New Jersey Gang

After that gang in New York gave their life to Jesus Christ, the undercover police flew me the next day to New Jersey to meet the next gangs. As I landed in New Jersey, the undercover police asked, “Do you ever get air sick.”

I said, “No, I do not.” Then they asked, “Have you ever been in a helicopter?”

I said, “I have been in a helicopter one time.” He asked, “Did it make you sick? ”

I said, “No, I love helicopters.”

He said, “We are going to fly you in one over where you are going to go. We are going to it in the cover of night.” When it came time to go, I climbed into this extremely fancy helicopter. The helicopter was capable of having two people in the front and three in the back. As I sat down in one of the seats, they strapped me down and put a microphone on my head so they could communicate with me.

The pilot said, “We are about ready for take off. Can you hear me okay.”

I said, “I hear a lot of static.”

The pilot got out of his seat and found another headset for me to wear. This one worked. I could hear him fine. The engine on the helicopter then came to life. Just before we lifted off, He said, “We are going to launch straight up then we’re going to take a hard right. I’m just letting you know just in case you might get sick.” I had to convince him again that I was not going to get sick.

He started flying over that area in New Jersey where the gangs where residing. It was weird flying in the dark over the city. When we flew over the city, we could tell where there was gang activity by the amount of darkness present. It is like you’re flying over communist North Korea which is mostly dark at night. On the other hand, in capitalist South Korea, the whole sky is lit up by the freedom present in the cities. We flew further over this dark area of the city.

The pilot asked, “Do You See of those lights in that one building? That building has been taken over by one of the gangs.” They pacified me by telling me that they don’t bother us flying over them at night. He continued, “They hear planes flying over head all the time and they do not shoot at us.” The pilot continued flying until we got to where the second gang was. We were approximately 11 blocks from the other building.

The pilot said, “This gang lives in two buildings as you can see by the lights in each building.”

I asked, “How did they get control of all these buildings?”

They replied, “They physically ran the owners off and took their property. If we go in there to try to do something about it, they just start shooting at us. We just let them shoot at each other and if they kill themselves so be it.” He looked at me intently and said, “This is where you come in Sonny.”

I said, “No, this is where Jesus Christ comes in. He revealed to me that the Holy Spirit has been preparing their hearts. Now it is time for me to take them His message. I just get to see it.” I am not sure if he comprehended what I just got through saying but he said, “Okay, I just wanted to show you the layout. One gang has 35 members and the other has 27. We can only drop you within eight blocks of their location. Any questions?” We prayed to our King that his glory would be revealed. He then asked, “What do you need.”

I said, “I’m going to need some wagons. I am going to be serving them breakfast. I need enough space to put the donuts, milk and orange juice to feed the 62 people in both gangs. I also have to carry some Bibles and crosses in for them.” They too had the Costco wagons for me to use. It is really easy to tie the additional wagons to the first wagon to make a wagon train. They dropped me off at my rendezvous and we placed all the food and Bibles in the wagons. As I was getting ready to begin my trip into the Danger Zone, three homeless guys happen to see me loading the wagons with supplies. They noticed all the food I had in my wagons.

They came up to me and said, “There is a lot of food in there.”

I knew that they were hungry and said, “Do you guys want some donuts?”

They replied, “That would be great.” I opened up one of the boxes and gave each one a donut. They asked for orange juice to drink. I gave them each a glass of orange juice. One homeless guy then said, “It looks like you’re going to a big picnic.”

I said, “Yes I am. I am going to minister to those gangs over there. Before I go there, I need to ask you a question. Are your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Yes or No.”

One guy responded, “No, we are crazy guys and we live for ourselves.”

I said, “Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised; not even for me.”

He said, “I used to go to church once when I was little. My favorite song was ‘Jesus loves me’.”

I said, “Why don’t we sing it?” I was there with them and the undercover police and we all sang that song. Halfway through the song, the homeless guys all began to cry. They all remembered from their youth what the words of that song meant to them. Soon the undercover police were crying. Then  as we continued singing, I began to cry. One of the guys stepped up and said, “I want to rededicated my life to Jesus Christ.”

I said, “What you see today is temporary. Jesus Christ and his Kingdom are eternal.”

Another homeless guy said, “That is so true. Do you have a Bible for me.” I gave each one a Bible and they both gave their hearts back to Jesus Christ. The expressions on these guys faces changed dramatically after they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They came to me looking tough and without hope. Now they have hope and meaning to their lives. The homeless guys left.

The undercover police that were here have not spent very much time with me. They were amazed with what they just experienced. They exclaimed, “Sonny, does this happen to you every time you go somewhere.”

I said, “This is what is supposed to happen to all of us. We are all supposed to carry God’s Kingdom to the people we meet.”

The undercover cops prayed over me again before I left. I said, “Whatever you do, do not come in and rescue me. Don’t send any drones or anything to try to take videos. You know what happened last time I was here. If you see me fall, you can come and get me later. I’m giving you some phone numbers so you can call these people just in case I fall. If you go in there and try to rescue me you will probably get killed. My King brought me here not to kill me but to bring salvation to this gang.”

The undercover cops said, “We won’t interfere but we are going to set up so we can watch you. You will not be able to see us.”

I started walking down the street and noticed that there were cars burned on both sides of the streets. The building walls have holes in them and broken windows. I was thinking in my heart that at one time these once were all businesses that belonged to people. And now they’ve lost it all to these gangs. I finally got to where the gangs were. What I saw was both gangs that I was going to be witnessing to were facing each other. Both sides had their weapons drawn. Five Guys on the right hand side of me had weapons that I have never seen. The rest of them had pistols. They were yelling at each other.

One gang said, “If you cross the line again, you are going to get shot.”

I stopped while this was all going on. God said, “Why did you stop?”

I said, “But God they’re facing each other.”

God replied, “Get in the middle of both gangs and tell them that I love them.”

I began pulling my three wagons of donuts between the gangs. I was beginning to wonder if I had enough donuts to feed everybody. I was planning on just witnessing to one gang now. God said, “I will supply whatever is needed.”

When I got directly in the middle of them, the two leaders came out and said, “What in the world are you doing? Are you stupid or something. You’re going to get shot here.” He had his bodyguard throw me on the ground to make a point. That pavement sure is hard. They started looking in the wagons then they asked, “What’s in the wagon?”

I said, “It is food for you guys. I brought donuts, milk and orange juice strictly for you guys. Let’s have breakfast.”

Again they said, “You are going to get shot. We do not like you.” He had his bodyguard throw me on the ground again to show that he was still serious. Again, I got off the hard ground and stood up before them.

I said, “Before you guys shoot me, let me pray for you guys first.”

Now they were really confused. They said, “If you pray for us, then we can shoot you. We like that.”

I said, “Yes, it will be okay because I will win and get to go to heaven to be with Jesus Christ. I am going to pray for you that I get to meet you when you go to heaven. But you have to make a choice.”

The leader said, “Hurry up and pray for us.” I started praying for each man individually. The Holy Spirit revealed things to me about each man as I prayed. Meanwhile, they were all lining up to eat donuts. I prayed with one gang then walked across the street and prayed for the other gang. I prayed for both leaders last. One leader said, “That was pretty powerful praying. You did not even know us but yet you prayed for all of our families. I have not even seen my parents in ten years. I’m a leader and I’ve been out here struggling and trying to survive here.”

I asked, “Why did you walk away from your parents?”

He replied, “It is pretty easy when they’re drug addicts and drug dealers. I did not want that life but yet here I am doing that in this life. We sell drugs or whatever we need to do to make money.”

I then said, “This is not why God created you. This is not your purpose in this world.”

The leader retorted, “Oh yeah. What is my purpose!”

I said, “It is to go and make disciples of all nations. You cannot do that with pistols or drugs. You cannot disciple people while you’re doing that. Everybody has a Ministry. A nation could be 7 blocks from here in New Jersey.”

Both leaders looked at me and said, “You’re the bravest and dumbest guy that we’ve ever seen.”

I said, “I am brave for Jesus Christ but do you really think that I’m dumb for what I’m doing. You see, I know where I’m going and it’s not dumb. But the question is; do you guys know where you are going?” I paused a second to let them think a little bit. I then asked, “Are you guys good swimmers?” They confirmed to me that they were. I then said, “If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you will be swimming in the Lake of Fire for eternity. It is not just for the weekend.”

I was having an impact on them. Then they asked, “Are you a full-time preacher? Do you ever not stop talking about Jesus Christ?”

I said, “Only when I am asleep because then I need to rest.”

He said, “That’s a good one.” He then changed his tone a bit and said, “It’s a lot to think about right now.”

I said, “What would it be like if you were a dad and your son would call you and ask how you were doing?”

The gang leader said, “That would be pretty cool. I would like a son who would do that.”

I then said, “Why don’t you call your dad and do that?” He began thinking about calling his dad. I turned to the rest of the gang members to see if they had any prayer requests. I said, “If you have a family member that is sick, I will pray for them.”

One gang member stepped up and said, “I have an aunt who is very sick. She’s in the hospital right now.”

I said, “Call her and I will pray for her.”

He gets on his phone and calls his aunt. She said, “Hi Ricky! Are you okay?” All gang members when they called their parents and haven’t spoken to them for a while, get asked if they are Ok. They know that they are in a gang and there’s usually something serious that usually makes them want to call home.

He said, “There is a guy here whose name is Sonny. He is telling us about Jesus Christ. He asked me if I had a prayer request and I said that I did. I asked him to pray for you because you are sick.”

His aunt began to cry. His mom and dad happened to be in the room visiting his aunt that day. His aunt said, “Your mom and dad are right here.”

The minute she said that their son started crying. He had not seen his parents in three years. His parents also started crying. It was nearly ten minutes before I could even pray for her. I finally had a chance to pray for her. God said, “Whatever you do, do not try to pray a book.” God knows me too well. Sometimes I like to pray and say a lot. When I got done praying for her healing, I said, “I need to ask you a question. Do you believe that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ? The Bible says we are healed by his stripes.”

The aunt said, “I believe that.”

I then asked, “Is there any unforgiveness in your family that you have not forgiven? Is there a family member that you have not forgiven. The Bible talks about if we do not forgive he will not forgive us. Remember it is not what I say.”

The aunt replied, “I have been mad at my brother for seven years and I have not talked to him since. He talked smack about me and my family. I do not talk to him and I have not forgiven him.”

I said, “Today is the day of salvation. You need to call your brother and tell him that you want to forgive him. If you are going to see my King you need to be clean.”

She then asked me if I was a full-time minister. I said, “Only when I’m awake. The rest of the time I need my rest.”

You should have seen that room. Everybody begin laughing. I was on speaker so I could hear everything going on in the room. They laughed for a while then things began to get serious. The aunt said, “I am going to call my brother today. Could you pray for my husband. He is angry at God for putting me in the hospital.”

I said, “It is not God who put you in the hospital. You should have never taken the vaccine. That second shot is what put you in the hospital.”

God showed me that she had all kinds of blood clots in he body. They had a suit on her that was trying to stimulate her body to break up the blood clots within her. That suit physically shakes her in the bed trying to dislodge all the clots.

She then wanted to rededicate her life to Jesus Christ. Remember we are still on speaker phone. While all this was going on, the gangs on both sides were listening in on the conversation. The speaker phone was loud enough so they could hear God’s message being told. Before he made the call to his aunt, all the gang members were spread out all over the place. When he made the call everybody kept converging closer to us to hear better. Soon everybody from both gangs completely surrounded us to listen in on the conversation. After we finished talking we hung up the phone. The bodyguard, who kept slamming me on the ground, apologize to me. He said, “I hurt you pretty bad man. Are you mad at me?”

I said, “No, I have forgiven you as my King has forgiven me.”

He again said, “I hurt you pretty bad but yet you want to forgive me. I’m sorry that I did that. I am not going to hit you anymore. Please forgive me. I am just sorry that I ever did that.”

I said, “I have forgiven you. It is okay.”

He then asked, “Is it really that easy to forgive someone.”

I said, “When Jesus Christ is in your heart, it is very easy to forgive someone.”

He then confided in me and said, “I need to forgive my parents. When I was 12 years old my parents gave me to my grandpa and grandma. They just couldn’t handle me anymore. One day they just packed up my bags, took me to my grandparents and dropped me off. I watched as they drove off. They never even looked back. I just stood there on the sidewalk crying as they left me there standing alone.”

I said, “It is pretty hard to forgive somebody who just abandoned you. I know what it feels like to be abandoned. We have to forgive. It is between them and God what they did. If you carry that anger, hurt and bitterness, you carry that for what. None of that stuff is ever going to heal you. Just give all that stuff to God. Let God do the healing. You just love them and forgive them because they are your parents. Also do it for God. The Bible says honor your parents. There is no stipulation about not doing it if they’re not very good parents.”

He said, “I get it man. I’m beginning to understand. I am going to call my dad right now.”

All the gang members were close enough to hear him speak on the phone. They were really curious about what he was going to say. I feel that many of them had similar circumstances and they were trying to figure things out. They were hoping that they might learn something from what this guy was about to do. His dad answered the phone. He said, “John, are you okay? How’s it going? I haven’t talked with you for a long time. Where are you?”

John said, “Dad there is a guy here who is telling me that Jesus loves me. He said that I need to forgive you or God is not going to forgive me. I forgive you both for leaving me at Grandma and Grandpa’s that day. You abandoned me but I still forgive you. If I don’t forgive you I will never see heaven.”

His dad started crying. His mom was also listening and she began crying. They asked, “Do you want to come home?”

John said, “Yes.”

His parents asked, “Just tell us where you’re at. We will come and get you.”

At this moment, both gangs started walking away and pulling out their phones. They all started calling their parents. I did not beat them up with the word of God but I did show them what he is capable of doing through prayer. When John forgave his dad and those men saw what he did they decided they wanted to do the same thing. Both gangs were getting ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. About this same time, a bunch of cars started showing up. It was hard to believe that an hour and a half ago they were all aiming pistols at me and John  grabbed hold of me throwing me on the ground. Now they’re calling their parents wanting to go home. The big thing that they were doing was forgiving. All the gang members told their parents that they did not want to leave until they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They all lined up with their parents standing next to them. Everyone was crying as they were waiting to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I then asked them  “Do you want your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If you do, raise your hands.” All the gang members raised their hands and even their parents raised their hands also. Even though many of the parents were already Christians, they raised their hands anyway just to support their sons. There was a lot of crying going on as the sons gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The parents either rededicated their hearts or gave their hearts to Jesus Christ for the first time . There wasn’t a dry eye anywhere. Everybody was crying as the Holy Spirit began moving in their hearts.

The leaders came up to me and said, “Everybody who comes around here, we hurt them. I couldn’t even pull the trigger on you. I was ready to take you out, take everything you had and dump you in the river. I couldn’t even pull the trigger on my pistol so I just put it away. My hand cramped up severely when I tried to grab hold of my pistol. God is real because he saved your life today.”

I said, “He also saved your life today because I am already saved.”

Both leaders said, “We just cannot wait to see our parents.”

I found out later that John left his grandparents because they were leaving church and were killed in an automobile accident on the way home. He loved his grandparents because they did a good job of bringing him up. But after that he was on his own. He became angry at God for letting that happen. I said, “God did not cause the wreck but it was their time to go. I cannot explain why God allows those things to happen. But he has a purpose for everything that does happen. It is like today. My life is not in your hands; but it is in God’s hands. If you would have shot me today and killed me that would have been God’s will to bring me home into his Kingdom. That means I have accomplished everything that he has sent me to do. Your grandparents in the same way accomplished everything that they were supposed to do and God brought them home.”

John said, “Sonny, I get it; I get it. What is interesting is the leader told me to stab you. But I couldn’t do it. I said I am not going to stab a man that brings me Bibles and food. If you want to stab him, stab him yourself.”

Saying that to the leader takes courage. Even disrespecting a leader like that can get you into a lot of trouble but he was being bold.

One of the leaders parents had to drive a fairly great distance to get here. No one left until his parents arrived. Those gangs both had bonds with their members in order to hang with each other like that. Some of them said to each other that if your parents don’t show up come stay with us. We will adopt you. When John’s parents came, they immediately apologized again to him for dropping him off at their grandparents home. One leader introduced me to all the families. He said, “This is Sonny. He loves Jesus Christ. He brought us breakfast this morning. He reminded us of a song that Jesus loves me. He said he told me that he’s already been worshiping God because he sang that song before he got to us.”

After we talked about Jesus Christ and the awesome things that he does, everybody started going home. The three homeless guys all of a sudden showed up. They said, “That was the most beautiful thing we have ever seen. We saw the whole thing from a distance. God is so faithful isn’t he.”

I said, “Yes like I said, what you see now is temporary. But spending life with Jesus Christ and his father Yahweh is for eternity. That is going to be fun. The grapes there are as big as Volkswagens.”

One homeless guy said, “Are you serious? We are going to have a big face when we get there to eat that.”

I said, “I will greet you when you get here.”

Another asked, “Is it true that we get new bodies when we get there.?”

I said, “Yes I am short now but when I get to heaven I’m going to become a tall man. I know that the angels in heaven are all tall. They have huge hands and the shield and the swords they carry are huge. But I’m not sure if we’ll be as tall as they are.”

The homeless guys and I parted ways. These are the only two gangs in New Jersey that my King wants me to see. The undercover police took me back to my room so I could get ready to fly to Chicago tomorrow. My King has a large gang there for me to witness to. These guys are part of the MS-13 gangs and they are pretty mean. I am praying that my King will watch over me as I witness to them.