Motorcycle Accident Financial Blessing

It was last Saturday and I rescued a girl from one of the gangs. I was in the area of another King Soopers store and my King said, ” I want you to go there.” When I arrived, I saw two women holding hands in front of their car. They looked desperate as they were praying that God would do a miracle. My King revealed to me that this was the family he wanted to bless.

The story about what happened here is terrible. Both of their husbands were riding down the highway two weeks ago. It was a quiet day and there was little traffic so they were enjoying the ride. As they approached one intersection, a semi ran the red light. Their bikes hit the trailer hard. Both of the motorcycles were totaled. Both riders suffered broken arms. The only difference was that one busted up the bone above the ankle and the other severely dislocated his shoulder. They both are still in the hospital and cannot work. Even though they have insurance, it takes time to do the paperwork and get paid.

The women had finish praying when I all went over and introduced myself. Then I said, “My King sent me here to meet your needs.” They challenged me and asked, “What are our needs. I said, “You put a grocery list on the hood of your vehicle. You were praying about how you were going to pay for the groceries. My King has shown me that your husband’s were in a motorcycle accident and are not able to work even today.” They began to cry as I finished revealing what God told me. Both of the ladies were Christians and they understood that God answers prayer but maybe not this quickly. They knew that God sent me because of what was he revealed to me. They began to cry and hug me. I told them that Blue Mustang and Terry Bird sent each of you $140 dollars. You should have seen their faces when I mentioned those two individuals. I am sure they were having second thoughts about me. After I explained how Blue Mustang got his name and Terry’s last name really is “Bird” and is not related to “Big Bird”, they wanted to pray for them. They continued hugging me as they prayed. Even after they finished praying they continued to cry and hug me.

We were near the gas pumps and the manager working there saw us crying and hugging each other for a while and became concerned. She walked over to us and asked, “Can I pray for you guys in any way?” The women immediately told her what just happened. The manager then reached into her pocket and pulled out two gift cards. She said, “I always keep two gift cards in my pocket for people in need. I feel God wants me to give them to you.” She then handed each lady a $100 gift card. Here again was a near double blessing. I know that our King does not want anyone to be without. Every time I give our Kings blessing to someone, they are praying. Please, if you are in need pray to our King. Many times he will not do anything until we audibly speak it out. Praying in agreement with someone else helps strengthen our prayers. Besides, having someone praying with you can be therapeutic. God gets the Glory and the Victory. I just get to see it and share the enjoyment of blessing someone.