Rescuing Russian Women

It was Saturday and I was taking a break between witnessing to gangs. The undercover police called me and let me know about the Russian Mafia that was moving into Denver. This organization is involved in a lot of illegal activities. One activity is providing women that are used strictly for the pleasure of business men. They wanted to arrest the men but not the women. They had intel that the women were being cohearst into doing what they are doing. The undercover police then asked, “Sonny, would you like to witness to these women about Jesus Christ?”

I said, “Yes, I would like to know more about them.”

As the undercover police began showing me where they were at, my King said, “I want you to get them flowers. Get them all red roses. Then I want you to tuck a ministry card inside each rose.”

I folded my cards in a way so I could get them inside the flowers. I stood on the other side of the street. When they crossed, I gave each one a rose. I wasn’t sure if they understood what I said but my King told me to tell them that Jesus Christ loves them. I told them that my Ministry card was inside the rose. There were four bodyguards that surrounded them making sure that the women stayed safe. You could tell that all four of them worked out. They were amazingly built like those who compete in body building. When they walk by me, they gave me a smirk. But I knew deep down that they were all broken. Before everyone finished walking across the street, the bodyguards suddenly became distracted. I quietly said, “If any of you ladies want to get out of this organization, you give me a call.”

There were 19 women in this group. I found out later that two of them were actually Americans who were undercover. I do not know if you have ever seen Russian women before, but they are usually tall like these girls were. They were very beautiful. Even the women in Hollywood don’t look as good as these girls did. I could not tell who the American women were. They were trained and made beautiful to fit right in. They continued on to their destination and I left the area.

Within 2 hours, they began calling me. They said, “We want to get out. This organization is just killing us. We definitely want out.”

I then said, “Okay, how does midnight tonight sound. I will come and get all of you out.”

I shared everything with the undercover police but they already knew because of the two American women had reported in. The police had enough information on the guys to arrest them now but feared for the safety of the women. The undercover police have a van that is colored a dull black. The entire van is bulletproof. There is even a switch on the console that drops plates down that protects the wheels from bullets. I said, “There is still an inch gap between the plates and the pavement. A sniper could easily put a bullet in that crack and take a tire out anyway. You should probably get that fixed.”

They wanted to furnish a driver for the van but when you realize these girls come from a communist country. The government pays certain people in every community to spy on their neighborhood. They report back to their evil government what their neighbor is doing. It is difficult for them to trust people knowing they may be turned over anytime to the bad guys. They could be killed or sent to prison just based on what the spy says. I said, “They trust me and I need to go alone.”

I reported back to the girls what type of vehicle to be looking for when I pick them up. The undercover police had snipers in place at the location of the pickup. Their job was to take out any one who might try to stop us. It is now midnight and is time to pick the girls up. The undercover police shut the electricity down for the entire block. I have two minutes to pick the girls up before the backup generators kick on. I drove the van up to the pick up point. I did not have to encourage the girls to get in. Man you should have seen how fast they all jumped inside the van. I closed the door and we took off. The engine on this van has some soup. It really moved even with all the armor plating on it. The undercover police always have a safe place where I can drop people off. I headed there before anybody could follow me. While I was driving to the destination, I asked them if they wanted to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. All of them did give their lives to Jesus Christ. I wanted to spend more time with the ladies talking more about Jesus Christ but the police needed to get information from each one of the ladies to complete the bust. I found out with all the intel they got from the ladies that they arrested all 33 guys the next day. The ladies flew to Washington D.C. to get new identities. Now they are eligible to have asylum in the United States. They were here illegally but not of their willingness. I thought since the guys were arrested that I would not be hearing anything more about the Russian mafia, but I was to find out that was not the case.

About mid-week I got a phone call. The undercover police again revealed to me that there was the same deal going on. I found out that there were two different mafias. One was set up on the north side and one was set up on the south side of Denver. Their whole idea was to infiltrate Denver and take it over. They warned me to expect a Zoom call on Friday after work.

Friday after work I had that Zoom call with another law enforcement branch right on schedule. They began talking about this new Russian mafia and their plans. They knew that I was going in to get the girls out. They began telling me, “Sonny, we don’t want you to mess this up. We have enough evidence to arrest everyone. ”

With authority I said, “This is not the first time I’ve done this. I am also walking with my King. Not only is he protecting me, but he always gives me wisdom to do it right. My King never makes mistakes!”

My response seemed to lighten them up and they began asking questions about God’s ministry. They wanted to know who I worked with. I liked it when I told her I worked with Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. One of them wanted me to reveal to her the identity of Blue Mustang. But one of the other Zoom callers said that Blue Mustang is his name and that’s all you need to know. I began to see the human side of them as we dialogued further. We then signed off. Blue Mustang has been trying to call me for pray tonight. I appreciate it when he lifts me up in prayer before facing the gangs and/or illegal organizations each weekend. I firmly believe what is going on spiritually and the protection I receive in this ministry is a result of all the people who pray for us. Please continue to pray for God’s ministry. We want to be obedient to his calling of bringing Jesus Christ to the lost.

I made previous arrangement with the girls again to get them out at midnight on Friday. I always have my undercover Bible study on Friday. After I finished the Bible study, they said, “Sonny, something has come up. We need to get the girls out by 10 p.m.”

The undercover American women have already notified the girls of the time change. I made arrangements to pick up the van again and have everything ready at the pick up point by 10 p.m. When I arrived at the destination, the undercover police pulled the master switch and killed the power for the entire block. Again, I had a two minute window to get the 15 girls out. The van is capable of holding 21 people. The minute they got into the van they all began crying. As I sped off, I followed the lead car. He had one of those devices that turns all the lights green. We did not have to stop for a single red light.

During the whole trip the girls couldn’t believe that they were free. Some of the girls started sharing about Nadia and Sasha in the previous group I rescued who gave their lives to Jesus Christ. I then quoted John 3:16 and Jeremiah 49:11 to them. They started crying again after I finished reading God’s promise to them. The American girls that were there also began to cry. They asked, “Are you a full-time preacher?”

I said, “I am only when I am awake. Sometimes I’ve just got to sleep.”

They started to laugh as I said that. Then they became serious. One of the girls asked, “How did you get into rescuing?”

I said, “Jesus rescued us. He came to save us. That is our mission to rescue those from the clutches of darkness. We are to heal the lost and the broken hearted and those that are crushed in spirit. We’ve got to go after them. Jesus did that for all of us. He did not pick and choose. When God said in John 3:16 that he loves the entire world that includes everyone. God gets the Glory and the Victory.”

She then said, “America is beautiful but they are lost to.”

I said, “You are right.”

She replied, “These businessmen that use us are so corrupt. They treat us like merchandise. They just pick numbers and we are nothing but a lottery to them. We are so sick and tired of doing this but we also have families at home that we are trying to take care of.”

I said, “Not anymore. God is now going to take care of you and your families. You were meant to serve him.”

They then all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Again, I wish I had more time but again they had to give testimony to the police and get ready to get asylum in the United States with new identities. Many of the men that were supporting me at the first rescue were there for the second rescue. Many of them had the night off but wanted to be there anyway just to support me. These women were thanking everybody there over and over again. They were so grateful that we rescued them. When they gave their hearts over to God, their tears of sadness became tears of joy. The girls began hugging me many times. It was about 1 am Saturday morning as we parted and I began my drive home.

I was beat and wanted to stop to get something to drink. I stopped at the 7-Eleven that I go to a lot of the time when I minister in this area. When I walked in the door, the cashier exclaimed, “What party did you go to?”

I looked at him funny saying, “I have not been to any party.”

The clerk who was ready to explode into laughter said, “Look at your face. It is full of lipstick everywhere. It looks like you’ve been kissed a thousand times. And you say you have not been at a party. Yeah, right!”

I found myself a mirror and I said, “Ugh!”

I should have listened to what Blue Mustang said. He warned me that those beautiful women would probably try to kiss me and if you go into that 7-Eleven they are going to have some fun with you. He remembered the story I told him rescuing some prostitutes out of the same situation that these women were in. I had lipstick all over my face then. The guy then said, “I needed a good laugh. Thank you.”

The 7-Eleven is in a dangerous neighborhood. You can see the shotgun nearby to thwart anybody who might think they need to rob the store. They even have other methods in place to prevent people from stealing from this store. Even the glass that separates them from the customers is bulletproof. I can see why he needed a good laugh. Wait till I see Blue Mustang again, he’s definitely going to rub it in. I remembered when he prayed for me on Friday night, he prayed, “When Sonny comes in contact with these beautiful Russian women, make sure you keep him away from that 7-Eleven store.” Even my King is laughing at this one. I made it home at 2 am. Time to get to bed to have breakfast with Blue Mustang in the morning.

By 8 this morning all the guys in this Mafia group are going to be arrested. There’s a chance that they will put a hit on my life for what I have done to their organizations. One thing they don’t realize, my King is more powerful than they. He has protected me from many hits before.

As of this writing The girls we’re given the opportunity to have their families come over from Russia. In order to come here though they had to leave everything there and had to come over secretly.