Brother and Sister Families Blessed

It was Saturday and my King had me go to a different King Soopers store on the southside of Denver. I have never been here before. When I arrived, I sat in the parking lot checking out my surroundings. I noticed the store was one of those big King Soopers stores that have everything. God then said, “Sonny, look to the east.”

As I looked towards the east, I noticed two vans sitting over there. My King then said, “That is them. They are waiting for a miracle.”

I was getting ready to go and see them right away. But God said for me to wait and observe. I watched as the parents and the kids got out of the vans. I found out later that the husbands were brothers and their wives were sisters. They met at a party a long time ago. That is why they have this relationship. One of the younger kids started aiming towards the sky. I wondered what he just said. I was too far away to hear what they were saying.

God then said, “Sonny, take your Bible and pray with them.”

With my Bible in hand, I started walking towards them. The first one that approached me was the 8 year old little boy. He asked, “Are you a minister?”

The parents laughed when he asked that question. I said, “Yes, I minister out in the streets. Why were you pointing to the sky?”

The little boy said, “My parents said that all things are possible. I was pointing to God when I said with him all things are possible.”

I replied, “You are absolutely right. In this world many things are impossible. But with our King all things are possible.”

The little boy then said, “We have been praying for a miracle.”

Isaiah one of the husbands said, “With this covid thing going on, we are just barely making it. Just last night I had to have my brother and his wife move into our apartment. This way we can eliminate one rent.”

Their landlord has been supporting them and offered to move them into a larger apartment that just opened up. Normally, the lease does not allow for multiple family living but he wanted to give them a couple of months to get things straightened out. Next they shared that they had just enough food in the refrigerator to make a few sandwiches but that was it. I then asked, “You don’t have any cereal or milk either.”

Isaiah said, “No but when I woke up this morning, God told me to get everyone and to come to this store and pray for a miracle. We feel like we are failures with our families because we are barely making it.”

I said, “You are not failures!” I quoted Matthew 6:33 to them and then I said, “You are discipling your children and you are doing everything right. You came here walking in faith.”

His wife said, “That is what I told my husband. We are walking not by sight but faith. God said to come here so we came.”

This was the first time I ever did this but I had them line up. I prayed for each one individually. Then we got in a circle and I prayed as a group. We prayed for a miracle. I still haven’t told them what I was here for but now it is time. I said, “I want to tell you about how God uses Blue Mustang.”

Their five-year-old daughter said, “Blue Mustang. That is a car.”

I said, “Yeah, he drives a Blue Mustang. It is the nickname that the Latinos gave him.” She wasn’t sure what I meant by the Latinos but that is another story. I then said, “God has put on his heart to give money to families that are struggling so they can buy groceries. That is his ministry. He is also helping me buy the food in my gang ministry. He does that to let the gangs know that our God is real. Our God is not dead.”

The little girl said, “That is like the song from the Newsboys Our God is Not Dead.” She has heard the song before because her parents listen to Christian music. The little girl then asked, “Why do people not have faith in God when he is the one that created the world?”

I said, “That is because they are stuck on themselves. They are not seeking God first.”

I was about ready to quote Matthew 6:33 again to them when their 10 year old little boy started quoting the verse from memory. “Noah, one of the other kids said, “I am praying that God hurries up because I am craving some cereal. I miss not eating cereal in the morning.”

When Isaiah got the message from God to come here, everybody immediately came to the store. No one had a chance to eat any breakfast this morning because they wanted to come here right away. It can be said that they came here in faith. They did not even know how long they might have to wait. I found out they were waiting here for an hour and 10 minutes before I showed up. But they were willing to wait longer. God knew that I wasn’t going to be here at the time they arrived. Many times he’ll have us wait to see if we’re obedient to him. Plus it shows if we really trust him.

I already had put the money in separate envelopes. I said, “This money is from our King. But just remember Blue Mustang is blessed by God to bless people. He is being obedient to helping people like you.” As I handed them the envelopes, I said, “This belongs to you.”

They opened the envelopes and families excitedly said, “This is a miracle! Let’s go get cereal!”

I said, “God said that you need to get the things that you need but not the things you want.”

The oldest boy Nehemiah said, “Let’s pray for Blue Mustang. He blessed us so we need to ask God to bless him.”

Their parents are raising these kids right. He wanted to pray for Blue Mustang and thanking God instead of wanting something for himself first. Their hearts are for the Kingdom. Nehemiah reached out to grab my hand as we stood in a circle. He said, “God, wherever Blue Mustang is right now, I ask you to bless him abundantly. Let the floodgates of God’s Kingdom fall on him and his family.”

As Nehemiah was praying, I was thinking that he’s going to be in an evangelist someday. After Nehemiah finished praying, each one of the kids said a prayer. The adults then began praying. As the last adult was starting to pray, I heard some footsteps behind me. I was just praising God and knew that he was protecting us so I didn’t care. I soon could hear soft voices but I kept my eyes closed as we continued praying. After the last parent finished, we open our eyes and noticed that a white van showed up and the occupants were all standing around us in a circle and praying for us. One of them said, “We saw all of you in a circle praying. God then told us to stop and pray for you.”

I also noticed that people coming out of the store saw us praying. Some of them had their hands outstretched like they were also praying for us. I don’t see this happening very much at other King Soopers stores. This must be a tighter community for people to reach out like that. Soon, one of the older couples stepped forward and asked, “We just finished praying for you. Is there anything in specific that we can pray for you about? Like what needs do you have that we can pray for?”

The men from the families told them exactly what just happened here. He told him that Blue Mustang has just given them money to buy groceries. The little girl stepped up and said, “And he is a man of God.”

The old couple then said, “We want you to come over here by the van. We want to show you something.”

The old gentleman opened up the back door of the van. Inside there was a single suitcase. He then proceeded to open the suitcase. It had places to put 12 envelopes. They have already given envelopes to five families. I found out later that these couples, when God tells them to, drive around and find families who are in need. They stop and bless them. I asked, “Do you do this all the time?”

They replied, “No, we only do it when God tells us to.”

They then handed one family envelope number 6 and the other one envelope number 7. The old gentleman said, “You do not have to open them up right now. This is what God said for us to do and that is what we are doing.” They looked at each of the families and said, “Keep your eyes on God’s Kingdom and he will answer all your prayers for his Glory not yours. It is for His will; not yours. You may ask for a million dollars but it is up to God what you are going to get.”

We then placed all the couples in the middle. The families and I surrounded them and prayed for them. What was really interesting, the two little girls we’re inside the circle with the old couples. They laid their hands on each one of their backs and said a prayer for each one. I was watching all this unfold before my eyes. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

The families and the couples said their goodbyes and they exchanged contact information. I too, gave my ministry cards to both the families and the old couples. The old couples climbed back into their van and they left. One of the wives said, “I am curious. I just have to know what’s in one of those envelopes. I want to see.”

Her husband said, “Well, just open them.”

As they carefully tore into each one of those envelopes, each one had $1,000 in them. I said, “That is God. That definitely is God.”

One of the little boys said, “The power of prayer works. We have to pray and trust God. Even if it would have been $10, we have to thank him for that.”

They then laid their hands on the envelopes and prayed over them. They prayed for those families that blessed them that God would bless them. They laid Blue Mustang’s money on top of theirs and prayed that Blue Mustang would get blessed double on top of that. Bless him today wherever he is at. Nehemiah prayed some more. I said, “I just love the way you pray.”

Nehemiah said, “My dad and my mom taught me how to pray. But it’s the relationship with Jesus Christ that makes things different. I love talking to him.”

The little girl confirmed, “You are right. It’s not about a religion. It is about a relationship with the father whose name is Yahweh and his son Jesus Christ. It is about them and not us.”

I said to myself that these kids are just amazing. Ruth, one of the wives stepped up to me and asked, “Do you want to see the grocery list that I made this morning before we got here?”

I said, “Yes, I want to see it.”

She then pulled a list out of her purse and there was a full-page of items that she had listed out that she needed. She said, “I made it in faith that God was going to bless us.”

The families began hugging me. Their little girl would not let go of my hand all the time that we were together. We began walking around the parking lot and I began sharing more with the parents. One of the little boys grabbed hold of my other hand as we begin talking. The white van that left just a few minutes ago showed up again with everybody still in it. They got out and said, “We are so sorry. We forgot to ask if you guys have a place to stay.”

The families immediately said, “Yes, we do have a place to stay. We are going to be moving into a bigger apartment next week so we can all fit in it.”

The driver of the van then said, “In a month, my rental home will be open. It has seven bedrooms. There are four bedrooms on the top and three bedrooms on the bottom. If you guys want to move there we can make that happen.”

The driver’s wife spoke up and said, “It has a big backyard. It will be great for your children to play in.”

Both families took the opportunity to live in their home. The old couple said, “As we were driving away, God reminded me about our home that was about to become available. He said for me to come back and let you know about it.”

The families were blessed again. One thing you will notice in my stories is that all the families are walking out in faith. They are praying and they are expecting a miracle. When you pray, you must expect a miracle. I am living proof that our God is real and answers prayer. I cannot wait until God reveals himself to new couples next week.