Are We Crazy?

It is Saturday morning and I am sitting at the King Soopers on 144th Avenue in Denver. I was impatiently waiting and said, “Lord, you brought me here but I don’t see anybody.”

God said, “Sonny just wait.”

I was getting impatient because I was running a little bit behind schedule in picking up the burritos for the gang I was going to witness to. But as you know, God even had a plan for that. I laid back in my pickup, turned the worship music on. I was just starting to relax when I  looked in my rearview mirror. I noticed that a van just parked right behind my pickup. This is a big parking lot and there were parking spots everywhere so I wondered what was going on. They had me completely boxed in because the sidewalk was in front of me and they were directly behind me. As I continued observing in my rearview mirror, I saw the guy get out on the one side and his wife out on the other. The sliding doors opened up on the van and I saw another family get out. I then got out of my pickup and I asked, “How can I help you?”

The man said, “I hope you don’t think that we are crazy.”

I said, “No, I have seen a lot stranger things than this. How can I pray for you?”

The man said, “You are going to think we’re crazy but we have been praying and fasting all week. I got up this morning and prayed again. I then had my wife pray for today. She told me that God showed her that there would be a red Dodge 4-door pickup here. She also said I need to go to the pickup because the driver will have a blessing for us. You are the only red Dodge 4-door pickup in the parking lot. That is the reason why we stopped behind you so that you would not leave. We wanted to ask you the question Are you the one that is going to be bringing us the blessing? If so, we sure could use it.”

So here were two husbands and two wives. The kids were still sitting in the van. Since neither of the families had ever done anything like this before, they tried envisioning how they appeared to me. They repeated, “You probably think that we are crazy.”

I said, “Not at all. Let me tell you about Blue Mustang.”

One of the wives asked, “Is that a character?”

I smiled and thought to myself, it depends what you mean by character. But instead I said, “No, he is a man of God.”

She then asked, “What’s so special about him?”

I responded, “He gives me money on Saturday morning to bless families that are struggling buying groceries.”

I immediately handed $140 to each family to go buy food. I then said, “Do I think you are crazy! No! Was it just coincidence that I was the only Dodge in the parking lot. No! Do you think it was crazy that God told you it was going to be red. No! He even brought you directly to my pickup because this is a large parking lot. You obeyed him by coming here and listening to him. You could have said that God is crazy. Just because you listened, God has blessed you but if you would have blown him off, you would have totally missed the blessing for today. God would have then told me to go somewhere else to bless another family. There are many King Soopers in this town but God directed me to this one.”

She then said, “I am very glad that you listened to God because we were thinking that you would think that we were crazy.”

They were Christians and they were crying as I finished handing them the money. They were desperate and God provided. I am glad that I did not abandon ship and get the burritos that were waiting for me to take to the gangs. I would have missed this opportunity to bless both families today. It is interesting that when we do what God tells us to do, the people that we are coming into contact with are watching what we do and how we handle it. When we do exactly what God asks, their faith builds because they have seen God do miracles. My King also had me wait 20 minutes. That also builds my patience and God lets me know that even if I appear to be running behind schedule, He can cause anything to follow his plan.

The kids then came out of the van and they asked me to go grocery shopping with them. I said, “Yes, I can do that.”

In my mind I was thinking that I really needed to get going. That is when God put his foot down and said, “Sonny, just stop the fretting! This moment has been set by my Kingdom for you to be here at this time right now. Remember, I stopped time for Joshua when I held the sun in position. I am just as powerful today as I was back then. I can rewind time or do whatever I want just because I am the true God.”

As I felt embarrassed about questioning God, I understood and relaxed going into the store with the families. The manager smiled at me and said, “It looks like God’s working a miracle again.”

He then turned around and walked away. He then came back with two envelopes. There was a $150 gift card in each envelope. That was $300 the manager put out for these two families. He knew that, if they were with me, that they were hurting. If I would not have gone shopping with the families, the store manager might not have noticed these families and they would have missed out on the blessing that God had for them.

The families said, “We are only going to get what we need. We are going to save these gift cards for later.” I gave them my ministry cards and prayed with them. We parted ways but these families lives were transformed today. They will remember what God did today.

We need to seek people with God’s eyes. He will open our eyes to people in need. God does reward you for blessing people. But it will be in his time. Just remember this; you can never out give God. If your heart is in it, you will be blessed by him. That is a promise that he gives in Malachi 3:10. Always remember this; everything is his already and we are his stewards. If you do not believe this, watch what happens when someone dies; everything we treasured is left here on earth where it is given to someone else. God already has families planned for next week. I cannot wait!