Darkness Meets Light

It was Friday night. I had some undercover cops who were on vacation call me asking for prayer. I met with them to pray over their needs. After I finished praying I left to go and witness on the streets. But my King had other plans. He told me to drive east for a while. This is definitely an older section of Denver. I noticed the street lights are far apart. Definitely a lot of darkness between lights. He finally had me  turn right into an alley and pull over. As I came to a complete stop, he had me turn my headlights off and wait. The area where I was at was pitch black and extremely quiet. As I continued trying to make out what was in front of me, I finally could see shadows in the distance. The faint glow of their cigarettes allowed me to see that a gang of some kind was there.

My King said, “Those are the guys. Get your flashlight and go meet them.” I kept the light off because I know that gangs get riled up when you glare a light on them. I started walking towards them and when I got within ten yards of them, my King said, “Turn your flashlight on them now.” I was not to excited to do that but I have learned to be obedient to my King. One of guys said, “What are you doing? You better turn that light off or we’re going to shoot you.”

I said, “Jesus Christ sent me here to bring light Into darkness.” I found out later that they called themselves “Darkness”. When I said that, one of the boys said, “I have been having this vision every night. I did not understand what it meant and it keeps me awake The vision keeps telling me to walk towards the light. Now I understand what the vision means and I am coming over to you.” The leader looked at him and said, “You never told us that you were having these visions.” He said, “Yeah, I didn’t want you guys to think I was crazy. I use to go to church when I was young. I still remember the song ‘Jesus Loves Me This I Know’. He is calling me.” They then asked, “So you said that God sent you here to meet us.”

I said, “Yes.” At that moment I turned my flashlight off. It was only dark for a second. The dark street light above us came on as soon as I turn my flashlight off. They looked at me in awe and said, “We’ve been here a long time and this street light has never worked.” The oldest one was 19 and the youngest was 14. They all began to think about what happened. The gang member who came over to me and told me more about his vision. He said, “Our parents are disgusted with what’s going on in our lives. I want to give my life to Jesus Christ and go home. The rest of them listened to what he said and did the same thing. They all started calling their parents telling them what they just did. All the parents excitedly came to give their sons a ride home. This was a new gang. None of them had a car. In fact, the gang was so new that they did not have enough money to even rent a house to live in. They set up pallets and plastic to make places to live. 60% of the parents we’re Christians. But after the other families saw what happened to their sons. They too gave their lives to Jesus Christ. One set of parents said to their son, “Your room is just as you left it when you left the house. All of the boys spent that night in their own beds. God got them while their hearts are relatively pure. Another Victory for my King. It is never too dark for him. In fact, his light shines brighter when it is dark. The enemy now has to go find another dark place to roam until my King sends me in again to run him off again.