Proposal Miracle

Blue Mustang gave me some more money to bless people. I said, ” Lord, you need to direct me so that I can give it to the people who need it.” I was trying to go to King Soopers again but God said, “No, I want you to get back on the highway.” My King eventually had me drive to the Flatirons Mall in Denver. When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a single car. I watched as a young man with his Bible under his arm got out of the car and walked towards one of the grassy areas. He stepped onto the grassy area and knelt down. It was looking like he was getting ready to say a prayer. I asked my King to show me something about what he’s going through as I walked towards him. He said, “This guy works two jobs. He almost has enough money to buy the ring. He wants to propose to his girlfriend. He is exactly $140 short. This guy works really hard for me. He was going to pick up the ring today but when he added up all his money, he realized he was going to be $140 short. He is in the process of asking me on how he could raise the cash. He is very disappointed because he had his heart set on buying that ring today. He does not want to get himself in a situation where he has to make payments.” My King shared other things as I came into listening distance to him. I was careful not to interrupt him while he was praying. He said, “Father, I have been working hard. I need a miracle to be able to purchase this ring today. I have been holding two jobs and I want to purchase this ring with cash and not to make any payments on buying a ring. You even told me that I need to cash for it. This mall is going to be opening up soon and I need to get it ordered.” I began to cry as I was listening to him pray to God to help him with this situation. I waited quietly until he said “Amen”. Then I said, “Good morning, Jonathan.” Jonathan jumped up and spun around. He asked, “How did you know my name?”

I said, “My King heard your cry for a miracle. I heard your whole prayer. My King brought me here just for you. I am just the delivery boy. Let me tell you about Blue Mustang.” Jonathan exclaimed, “Blue Mustang!” That name just blows them apart. I continued, “Blue Mustang gave me $140 to bless a family today. You were crying out for $140 and here it is.” He was speechless for a moment. Then Jonathan’s said, “You got to be kidding me.” I said, “No! God heard your prayer. My King said that your heart has been pure. You always have been respectful. You love my King and you do everything for his kingdom.” Jonathan did not take the cash with his hands. He physically opened his Bible and had me lay it between two pages. Jonathan said, “Our King delivered. As his word said it is true.” Jonathan began crying and he began hugging me. He begin to share with me how he took on an additional job to finance the ring. He showed me his little book he used to keep track of payments that he was saving up for that ring. But when he added things up again, it showed he was still $140 short. Jonathan then asked, “Could I take a picture with you? I want to send it to my grandma to show her how powerful prayer is. I am going to put in the caption ‘This guy was sent here by God and he was ready to deliver even before I completed my prayer’.” We started talking about God and how awesome Jesus is.

While we were discussing things, a 1967 Shelby Mustang pulled up. At first we thought that the Latinos we’re pulling up but Jonathan said, “No, these are just my uncle and cousins. They love Mustangs. My uncle knew that he was going to be there today.” They were just out driving around having fun and decided to stop and see if Jonathan had enough to purchase the ring. Jonathan told his uncle everything that just happened to him, about how he got $140 from Blue Mustang and how God answering his prayer saved the day. After the uncle finished listening to the story, He said, “You know, I have been running from God for a long time. That was a miracle that just happened. I want to know the God you guys know.” Jonathan lead his uncle to the Lord right there on the spot. After that I left Jonathan ministering to his uncle.

I headed off to a Walmart store. I was getting ready to go into the store but God said, “No, just let your tailgate down and sit on it.” I sat on the tailgate and some of the undercover police showed up. They had 22 dozen breakfast burritos and some snacks. I prayed with them and I said goodbye to them. They were on a mission. I then said, “Lord, you’ve brought me here for a reason. Do I go now or do you want me to stay?”

Before my King had a chance to say a word, this van pulled up beside me. It was a family with two kids. The guy rolled his window down and said, “I am sorry that I have to bother you and I am sorry that I have to beg. But do you know anywhere that we could go to get some food. Because we are very hungry.” I said, “Turn your engine off. I am going to tell you about Blue Mustang.” They sat there and listened as I talked about him. After I finished, they said, “We just need to get through for one week. We are short of food.” The little seven year old girl said, “Yeah, all we have is bread and cheese.” Her heart is still pure and she was honest. She then said, “I want some cereal and milk.” I can tell that it has been a while since they’ve enjoyed the foods that we take for granted. I said, “Why don’t we go grocery shopping.” The little girl asked, “Do you want to go with us.” I said, “Yeah.” I looked at the parents and said, “Go and get what you need.” His wife said, “I have a list made up already.” I said, “Look at your list carefully. If there’s anything that you think you need to double go ahead and double it.” One of their little girls would not let go of my hand the entire time we shopped. The family did not go for the expensive stuff. They tried to buy generic as much as they could. I watched them as they walked by the hot dog section. First, she was going to pick up the hot dogs with cheese in them. But she put them down and got the regular ones. I said, “No, if you want the ones with the cheese, you get those.” She then said, “My kids love chili dogs. They could eat those three meals a day.” The husband went and got one of those huge rolls of hamburger that Walmart sells. He asked, “Do you think we could get this because I can make some cheeseburgers.” I said, “If you need it, go ahead and get it.” It was now time to go to check out. They had everything in the cart that they had on the list. Again we started talking about God and I began to share more about what Blue Mustang does. It is fun to watch their faces whenever I bring up “Blue Mustang”. I shared about all the other prayer warriors that are on my team. I brought up Terry Bird as one of my partners. I love it when the kids say “Terry Bird”. The little girl asked, “Is he related to Big Bird?” I said,”Yeah, he is Big Bird’s little brother. She said, “Big Bird’s little brother. That is so cool.” The little boy asked, “Does Blue Mustang drive a Mustang?” I said, “Yeah, he does.” I showed him a picture of the car. The little boy looked at me intently and said, “One of these days, I am going to get myself a Mustang. But mine is going to be red.”

There was a couple behind us listening while all of this conversation was going on. They knew enough to know that this family was hurting. They said to themselves, “This man is going to buy their food.” When the total came up, that family behind us said, “We want to buy their food. We heard everything that you were talking about. We want to step up and help.” It was interesting that a lot of people were around us but they took no interest in supporting this family because no one else responded. I then found out the girl running the cash register put in her Walmart discount for employees for this family. I’m not sure but I think that’s another 10% off. The family behind us paid for the families groceries and their groceries and had her put it up on one bill. So the old couple behind us also got a 10% discount. I then pulled out the other $140 Blue Mustang gave me and gave it to them. I said, “You can use this to buy gas or whatever else you need to get you by. The lady behind the cash register said, “Every week I spend $140 on some needy family. I feel I too need to bless this family.” She handed her $140 to them. She then said, “God just doubled the blessing. May God bless Blue Mustang a thousand fold.” I jumped in and said, “May God bless you a thousand fold.” This family was crying as all of the blessings from God were coming to them. The lady at the checkout said, “Use your money wisely. It is not to be used for cigarettes, drinking or gambling.” The family said, “We are Christian people and we don’t believe in doing any of that.” She then said, “This is a testimony that you need to share with your church. They need to know what God does for the people he loves.” The little girl said, “I finally have cereal.” Before we could leave, the lady at the checkout prayed for all of us. She did not care if the manager was listening or not. She prayed over the children. She then prayed over the family that purchased their groceries. Everyone in our line joined in as we prayed. Some say it may be coincidence but I firmly believe God ordained this. That lady at the checkout stand was bold. She gives $140 every week to needy families. She pays attention to what people buy. If she sees people buy just a loaf of bread, salami and some mustard. Many times that’s a sign of families who are in need and who are just trying to get by. She will strike up a conversation and determine their need. I gave everyone one of my Ministry cards as we started leaving the store.

Wow! What a morning of blessing. This is fun to see how other people bless people in need. It is now time to go witness to the gangs. God is still bringing them to me so I can give his message of salvation to them. I cannot wait until we take part in blessing a family next week.