God Changes Things Up Just Because He Can

It was Saturday morning and I finished breakfast with Blue Mustang. Out of habit, I went to the King Soopers I usually go to assuming the families would be there. I never really took time to even ask God if that’s where he wanted me to go. I parked and I sat there for 5 minutes when God asked, “Did I tell you to come here?”

I sheepishly said, “No.”

God then said, “I want you to start heading south on I-25.”

As I was driving for a while, God told me to take the next exit. By the time I got there I was pretty well on the south and east side of Denver. As I was driving through the parking lot of that King Soopers, God suddenly said, “Stop!”

It seemed like there was nothing going on here, it was pretty dead. It didn’t take long though and people began arriving to go shopping. As I continued to observe my surroundings, God said, “Sonny, look to your left and you will see a U-Haul truck.”

I saw the truck and a van. I noticed a husband and wife standing in front of the van. The kids must have been still sleeping in the van because it looked like they had been traveling all night. They just looked beat. God said, “This family needs money to finish their trip.”

I started questioning God again and said, “This money is for groceries.”

And God said, “Yes, it will be used for groceries. But it is also for gas.”

I grabbed my Bible before I headed over to talk to them. I have discovered that the word of God brings peace to the people I talk to. When they see the Word and what I wear on my t-shirts, they assume that I’m a minister of some kind. I walked up to them and said, “How can I pray for you guys?”

They then shared, “We are traveling to Michigan but are going through Kansas first to see some family. We have a long way to go just to get to Kansas. From there on our family will help us get to Michigan. Right now, we are tapped out and are trying to figure out how we can put gas in our van and truck to get to Kansas. We would even like to get some lunch meat and bread to make some sandwiches during the trip there.”

I said, “Well, let me tell you about Blue Mustang. God uses him in this ministry. He gives me money to give to families. He wants to bless families with groceries or even gas if it’s necessary.”

God likes to bring me to King Soopers stores because he likes the word “King”. It has nothing to do with the store but he definitely is an amazing King. About this time they began crying as I handed them the money. The family said, “This is going to help so much.”

Again, I had the money sorted out into $140 envelopes. But God said, “Give them both envelopes.”

I began to question God again and said, “I know there’s two families that you want to bless today.”

God said, “Sonny, just do it!”

I then handed the second envelope to them. I did not realize but there was a couple drinking their Starbucks Coffee sitting directly behind me with their windows rolled down listening to what was going on.

The family then questioned me and said, “You always give to two families but we are only one.”

I said, “It doesn’t matter. God said for me to give it all to you guys.”

They even cried more as I handed them the additional money. They said, “Man, we are now able to buy some gas. Then, we are going to go into the store and get some groceries for our trip to Kansas. Wow!”

They drove off towards the gas pumps. After they were gone, the Starbucks couple got out of their car and came over to my pickup. They said, “We were listening to everything that was going on. What you just did was so beautiful!”

They then pulled out $140 and gave it to me and said, “This is the $140 for the next family that you are going to provide for.”

This couple wanted to make sure that another family did not miss out on the blessing that they were going to get. They then said, “If you are that obedient to God, we are going to trust you with this money to bless another family.”

Meanwhile, the traveling husband was filling the U-Haul truck and van with gas while his wife was shopping for groceries in the store. The Starbucks couple that gave me the $140 went over to the pumps and paid for the husband’s gas with his credit card. The Starbucks couple came back and prayed for me. I was still holding my Bible in my hand as they prayed for me. Another family pulled up right next to us. They said, “We saw you with a Bible and praying with this couple. Could you pray for us also? We could use some food.”

Then I realized, while I was fighting God, here the second family showed up. See how awesome our God is. He can turn anything around so that the families he wanted to bless got blessed. God knew the couple drinking coffee was going to provide me with $140. He held the second family back until I received it. Then in his timing, brought the second family to me.

I prayed with that second couple. Then I shared with them how Blue Mustang has a heart for families and handed them the $140. They too began to cry as they saw the miracle.

Their little girl asked, “Does that mean we get to buy cereal this time?” She then looked at me and asked, “Mister, what’s your favorite cereal?”

I said, “Captain Crunch.”

She said, “Yeah, I love Captain Crunch. I even like to put it on my ice cream.”

I said, “You even put it on your ice cream.”

The little girl sighed, “Yeah, it is so delicious.”

The second family thanked me over and over again for blessing them. I made sure they knew it was entirely God who brought me here to them. They then asked, “Can we pray for you?”

I acknowledge that I would like that. The parents prayed for me. Their 7 year old daughter began praying for Blue Mustang first then me. I then tried to explain to her more about Blue mustang and what he does. She then asked, “Is he a car like one of those hot rods?”

I said, “Yes, it’s a Blue one and it is a hot rod.”

She said, “That is so cool. I just never knew that cars could talk.”

I laughed and said, “No, it is a man who has a Blue Mustang. The Latino gang, that I have been witnessing to, gave him that nickname.”

I noticed that the little girl was barefoot. I then said, “Blue Mustang is just like you. He doesn’t wear shoes either.”

The little girl exclaimed, “Thank God there is another person who is just like me!”

The mom rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t encourage her. I’m always having to tell her to put her shoes on.”

After I explained more about Blue Mustang to her she then said, “That makes sense. I’m going to start not wearing my shoes also.”

The woman’s husband looked at her and said, “Don’t get any ideas about doing that.”

She then replied, “If I feel like going barefoot, I am going to take my shoes off. I don’t care.”

After the husband of the Starbucks couple put gas in the first family’s car, he came back and noticed that I had been praying for another family. I explained to him that the money he gave me had been used to bless this family because they needed groceries. Then the husband said, “Oh yeah, do you need gas?”

They replied, “Yeah, we are also running low on gas.”

He then said, “Let’s take a trip to the gas pumpsso I can fill your vehicle with gas.”

He led that family to the pumps to fill their car with gas. The lady who was working the pumps watched him topping off all these different vehicles with gas and said, “You know, my vehicle’s pretty low on gas also. Do you want to fill mine up?”

He replied, “Yeah, just bring it over.”

She said, “I’m just kidding!” She paused a moment then said, “You know what you have done here today has restored my faith in people. I am so used to people just doing things for themselves. This is so refreshing to see what you are doing. We should be givers and not takers.”

He then said, “Jesus Christ came to serve, not to be served.” He then paid for the gas.

They were a lot of blessings given this morning. It was now time to go and get the burritos to witness to the gangs. They had just called me asking where I was at because it was unusual for me to be this late. With God, I am never late. As I was about to leave, the Starbucks couple ask me how the gas was doing in my pickup. I said, “It’s half full.”

The husband said, “That is not acceptable! Take your pickup over to the pumps and let me fill it up!”

His wife then looked over at him and said, “This is so fun that you are doing this. You hardly ever do stuff like this.”

I then said to the husband, “There’s probably another family that needs to be blessed.”

The husband then looked intently at me and said, “You are blessing families, witnessing to gangs all over the world, driving everywhere to save girls, so, let’s get over to those pumps and get you filled up!” The husband still looking at me intently said, “God gets the Victory and the Glory! Sonny just remember that.”

As he began filling my pickup, the lady said to us, “Is this ever going to stop?”

The husband said, “Only when God tells me to stop.”