Blessing Three Families

I went down to the King Soopers where I normally go to. But this time things were a little bit different. I saw a van but there appeared to be only a Mom and her two kids. I watched her as she walked around to the passenger side of the van. When she opened the door, she held on to her kid’s hands and started praying. God said, “She has two other families living with her. They have come here to see what food they can buy with what they have. They are hurting! ”

I then walked up to her and asked, “How can I pray for you guys?”

She said, “We’re trying to stretch out $42. Including myself, there are three families in my home. I have both my sister and brother’s family living with me right now. We are struggling to make it. They all have jobs but they will not start for another two weeks. So we are really hurting right now.”

I prayed with her that God would stretch this money out so they could buy groceries. I then said, “Let me tell you about what God says about your situation. I also want to tell you about Blue Mustang how God uses him in this ministry.”

Her daughter Martha said, “Blue Mustang, that’s a car. My dad has a white Mustang.”

I said to Martha that the Latinos gave Blue Mustang his nickname because he has a Blue Mustang. Martha said, “That is so cool!”

I said, “Yeah, Blue Mustang gives me $280 each weekend to bless two families with. But God says today you guys need it all.”

Ruth, Martha’s mom said, “You are giving me $280 so that we can buy groceries.”

She then started crying out of control. Martha then hugged her mom because she was crying so much. After Ruth composed herself a little bit she said, “We have been praying to God that he would multiply this amount that we had somehow.”

I said, “God heard your prayer. That is the reason why I am here. But I would not be here if Blue Mustang was not obedient to God. God wants him to bless his people so they can buy groceries. This money is supposed to be used for food only. It is not for smokes or liquor.”

Ruth said, “Oh no! We are Christians. We don’t drink or smoke.”

I then said, “Why don’t we pray that God would even multiply this.”

I usually just hold my Bible and don’t make any effort to try to hold anybody’s hands but I felt this little hand reach out and grab my hand. Martha reached out to hold my hand. Martha started praying first and said, “Jesus, thank you for being so faithful. In Jesus name, Amen!”

Martha was only 7 years old but I could tell she loved God. Ruth hugged me and said, “This is a miracle. You have restored my faith.”

I then said, “It was Jesus who restored your faith.”

Ruth said, “Yes, my faith has been pretty weak but now it has been restored.”

She then took a piece of paper out and made a grocery list. She looked at me and said, “I am going to follow this list.”

We both went inside the store where we split up. We each picked up the things that we needed. I needed to stock up on more Dr. Pepper and water for the gangs I was going to meet today. I was getting near the checkout line when I started to witness to some Spanish guys that were in the store. I noticed that Ruth was getting ready to check out and the manager started pointing at me. Ruth said, “Yes that’s him.” The manager then reached into his wallet and paid for their groceries. When we were outside praying, that manager must have seen me pray over her. He definitely knew what was going on.

I went outside where I met up with her again. She came up to me and said, “That manager would not let me pay. He said that Sonny over there is always blessing people. He is like that guy Blue Mustang.” Then she told me what Martha said:

Martha spoke to the manager and said, “It is not a car. It is actually a man. My Dad has a white Mustang but the Latinos never gave him a cool nickname.” Then Martha asked, “How can we pray for you? I know Jesus does miracles every day. I want to pray for you.” At that moment the manager began to cry.

What Ruth said made me think; What if Blue Mustang and I were not obedient. These things would never have happened. The family may have missed out on a blessing and the manager may have never known who Ruth was. So it is important that we always continue to stay obedient to our King. Our obedience changes the destiny of people.

Ruth then said, “We now have enough money to put gas in the van. When my brother and sister start working, I will give them money to fill their cars to get to work.” Ruth was thinking how to spend God’s money wisely. I reminded her that it was God who orchestrated all this and to give him the Glory and the Victory. It is important that all the families staying with you know where the blessings come from.

Even before God told me that this was the family, I saw them praying. That was a clue that these we’re the ones to receive the blessing. You may someday see someone praying for a miracle. This will be your opportunity to change someone’s life.