praying with the family. They asked, “Could we pray with you also?” They then asked, “How can we pray for you?” When they began praying for the family, they asked God that he would bless them and encourage them. They then looked at me and asked, “Do you have something for them?” I said, “Yes, I do.” I then told everyone about Blue Mustang who gives $140 to bless people. I then pulled $140 out of my pocket and gave it to them and said, “Now you can go and buy some groceries. Just remember this is not for smokes or liquor.” The family confirmed to me that neither one of them smoked or drank. They said, “We love God and we were trusting God to help us. He brought us here and told us that somebody would help us.” He was trying to teach the family patience like me. He said, “You are to stay in this parking spot and not move. Somebody would come and feed us.” Lydia then said, “You gave us all that money so we could go buy groceries.” The old couple responded to that cute little voice. Both of them reached into their wallets. The husband said, ” I am going to give him $140. His wife then said, “Well, I’m going to give them $140 also.” It was almost like there was a competition between those two. Lisa then went back to the van and started to make a grocery list.

About this time another couple walked by as we were eating the apples and bananas on the tailgate. They asked, “Are you guys having a picnic?” Lydia said, “This man gave us apples and bananas. Would you guys like some? We have plenty right here.” Lydia then started sharing the fruit with the other couples kids. Lydia thought it was important that she should also bless people. When Lydia did this, the other couple started crying. They said that they came here just to get some sandwich stuff. Lydia then asked, “Do you have enough food at home?” They acknowledged that things were tight. Lydia’s parents stepped in and said, “We have been blessed with a lot of money here today. How about if we go in to the store and buy groceries together.” The family wanted to share what they had with the other couple. This is what God likes is when we help those in need. He never intended for us to hord everything for ourselves. The satisfaction of rocking someone’s world by blessing a need is euphoric.

The women went in shopping as I was waiting. The old gentleman looked at Lydia’s Dad and said, “Why don’t you and I go fill up your van while the ladies are shopping.” They drove the van up to the gas pumps. Just as they neared a gas pump, the van ran out of gas and they physically coasted up to the pump. The old gentleman filled his van up with fuel. They had to crank the engine a little bit in order for the engine to start up. The husband said, “We were totally out of options. We did not know what to do. But when God said come here, we did everything in faith. When we saw you drop the tailgate with the apples and bananas, we were certain that you were the one who was going to take care of this situation.” We then went back to the store to wait for the women to finish shopping.

They came back out with full carts of food. I asked, “How did everything go.” Lisa said, “We found everything we needed but when we checked out, they gave us a 50% discount and they don’t even know it us.” I said, “But God does know you.” Someone in the store must have been watching as all of this was unfolding. They are starting to know that when I show up here God is usually having me bless someone. Lydia said, “I prayed with somebody while I was in the store. You made me realize that no matter where we go that we always have an opportunity to pray for someone.” Lydia is amazing. Both families will remember this day. It was so cool how the first family shared their blessing with the second family whom they did not know.

It is interesting to know that God values when we help other people out. If Blue Mustang did not give me the $140, I would not have even been here today. I would have been going directly to the park and witnessing to the gangs. It is a true joy to be able to help those who are in financial dilemmas. It just confirms to others that we want to honor Jesus Christ by showing love to others. I always pray and honor Jesus Christ first before I give anyone anything. It is important that they know it is because of him that I am here.

Father’s Day Card Transformation

It is the weekend before Father’s Day and my King wanted me to witness to a gang that I have only witnessed to once. He wanted me to pick up some Father’s Day cards for them. I have learned how my King has reached the heart of gangs using them. He did the same thing to reach gangs hearts for Mother’s day. When I gave anointed prayed over cards to the women in a gang, it brought back memories of good times with mom. They wanted to go home. This in turn had an effect on the men who saw what was happening to the women. Soon they too began to give their hearts to Jesus Christ and went home.

I went to Walmart and picked up 25 cards. After I got all my materials, I headed to their rendezvous. When I arrived, I could tell they did not want me there. I could sense that they were waiting on someone else. Most of these guys deal in drugs and the like to make money. The gang leader whose name is Rico came up to me and said, “Sonny, you came here at the wrong time. You need to leave now.”

I said, “No man. I am not going to leave. I am here because my King brought me here.” I knew that they were hungry and said, “You guys are hungry and I brought tacos and breakfast burritos.” I could see the Rico’s face light up when I mentioned food. He asked, “What kind of burritos are they?” I said, “Tereso with potatoes in green chili. They are spicy but they are good. I have Dr. Pepper, water and Squirt to drink.” All of the sudden the gang leader changed his tune and said, “I guess you came at the right time.” Rico then had to his men put their pistols down. Things were about to get exciting.

The Latinos came out of nowhere and surrounded us. Lorenzo got out of his car and he said, “I see that you were pointing your guns at Sonny. If you have a problem with Sonny, you have a problem with us. Sonny will tell you about Jesus but we will just shoot you.” You could tell Lorenzo meant business by his facial expression. Lorenzo then said, “Never put pistols on Sonny like that ever again.” Rico quickly said, “No problem; no problem.” Lorenzo then finished up by saying, “If you do anything to harm him, we are going to shoot you!” Lorenzo looked at me and softly said, “Sonny have a nice day but we have other business to take care of.” The now humbled gang leader asked, “Are those guys your bodyguards?”

I said, “No, but they are my friends. God has been using them to protect me.” Rico started sharing with me what he knew about Lorenzo’s gang. He knew they were from California and the respect other gangs have for him. He finished up talking by saying, “They are different than most gangs. They are a classy gang, unlike us who are a bunch of bums.”

I smiled and said, “Let’s eat.” I blessed the food and we all began eating. I started handing the Father’s Day cards out to them while they were eating. I always anoint each card before it is handed out to a gang member. This gang was definitely different than the last gang I did this to. As I handed the cards out, they began crying. Rico asked, “Why is it when I look at this card, I just want to cry? What is going on with us?”

I said, “Jesus is working on your heart right now. All of you have fathers that love you right now. You need to go back to them. This is not your life out here. Your life is back with the family.” Rico asked, “Why did you have to bring Father’s Day cards to us.”

I said, “Father’s Day is next weekend. What ever you may think your father does love you. Fill them out by writing whatever message you want. Then give me an address and I will put a stamp on it and make sure your father gets your card.” They started asking me questions. One asked, “You said that Jesus forgive sins.” I said, “Yes he does forgive our sins.” He then said, “How can he forgive us? We use girls for pleasure. You have no idea of all the sins we commit.”

I responded, “Because of what Jesus Christ did, God does not look at your past. God looks at your future. He wants to restore your heart and he wants to restore your mind. After you do that that, this is all that he is going to be interested in. After Jesus gives you a new heart you will have new eyes and a new tongue.” With a puzzled look, they asked, “Explain a new tongue.”

I responded, “Yes, you will not be cussing and swearing all the time. You will not want to be lying and saying bad things about other people. You will be serving the King. It is very important that you start serving the King because the Lake of Fire is real as heaven is real.” Rico said, “I watched that movie. That was a good movie.” The guys begin breaking down one by one. Rico turned to his men and asked, “Do you guys want to go back to your families?” Before they answered his question, they asked, “Does that mean we are not going to be a gang anymore?” I chimed in and said, “You can be a new gang. You could become a Christian gang.” They did not think that my suggestion was a bad idea but they didn’t give me an answer. Rico changed the subject and asked, “I wonder if my parents will take me home.”

I said, “Give them a call. Just tell them what you are doing right now.” Rico then said, “I am going to give it a try.” He was nervous and kept pausing. While he was getting up the courage, I started talking to the rest of the men and explaining that even though you will remember the bad things you have done, Jesus gives peace to your memories. He wants your hearts. Those of you who want to give your heart to Jesus Christ, raise your hand but no pistols.” They laughed as I said that. The youngest person there was 14 years old and the oldest was 25. One of them asked, “If we give our hearts to Jesus Christ, does that mean that we will go back to our families and have a new life.”

I said, “Yes and your names will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. You will be going to heaven. I will be waiting there for you.” They began thinking about what I just said. They then asked, “When we are in heaven, we don’t come back or do we.”

I said, “No, unless God needs you to finish a job. I personally have died twice and have come back.” They exclaimed, “Twice.” I said, “Yeah man.” Then they questioned me more and and asked, “Is heaven real for sure?” I said, “Where I was, all I saw was gates but the biggest one was a huge Pearl.” Another one asked, “You were actually there man.” I said, “Yes, but I did not want have a chance to walk through any of the gates.” Rico then stepped up and said, “Here goes nothing. I’m going to give my Dad a call.”

I said, “Wait! Let’s pray for your parents hearts that they will be ready for your phone call.” We prayed for Rico and his parents. All his men were standing there listening to Rico’s conversation and waiting to see what would happen. When he finally made the call, his Dad answered the phone. The first thing he asked was if Rico was okay and not in the hospital. They knew that he was the leader of a gang and what he was doing was very dangerous. Rico said, “Mom and Dad, I want to come home. I am about to give my heart to Jesus Christ.” The mom started shouting “Hallelujah”. The phone was on speaker and you could hear her yelling in the background. His father then said, “This is going to be the best Father’s Day gift in the world.” His Dad started praying out loud. As his men were listening they began to cry while his Dad was praying. They began separating and calling their own parents. His men were all in tears as they asked their parents to come home. Everyones parents were excited when their sons called. The first thing they asked is if they could come and meet them. Soon there were cars coming from every direction. When Rico’s parents got there, they hugged for a while. I did not want to bother them because I knew Rico’s parents were Christians. When things begin to settle down, I gathered everybody into a group. I said those of you who are Christians I want you to stand on the right. As all those who were Christians or those who gave their hearts to Jesus Christ began moving to the right. I then had those who were not Christian’s stand over to the left. Rico and his men were still standing there in the middle. I prayed with all of those who had not yet accepted Jesus Christ. As I finished up praying, they all began crying. They all began wanting to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. After they did that, they began to exchange phone numbers and other information to stay in contact with each other to support each other. I gave everyone my Ministry cards if they ever needed support from me. The parents, after they finished hugging their sons, came up to me and asked, “Do you do this all the time?”

I said, “I minister to gangs and I go wherever my King sends me.” One mom said, “You even brought these guys food.” I said, “Yes” She responded, “How can you afford all that?” I said, “Blue Mustang and friends who make the burritos all pitch in.” She asked, “What is Blue Mustangs name?” I responded, “It’s Blue Mustang. There is another man who prays for me and his name is Terry Bird.” She exclaimed, “Terry Bird, is that really his name?” I jokingly said, “He’s related to Big Bird on Sesame Street.” She said, “Are you really serious?” They all started roaring with laughter.

After things settled down, this band showed up. They started setting up. I don’t even know these guys. I have never seen them ever. They began pulling up with their black flatbed trailer and started setting up their instruments. One of the guys came over and asked, “Are you guys having a family reunion?” I said, “Yeah man. All these people just gave their lives to Jesus Christ.” He said, “That is awesome. We are Christians also. We just drive around all of the United States, set up and have a party. We play music with pizza and do not mess around.” Soon they started playing all these old hymns. I said to myself, “If these guys only knew where they were at they would never have set up. This is in an area where there’s a lot of shooting and it is extremely dangerous. Only God could have brought them here.” It was getting about dark. The Ranger came up and said, “There is a curfew going on. Everyone needs to go home.”

I said, “I am on my King’s time and I am going to go home when he tells me to. We pay taxes here for this park and we have the right to be here.” The ranger looked at me and asked, “What’s going on here?” I said, “We are worshipping God.” The ranger then said, “I have been running away from God for five years. He keeps telling me that I should be a youth pastor but I don’t want to be one.”

I said, “Come over here. I want to pray with you.” Rico was talking with the people on the right hand side. He has only been a Christian for 2.5 hours. He came over and asked the ranger what’s going on. The ranger said, “You guys are going to have to leave but somebody wants to pray for me.” Rico knew who that person was. He looked at me and asked, “Sonny, can I pray for him. I have never prayed for anybody in my whole life.” I said, “Yeah man. You can pray for him.” He did exactly what I did. I usually place my hands right over the person’s heart as I’m praying for them. He did exactly the same thing as he positioned his hand over his heart and started praying for him. Rico said, “Dear father, I pray for this man’s heart. Give him a new purpose and a new life. Show him your ways and his path. Write his name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Change the way he thinks. I used to think of things that would sin against you.”

I then said, “You say you never prayed before and you prayed like that.” Rico said, “Well you know Sonny, I have you as an example and Jesus Christ to help me.” He then said, “That was fun. I want to go over and pray for my parents.” I watched him as he walked over to his parents and began praying with them. I sense that God was going to make him a street evangelist.

It was about 11 p.m. when we finally got out of the park. It was interesting that God only gave Father’s day cards to certain gangs. Only he knows our hearts and when those cards would have a tremendous impact on the lives of those gangs he chose.

Next week, I saw the ranger at the park picnicking with his family. I asked him how things were going. The wife jumped up and asked, “Are you Sonny?” I said, “Yes I am.” She started running around to give me a hug. She said, “My husband is a changed man. Usually on Saturday afternoons he would bring a 12-pack home and try to drink it all. He said this time he threw all the liquor out. He began reading the Bible to me. I went to church but he never did. Now he goes to church with me.”

I said, “It is our King that gets the Glory and the Victory. Only he can change one’s heart.” She said, “Yeah, but you’re the one who had the heart to go out and share it.” She then started sharing about what she heard about Blue mustang and Terry Bird. Her husband told her everything.