Are We Crazy?

It is Saturday morning and I am sitting at the King Soopers on 144th Avenue in Denver. I was impatiently waiting and said, “Lord, you brought me here but I don’t see anybody.”

God said, “Sonny just wait.”

I was getting impatient because I was running a little bit behind schedule in picking up the burritos for the gang I was going to witness to. But as you know, God even had a plan for that. I laid back in my pickup, turned the worship music on. I was just starting to relax when I  looked in my rearview mirror. I noticed that a van just parked right behind my pickup. This is a big parking lot and there were parking spots everywhere so I wondered what was going on. They had me completely boxed in because the sidewalk was in front of me and they were directly behind me. As I continued observing in my rearview mirror, I saw the guy get out on the one side and his wife out on the other. The sliding doors opened up on the van and I saw another family get out. I then got out of my pickup and I asked, “How can I help you?”

The man said, “I hope you don’t think that we are crazy.”

I said, “No, I have seen a lot stranger things than this. How can I pray for you?”

The man said, “You are going to think we’re crazy but we have been praying and fasting all week. I got up this morning and prayed again. I then had my wife pray for today. She told me that God showed her that there would be a red Dodge 4-door pickup here. She also said I need to go to the pickup because the driver will have a blessing for us. You are the only red Dodge 4-door pickup in the parking lot. That is the reason why we stopped behind you so that you would not leave. We wanted to ask you the question Are you the one that is going to be bringing us the blessing? If so, we sure could use it.”

So here were two husbands and two wives. The kids were still sitting in the van. Since neither of the families had ever done anything like this before, they tried envisioning how they appeared to me. They repeated, “You probably think that we are crazy.”

I said, “Not at all. Let me tell you about Blue Mustang.”

One of the wives asked, “Is that a character?”

I smiled and thought to myself, it depends what you mean by character. But instead I said, “No, he is a man of God.”

She then asked, “What’s so special about him?”

I responded, “He gives me money on Saturday morning to bless families that are struggling buying groceries.”

I immediately handed $140 to each family to go buy food. I then said, “Do I think you are crazy! No! Was it just coincidence that I was the only Dodge in the parking lot. No! Do you think it was crazy that God told you it was going to be red. No! He even brought you directly to my pickup because this is a large parking lot. You obeyed him by coming here and listening to him. You could have said that God is crazy. Just because you listened, God has blessed you but if you would have blown him off, you would have totally missed the blessing for today. God would have then told me to go somewhere else to bless another family. There are many King Soopers in this town but God directed me to this one.”

She then said, “I am very glad that you listened to God because we were thinking that you would think that we were crazy.”

They were Christians and they were crying as I finished handing them the money. They were desperate and God provided. I am glad that I did not abandon ship and get the burritos that were waiting for me to take to the gangs. I would have missed this opportunity to bless both families today. It is interesting that when we do what God tells us to do, the people that we are coming into contact with are watching what we do and how we handle it. When we do exactly what God asks, their faith builds because they have seen God do miracles. My King also had me wait 20 minutes. That also builds my patience and God lets me know that even if I appear to be running behind schedule, He can cause anything to follow his plan.

The kids then came out of the van and they asked me to go grocery shopping with them. I said, “Yes, I can do that.”

In my mind I was thinking that I really needed to get going. That is when God put his foot down and said, “Sonny, just stop the fretting! This moment has been set by my Kingdom for you to be here at this time right now. Remember, I stopped time for Joshua when I held the sun in position. I am just as powerful today as I was back then. I can rewind time or do whatever I want just because I am the true God.”

As I felt embarrassed about questioning God, I understood and relaxed going into the store with the families. The manager smiled at me and said, “It looks like God’s working a miracle again.”

He then turned around and walked away. He then came back with two envelopes. There was a $150 gift card in each envelope. That was $300 the manager put out for these two families. He knew that, if they were with me, that they were hurting. If I would not have gone shopping with the families, the store manager might not have noticed these families and they would have missed out on the blessing that God had for them.

The families said, “We are only going to get what we need. We are going to save these gift cards for later.” I gave them my ministry cards and prayed with them. We parted ways but these families lives were transformed today. They will remember what God did today.

We need to seek people with God’s eyes. He will open our eyes to people in need. God does reward you for blessing people. But it will be in his time. Just remember this; you can never out give God. If your heart is in it, you will be blessed by him. That is a promise that he gives in Malachi 3:10. Always remember this; everything is his already and we are his stewards. If you do not believe this, watch what happens when someone dies; everything we treasured is left here on earth where it is given to someone else. God already has families planned for next week. I cannot wait!

Just Do It!

Marciano, a gang leader from the Bronx in New York called me this week to talk to me. I met this gang five years ago. They were one of the meanest and toughest gangs in the Bronx. All the other gangs feared and had respect for these guys. The reason God had me visit New York was because he had prepared their hearts and wanted me to bring the love of Jesus Christ to them. When I first met them there were 27 people in their gang. Now they are Christians and 22 have remained. All their families are still living in the same neighborhood in the Bronx, so it was easy for them to stay together as a gang. They now witness as a gang to gangs in New York. Because they are a gang, it is easier for these guys to relate to the gangs they witness to. They even have the markings of a gang in their tattoos. Because of their fierce reputation, the other gangs have respect for Marciano’s gang

Marciano went to King Soopers last Saturday with the entire gang. They were going to buy food for the gang that they were going to witness to that day. When they got in th check out line, they noticed a family behind them with just a few items in their cart. It appeared as they were going on a picnic but Marciano wanted to make sure.. Marciano asked, “How is your day going?”

The family softly said, “Pretty well.”

Marciano asked, “Are you going to have a picnic today?”

The couple said, “No, this is all that we can afford. These are our groceries for the week.”

Marciano was not surprised and said, “Those are your groceries for an entire week!” He paused for a moment and then asked, “What would you say if somebody came up to you today and asked you to go shopping with them telling you to get whatever you wanted?”

God had spoke to Marciano at this moment and told him to go and just do it. The family acknowledged that would be a miracle. Marciano then said, “Let me tell you about Blue Mustang.”

The couple gave them a strange look and responded, “Blue Mustang!”

Marciano said, “Yeah, God tells Blue Mustang to just do it and He blesses families. We believe it is important to bless others so that we too can be blessed. We also have learned from him to “just do it”.”

When Blue Mustang started saying “Just Do It” Marciano just loved that phrase so it is now a part of his vocabulary. So when his gang asks if they should do something, he says, “Let’s just do it.”

The lady started crying. Soon her husband followed. Their kids asked Marciano, “Who is this Blue Mustang? Is he like Santa Claus?”

Marciano responded, “Yeah, he is just like a Christian Santa Claus. When God tells him to do something, he says let’s just do it.”

The kids turn to their mom and asked, “Can we get some cookies?”

She said, “Yes, let’s just do it.”

That entire gang went shopping with them. Marciano’s gang always turns heads when they walk through a store. It is unusual to have 22 guys shopping at the same time. They walked with them through the entire store getting groceries for them. The little boy then asked, “Can we get ice cream?”

His little sister said, “Let’s just do it.”

Marciano said, “Sometimes even as a gang we don’t get everything we want. But today I want you to get the things that you want. I want you to “just do it”. We are here to take care of you.”

They finally got a cart full of food and headed toward the checkout. They got enough groceries to last two weeks. The kids were all excited and said, “Now, this is grocery shopping.”

That family kept thanking the boys for what they had just done as they continued walking toward the checkout. The parents said, “We are going to eat good because of you guys.”

Marciano said, “No, it is not us. It is God entirely. He said to “just do it”.”

When the cashier totaled everything up, it turned out to be $359. The manager of the store happened to be listening when the gang first met with the family at the checkout line so he knew everything that was going on. When the gang got ready to pay, the manager paid for half of the total. What is cool about all of this is what was about to happen to the husband.

That man was crying the whole time while this was going on. He said, “I cannot believe this is happening. Are you pulling our legs and you are planning to walk away at the last minute?”

Marciano said, “No way man. God says to “just do it” and we are going to do it.”

Up to this point, the husband has not been to church in ten years. His wife goes to church faithfully. What was happening today was a witness to the husband. He was seeing what true followers of Jesus Christ are like. He wanted that in his life. Our King was more interested in his salvation then the groceries.

Marciano and his gang were definitely having fun with the “just do it” phrase. Another thing that was interesting that happened, was a young woman standing behind the gang members wearing a Nike shirt that said “just do it.” When they turned around and saw her in line with that t-shirt, they all started laughing. The family’s daughter went up to her and asked, “What size is that shirt? I would like to get one.”

She replied, “I am a manager of a Nike shirt store. You come to my store and I will get some T-shirts for you.”

So after getting the groceries, the family headed to the Nike store to get some “just do it” shirts. What happened at that King Soopers in the Bronx was so powerful the husband gave his heart to Jesus Christ. Marciano and his gang are going to disciple him and check on him once a week to see if he needs anything to help him start his new walk with Jesus Christ. Marciano’s mom called the wife of the family to have her come to their Bible study where she could get support from the women.

Marciano is a lot like Paul. Before he turned his life over to Jesus Christ, he had that reputation that he did not take no crap from any other gang member. His guys were all top notch when it came to protecting themselves from other gangs. He has had to live with that reputation trying to convince people that he has changed his life to Jesus Christ. He even tried using an alias to hide his identity but was too well known in the Bronx. On the positive side, his gang’s reputation definitely has advantages when it came to talking about Jesus Christ. Other gang members knew about him and what he was capable of doing so they had respect for him. But Marciano would always tell whoever he would come in contact with that he came in peace. Like me, he would always have food or something to bless the gangs.

Another thing that Marciano does is neighborhood clean up. He would rent a truck when some areas in the neighborhood get messed up because of gang activity. He and his gang would go out and clean up those areas. The gang members would always come out and demand to know what he is doing. He would always tell them that he’s here to clean things up for them so they’d have a nice clean place to hang out. He would then share with them that Jesus Christ asked him to do this because he loves them so much. Many times the gangs would give their lives over to Jesus just because of this sacrifice.

When you serve God, he not only looks out for you but blesses you. For example: When the guy that he rented the truck found out what Marciano was doing, he said, “If I only knew that you were doing this, I would not have charge you anything for the trucks.”

The owner just stood there for a moment then quickly went into the office. He looked through Marciano’s past charges. After adding everything up, he wrote a check to Marciano reimbursing him for past rentals. He then asked him if he had a favorite truck that he liked. Marciano said, “Sonny likes the number 51. If you have that number I would take that one.”

The owner did not have that number in his fleet so Marciano asked for 12 representing the twelve disciples. The owner said, “Marciano, I don’t have a number 12 either. I do have a number 13.”

Marciano thought for a minute then said, “That will do. That would be twelve disciples + Jesus Christ. That makes 13. That will be a great truck.”

The owner then gave Marciano a key to the lot so he could pick the truck up anytime someone is not here. He promised him that it would be fueled up and ready to go when he got there. The owner completely trusted Marciano. He earned his trust by living for Jesus Christ.

Marciano is cleaning up the Bronx and he is also blessing families at King Soopers. He was told by God to look for people with lists. Those people will usually be looking at their list trying to decide if they can afford to get anything on the list and what they might have to leave out. Also, look for short lists. That is another sign that may show people who do not have the money to buy groceries. By using this information from God, he has 100% success rate of reaching people who are in need.

As Marciano hung up his cell phone talking with me, he said, “God gets the Glory and the Victory.

Brother and Sister Families Blessed

It was Saturday and my King had me go to a different King Soopers store on the southside of Denver. I have never been here before. When I arrived, I sat in the parking lot checking out my surroundings. I noticed the store was one of those big King Soopers stores that have everything. God then said, “Sonny, look to the east.”

As I looked towards the east, I noticed two vans sitting over there. My King then said, “That is them. They are waiting for a miracle.”

I was getting ready to go and see them right away. But God said for me to wait and observe. I watched as the parents and the kids got out of the vans. I found out later that the husbands were brothers and their wives were sisters. They met at a party a long time ago. That is why they have this relationship. One of the younger kids started aiming towards the sky. I wondered what he just said. I was too far away to hear what they were saying.

God then said, “Sonny, take your Bible and pray with them.”

With my Bible in hand, I started walking towards them. The first one that approached me was the 8 year old little boy. He asked, “Are you a minister?”

The parents laughed when he asked that question. I said, “Yes, I minister out in the streets. Why were you pointing to the sky?”

The little boy said, “My parents said that all things are possible. I was pointing to God when I said with him all things are possible.”

I replied, “You are absolutely right. In this world many things are impossible. But with our King all things are possible.”

The little boy then said, “We have been praying for a miracle.”

Isaiah one of the husbands said, “With this covid thing going on, we are just barely making it. Just last night I had to have my brother and his wife move into our apartment. This way we can eliminate one rent.”

Their landlord has been supporting them and offered to move them into a larger apartment that just opened up. Normally, the lease does not allow for multiple family living but he wanted to give them a couple of months to get things straightened out. Next they shared that they had just enough food in the refrigerator to make a few sandwiches but that was it. I then asked, “You don’t have any cereal or milk either.”

Isaiah said, “No but when I woke up this morning, God told me to get everyone and to come to this store and pray for a miracle. We feel like we are failures with our families because we are barely making it.”

I said, “You are not failures!” I quoted Matthew 6:33 to them and then I said, “You are discipling your children and you are doing everything right. You came here walking in faith.”

His wife said, “That is what I told my husband. We are walking not by sight but faith. God said to come here so we came.”

This was the first time I ever did this but I had them line up. I prayed for each one individually. Then we got in a circle and I prayed as a group. We prayed for a miracle. I still haven’t told them what I was here for but now it is time. I said, “I want to tell you about how God uses Blue Mustang.”

Their five-year-old daughter said, “Blue Mustang. That is a car.”

I said, “Yeah, he drives a Blue Mustang. It is the nickname that the Latinos gave him.” She wasn’t sure what I meant by the Latinos but that is another story. I then said, “God has put on his heart to give money to families that are struggling so they can buy groceries. That is his ministry. He is also helping me buy the food in my gang ministry. He does that to let the gangs know that our God is real. Our God is not dead.”

The little girl said, “That is like the song from the Newsboys Our God is Not Dead.” She has heard the song before because her parents listen to Christian music. The little girl then asked, “Why do people not have faith in God when he is the one that created the world?”

I said, “That is because they are stuck on themselves. They are not seeking God first.”

I was about ready to quote Matthew 6:33 again to them when their 10 year old little boy started quoting the verse from memory. “Noah, one of the other kids said, “I am praying that God hurries up because I am craving some cereal. I miss not eating cereal in the morning.”

When Isaiah got the message from God to come here, everybody immediately came to the store. No one had a chance to eat any breakfast this morning because they wanted to come here right away. It can be said that they came here in faith. They did not even know how long they might have to wait. I found out they were waiting here for an hour and 10 minutes before I showed up. But they were willing to wait longer. God knew that I wasn’t going to be here at the time they arrived. Many times he’ll have us wait to see if we’re obedient to him. Plus it shows if we really trust him.

I already had put the money in separate envelopes. I said, “This money is from our King. But just remember Blue Mustang is blessed by God to bless people. He is being obedient to helping people like you.” As I handed them the envelopes, I said, “This belongs to you.”

They opened the envelopes and families excitedly said, “This is a miracle! Let’s go get cereal!”

I said, “God said that you need to get the things that you need but not the things you want.”

The oldest boy Nehemiah said, “Let’s pray for Blue Mustang. He blessed us so we need to ask God to bless him.”

Their parents are raising these kids right. He wanted to pray for Blue Mustang and thanking God instead of wanting something for himself first. Their hearts are for the Kingdom. Nehemiah reached out to grab my hand as we stood in a circle. He said, “God, wherever Blue Mustang is right now, I ask you to bless him abundantly. Let the floodgates of God’s Kingdom fall on him and his family.”

As Nehemiah was praying, I was thinking that he’s going to be in an evangelist someday. After Nehemiah finished praying, each one of the kids said a prayer. The adults then began praying. As the last adult was starting to pray, I heard some footsteps behind me. I was just praising God and knew that he was protecting us so I didn’t care. I soon could hear soft voices but I kept my eyes closed as we continued praying. After the last parent finished, we open our eyes and noticed that a white van showed up and the occupants were all standing around us in a circle and praying for us. One of them said, “We saw all of you in a circle praying. God then told us to stop and pray for you.”

I also noticed that people coming out of the store saw us praying. Some of them had their hands outstretched like they were also praying for us. I don’t see this happening very much at other King Soopers stores. This must be a tighter community for people to reach out like that. Soon, one of the older couples stepped forward and asked, “We just finished praying for you. Is there anything in specific that we can pray for you about? Like what needs do you have that we can pray for?”

The men from the families told them exactly what just happened here. He told him that Blue Mustang has just given them money to buy groceries. The little girl stepped up and said, “And he is a man of God.”

The old couple then said, “We want you to come over here by the van. We want to show you something.”

The old gentleman opened up the back door of the van. Inside there was a single suitcase. He then proceeded to open the suitcase. It had places to put 12 envelopes. They have already given envelopes to five families. I found out later that these couples, when God tells them to, drive around and find families who are in need. They stop and bless them. I asked, “Do you do this all the time?”

They replied, “No, we only do it when God tells us to.”

They then handed one family envelope number 6 and the other one envelope number 7. The old gentleman said, “You do not have to open them up right now. This is what God said for us to do and that is what we are doing.” They looked at each of the families and said, “Keep your eyes on God’s Kingdom and he will answer all your prayers for his Glory not yours. It is for His will; not yours. You may ask for a million dollars but it is up to God what you are going to get.”

We then placed all the couples in the middle. The families and I surrounded them and prayed for them. What was really interesting, the two little girls we’re inside the circle with the old couples. They laid their hands on each one of their backs and said a prayer for each one. I was watching all this unfold before my eyes. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

The families and the couples said their goodbyes and they exchanged contact information. I too, gave my ministry cards to both the families and the old couples. The old couples climbed back into their van and they left. One of the wives said, “I am curious. I just have to know what’s in one of those envelopes. I want to see.”

Her husband said, “Well, just open them.”

As they carefully tore into each one of those envelopes, each one had $1,000 in them. I said, “That is God. That definitely is God.”

One of the little boys said, “The power of prayer works. We have to pray and trust God. Even if it would have been $10, we have to thank him for that.”

They then laid their hands on the envelopes and prayed over them. They prayed for those families that blessed them that God would bless them. They laid Blue Mustang’s money on top of theirs and prayed that Blue Mustang would get blessed double on top of that. Bless him today wherever he is at. Nehemiah prayed some more. I said, “I just love the way you pray.”

Nehemiah said, “My dad and my mom taught me how to pray. But it’s the relationship with Jesus Christ that makes things different. I love talking to him.”

The little girl confirmed, “You are right. It’s not about a religion. It is about a relationship with the father whose name is Yahweh and his son Jesus Christ. It is about them and not us.”

I said to myself that these kids are just amazing. Ruth, one of the wives stepped up to me and asked, “Do you want to see the grocery list that I made this morning before we got here?”

I said, “Yes, I want to see it.”

She then pulled a list out of her purse and there was a full-page of items that she had listed out that she needed. She said, “I made it in faith that God was going to bless us.”

The families began hugging me. Their little girl would not let go of my hand all the time that we were together. We began walking around the parking lot and I began sharing more with the parents. One of the little boys grabbed hold of my other hand as we begin talking. The white van that left just a few minutes ago showed up again with everybody still in it. They got out and said, “We are so sorry. We forgot to ask if you guys have a place to stay.”

The families immediately said, “Yes, we do have a place to stay. We are going to be moving into a bigger apartment next week so we can all fit in it.”

The driver of the van then said, “In a month, my rental home will be open. It has seven bedrooms. There are four bedrooms on the top and three bedrooms on the bottom. If you guys want to move there we can make that happen.”

The driver’s wife spoke up and said, “It has a big backyard. It will be great for your children to play in.”

Both families took the opportunity to live in their home. The old couple said, “As we were driving away, God reminded me about our home that was about to become available. He said for me to come back and let you know about it.”

The families were blessed again. One thing you will notice in my stories is that all the families are walking out in faith. They are praying and they are expecting a miracle. When you pray, you must expect a miracle. I am living proof that our God is real and answers prayer. I cannot wait until God reveals himself to new couples next week.

Unforgiveness Stifles Church

It was Sunday and I was going to bring the message of Jesus Christ to some more gangs. As I was driving by one of the many churchs in Denver, my King said, “Sonny , I want you to stop and go to church here.”

I began arguing with God and said, “I need to see the gangs you told me about this week and I know they are at the park right now.”

My King said, “Just do it.”

So I pulled immediately into the church’s parking. As I got ready to park, I could hear this couple arguing. They were arguing very loud so everyone could hear them. The husband did not want to wear his shoes in church. His wife was wanting him to put them on. So the battle was on. I approached them and said, “My brother Blue Mustang does not wear shoes either. He just cannot stand to wear them and goes barefoot everywhere too.”

The husband feeling vindicated said, “He is my kind of man.”

The wife rolled here eyes and said, “It is hard to believe there is another one of those out there like my husband.”

I said, “It is not what you wear but what is important is what is in your heart when you come to worship our King.”

She said, “You are right. It is more important what’s in our hearts than what we wear.”

So they stopped arguing. I prayed with them and we went into the church together. I sat down next to them in the middle of the church. We sang worship songs at the beginning which was very inspirational. After we finished worshiping God in song, the Pastor came up and congratulated the worship team on there great performance. He then immediately began talking about his neighbor.

He said, “Do you ever got one of those neighbors that drive you crazy.”

He shared more things with the congregation that he cannot stand about his neighbor. It was like I was listening to those late night TV shows where they find some guy to disgrace to get ratings. I found out later that this has been an ongoing thing. He ended his rave with, “I just hate my neighbor.” Some people started laughing when he said that. I also heard some people murmur that they had one of those kind of neighbors too.

I said to myself that this is not right, so I stood up. The pastor asked, “How can I help you?”

I held my Bible towards him and said, “The scripture says love thy neighbor as you love yourself. If you hate your neighbor, what is there in your life that you hate about yourself.”

The pastor stopped and look down and paused to think. He then said, “You know; you are right.”

While this was all going on, everyone in the church was staring at me. But I did not care because I value what the Bible says and my King revealed to me this church is being held back because of unforgiveness. What was about to happen is really amazing.

The neighbor that he was talking about attended church today for the first time in his life. He was sitting about three rows behind me and to my left. The pastor did not notice that he was there listening to every word he spoke.

He then got up and said, “I am the neighbor that he is talking about. Many times I have been a jerk. If the wind blows my trash on to his yard, I just let it go.” He paused for a moment and continued, “This man has been a light in my life. When I had tragedies in my life he would come and support me. He would tell me about Jesus Christ. I just ignored him but he was interested in my salvation.”

He then came forward where the pastor stood and he asked for forgiveness and to accept Jesus Christ. They both publicly asked for forgiveness for what they’ve done. The healing in this church has begun. After this happened, the whole congregation started praying for each other. They all too had neighbors that either drove them crazy and/or other people in their lives that they had unforgiveness for. There was no message given that day. The whole service was given to prayer. People began coming together and asking for forgiveness of past grievances. Now the Holy Spirit can bless this church because they are removing their bondage of unforgiveness that has been keeping him away.

My King sent me here strictly because this church was being bound because of unforgiveness. A 90 year old lady in the back of the church said, “If he talked about his neighbor one more time, I’m not sure what I would do. I thank you very much for making him accountable for what he was saying.”

If you do not think that unforgiveness is deadly, I would like to remind you of the lead singer of the band MercyMe. When he had unforgiveness for his father, the music that he wrote was just not that great. Even one of his managers said you have something in your life that’s holding you back. His dad was not that great growing up and he had great bitterness towards him. The day he forgave his father and created a relationship with him, it all changed. He was sitting down in the bus and the words to this song “If You Could Only Imagine” came to light. He intentionally wrote it for Amy Grant but Amy knew that it was his song so she had him sing it on the day of her concert. That song became the number one song of every Christian song out there. They are still creating awesome music for God just because he forgave his father. Do not allow unforgiveness to hold you back.

Blessing Denver Park families

I went to the King Soopers I normally go to on Saturday morning. I picked up the supplies that I needed to witness to the gangs that day. I went back to my pickup and sat there. My King said, “Sonny I want you to go to a park. The park is located seven blocks to the south and three blocks to the west.”

I thought to myself that this was strange because people come to the store to buy groceries.  As I was trying to resolve this in my mind, my King said, “Just go!”

There was a park there just as my King said. When I arrived, there was a car and a van already there. As I looked the situation over, I noticed the parents of two families in the center of a circle of kids. I found out later the wives happened to be sisters. Their eight kids were holding hands around the outside of the circle and were praying. I still couldn’t hear what they were saying because I was too far away.  As I got closer, I could hear more of the children’s prayer about getting groceries today. I am beginning to learn that getting groceries doesn’t necessarily have to start at a store but it is where God sends me. These children were praying in faith. Later they shared with me that the parents began praying first. The kids then gathered around them and they continued praying after their parents did.

I came within ten feet of the families. I could hear one of the older kids begin to pray. She said, “God you heard my parent’s prayer. We are in need of a miracle today. We do not know what to do. Personally, I am getting tired of eating bologna and bread. But we are thankful for it. But I could really use a bowl of cereal today.”

This was a simple prayer but she is reaching out to God in faith that He would supply their needs. I was beginning to cry because these children were all crying out their hearts to God for a miracle. The parents were already crying as their kids began praying. Could you just imagine what it was like having your kids praying around you. I just continue to stand there until all the other kids finished praying. All the time while they were praying nobody was looking around. They all had their eyes closed so they did not know I was there. When the oldest girl said “Amen” they all open their eyes. That is when they noticed me. I did have my Bible in my hand. There’s something about the word of God that brings peace to his people. The parents stood up and asked, “How can we help you?”

I said, “I am here to help you today. My King brought me here directly to you. You need a miracle today.”

They then asked, “So you know what we need?”

I said, “Our God knows everything. He brought me here to you but Blue Mustang helped you to get groceries today.”

With a puzzled look they said, “Blue Mustang!” They always respond like this whenever I bring up my two brothers.

I responded, “Blue Mustang sets aside money for two families each week for families who need groceries.”

Like many of His people they do not totally realize how powerful our God is and the cool ways He demonstrates it. I have been doing this coming on six years and my King reveals his love differently to each family He sends me to. The families said, “You don’t even know us. Blue Mustang or Terry Bird have no idea who we are!”

I said, “That maybe true but they pray constantly for me, this ministry and for families like you who are hurting and need help.”

Their daughter who was six years old wanted to know more about Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. Her little brother said, “Don’t be silly! Everybody knows that Terry Bird is Big Birds brother.”

After I told them more about my brothers, the younger kids responded, “Those are the coolest names ever. We would like to have a cool name too.”

The oldest girl whose name is Sarah said, “God answered our prayer. We needed a miracle and we received one.”

Both families shared with me that they live in a one-bedroom apartment. In their refrigerator was 3 slices of Bologna, one loaf of bread and one slice of cheese. It is time to bless the families. I said, “Here is the money Blue Mustang gave me to give to you guys so you can buy groceries.”

I handed $140 to each family. While I was doing this, there were seven old couples walking and exercising around the park. They had been watching us the whole time. I was concentrating on talking with these two families and I never noticed the seven old couples. I never worry about my surroundings because I know that my King always has my back covered. Those seven couples came over and made a circle around us. They looked at the parents and asked, “How can we pray for you? We saw the children pray for you then we saw this man walk up to you. What’s going on and how can we help?”

The families shared a little bit about their life, how they’re living in a single bedroom apartment and that they’re struggling and having a difficult time getting groceries. They said, “We just moved here but we will not get paid for 2 weeks.”

One of the couples spoke up and said, “So you need a bigger place to live?” The old gentleman said, “My mom just passed away and she has a five bedroom home that we are thinking about renting out. We need to get it rented out so that we can continue to pay the mortgage.”

So he made an offer to the families to come and live in the house. The couple said, “The house has a kitchen in the basement. There are three bedrooms downstairs and five bedrooms upstairs. If you want the home we will give you two months rent-free.”

His wife said, “No, we’ll give them three months free.”

They did not care if the families stayed together. It would be an opportunity for the families to split the rent. God supplied the home for them. The old couple did not ask for a security deposit or down payment. Soon the families will be able to move into a nice home. The family wanted to thank Blue Mustang for what he did. The little girl said, “Do not forget about Terry Bird!”

The family then said, “We want to thank God for Blue Mustang, the prayers of Terry Bird and for this man Sonny who brought us the money for groceries.”

The seven couples then said, “Why don’t we go to the store and buy you groceries. You can use the money that this man gave you for gas or whatever.”

The little girl exclaimed, “Blue Mustang gave us this money to buy groceries. Not to put gas in our cars. We are going to use it for food especially cereal.”

The parents then said, “She is absolutely right. This money is not designated for gas but its designated for food.”

The old couple said, “That is okay but let’s go to King Soopers and buy groceries. We want to make sure you have enough food for the week until you get moved in. Then we’ll get more groceries after you get moved in. Oh, by the way, the house is all furnished. It has beds, couches and other furniture.”

Both families could have easily stayed at their apartment and prayed but God told them that they needed to go to the park and pray there. Because He knew the people that would be there that day. The kids could play while adults prayed. That is the reason why God sent me there because He knew that families would be there because He sent them. People need to understand that when God sends you some place, you need to go there. God doesn’t need anybody to debate Him or complain like “Really! Do I have to go to the park now?” Wherever I go, I will always get to watch what God does. I notice how cool my King is whenever He reveals himself to someone. His plans come out perfect even if I mess up.

The kids started running around the park. All the while they were running around the park, they were thanking God for what just happened. They kept repeating, “Thank you God for answering our prayer and thank you for being so faithful.”

They learned how to pray and praise like this from their parents. It is a responsibility of our kids to pick it up but we have to confess it in front of them so they realize that we are serving an awesome God.

Sarah said, “Before you go, I want to pray for you, Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. Even though Sarah was only 11 years old, she prayed like an adult. It was amazing how she prayed. She held my hand and prayed for my protection. She then said, “I will never forget this day for the rest of my life on how God answered our prayers.”

I said, “God hears our prayers even if we don’t need something. He still listens and He still hears them. It is on his timing when He answers your prayer. This shows that we should never stop praying.”

Sarah then said, “You are the bravest man we have ever met.”

Her mom then stepped in and said, “You must have been chosen by God to go and witness to gangs. Because they are mean.”

I said, “They are mean but they all have broken hearts. Many times they have been thrown out of their homes and their hearts are damaged worse.”

After this, the seven couples prayed for us. They then said, “Let’s go to King Soopers and buy your groceries.”

The families did use Blue Mustang’s money for groceries but his investment was multiplied greatly by God. We know that there are other families out there that need help. We need to pray for them and that others will step up to bless them. As for me, I will continue to go after them to let our King rock their world. I know that it is physically impossible to bless someone’s life without their blessing touching my own life.

Rescuing Russian Women

It was Saturday and I was taking a break between witnessing to gangs. The undercover police called me and let me know about the Russian Mafia that was moving into Denver. This organization is involved in a lot of illegal activities. One activity is providing women that are used strictly for the pleasure of business men. They wanted to arrest the men but not the women. They had intel that the women were being cohearst into doing what they are doing. The undercover police then asked, “Sonny, would you like to witness to these women about Jesus Christ?”

I said, “Yes, I would like to know more about them.”

As the undercover police began showing me where they were at, my King said, “I want you to get them flowers. Get them all red roses. Then I want you to tuck a ministry card inside each rose.”

I folded my cards in a way so I could get them inside the flowers. I stood on the other side of the street. When they crossed, I gave each one a rose. I wasn’t sure if they understood what I said but my King told me to tell them that Jesus Christ loves them. I told them that my Ministry card was inside the rose. There were four bodyguards that surrounded them making sure that the women stayed safe. You could tell that all four of them worked out. They were amazingly built like those who compete in body building. When they walk by me, they gave me a smirk. But I knew deep down that they were all broken. Before everyone finished walking across the street, the bodyguards suddenly became distracted. I quietly said, “If any of you ladies want to get out of this organization, you give me a call.”

There were 19 women in this group. I found out later that two of them were actually Americans who were undercover. I do not know if you have ever seen Russian women before, but they are usually tall like these girls were. They were very beautiful. Even the women in Hollywood don’t look as good as these girls did. I could not tell who the American women were. They were trained and made beautiful to fit right in. They continued on to their destination and I left the area.

Within 2 hours, they began calling me. They said, “We want to get out. This organization is just killing us. We definitely want out.”

I then said, “Okay, how does midnight tonight sound. I will come and get all of you out.”

I shared everything with the undercover police but they already knew because of the two American women had reported in. The police had enough information on the guys to arrest them now but feared for the safety of the women. The undercover police have a van that is colored a dull black. The entire van is bulletproof. There is even a switch on the console that drops plates down that protects the wheels from bullets. I said, “There is still an inch gap between the plates and the pavement. A sniper could easily put a bullet in that crack and take a tire out anyway. You should probably get that fixed.”

They wanted to furnish a driver for the van but when you realize these girls come from a communist country. The government pays certain people in every community to spy on their neighborhood. They report back to their evil government what their neighbor is doing. It is difficult for them to trust people knowing they may be turned over anytime to the bad guys. They could be killed or sent to prison just based on what the spy says. I said, “They trust me and I need to go alone.”

I reported back to the girls what type of vehicle to be looking for when I pick them up. The undercover police had snipers in place at the location of the pickup. Their job was to take out any one who might try to stop us. It is now midnight and is time to pick the girls up. The undercover police shut the electricity down for the entire block. I have two minutes to pick the girls up before the backup generators kick on. I drove the van up to the pick up point. I did not have to encourage the girls to get in. Man you should have seen how fast they all jumped inside the van. I closed the door and we took off. The engine on this van has some soup. It really moved even with all the armor plating on it. The undercover police always have a safe place where I can drop people off. I headed there before anybody could follow me. While I was driving to the destination, I asked them if they wanted to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. All of them did give their lives to Jesus Christ. I wanted to spend more time with the ladies talking more about Jesus Christ but the police needed to get information from each one of the ladies to complete the bust. I found out with all the intel they got from the ladies that they arrested all 33 guys the next day. The ladies flew to Washington D.C. to get new identities. Now they are eligible to have asylum in the United States. They were here illegally but not of their willingness. I thought since the guys were arrested that I would not be hearing anything more about the Russian mafia, but I was to find out that was not the case.

About mid-week I got a phone call. The undercover police again revealed to me that there was the same deal going on. I found out that there were two different mafias. One was set up on the north side and one was set up on the south side of Denver. Their whole idea was to infiltrate Denver and take it over. They warned me to expect a Zoom call on Friday after work.

Friday after work I had that Zoom call with another law enforcement branch right on schedule. They began talking about this new Russian mafia and their plans. They knew that I was going in to get the girls out. They began telling me, “Sonny, we don’t want you to mess this up. We have enough evidence to arrest everyone. ”

With authority I said, “This is not the first time I’ve done this. I am also walking with my King. Not only is he protecting me, but he always gives me wisdom to do it right. My King never makes mistakes!”

My response seemed to lighten them up and they began asking questions about God’s ministry. They wanted to know who I worked with. I liked it when I told her I worked with Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. One of them wanted me to reveal to her the identity of Blue Mustang. But one of the other Zoom callers said that Blue Mustang is his name and that’s all you need to know. I began to see the human side of them as we dialogued further. We then signed off. Blue Mustang has been trying to call me for pray tonight. I appreciate it when he lifts me up in prayer before facing the gangs and/or illegal organizations each weekend. I firmly believe what is going on spiritually and the protection I receive in this ministry is a result of all the people who pray for us. Please continue to pray for God’s ministry. We want to be obedient to his calling of bringing Jesus Christ to the lost.

I made previous arrangement with the girls again to get them out at midnight on Friday. I always have my undercover Bible study on Friday. After I finished the Bible study, they said, “Sonny, something has come up. We need to get the girls out by 10 p.m.”

The undercover American women have already notified the girls of the time change. I made arrangements to pick up the van again and have everything ready at the pick up point by 10 p.m. When I arrived at the destination, the undercover police pulled the master switch and killed the power for the entire block. Again, I had a two minute window to get the 15 girls out. The van is capable of holding 21 people. The minute they got into the van they all began crying. As I sped off, I followed the lead car. He had one of those devices that turns all the lights green. We did not have to stop for a single red light.

During the whole trip the girls couldn’t believe that they were free. Some of the girls started sharing about Nadia and Sasha in the previous group I rescued who gave their lives to Jesus Christ. I then quoted John 3:16 and Jeremiah 49:11 to them. They started crying again after I finished reading God’s promise to them. The American girls that were there also began to cry. They asked, “Are you a full-time preacher?”

I said, “I am only when I am awake. Sometimes I’ve just got to sleep.”

They started to laugh as I said that. Then they became serious. One of the girls asked, “How did you get into rescuing?”

I said, “Jesus rescued us. He came to save us. That is our mission to rescue those from the clutches of darkness. We are to heal the lost and the broken hearted and those that are crushed in spirit. We’ve got to go after them. Jesus did that for all of us. He did not pick and choose. When God said in John 3:16 that he loves the entire world that includes everyone. God gets the Glory and the Victory.”

She then said, “America is beautiful but they are lost to.”

I said, “You are right.”

She replied, “These businessmen that use us are so corrupt. They treat us like merchandise. They just pick numbers and we are nothing but a lottery to them. We are so sick and tired of doing this but we also have families at home that we are trying to take care of.”

I said, “Not anymore. God is now going to take care of you and your families. You were meant to serve him.”

They then all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Again, I wish I had more time but again they had to give testimony to the police and get ready to get asylum in the United States with new identities. Many of the men that were supporting me at the first rescue were there for the second rescue. Many of them had the night off but wanted to be there anyway just to support me. These women were thanking everybody there over and over again. They were so grateful that we rescued them. When they gave their hearts over to God, their tears of sadness became tears of joy. The girls began hugging me many times. It was about 1 am Saturday morning as we parted and I began my drive home.

I was beat and wanted to stop to get something to drink. I stopped at the 7-Eleven that I go to a lot of the time when I minister in this area. When I walked in the door, the cashier exclaimed, “What party did you go to?”

I looked at him funny saying, “I have not been to any party.”

The clerk who was ready to explode into laughter said, “Look at your face. It is full of lipstick everywhere. It looks like you’ve been kissed a thousand times. And you say you have not been at a party. Yeah, right!”

I found myself a mirror and I said, “Ugh!”

I should have listened to what Blue Mustang said. He warned me that those beautiful women would probably try to kiss me and if you go into that 7-Eleven they are going to have some fun with you. He remembered the story I told him rescuing some prostitutes out of the same situation that these women were in. I had lipstick all over my face then. The guy then said, “I needed a good laugh. Thank you.”

The 7-Eleven is in a dangerous neighborhood. You can see the shotgun nearby to thwart anybody who might think they need to rob the store. They even have other methods in place to prevent people from stealing from this store. Even the glass that separates them from the customers is bulletproof. I can see why he needed a good laugh. Wait till I see Blue Mustang again, he’s definitely going to rub it in. I remembered when he prayed for me on Friday night, he prayed, “When Sonny comes in contact with these beautiful Russian women, make sure you keep him away from that 7-Eleven store.” Even my King is laughing at this one. I made it home at 2 am. Time to get to bed to have breakfast with Blue Mustang in the morning.

By 8 this morning all the guys in this Mafia group are going to be arrested. There’s a chance that they will put a hit on my life for what I have done to their organizations. One thing they don’t realize, my King is more powerful than they. He has protected me from many hits before.

As of this writing The girls we’re given the opportunity to have their families come over from Russia. In order to come here though they had to leave everything there and had to come over secretly.