Blessing Denver Park families

I went to the King Soopers I normally go to on Saturday morning. I picked up the supplies that I needed to witness to the gangs that day. I went back to my pickup and sat there. My King said, “Sonny I want you to go to a park. The park is located seven blocks to the south and three blocks to the west.”

I thought to myself that this was strange because people come to the store to buy groceries.  As I was trying to resolve this in my mind, my King said, “Just go!”

There was a park there just as my King said. When I arrived, there was a car and a van already there. As I looked the situation over, I noticed the parents of two families in the center of a circle of kids. I found out later the wives happened to be sisters. Their eight kids were holding hands around the outside of the circle and were praying. I still couldn’t hear what they were saying because I was too far away.  As I got closer, I could hear more of the children’s prayer about getting groceries today. I am beginning to learn that getting groceries doesn’t necessarily have to start at a store but it is where God sends me. These children were praying in faith. Later they shared with me that the parents began praying first. The kids then gathered around them and they continued praying after their parents did.

I came within ten feet of the families. I could hear one of the older kids begin to pray. She said, “God you heard my parent’s prayer. We are in need of a miracle today. We do not know what to do. Personally, I am getting tired of eating bologna and bread. But we are thankful for it. But I could really use a bowl of cereal today.”

This was a simple prayer but she is reaching out to God in faith that He would supply their needs. I was beginning to cry because these children were all crying out their hearts to God for a miracle. The parents were already crying as their kids began praying. Could you just imagine what it was like having your kids praying around you. I just continue to stand there until all the other kids finished praying. All the time while they were praying nobody was looking around. They all had their eyes closed so they did not know I was there. When the oldest girl said “Amen” they all open their eyes. That is when they noticed me. I did have my Bible in my hand. There’s something about the word of God that brings peace to his people. The parents stood up and asked, “How can we help you?”

I said, “I am here to help you today. My King brought me here directly to you. You need a miracle today.”

They then asked, “So you know what we need?”

I said, “Our God knows everything. He brought me here to you but Blue Mustang helped you to get groceries today.”

With a puzzled look they said, “Blue Mustang!” They always respond like this whenever I bring up my two brothers.

I responded, “Blue Mustang sets aside money for two families each week for families who need groceries.”

Like many of His people they do not totally realize how powerful our God is and the cool ways He demonstrates it. I have been doing this coming on six years and my King reveals his love differently to each family He sends me to. The families said, “You don’t even know us. Blue Mustang or Terry Bird have no idea who we are!”

I said, “That maybe true but they pray constantly for me, this ministry and for families like you who are hurting and need help.”

Their daughter who was six years old wanted to know more about Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. Her little brother said, “Don’t be silly! Everybody knows that Terry Bird is Big Birds brother.”

After I told them more about my brothers, the younger kids responded, “Those are the coolest names ever. We would like to have a cool name too.”

The oldest girl whose name is Sarah said, “God answered our prayer. We needed a miracle and we received one.”

Both families shared with me that they live in a one-bedroom apartment. In their refrigerator was 3 slices of Bologna, one loaf of bread and one slice of cheese. It is time to bless the families. I said, “Here is the money Blue Mustang gave me to give to you guys so you can buy groceries.”

I handed $140 to each family. While I was doing this, there were seven old couples walking and exercising around the park. They had been watching us the whole time. I was concentrating on talking with these two families and I never noticed the seven old couples. I never worry about my surroundings because I know that my King always has my back covered. Those seven couples came over and made a circle around us. They looked at the parents and asked, “How can we pray for you? We saw the children pray for you then we saw this man walk up to you. What’s going on and how can we help?”

The families shared a little bit about their life, how they’re living in a single bedroom apartment and that they’re struggling and having a difficult time getting groceries. They said, “We just moved here but we will not get paid for 2 weeks.”

One of the couples spoke up and said, “So you need a bigger place to live?” The old gentleman said, “My mom just passed away and she has a five bedroom home that we are thinking about renting out. We need to get it rented out so that we can continue to pay the mortgage.”

So he made an offer to the families to come and live in the house. The couple said, “The house has a kitchen in the basement. There are three bedrooms downstairs and five bedrooms upstairs. If you want the home we will give you two months rent-free.”

His wife said, “No, we’ll give them three months free.”

They did not care if the families stayed together. It would be an opportunity for the families to split the rent. God supplied the home for them. The old couple did not ask for a security deposit or down payment. Soon the families will be able to move into a nice home. The family wanted to thank Blue Mustang for what he did. The little girl said, “Do not forget about Terry Bird!”

The family then said, “We want to thank God for Blue Mustang, the prayers of Terry Bird and for this man Sonny who brought us the money for groceries.”

The seven couples then said, “Why don’t we go to the store and buy you groceries. You can use the money that this man gave you for gas or whatever.”

The little girl exclaimed, “Blue Mustang gave us this money to buy groceries. Not to put gas in our cars. We are going to use it for food especially cereal.”

The parents then said, “She is absolutely right. This money is not designated for gas but its designated for food.”

The old couple said, “That is okay but let’s go to King Soopers and buy groceries. We want to make sure you have enough food for the week until you get moved in. Then we’ll get more groceries after you get moved in. Oh, by the way, the house is all furnished. It has beds, couches and other furniture.”

Both families could have easily stayed at their apartment and prayed but God told them that they needed to go to the park and pray there. Because He knew the people that would be there that day. The kids could play while adults prayed. That is the reason why God sent me there because He knew that families would be there because He sent them. People need to understand that when God sends you some place, you need to go there. God doesn’t need anybody to debate Him or complain like “Really! Do I have to go to the park now?” Wherever I go, I will always get to watch what God does. I notice how cool my King is whenever He reveals himself to someone. His plans come out perfect even if I mess up.

The kids started running around the park. All the while they were running around the park, they were thanking God for what just happened. They kept repeating, “Thank you God for answering our prayer and thank you for being so faithful.”

They learned how to pray and praise like this from their parents. It is a responsibility of our kids to pick it up but we have to confess it in front of them so they realize that we are serving an awesome God.

Sarah said, “Before you go, I want to pray for you, Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. Even though Sarah was only 11 years old, she prayed like an adult. It was amazing how she prayed. She held my hand and prayed for my protection. She then said, “I will never forget this day for the rest of my life on how God answered our prayers.”

I said, “God hears our prayers even if we don’t need something. He still listens and He still hears them. It is on his timing when He answers your prayer. This shows that we should never stop praying.”

Sarah then said, “You are the bravest man we have ever met.”

Her mom then stepped in and said, “You must have been chosen by God to go and witness to gangs. Because they are mean.”

I said, “They are mean but they all have broken hearts. Many times they have been thrown out of their homes and their hearts are damaged worse.”

After this, the seven couples prayed for us. They then said, “Let’s go to King Soopers and buy your groceries.”

The families did use Blue Mustang’s money for groceries but his investment was multiplied greatly by God. We know that there are other families out there that need help. We need to pray for them and that others will step up to bless them. As for me, I will continue to go after them to let our King rock their world. I know that it is physically impossible to bless someone’s life without their blessing touching my own life.