Miracle At The Stone Cross

It was Saturday morning and I just finished meeting with Blue Mustang for breakfast. I was heading towards Denver to bless families with the money he had given me. I was about ready to take the exit to the King Soopers that I usually go to but God said, “Sonny, keep going straight.” I continued heading southbound on I-25 and had no idea where God was going to take me.

I noticed a beautiful stone church on the right hand side of the road. You could really see the stone cross. At that moment God said, “You need to go to that church. I exited off the interstate to get there. In my mind, I was thinking, “Why do I need to go to church on a Saturday? People who are hungry are at the grocery stores?”

Before I finished my thought, God said, “There are two families there that are praying right now.”

I found out later that the wives were sisters. As I approached the church, I could see two families all lined up facing towards the big cross on the church. All of them are on their knees praying to God under the cross. As I moved closer, I shut down my music and idled my pickup down as I began to park. I carefully closed my pickup door so I would not disturb their praying.

I began to think about what they might be praying for. If they were hungry, they should be praying at a store. There’s no place to get food at a church. God then said, “Sonny, you do not understand. They do need food. The reason why the families came here to the church to pray was because they have nothing. They cannot buy food by any means that would honor me. They came to church to pray for a miracle.”

The entire family prayed. Each one said their own prayer including the kids. In one of the prayers, they said, “God, please let the money rain down on us so that we can buy groceries.”

The next one modified that prayer. The little girl said, “Let the money hit us on the head so that we can go buy groceries because I am hungry.”

The little boy said, “I want everything that my sister said but I sure would like some ice cream.”

Others were praying for ability to buy bologna just so they could make a sandwich. Another one of the kids was praying that they could just have a Snickers bar. I could tell they haven’t had a lot of these things in a while. I was within 17 feet of them as they prayed all of this.

After they finished praying, they stood up and I was right behind them. They looked at me and asked, “When did you get here?”

I said, “I have been here for a while. I have been listening to you while you’ve been praying. You have beautiful prayers. Just remember that God does answer prayers.” I paused for a moment then I said, “Let me tell you about Blue Mustang. God is using him to bless people with money so they can go buy groceries. I usually go to King Soopers but God said “not today.” He wanted me to stop here at this church where you were praying. When I came to you guys, you are already praying. I am proof that he answered your prayers. That is why I am here.”

The families asked, “Is Blue Mustang a person or a car?”

I said, “He is both. He is a person who drives a Mustang. The Latinos gave him that nickname.”

They were not sure what I meant by the Latinos. I then shared with them who they are. They were dumbfounded and said, “Wow!”

One of the wives said, “Blue Mustang is a Christian man who has a heart for God to help families like us.”

I said, “Yeah, that is correct.”

She then said, “Even if it is only $5 we are blessed to receive that.”

They were appreciative of whatever someone could give them. When I gave the money to them they were next to speechless. They just said, “Whoa!” The little girl then asked, “Does that mean that we can go and buy cereal and ice cream?”

Her mom confirmed that can happen. She then said, “We need to pray for Blue Mustang.”

The little girl then held her hand out towards me to get ready to pray. We all held hands and each one of them began saying a prayer. One of the wives, whose name was Martha, was gifted in prayer. Her prayer was powerful. When it came to the little girl, she started praying, “Thank you for Blue Mustang, thank you for his car and thank you that he walks barefoot.”

At that moment, the little girl kicked her shoes off into the center of the circle. Whenever I mention that he goes barefoot, many people are starting to take their shoes off. As we finished praying, all of the sudden a white Cadillac appears. A black couple steps out of the car. They must have gone to church here because they asked how we were doing and if we were here to do church clean up today. He said, “You guys do not look familiar to me. Do you go to church here?”

One of the husbands said, “No, we saw the cross and we decided to stop here to pray for a miracle. God brought this man to us to give us money so that we could buy groceries.”

They then shared that Blue Mustang gave me the money to give to them. The Cadillac driver humbly said, “So you guys do not have any groceries at all.”

The families said, “No, we are completely without. But God has changed all that.”

The kids started telling them all the things that they were craving and wanting to get. The wife of the Cadillac driver said, “I carry an envelope in the glove compartment of the car to bless families.”

This lady did not know how much money I gave to each couple. On the envelope it was written “$280 for families in need”. She said, “I always have $280 in the envelope just to bless families each month.” This is the third time that this has happened to me. God really likes the number $140 for families.

She then split her money up and gave $140 to each family just like I did. Martha revealed to her that Sonny has just given us $140 each. The wife said, “Wow! What does that mean? Because we both gave the same dollar amount.” She was running things through her mind trying to figure this out. She then said, “I am going to try to figure this out what this number signifies.”

The Cadillac family then prayed for Blue Mustang, then they prayed for me and the families. It is interesting that when we are obedient to God, how God always seems to multiply the money.

Martha then said, ” I need to meet with my sister and we need to start making a list of what we need to buy in the store.”

They went to the cross that day and they dropped everything there because they were out of options. They had to rely on God 100%. They had no idea how it would come about. And now because of surrendering it all to God, they are now making a list to buy groceries.

The Cadillac couple invited the families to come to the King Soopers store near this church at 1 p.m. I was also invited to go shopping with them. Even though it was several hours away, I went ahead and had breakfast with a gang and talk about Jesus Christ with them. Nine of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ today. What was interesting, the gang continued to listen to what I had to say. But when it became time for me to go to the store at 1 p.m., they just left. I was now free to go shopping with the families.

The Cadillac couple brought their brothers and sisters along at 1 p.m. to go shopping. They also drove white Cadillacs. I introduced myself and Blue Mustang to them. The Cadillac families wanted to know more about Blue Mustang. They were curious how God would just pull somebody out like that. I said, “No, it was not random. He was chose to bless people. He was also chosen to bless the gangs with food. Some friends of mine do all the cooking for me. They too are blessing to God’s Ministry.”

When I told them that he goes barefoot. They all took their shoes off and said, “Let’s go barefoot into the store.” The little girl said, “Yes” and threw her shoes into the van. They all made the trek barefoot into the store. The Cadillac families gave three carts to each family to fill. They said, “This gives Glory to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Buy the things that you need and get some of the things that you want.”

As we started shopping, people began staring at us. We could not figure out why unless it was because we were all barefoot.

I talked to the little girl and ask her if she bought any ice cream or candy. She answered, “Yes, I bought a little but we needed to make sure we had hamburger, romaine noodles and other things to make meals with. Both families had all three of their carts full. They even had the bottom rack packed with groceries. Both of their husbands were Dr. Pepper lovers. But due to their circumstances, they have not been able to drink one for a long time. They stocked up getting 1 case of Dr. Pepper each. They both promised not to drink more than one can a day. Both families had enough groceries to last a month.

When they were ready to pay, the manager came over and got both families set up with King Sooper cards so they could get credit for all the groceries they bought. He then told the families “I am here at the store Monday through Friday and anytime you want to talk to me you just give me a call.”

There has to be something with King Soopers and God. It seems like their employees are more apt to bless other people. I just don’t notice it as much at other stores. I do know that God does like that word “King” on front of the name because he is definitely the best King one could have.

After the families loaded all their groceries into their vehicles, they surrounded the Cadillac families and prayed over them. Jerome, one of the Cadillac owners, said, “We are blessed so that we can bless other people. Just as Jesus came to serve so are we to serve.”

When we are representing Jesus Christ, we are commanded to go out there and “just do it”.

I started laughing. They asked me what was so funny. I started talking about the boys in the Bronx and how they read the stories on the website. They really like God’s answer when I question him and he says “just do it”. I told them about my last phone call I had with them. They said, “Sonny, when God told you to just do it, it sounds so powerful, we are starting to say “just do it” when we allow God to bless a family. When we were getting ready to pay, we started laughing because a young girl had a “just do it” t-shirt on.”

The Cadillac families started laughing also. They then said, “We want to get some of those shirts too.”

Jerome then said, “No we are going to make our own t-shirts. Ours are going to say ‘just do it in the name of Jesus’.”

God has revealed to me that there will always be gangs and families in need. Blue Mustang and I are blessed to be able to serve both situations. Again, God gets the Glory and the Victory. I just get to see it.