Just Blessed Family Blesses Another Family

It was Saturday and time to bless more families. I stopped at the same King Soopers store where multiple blessings have occurred. God has not revealed to me anyting about who I was to meet. I was craving an apple and a banana. I decided to go into the store and buy some. After I purchase the bag of apples and bananas, I went back to my pickup and put the tailgate down so I’d have a place to sit down outside. I picked an apple out of the bag and started eating it and praising God for my opportunity to serve him and whoever he might send my way. Up to this point, God still has not shown me a single thing about what might possibly happen. I was wondering who God might send my way today. As I was eating on the apple, this little girl, whose name is Lydia, comes running up to me and asks, “Hey mister, can I have one of those bananas.”

I said, “Sure, it would be great if you had one of my bananas.” Soon her parents and her two siblings came also. Their kids asked, “Could we have an apple? Is that okay?”

I said, “Yeah, help yourselves.” The parents began to apologize and said, “We are so sorry. We were just sitting over there where we observed you putting your tailgate down. The kids saw you put out the apples and the bananas. The kids wanted to run over and see if they could have some.” I said to myself this family is hurting.

I said, “Please help yourself. I don’t care if you take it all. I have already had a banana and an apple and that’s all I want. You guys can have the rest.” Lydia said, “Thanks a lot Mister. I’ve been craving fruit for a long time.” I then asked, “How are your groceries at home?” The mom, whose name is Lisa, began crying when I asked that question. I then said, “You guys don’t have any groceries, do you.” Lisa said, “No we don’t. We just moved here from Kansas. My husband is working but we are just not making it right now.”

I said, “That’s okay.” While I was praying with them, an old couple pull up next to us in a 39 coupe. They saw me praying with the family. They asked, “Could we pray with you also?” They then asked, “How can we pray for you?” When they began praying for the family, they asked God that he would bless them and encourage them. They then looked at me and asked, “Do you have something for them?” I said, “Yes, I do.” I then told everyone about Blue Mustang who gives $140 to bless people. I then pulled $140 out of my pocket and gave it to them and said, “Now you can go and buy some groceries. Just remember this is not for smokes or liquor.” The family confirmed to me that neither one of them smoked or drank. They said, “We love God and we were trusting God to help us. He brought us here and told us that somebody would help us.” He was trying to teach the family patience like me. He said, “You are to stay in this parking spot and not move. Somebody would come and feed us.” Lydia then said, “You gave us all that money so we could go buy groceries.” The old couple responded to that cute little voice. Both of them reached into their wallets. The husband said, ” I am going to give him $140. His wife then said, “Well, I’m going to give them $140 also.” It was almost like there was a competition between those two. Lisa then went back to the van and started to make a grocery list.

About this time another couple walked by as we were eating the apples and bananas on the tailgate. They asked, “Are you guys having a picnic?” Lydia said, “This man gave us apples and bananas. Would you guys like some? We have plenty right here.” Lydia then started sharing the fruit with the other couples kids. Lydia thought it was important that she should also bless people. When Lydia did this, the other couple started crying. They said that they came here just to get some sandwich stuff. Lydia then asked, “Do you have enough food at home?” They acknowledged that things were tight. Lydia’s parents stepped in and said, “We have been blessed with a lot of money here today. How about if we go in to the store and buy groceries together.” The family wanted to share what they had with the other couple. This is what God likes is when we help those in need. He never intended for us to hord everything for ourselves. The satisfaction of rocking someone’s world by blessing a need is euphoric.

The women went in shopping as I was waiting. The old gentleman looked at Lydia’s Dad and said, “Why don’t you and I go fill up your van while the ladies are shopping.” They drove the van up to the gas pumps. Just as they neared a gas pump, the van ran out of gas and they physically coasted up to the pump. The old gentleman filled his van up with fuel. They had to crank the engine a little bit in order for the engine to start up. The husband said, “We were totally out of options. We did not know what to do. But when God said come here, we did everything in faith. When we saw you drop the tailgate with the apples and bananas, we were certain that you were the one who was going to take care of this situation.” We then went back to the store to wait for the women to finish shopping.

They came back out with full carts of food. I asked, “How did everything go.” Lisa said, “We found everything we needed but when we checked out, they gave us a 50% discount and they don’t even know it us.” I said, “But God does know you.” Someone in the store must have been watching as all of this was unfolding. They are starting to know that when I show up here God is usually having me bless someone. Lydia said, “I prayed with somebody while I was in the store. You made me realize that no matter where we go that we always have an opportunity to pray for someone.” Lydia is amazing. Both families will remember this day. It was so cool how the first family shared their blessing with the second family whom they did not know.

It is interesting to know that God values when we help other people out. If Blue Mustang did not give me the $140, I would not have even been here today. I would have been going directly to the park and witnessing to the gangs. It is a true joy to be able to help those who are in financial dilemmas. It just confirms to others that we want to honor Jesus Christ by showing love to others. I always pray and honor Jesus Christ first before I give anyone anything. It is important that they know it is because of him that I am here.