Blessings Given Because of Teen Praying

It was Saturday and I was in Denver. Blue Mustang had already giving me $280 to bless families today. I prayed to the Lord and said, “I only go where you tell me to go. You need to send me to where these families are.”

I did not wait long for an answer. God said, “Are you thirsty?”

I said, “Yes I am.” I went to my favorite King Soopers store to pick up one of those large bottles of lemon water. As I was approaching the door, I was still in my pickup.  I looked over and saw a van over on the other side.

God said, “That is them.”

I went over and parked near them. There were seven kids in a circle praying. The oldest one there was 12 years old. He was doing all the praying. The moms were standing over to the right of the circle.  I got out of my pickup and God said, “Sonny, I want you just to listen to them.”

I could hear that young man pray, “Father you know us. You know the situation we are in. You know that we need groceries at home. We do not have very much at the house right now. I am asking you that we do not want to be selfish by getting things that we want but I am asking that we can get those things that we need. My mom said that you told her that somebody was coming. It scared her when she heard your voice.” When he got to the end, he said, “In Jesus name. Amen.”

From the way he prayed, it was as though he had a good spiritual father. Later I found out that this was the case. He listens to how his father prays that is the reason he prays the way he does. Plus his dad loves God a lot.  The children let go of their hands after completing their prayer.

I walked up to them and said, “My name is Sonny.”

I caught them off guard. They spun around looking at me. The kids asked, “Did you say your name is Sonny?”

One mom asked, “How can I help you?”

I said, “I am the answer to your prayer. God brought me here.” I began sharing with her about Blue Mustang giving money to bless families with groceries.  I then said, “And that is the reason why I am here.” I then asked her, “Is this your son?” She confirmed that he was. I then said, “God told you to come here today because somebody was coming here today.” When I told them this, they all started crying. It shows that all of the family has tender hearts. All of them serve God.

One mom started telling me about how her husband got laid off because of Covid. Their company became scared again and decided to lay everybody off. He has unemployment insurance but it’s going to be two weeks before he can get paid. She then told me how God woke her up this morning and told her to be at this King Soopers store to meet someone. She was in deep prayer earlier and God answered her prayers. They all had the faith to step out of the house and to come here to this King Soopers store. She said “I have been praying for a whole week and fasting for three days because we needed a miracle. We only have a dozen eggs in our refrigerator now and that’s it.”

I said, “Blue Mustang, out of obedience, gives because he has been given. I expect him to be blessed 100-fold for what he does. I have all kinds of prayer warriors with me too including Terry Bird. He loves praying for me. The five-year-old girl that was standing there next to me looked at me and said, “Terry Bird and Blue Mustang. Are they cartoon characters or something?”

I said, “You are half right. They are characters but they are not cartoon characters and they are funny. They are my brothers in Christ and they are a blessing to my life. They have a heart for the Kingdom.”

The little girl then said, “They are like human beings then.  I want a cool name like that.”  She thought some more then asked, “Do they have any brothers?”

I said, “I think so.”

She asked, “Is Terry the brother of Big Bird?” I just went along with her. I did not want to destroy her imagination. She then asked, “Does he have yellow feathers too?”

I said, “Yeah, he does.”

The moms were both crying and laughing as I was speaking about Big Bird. Earlier God had me separate the money before I got there. I then asked them if they would make a grocery list.

They said, “We already made our list this morning in faith.”

They showed me their list. It was all essential stuff. There was nothing like cookies or anything like that. Cereal wasn’t even on the list. I then gave $140 to one mom and another $140 to the other mom. Then I said, “Let’s go shopping.”

I wanted to go with them because God wanted me to buy the kids cereal. I mentioned that cereal wasn’t on their list but you know children, they like their cereal. I said, “Just take your list and start shopping.” The moms were still crying even while they were in the store. We started shopping in the produce section and people started staring as these moms who were in tears. I was talking to the kids while the moms were buying produce. An old Gentleman comes up to me and asked, “Are you Mormons?”

I thought that was a strange question to be asking.  I began to realize why he thought that way because I was with these two moms with all these kids around me. I started laughing and said, “No, I’m not a Mormon.”

I explained everything to him that was happening today and why I was with them. He said, “Oh my gosh. Forgive me for thinking like that.”

I said, “It was a good question. It know it looked like that but again, no. I just met them this morning.”

The couple then said, “What a blessing!”

I had my own cart ready to get my drink and the kids cereal and milk. You have to have milk for cereal.

The old gentleman said, “Can I see that cart for a minute?” He took it from me and said, “Let me have it. I want to bless these children today. You already have your hands full with the ministry you have. My wife and I would love to bless these kids.”

The older couple started talking to the children and and wanted to take them down the cereal aisle. Each child grabbed the variety of cereal they wanted. The old guy told the kids make sure to get the king size boxes so they will last you. The little girl said, “I love Raisin Bran cereal.”

One of them even picked out Captain Crunch. That is my favorite cereal. By the time they got through, the old couple bought each kid two boxes of cereal. He also made sure they had milk and orange juice to go with their cereal. He then asked them, “If you had a choice for dessert, what would that be?”

The five year old girl quickly said, “Oreo cookies.”

He then asked each child what they wanted for dessert. He warned them, “Make sure to stretch your dessert out. You don’t want to eat it all at once.”

One of the kids said, “We all know about that. I remember when we had one package of Oreo cookies. We could only have one cookie a day.”

I began to cry as I began to realize how blessed I am. The old gentleman went down the cookie isle for some of the desserts requested.  Some of them wanted ice cream so we picked that up at the very end of shopping so it wouldn’t melt. Meanwhile, the moms went to the meat section and they picked up some hamburger and chicken.

I was by the meat counter to check out the rib-eye steak.  I said, “Look at this. You can get ribeye steaks for $3.” The meat was just starting to become outdated so they had to get rid of the meat that day. So both families loaded up on good cuts of meat. We got in line to check out and they had everything on their list they needed for day-to-day necessities. I happened to get in the line where the check out lady had blessed another family a few weeks ago when I was at this King Soopers. I didn’t intentionally do that. She called on her radio and had the manager come over. One of the carts came out to be $140 but the other one was $152. That checker covered the rest of the higher cart. The older gentleman paid for all the cereals and desserts for the kids because he felt God wanted him to help bless these families. What happened next was really cool.

The manager said, “Does Blue Mustang give $140 each time?”

I said, “Yes he does.”

The manager then said, “Then I’m going to give each family a $140 gift card.”

This King Soopers store here in Denver is blessed strictly because of the people who love God that work here. They even have prayer time before they start their business day. I have no idea how many people’s hearts have been changed because of what they do.

When we went outside the store, the kids wanted me and the old couple to stand right in the middle of their families. They began to surround us and pray for us. It’s hard not to get emotional when you see kids do things like this. They are going to make a difference in this world because they already know how to pray. They had prayed earlier and God answered their prayer. The kids all hugged me and they said, “We are going to go home and have cereal.”

The twelve-year-olds final words were, “If you believe in Jesus Christ,  you have to walk it or you will never see his faithfulness. My dad is teaching me how to walk by faith not by sight.”

Both men were out looking for part-time jobs while their wives were shopping. Both wives were sisters. It was interesting that God spoke to one of the sisters. That sister immediately called her sister up and said, “We need to go now. God said that we are going to meet somebody at King Soopers. She drove over to her sister’s house and picked her up. God directed them to this store and they didn’t question God. One thing I like about our God, he is like the parable of the 100 sheep. If we become lost, he goes out and tries to get us to become part of the flock again. But unlike the human shepherd, he can take care of his people in the flock. He takes care of the flock’s needs while he is out looking to bring back the strays.