Families Praying for a Miracle Right in Front of My Pickup

It is Saturday morning and I had breakfast with Blue Mustang. He gave me $280 to blessed two families. Before I went to the store, I went to my sister’s home to pick up the water and the pop for the gangs. I then headed to the King Soopers where I usually go to bless families. When I arrived at the store, my King had me go to the east side parking lot. The parking lot on the east side was empty. This is highly unusual. I asked, “Lord, what is going on here? Why is this parking lot so empty?” He knows me real well. He said, “Wait and be patient.” So I begin praying and reading my Bible to get some verses to speak to the gang leaders today. All of the sudden, two vans and two cars pulled up. They all parked in front of me. A sidewalk separated me from them. We were that close. Everyone from all four vehicles gathered around in a circle to pray. There was a total of two families and grandparents that were praying together. One of the dads stepped up and started praying for a miracle. He said, “You are a God of Miracles. You created the whole world. You created us and we’re believing you for a miracle. You brought us here so that we would be able to buy groceries. We will wait here until you answer our prayer because you brought us here. You said that the a miracle would occurred here.” I just sat there in my pickup listening to every word they said. I then heard one of the daughters say, “I know that God does miracles. But why do we have to wait here because the groceries are in there.” The Dad said, “They have been helping us but they cannot do anything more for us this month. So that is why we’re waiting here for a miracle.” The grandparents also financially strapped could not help their kids out anymore this month either. One of the daughter’s said, “You know Mom and Dad, we have seen a lot of miracles. We are going to believe that he will come through again.”

God said, “These are the families that we are going to help today. Do not get out of the pickup yet.” The little girl, whose name is Chelsea, looked at her grandma and said, “You always said that we have to walk by faith and not by sight. God answers prayers. I think we should make a list of the groceries we need.” The other granddaughter, whose name is Sarah, decided she wanted to make a list for her family. Both families started writing lists on the hood of one of the vehicles. One grandpa said, “Make sure you write down what you need and not what you want.” Then Chelsea quickly said, “We got our list done!” Sarah followed right behind her. They all laid hands on the list and prayed over them. At this moment, I began to cry. They were definitely walking by faith. God sent them here but they still had no idea what he was going to do. At this moment, God said, “Now is the time to step out. Tell them that I answer prayers.” When they wrote the list down on paper, that is when God told me to move. Many times God wants us to speak it out before he will do anything.

I told them what my King shared with me and they began to cry. At this moment, I still have not shown them any money. I said, “My name is Sonny. God brought me here to bless two families for groceries. They asked, “So God brought you here just like he brought us here.”

I said, “Yes and I was already here waiting for you.” One wife asked, “How long have you been here?” I said, “I’ve been here 45 minutes and this entire parking lot was empty when I got here. God told me to park right where I was because he knew that you would be parking on the other side of the sidewalk in front of me.” She said, “Oh my gosh! This is so cool.” One of the little girls took out her note pad and started taking notes of what just happened. She is documenting the things that God is doing in her life. I think more of us should document what God does for each one of us. We would also realize the many blessings that we get that we sometimes take for granted. Both Sarah and Chelsea showed me their list. They said, “This list is of things that we need but nothing we want.” It is almost time to give them money. The first thing I always tell them about is Blue Mustang’s desire to help families. Again, I love the expressions the kids always give me talking about Blue Mustang. I said, “God put it in his heart to give $140 to one family and another $140 to another family to bless them for groceries. And that is you guys.” They were still having a difficult time processing what  just happened. So they asked, “Are you carrying $280 right now just to bless somebody to buy groceries?” I already had the $280 separated into $140 in each pocket. I pulled the cash out of the left pocket and gave it to one family.  I reached into my right pocket and gave the $140 to the other family. Then Sarah said, “You even had the money separated already.” I said, “Yes, we don’t want to give $100 to one family and $180 to another. We want to bless each family equally.”

They started saying, “God is real. God is real in America.” Their grandparents spoke up and said, “We have seen so many miracles in our life but many times we have to sit here and wait. We need to give God time to do what he’s going to do. We cannot rush him.” The little girls, in their infinite wisdom, said, “If God could create the earth and the universe in six days, it would be no effort for him to give us money in a while or in a few minutes.” I then told them about prayer warrior Terry Bird. Yep, just like all the children, they thought he was related to Big Bird. I just went along and said “He is his little brother.” The families started praying for Terry Bird, Blue Mustang and me. While this is going on, three employees that worked here at King Soopers were walking along the sidewalk. They are required to park far away from the door so that customers can park closer. They were on their way to work.

I begin to realize that one of the employees had parked right behind my pickup and she heard everything that was going on. She ran over to the other two and started talking with them about what happened. They walked by and sheepishly said, “Hi.” They then halfway started running into the store. I didn’t think much of it and I just started praying with the families before they began to walk into the store. As they started walking, the manager came outside to greet them. I began to wonder what she is going to do. She stopped each family and gave a gift card to each one of them. The manager came over to me and said, “You gave them $140 each and I gave each family $140. It was interesting, I was just going to do a hundred dollars. But God said up it to $140.” The manager went back to the families. The manager said, “I know each of you made a list of all the things that you need. But I also want you to get some things that you want.”

One of the Moms said, “No, we are not going to overdo it. We are going to only get the things that we need. We still need money for gas.” The manager reached into her pocket and pulled out gift cards for the gas pumps. This ended up becoming a triple blessing again from our glorious God and King. The little kid came over and hugged me and  said “You must be an angel. We need to pray for you.” I said “I do have a lot of people praying for me already. You can also pray for me.” When I mentioned Terry Bird’s name again the little girls always respond whether he’s related to Big Bird or not. She said “That is so cool whenever I get a pet or something I am going to call him Terry Bird.” The little boy said “No it’s going to be Blue Mustang.” At this point they all hugged me for the last time and walked into the store to buy groceries.

I begin heading back to my pickup. I noticed that all four of the windshields on their vehicles were just covered with dirt and bugs. I silently said, “I wonder how they can even see out of those windows.” At that moment God said, “You clean all of their windows.” Earlier, I happened to stop by Morey’s Glass in Windsor to picked up some of their glass cleaner. So I begin to clean their windows until they were spotless. After finishing, I left the parking lot and headed to my first gang I was going to witness to. When I was halfway there, the Grandpa called and asked, “Sonny, did you clean all of our windows.” I said, “Yes, God told me that I needed to clean them because they were dirty.” The grandpa then said, “Bless your heart Sonny. You blessed our lives today. Make sure that you tell Blue Mustang that we are grateful he blessed us today.” At the end of our conversation, he said, “We even got Oreo cookies for dessert tonight. We had to buy milk to dip them in.” I then continued driving to a gang to bring Jesus Christ to them.

The parents of both daughters can help them out from time to time but they’re in a situation where they could not help out their daughters. But God brought them here to the store to be blessed. Jake, one of the dads, was asleep. God woke Jake up and told him to drive up to the King Soopers up on the hill and to expect a miracle. This message occurred even before Blue Mustang gave me any money at all. I’m so grateful that our ministry loves families and God allows us to rock their world. Only God can read our hearts and determine what we are going to do to plan this all out. Our God is an awesome multitasker and listener to our prayers. I just wonder how many blessings are missed because we do not ask him for help. He enjoys it when we pray with others in the name of Jesus Christ. Get someone to pray with you like these families do to strengthen your prayers.