Blessing Disabled Veteran and Coffee Shop Couple

I was running ahead of schedule  as I was driving down to Denver to meet with four undercover policemen to pray with them. I pulled over and said, “Lord, I have this money for families in my pocket. You need to let me know what you want me to do about it.” I happen to stop near Walmart.

The Lord said, “Look over there.”

I went into the parking lot and started driving around until I got near the door. Soon this lady came out with three little kids. I watched them as they walked towards this van that looked like it was modified for wheelchairs. It had decals on it saying “Disabled Veterans”. I went over and said, “Hey, thank you for serving our country.”

He said, “It was an honor to serve our country. Because we have to trust in God in everything. My buddies were about to be killed and I jumped on a hand grenade. I did it to save my buddies lives. But it did take my legs. It’s just like Jesus Christ. He came here and he died for us to save the world. If Jesus could have done that for the world, I could do that for my buddies.”

His wife finally had a chance to talk and said, “I am always amazed how he tells that story. He is always humbled. He would give his last dime to anybody if they needed it. We are just a giving family.”

Their little 7 year old girl girl stepped up and and said, “Guess what we are getting?”

I said, “Now you are getting groceries.”

She said, “No we are only getting some items to make sandwiches. We are going to have a picnic.  Dad is not getting his check for three weeks.”

I just started crying. I just could not hold it back the way she said that. I said, “Do you believe in miracles?”

She replied, “Do you have a minute?”

I said, “Yes I do.”

She answered, “The biggest miracle is that Jesus Christ came here to earth and ended up in Mary’s stomach. And he is the son of God. He could have started walking on the earth right away. He had to go through the same thing we went through through our mom’s stomach. If that’s not a miracle then what he did is. He died and was hanging on the cross. In three days, he rose again. And now we can have the Holy Spirit in our hearts. So my answer is; yes I do believe in miracles.” She continued talking and said, “Today we prayed as a family because I have been craving Raisin Bran cereal.”

I said, “Your answers to your prayers have been answered today. I want to tell you about blue Mustang.”

She exclaimed, “Blue Mustang!”

I continue to love the response kids give me when I mention “Blue Mustang”. I then said, “Terry Bird also helps from time to time but this money is from blue Mustang. He gives money to families who need to buy groceries. What is really interesting and it’s a miracle that God has given him $140 as the amount needed for families.”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the money. As I began to hand it to her mom, she began to cry. The little girl grabbed my wrist and she started praying. She said,  “Father you know this man and you know Blue Mustang. Bless their hearts and their lives Lord. This is going to be a miracle.  I am finally going to get my cereal.”

To this little girl the world is getting a bowl of cereal. The miracle she was looking for is just getting cereal. God hears all our prayers. While this was all going on, a police car pulled up beside my truck. He asked, “How’s it going Sonny? Is everything okay?”

The little girl started explaining everything to the police officer. It was amazing on how well she told the story. When the police officer heard the entire story, he began to cry. He said, “Bless your heart little girl.” He then looked at us and said,  “I came here because they have a Burger King in their store. Why don’t we go fill up a grocery cart and I will take care of the bill.”

The little girl said, “I need to pray for you to.” She grabbed the police officer’s hand and prayed over him. The way she prayed brought tears to the officer’s eyes.

He said, “I stopped because I saw Sonny’s truck. I knew that he was doing something for God’s Kingdom.”

The little girl understood the concept of Heaven. She said, “When my dad goes to heaven he is going to get new legs. This is temporary.”

It is a wonderful experience to listen to a prayer from a child who has a pure heart. This little girl is the reflection of her parents period. They are both godly people. As we were about to finalize things the little girl asked, “Could you tell me about Terry Bird again.  Is he Big Birds little brother or big brother?”

I said, “He’s his big brother.”

The little girl then asked, “Does he have feathers then like Big Bird?”

I didn’t want to get to carried away and said, “No, he doesn’t have any feathers.”

The family went inside the store and went shopping with the police officer. See, it happened again. The $140 was multiplied by the gift the officer gave. God is good at this. I could not go with them because it was time for me to leave for my meeting with the undercover police.

I met with the undercover police at a coffee shop. As we were talking, a couple sat down next to us. They started praying. I said, “Guys, I want you to listen to their prayer.”

The husband said, “Lord, you know our needs. You know everything we need this month. To be able to buy groceries this week would be nice.”

See how God brings people into our lives. We need to listen to what is going on around us. After they prayed, his wife said, “I want to see if Mom and Dad can help us out again this week.”

The husband then said, “You know we always lean on them when we need help. Why don’t we lean on God. Let God do the miracle. We have been using them for the past 3 months. Let’s begin to walk by faith. Let’s see what God does.”

She agreed and they began enjoying their time together drinking coffee. Franco, one of the guys with me looked at me and whispered, “Aren’t you going to go over there and give them the money?”

I whispered back, “I will but hang on a bit and continue to listen.”

They started talking about their kids and their future. I finally got up and walked over. I said, “Do you guys believe in miracles?”

They were a little surprised that someone would ask this question but said, “Yes”.

I said, “Well let me tell you about Blue Mustang and what God has put in his heart. Terry Bird also helps but he’s our prayer warrior making sure the enemy is bound.”

They weren’t sure what I was talking about. I took the $140 I had in my pocket and laid it on the table. I said, “This is for you to go and buy groceries.”

The husband looked at his wife and said, “I told you that we just needed to have faith. We do not even know this guy and he just showed up. We got to walk by faith. We cannot rely on the world.”

His wife got up and came over and hugged me like I was her brother. She just cried and said, “You just restored my faith. I was on the end of the rope. I was just barely hanging on. I call my parents for help all the time.”

All five of my friends got up and came over. They introduced themselves as my friends. They had been texting their wives while I was talking to the couple. They then said, “Our wives are coming over here. Could you guys wait here a minute?”

Franco then looked at them and said,  “Could you make a list of all your bills that are coming up this month and next month? We want to take care of them.”

They made me cry when they made this offer. Because this could cost them thousands of dollars. The wife said, “The bill that is hurting us right now is the Discover card. We owe $3,200 on that. The interest is just killing us.”

When their wives arrived, they just started writing out checks. My friends blessed them for the next two months. Just think this all started with $140. Again the husband spoke about having faith. When he spoke it out, that is when God moved. Franco then said, “If you buy liquor or cigarettes this money will not be blessed. This money is to be for rent, utilities and groceries.”

My friends spent over $5,000 helping this couple out. This included paying off their Discover card bill. My friends all told them to tear up that credit card and quit using it. The couple agreed to do that. The Discover card was the only card they had but they said they were done using any credit card. That couple got up and hugged everybody. My friends, their wives and I prayed over the couple. The manager of the store came over and gave them $150 gift card so they can continue to come to the store and get coffee. But you see if I wouldn’t have been there, that couple would have left still struggling. We all have a mission in life and God has plans to use us to bless others. My God blessed two families again but they were in different locations. He keeps my life exciting by being so creative.