Thanksgiving Families Blessing

It was Friday the day after Thanksgiving. I had breakfast with Blue Mustang because it is a holiday. After we ate, he said, “I feel our King has two families that are hungry.” Our King had me go to the King Soopers on the west side of Denver where I normally go. I parked my pickup and waited. While I was resting, I started listening to “Kingdom Music”, “Young Bro” and “Holy Ground”. They are Christian rappers who write Christian music strictly for people like the gangs I witness to. Is was not very long when God said, “Sonny, I want you to play Amazing Grace.”

I said, “Yes! That is my favorite song.” I started playing it and began worshiping God again. Whenever I worship God, I usually have my eyes closed. I did not see anything going on in my surroundings, but soon I heard this knocking on my door. I opened my eyes and looked out the windows but I could not see a thing. I sat up a little bit more in my seat then I noticed a little girl standing by my door. I opened my door and she said, “Mister, can you play that song a little louder? That is our favorite song at home.”

I said, “Yes, I will start the song over and play it louder. I turned the volume to a much higher level. I got out of my pickup and closed the door. It was definitely loud. The song continued to play as I watched the little girl walked back to her family. Her family began to sing along. They did not have a very good tone but they were just worshiping God. They did not care who was listening. They just continued to worship God. When the song finished, I turned it off. I then went over to speak to them. I said, “That sure is a powerful song.”

The husband said, “Not only is that a powerful song but that really brings peace to us. The grace of God is so faithful, he loves us, and we came here for miracle. God showed up when you started playing that song. That is a miracle. We came here because we are hungry. We do not have very much food. We came here to see if we could talk to the manager. We are going to see if we could buy groceries today and pay them back on Friday.”

I said, “Let me tell you about Blue Mustang and what God is put into his heart for families like you…”

There was only one family present at this time. A second car then pulled up as I was speaking. It was the wife’s sister. Both of the wives of each family were sisters. They too were in the same boat. He lost his job. The company he worked for went under. She said, “We came here today to pray with you. Maybe we can receive a miracle too.”

Her sister said, “Sonny was going to tell us about this guy Blue Mustang: in what God has put in his heart.”

I began to tell them about Blue Mustang and how God uses him to buy groceries for families in need. The little girl, Christina said, “He even walks barefoot even in the winter.”

I said, “Yes and he always wears shorts year-round.”

Christina replied, “That must be one tough dude.”

Christina began telling the other family about my pickup and how it would play “Amazing Grace” from the outside. She said, “He has this sound system that sounds so sick. I just love it.” You know this new generation sick means totally amazing. Christina then asked, “Mister can you play that song again?”

I climbed back in my pickup and restarted the song for them. I played the entire song again. This time it was different. The two sisters were the only ones singing. What came out of their mouths was beautiful. It was the husbands that were bad singers. The families then asked, “So was it Blue Mustang that sent you here to bless us?”

I said, “God gives money to Blue Mustang so I can give it to families who are hungry.”

They then said, “So you guys are a team from God.”

I said, “That is true but God has given Blue Mustang a heart of giving to bless families like you.”

Christina then said, “Not only is he rich here but he is rich in God’s Kingdom.” Everybody just looked at her and asked where she learned that. Christina said, “I learned that in Sunday school.” Her words were so profound that I began crying.

Christina then asked, “Mom, does that mean that we can grill some cheeseburgers?” That was Christina’s favorite meal.

Her mom said, “Yes, we will get some hamburger and cheese to make cheeseburgers.”

Christina then asked, “Can Sonny join us for lunch today to have cheeseburgers?”

Her mom then looked at me and asked, “Sonny, can you come and have lunch with us at our home?”

I said, “Yes, I can come. Give me an address so I can find you.”

It was now time to get the money out. I gave $140 to each family. They were totally blown away as I laid the cash on their hands. Christina then asked, “Are you going to go shopping with us?”

I replied, “Yes, let’s go shopping together.”

The family said, “Before we go shopping, we need to make a list of the things that we need so that we will be careful on how we spend this money.” So they made a list before we went into the store. We then walked into the store and began shopping. Of course the manager was watching us. She signaled with her hands pointing to her eyes and pointing to me that she has been watching what I’ve been doing and she disappeared. We kept shopping and the little kids asked if they could have some cereal. The parents confirmed that we could go get cereal.  They waited to get the milk at the very end. They carefully figured out what to buy so that way they would have enough money to pay everything.

We were halfway to the check out when the manager and four kids came over. They started handing out gift cards to the families. The kids said, “These are $50 gift cards that we want to give you.”

The manager said, “The staff did this all on their own. They went out and bought their own gift cards just to give them to you.” There was another $200 that was given to both families. The manager then gave $100 gift cards to each family. They put the cash that I gave them into their pockets and wanted to use the gift cards to buy groceries. The manager wanted to make sure they were blessed and said, “Go buy groceries that you want; not just what you need.”

They went shopping again and bought some more groceries and headed towards the cash registers. Those carts were really full. They now had the money to buy it all. We got into the checkout line and had the bill all tallied. There was this man whose name was Frederick and his wife was Edith that came to us. Edith said, “We are the aunt and uncle of the manager. She told us your story. We would like to buy the groceries for both of the families.”

I was beginning to get emotional as I began seeing how many times God has been working in these families lives today. Edith said, “You can use that money and those gift cards at another time. But we are buying your groceries today.” One of the wives spoke up and said, “We will do that. It would be nice to have some money in the bank.”  Edith paid for the groceries then reached into her purse and pulled out her checkbook and began writing. I had no idea what she was doing and I did not try to figure it out. The manager and I walked out with the families and we went out to their vehicles to help unload the groceries.

Before I made it to the vehicle, I noticed that the kids were whispering to each other. Soon they came and tackled me and had me rolling on the grass. I sure was having fun with their kids. I then brought the kids together and prayed over them. Frederick who I think was a retired pastor then prayed over me. Edith meanwhile folded up the two checks and gave one to each family. It was getting late and I needed to go. So before anyone left, everybody was giving each other a hug. Even the manager was hugging everyone. The manager and the four employees went back into the store to get back to work. I then looked at the families and said, “God heard your prayer. You came here praying and God heard every word you said. So in your obedience, by coming here, you can see what happened.”

Each one of the sisters unfolded their check and discovered that they were made out for $1000. Again I started crying. I seem to always get emotional when God is blessing families. Later I found out that Frederick and his wife every year always bless a family around Christmas time. They always give them $1000. Now it was time for me to leave the store and head to my first gang that I was going to meet. I was about to find out I was still not finished here.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot I noticed an old couple trying to get across the street. No one would let them cross. They were physically stranded on the crosswalk. Cars were driving in front and behind them. They were old enough they could not walk very fast. The walk sign did not give them enough time to cross the double street and the cars were not courteous to them. I decided to drive my pickup parallel to the crosswalk to block the whole street so nobody could get through. It did work. It forced people to stop so the old couple continued on. I continued to drive across the center barrier to block the other side of traffic so they could finish walking across the entire intersection. A police officer saw what I was doing and did not like it. He was a young police officer and we had not met yet. He stopped me and called my license plate in to the office. When the old couple saw what was going on, she said, “You can’t give him a ticket! If it wouldn’t have been for him, we never would’ve made it across the street. Are you crazy or something?”

The officer said, “Mam,  we cannot let anyone do this. Driving sideways on the street is illegal.”

She angrily said, “I don’t care. He was being a gentleman. If you are giving him a ticket I want your name and badge because I am going to turn you in.”

I looked at her and said, “It is okay. It was worth the ticket.”

So the officer went back to the car his car with my license and registration and submitted my information. He was sitting in his patrol car a few moments. He then came back to my pickup. He apologized and said, “I am sorry Sonny. The people at the office told me who you are and what you do for this community. They told me to leave you alone.” He really felt bad. The fact that he was just a rookie he has not learned everything yet. He then said, “I was with a partner for six months but this is my first time going solo.”

I said, “It is okay. You are forgiven. I did break the law and I wasn’t supposed to do that.”

He said, “Yeah man! You are one of those guys that can break the law and we will let it go.”

We signed off and I began to leave. The old couple signaled me to pull over. They wanted to talk to me to see what happened. I found a safe place to pull over and turn on my hazard lights. I then asked them what they wanted. She said, “Did he give you a ticket?” So I told her what happened and she said, “Wow! That is pretty awesome.”

I asked, “Where you guys going?”

They responded, “We are going to the King Soopers. It’s just down the road.”

I said, “That’s about eight blocks from here.”

She said, “Yes, that’s our exercise for the day.”

I said, “I can take you there. Even though my pickup is tall, I can still help you get inside.”

She again confirmed, “No, this is our walk for the day. It’s okay; but thanks anyway. That intersection is the hardest part of our walk.”

They then prayed for me and started walking again. They had shared with me that they always stop for coffee on the way to the store. I noticed that there was a Starbucks close by just ahead of them. I stopped there to get each one of a cup of black coffee.  I remember them telling me about liking black coffee. I walked into the store and asked the girl behind the counter for two cups of black coffee. I am buying coffee for an older couple. They are coming this way on the sidewalk. The girl behind the counter said, “An older couple? Are they very tall?”

I said, “No, they are fairly short.”

She knew who I was talking about. She then said, “They always stop here for coffee before they make their walk to the store.” She then handed me two black coffees and said “No charge.”

I then pulled into a parking lot that was pretty close to where they were walking. I walked up to them and handed them the coffee. They said, “You got us two cups of coffee!” I nodded my head. She then asked, “How much do we owe you?”

I said, “When I told the girl at the coffee shop who they were for, she would not charge me anything.”

She then said, “Yeah that’s Maggie. She never charges us for coffee. She just never lets us pay for coffee.”

They continued walking down the sidewalk to the store drinking their coffees. I thanked God for what happened today and headed back to my pickup. It is time to pray with some gang leaders who gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I just love it when our King blesses families as they pray to him. Just remember you are just as valuable to our King as these families. If you are financially strapped because of circumstances that you did not create, do as they do by asking our King and expect a miracle.

East Colfax King Soopers Blessing

It was the Friday after Thanksgiving. I was heading towards Denver to pick up my supplies to witness to the gangs. God said, “Take a left here on Colfax Avenue.”

I saw a King Soopers store. I asked God, “Where are we going?”

God said, “There are families here today who are hungry.” What is so interesting about this is that Blue Mustang and I had breakfast this morning. He gave me $280 and said, “Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, I feel like God has plans to bless two families today.”

I never thought anything about it because normally we only do this on a Saturday. But Blue Mustang was right. God had plans to bless the families today. I continued to drive around the store and I noticed two parents sitting on the grass. Their kids were holding up a sign. The message on the sign said, “We are praying for a miracle. We are hungry.”

I asked God, “Is that them?” God confirmed that it was them. I pulled up close to them and parked. I continued to watch them at a 100 foot distance. Their little girl Elizabeth was facing the traffic that was coming towards them. I continued to watch but nobody stopped. I have seen many signs that people create but this is the only one I’ve ever seen like this.

Elizabeth put the sign down and then she went over to see her mom and dad. She grabbed hold of their hands and began praying. After she finished praying with her parents, they hugged her and she went back to the sign. I found out later that they only had bread and butter in the refrigerator and that was all they had to eat. The parents were working for a company that filed bankruptcy from covid and they were laid off permanently. The parents did get a severance package from the company but it wasn’t enough to survive on. So they were presently applying for new jobs.  All their other bills are paid but food was the last thing on the list when they ran out of money.

I finally got out of my pickup with my Bible and started walking towards them. Elizabeth looked to her left and saw me. She threw her sign down and came running towards me. She said, “You are our miracle aren’t you.”

I said, “Yes, I am the miracle that God sent to you. But it is because of Blue Mustang that I am here to help you.”

She exclaimed, “A car told you that!”

I said, “No, that is his nickname that the Latinos gave him.” Elizabeth had a puzzled look and murmured “Latinos”. I then said, “They are a gang from San Jose, California.”

Elizabeth responded, “Wow!”

Her parents began crying as they listened to our conversation and walked over to me.

I looked at her parents and said, “God sent me here to help you.”

Elizabeth asked, “Does that mean we get to buy groceries today? Boy do I miss having cereal.”

Her parents continued crying and shaking my hand. The parents were more curious about Blue Mustang. I told them that God shifted his heart to help gangs and bless families like you who are hungry. He gives $140 to each family and his desire is to bless two families a week. Our God is a God of numbers. God has some fascination with the number 140 and he honors it greatly. We get to see him do great blessings on a weekly basis. The parents still have not seen the money but asked, “Can we pray for Blue Mustang right now?” All the parents held hands and prayed for Blue Mustang. Then the kids prayed for Blue Mustang next. They then prayed for me. I reached into my pocket and gave each family $140. They looked at me and then said, “This is going to buy us a lot of groceries today. We don’t buy the name brands. We only buy the generics.”

I then said, “Make sure you buy only what you need. God always reminds me to tell everyone to buy what they need but not what they want.”

A white construction van pulls up. The guy driving the van got out and said, “Little girl, I saw your sign that said “Praying for a miracle. We are hungry.” I should’ve turned around right away but I didn’t. I drove almost 7 miles and God said, “Turnaround, you need to go back and help that family.”

He then looked at the families and asked them if they lived together. They said, “We live in the same complex but different apartments.” They shared with him also what happened and how they got laid off work from Covid.

The business owner asked if they had jobs and they confirmed they did not but were applying for work right now. He then asked, “What did you guys do?”

They answered, “We are cabinet builders.”

He said, “That’s funny. I’m in the construction business. Do you guys know how to hang them?”

They said, “Yes, we build them and then we would hang them for the company that we worked for.”

He then asked, “If I get the cabinets, will you hang them for me? I build apartment complexes and we hang a lot of cabinets. I can’t keep anybody working. No one wants to help me. Would you men want a job?”

They said, “Yes, we will take it.”

He said, “I will pay you guys $21 an hour. If you stick with me for six months I will give you $25 an hour. If you stick with me for a full year, I will give you $30 an hour.”

They said, “We will definitely stay with you for a year. We both have families to take care of.”

The businessman said, “I am a Christian man and I do not allow smoking and drinking.”

They said, “We are Christians also.”

He then said, “I saw this man giving you money.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his checkbook. He then said, “Go into the store and get what you need.” All of a sudden he changed his mind and said, “You know what! Let’s go shopping together and then I will pay for it.” I was watching him and he was still writing something out on the checks.

Elizabeth said, “We were praying for a miracle but God is just pouring miracles on to us.” She started listing all the things that happened with her parents: getting jobs, money for food, etc.. She then said, “It just couldn’t get any better. It is just an awesome miracle. God answered our prayers.”

I said, “God is faithful. You have not because you ask not but you have asked and he has given. God heard your cry. For whenever two or more are gathered in his name, God is there.”

One wife said, “Things are sure working out great today.” The contractor handed each family a folded check. As they entered the store, the curiosity of one wife made her ask her husband what is on the check. He husband unfolded the check and said, “It’s made out for $1000.” The other husband checked his check. It was for $1,000 also. Everyone started crying when they realize what he did. They are not even working for him yet. This contractor definitely had a Kingdom heart. The contractor grabbed four shopping carts and told the families to fill them up. He said, “Get what you need and also get what you want.” I even started crying after this was all unfolding. The families all started shopping but none of them went crazy. Both of the wives got out their lists and pretty well followed them. I observed that they wrote “the miracle list” on the top of each one of their lists. They said, “When the miracle comes, this is what we’re going to get.” Pretty soon all the carts were filled up and we headed to the checkout line. This is the first time I’ve ever been at this King Soopers ever. I’ve driven by it many times but my King has never brought me here before. The manager knows the contractor because he shops here frequently.

The manager said, “James, what are you doing here?”

The contractor said, “I am blessing people.”

The manager figured out who he was blessing. Soon he walked over to the cashier and started whispering something into her ear. She rang up the first family but she said I am supposed to put everything on one bill. The bill finally came up and the contractor was ready to hand the cashier his card. The charge was almost $700 for all four carts. The manager pushed the contractor’s card away. He said, “I want to be part of this blessing.” The manager paid for the whole thing. The manager loves the Lord. He said, “You bless them and I want to bless them also.”

Elizabeth went up to the manager and said, “This is Sonny and his best friend is Blue Mustang.” I always love it when kids speak. They never sugarcoat anything. Their hearts are so honest.

The families were bound together by brother and sister. That’s how they knew each other so well. Elizabeth just loves to pray. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

Thanksgiving 2021

During the week prior to Thanksgiving, God made plans to take Thanksgiving dinner to Marcus’s gang in Denver. I made arrangements to get the two turkeys and the food that goes with a Thanksgiving meal and to have it ready by Thanksgiving. It is now Thanksgiving morning and I am heading to Denver with what I picked up at Costco. I am going to pick up the rest of the food in Denver. After I had my pickup fully loaded, I headed to Marcus’s home. When I knocked on the door, I had a turkey in one hand and a tray box in the other. I knocked on the door with my foot again to get someone to open the door. Marcus opened the door holding a double barrel shotgun. Marcus hates me because I talk about Jesus Christ too much. They keep telling me that they do not want to hear about Jesus then they throw me on the ground. The earth and I have seen each other face to face many times. I have also been slammed against my pickup many times. But when I showed up at their home things were different. They were very hostile at first. Marcus asked, “What are you doing here Sonny? We do not want to hear about Jesus Christ.”

Then Marcus noticed the food I was carrying. He asked, “Is that a turkey that you are holding?”

I said, “Yes, it is cooked and it is ready to eat. I have brought you and your men two turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner. Today, we know is Thanksgiving. I want to bring a good meal to you and your men.”

Marcus still couldn’t believe what he heard and repeated, “So you really brought us two turkeys for Thanksgiving.”

I said, “Yes, I also have everything that goes with a turkey dinner. In my pickup I have a cooler filled with pop and water, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole with bacon on top, biscuits, corn bread and for dessert I brought pumpkin pies. God told me to bless my enemies by preparing a feast for them. Even if you guys don’t like me, I am still here to bless you.”

Marcus then took the lid off the tray that I had in my other hand. He looked inside and said, “Man that sure looks good. Just put it over there on the table.”

His mindset changed as he discovered that I had food for him and He knew they were hungry. I then said to Marcus, “I need some help. I have a lot of food in my pickup.”

Marcus then said, “Boys, go help Sonny bring the food in.”

So they came out and helped me bring in all the food. After everything was brought inside, I started setting out all the plastic plates silverware and plastic glasses. When the table was set, I started carving the turkey. As I worked on the turkey, I was praying out loud thanking God for the food. I then prayed for the young men around me. I began looking around the room as I was speaking to God and I noticed several of Marcus’s men had their eyes closed. I had not prayed for the meal yet but I was just physically thanking God for all the wonderful things that he does in my life. I then thanked him for the people who help me in this ministry. I specifically prayed for Blue Mustang for providing the food for this meal. After I mentioned Blue Mustang, I also noticed some of the men began talking. One man looked at another man and said, “Who in the world is this Blue Mustang?” I wanted to laugh between me and God but I continued praying out loud. I finally said “Amen” as I finished the prayer. One of the gang members said, “I have never heard anybody pray like that. I usually hear prayers that always start out with ‘My Father who art in heaven’.”

I said, “There is nothing wrong with that prayer. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself prayed that. It is a simple but very powerful prayer so you can learn how to talk to God. Praying is really just like talking to him. But God likes it when you talk to him from your heart. You do not have to be perfect. Pour your heart out to God. That was basically just what I was doing when I was carving the turkey.”

He replied, “That was still a pretty good prayer.”

Marcus came to me and said, “I want to show you something.” He took me over to the refrigerator and opened the door. Inside the refrigerator was three slices of cheese, a package of baloney, two pickles and some mayonnaise. That was the entire contents of his refrigerator. He then opened up the freezer which contained nothing but ice.

I looked at Marcus and said, “The Lord knew that you were hungry. That is why God told me to go prepare a meal before my enemies. But know this; I don’t want you to be enemies. I want you to be Christian brothers so that we can fight the fight together. We don’t want to fight each other but we want to fight for the Kingdom of God.”

As I said that, three of his men started crying. In fact, you can tell that the Holy Spirit was really working in their hearts. I said, “My King knows about every tear that is running down your face.”

One man replied, “Does God know everything about me?”

I said, “Yes he does.” He replied, “I have sinned a lot against God. I don’t think that God will ever forgive me.”

I said, “Yes, he will forgive you. All you have to do is ask.”

At this moment, Marcus said, “I want to eat now. I am getting hungry.”

I said, “Okay men. Let’s eat!”

As I was still carving on the turkeys, the gang members began loading up their plates. Everything was good to them. They all had their full plates as they began eating. The pies were still in the refrigerator from Costco. As they continued eating, I continued sharing the word of God with them. I walked around and began praying for each one. God revealed to me what was in each man’s hearts as I prayed. Each man listened to what I prayed for. None of them told me to walk away and to leave them alone. They listened and they kept nodding their heads agreeing with me as God revealed things to me about them, agreeing with what I prayed. Some of them questioned me. Francisco a gang member asked, “How did you know that? I did not tell you about anything.”

I said, “That is what my King showed me. I am just repeating to you what God said. I myself don’t know you because I have only seen you three times. The only thing I know about you is that you body slammed me three times and that is all I know.”

Francisco said, “I am so sorry that I hurt you. I am never going to do that to you again. Not when you’ve done what you have done today by bringing all of this to us.”

I noticed some of the gang members were sitting in the corner real quiet. They had tears coming down their eyes while they were eating. I went over to talk to that group. I said, “I noticed that you have tears running down your face. What is going on?”

One man said, “You tell me. When you are praying for the guys, God was showing you what was going on in their lives. What is God showing you about me?”

I said, “You are missing your family. You are thinking about past Thanksgivings spending time with your grandparents and family and all the fun things you did. You are missing all of that. You should call your parents and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving.”

After Marcus was full, he went to his room. He was gone for a while to do something. Shortly he came out and said, “Sonny, I need to talk to you man.” I walked over with him and we sat down in one of the corners of his home. Marcus then said, “I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ. I am done with this kind of life. When you brought us this food this morning something happened in my heart.  It reminded me about the times I had Thanksgiving with my parents, Grandparents and family. I don’t know about my men but I am ready.”

As Marcus gave his heart to Jesus Christ, he began crying. His gang noticed and asked, “What is going on? Why are you crying?”

Marcus replied, “I don’t know about you but this lifestyle is over for me. I am going to give my heart to Jesus Christ. It is up to you guys what you want to do but I have made my decision. You need to decide if you still want to be a gang. I miss my family and I want to go back home. God has a purpose for me and for you.”

Before Marcus gave his life to Jesus Christ he just ordered his men around. But now he was having a one-on-one conversation with them. Now he is crying in front of his men. Before he was always stone faced and serious. You definitely can see a transformation in Marcus as the Holy Spirit shifted his heart.

Marcus’s men began thinking about what just happened.  They said, “You know I have been missing my family also.”

Some of them then said, “I have already called my parents to have them come and get me.”

One at a time they started coming to me. I said, “If any of you want your name written in the Lamb’s book of Life, come and stand to my right.” They started coming as soon I made the comment.

They all began crying as they lined up. They asked, “What is going wrong with us?”

I said, “It is Jesus Christ penetrating your hearts.”

Marcus took a deep breath and said, “I finally feel peace in my heart. I do not feel that anger anymore. I have no desire to beat up or rob someone like before. Now that my heart belongs to God, I want to make a difference.”

By now everyone in Marcus’s gang gave their hearts entirely over to Jesus Christ. With all that power of God in the room, it became quite warm. We all headed outside to cool off.

As we were all standing outside, Marty’s gang shows up. I found out when Marcus was in his room before he made his commitment to accept Jesus Christ, he invited Marty to come over. Marty asked, “You guys are not hurting Sonny are you? I know Sonny.”

Marcus said, “No! Sonny brought us Thanksgiving dinner. Are you guys hungry?”

Marty was puzzled and repeated the question, “Are you hungry?” because he did not know what that meant.

Marcus said, “Yes, we are not fighting anymore. Sonny brought his food and we gave our hearts to Jesus Christ.”

Marty exclaimed, “You gave your hearts to Jesus Christ!”

Marcus said, “Yes and our families are coming to get us.” Marcus paused to compose his thoughts then said, “Marty, I want to ask for forgiveness for everything that I have done to you and your men.”

Just two weeks ago they got into a big fight. God had me separate them by driving my pickup right down the middle of their battle lines. Both sides had their pistols drawn towards each other and they were shouting obscenities at each other. Each side was waiting for the other side to make the first move.

Marty said, “We just fought two weeks ago and I cannot even remember why we were fighting.”

Marcus said, “That is all in the past. I am looking forward to the future. Right now, I’m just telling you that I am going home. I have given my heart to Jesus Christ. Marty, today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised even for me.”

Marty then said, “I also have been thinking about going home. I am tired of this kind of life.”

Marcus said, “Let’s go inside and eat. We have plenty of food for you.”

Marcus and Marty walked together into the house. Marcus was tearing up while he was talking to Marty. Marty grabbed a plate and filled it with food. As he was thinking about sitting down he said, “It is time for me to give my heart to Jesus Christ also. I am tired of this life. I am tired of fighting all the time. I never know what tomorrow is going to bring.”

Marty then looked at his men and said, “You guys can do whatever you want. But as for me I’m giving my heart to Jesus Christ. I am done with this life. Whatever you decide is not up to me but it is between you and God. If you want to give your heart to him today that would be great.”

His men then said, “It would be nice to be able to get a meal every day. It would also be nice to see our families again.”

I then prayed for Marty and his men. While this was going on, a whole bunch of cars began showing up. They were friends and family from Marcus’s side. It has not been long enough yet for Marty’s families to show up. Marcus and his boys just ran outside to greet their parents. I could hear one man excitedly say “My mom is here.” There was a lot of hugging and crying going on out in front of the house. I stepped out and you could sense the power of God working out there between the families and the gang members. I can hear the men say “I’ve given my heart to Jesus Christ. I am not a gangster anymore. I want to be a difference. I now have a purpose like Sonny said.”

They begin pointing me out to their parents. They then said, “He would bring us food and we would either beat him up or just leave. He continually brought us food and we would always spurn him but he would never give up on us. But today, he brought us Thanksgiving dinner. That changed my whole heart when I began thinking of past Thanksgivings.”

One of the sons asked, “Mom have you accepted Jesus Christ in your heart.” She confirmed that she had not. He then said, “I am going to be a Christian.”

She has never heard about Jesus Christ and asked, “How do you do that?”

He then shared with her everything what I had told him. She gave her heart to Jesus Christ along with her son.

Marty then gave his life to Jesus Christ. Everyone in the room began crying. Marty’s gang began calling their family because they too were ready to go home. We finished eating Thanksgiving dinner and went back outside. Up to this point, no one has had dessert.

When Marty’s parents started to come for him, he asked, “Sonny, could you pray for my dad. When I left home six years ago, my dad was an alcoholic. My dad always beat me and I just couldn’t take anymore. That is the reason why I left home. Will you pray for him?”

I said, “Yes, I will pray for him.” I prayed for Marty and his dad. Marty was watching outside when his dad and mom arrived. They both got out of the car but his dad was carrying a Bible. Marty looked at me and excitedly said, “My dad is carrying a Bible!”

I said, “Marty, I can tell he loves Jesus Christ. Just look at his face!”

Marty took off and ran towards his parents. He embraced his dad when they met. It was very emotional. They both started crying as they held each other. His dad immediately asked Marty for forgiveness for what he did. Marty then asked for forgiveness from both his mom and dad for what he did. His siblings also came along. They too started crying as the Holy Spirit began mending their hearts. Marty told his dad that he wanted his dad to see him give his heart to Jesus Christ before going home. It wasn’t as though he wanted to brag but he wanted to show his parents that he was serious about making a commitment to Jesus Christ and change his life. There was a lot of activity going on between the parents and their sons.

As everyone was talking outside, Carlos and his gang showed up. He got out of his car and said, “You know what; we decided to take a drive just to see what you guys were up to.” Carlos looked around and asked, “Are you guys having a party? I just remember two weeks ago when you guys were fighting. And now you’re having a party? What is going on here? I don’t even know what brought me here.”

Marty said, “Marcus invited us over today for Turkey.”

Marcus then stepped in and asked, “Are you guys hungry? We have plenty to eat here.” Marcus started a list of all the stuff that was in the house to eat for Thanksgiving.

Carlos replied, “Thanksgiving dinner!” He still did not understand what was going on.

Marcus said, “Sonny, brought it to us. There were also a lot of people behind the scene who made this all happen just for us. And it was all delicious.”

Carlos looked at me and said, “Sonny, why didn’t you invite me to this party.”

I said, “I did. You are here aren’t you? God brought you here.”

Carlos said, “Yes, we are hungry.”

All three gang leaders began walking back to the house. Marcus then told Carlos that he has given his heart to Jesus Christ. Marty then confirmed that he also gave his heart to Jesus Christ. Carlos said, “What you guys are not gangsters anymore? That means we are not going to fight each other anymore!”

Both Marcus and Marty agreed there is going to be no fighting anymore.  There were a lot more parents who were showing up at this time. Marcus’s neighbors Noah and Ruth became curious and they came over. Ruth brought over pies. They went up to Marcus and said, “We brought you some apple and cherry pies for Thanksgiving.”

Marcus began to realize all the things that these neighbors have been trying to do for him and said, “I know we have been your neighbors a long time and we have not made much of an effort to talk to you. We ask for forgiveness for that. Those pies sure look good.”

Ruth said, “To be honest with you, we were scared of you. You carried pistols all the time. But we are not scared today. Today is Thanksgiving and we want to bless you.” Ruth paused then asked, “How did you like the cookies I left on your front porch?”

Marcus said, “I was wondering who was leaving those cookies. They were always delicious and greatly appreciated.”

I looked over to my left and I could see that all of Noah’s family was on the front porch looking in trying to figure out what was going on. Soon all the grandkids started coming over trying to figure out what the parents were up to. The grandkids really did not have any fear because they do not understand pistols.

Marty came up to Noah and said, “You guys remind me of my grandparents. I have not seen them for a long time.”

Carlos said, “Let’s eat.” Both Marty and Marcus along with their men began serving Carlos’s gang. I could hear the pans rattling as all the food was being cleaned up. There was now nothing left as Carlos and his men sat down to eat.

Marcus looked at me and said, “I have not experienced this much peace in my life, ever.”

After Carlos’s men finished eating, Noah and Ruth along with some parents began cutting the pies for dessert. I had brought huge Costco pumpkin pies but some of the gang hated pumpkin. That is why God had Ruth bring only apple and cherry pies.

Marcus then went to Carlos and asked, “Please forgive me for anything that I may have done wrong to you. I know that we hurt you bad and if you feel like you cannot forgive me that’s okay.  Sonny told me that if we do not forgive others our heavenly Father will not forgive us. I do not want to be in that boat and possibly spend my entire life in the Lake of Fire.”

Marcus’s neighbors, parents and all the gang members were all listening to Marcus speak. Carlos began crying after Marcus asked for forgiveness. Carlos had a lot of sin in his own life. Carlos said, “Can God really forgive me for all the things I have done. I have done a lot of bad things in my life. I have hurt a lot of people. You can ask any of these guys here today and they will tell you that I did not show any mercy.”

I said, “Jesus has shown mercy to you.”

Marcus then interjected, “He died on the cross for us but he rose again in three days. That’s what the Bible says.”

Carlos was really emotional as the Holy Spirit began the transformation of his heart but once he completely gave his life to Jesus Christ it was over. It brought peace to his life. When Carlos’s men saw him change they wanted what he had.

Carlos was watching what was going on around him and said, “Boy that must be nice having your parents hug you. I have not seen my parents in close to four years now. They probably won’t hug me.”

I said, “You won’t know that unless you call them. Invite them over.”

Carlos said, “I’m going to go do that.” He walked over to his car which was a restored red and white 1956 Chevy. He sat down in the driver seat and made the call. He was in there for quite a while. Pretty soon Carlos’s parents were coming to get him. I also notice that the parents of his men began showing up. They too were all requesting to go home. Carlos finally got out of the car and said, “Boys, I’m done with this life. I want to go home. I do not want to do this anymore.”

It was now time for the entire last gang to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Noah excused himself and went back to his garage. He then backed his truck up to Marcus’s home. It contained full boxes of Bibles. Noah then started handing out Bibles to all the men.  We were getting low on Bibles when a white van showed up that had more Bibles in it. I have seen this van before.  I asked myself, “Who are these people? They follow me everywhere. They always bring Bibles just at the right time.”

Everybody here received a Bible. There were still more parents and families that are still coming. I prayed for anybody that needed prayer. When the parents arrived it looked more like a party. They would ask, “What is going on here? I’m just here to pick up my son.”

I always replied, “Your son just gave his life to Jesus Christ.”

I was not sure how many people got saved that day but it was difficult to stop crying when I realized how many broken hearts were fixed today by the power of the Holy Spirit. By now it is late and I began to get ready to go home.

Three gangs gave their hearts to Jesus Christ on Thanksgiving Day. They were once enemies. Now they are Christian brothers under Jesus Christ. Carlos said, “Sonny thank you for never giving up on us. Every time I would see you, both you and Blue Mustang would feed us.”

I returned from the drive and noticed that Ruth and Noah brought all three leaders together and put their hands on them.  Noah began praying for them. I noticed there grandkids were there to but they still seemed to be a little scared because the men still had their pistols. After they finished praying, the parents started to disciple these men. They had churches that they might want to go to and people who help them in their walk with Jesus Christ. The parents then turned to me and said, “Sonny, thanks for not giving up on our sons.”

I said, “God has never given up on me. I am never going to give up on them either. I myself am never going to be perfect until I am in his presence. My name is in the Lamb’s book of Life. You have to continually stand against the enemy using the word of God. You cannot do it by yourself.”

Marty commented, “Everybody keeps talking about this Blue Mustang. He must be a pretty cool dude. He must have a Kings heart like Sonny.”

I too said, “If it wouldn’t be for him, I could not afford to bring all this food to you guys. I just bring the word of God to you guys.”

They said, “God supplies just like you said Sonny.”

I said to myself they are already learning. Many times when I am speaking to these guys I don’t think that they are paying attention. But they have been listening to every word that I speak. Just remember if God calls you to do something even though you don’t think you’re making a difference continue to be obedient because you will see what I am seeing here today.

Carlos then asked, “Sonny have you ever driven a 56 Chevy before?” I confirmed that I had not. Carlos then threw me the keys and said, “Why don’t you drive it around the block a bit.” I climbed into his car. If you’ve ever been in an older car they used not to have power steering. This thing had a huge steering wheel. It was beautiful how he restored it. He added air conditioning to this car. In a lot of the older cars air conditioning was either not available or was an option. He had a cool sound system installed. It sounded really amazing. It had a manual transmission and the ability to make the car go up and down. I did not want to damage his beautiful car so I just left that switch alone. Now I physically started it and put it in gear. I took my time as I drove around the block. It sure was fun to drive an old classic. It was getting late and I said good bye to everyone and went home to get some sleep. But I was about to find out my night was about to change.

My return to Denver Thanksgiving night

On Friday at 1 a.m. all three gang leaders asked me to come to Carlos’ home to pray for their families. They all loved their families and wanted them to also have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and asked for my help. His parents had a large beautiful home with a five car garage.  I went into a room where the families of the three gang leaders were hanging out. I said, “Those of you that have not accepted Jesus Christ and want to accept him as your personal Savior come over here and stand on the right side.”

Almost the whole crowd came over and stood on my right hand side. Marcus then asked, “Sonny, do you think that I could pray for some of my cousins. I am not sure if I know what to do.”

I said, “Marcus, go ahead and do whatever God tells you to do. You know the sinners prayer.”

So Marcus began praying for some of his family. All of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ there in that room. When the families saw what happened to their sons, they began to understand the importance of knowing Jesus Christ. They saw the difference that Jesus Christ made in their son’s life. Before they knew Jesus, they were tough and selfish. And now they’ve been transformed into entirely different people that show kindness and love for those around them. Jesus Christ is the only one who is capable of making such a transformation because only he can change hearts. I began seeing all the broken lives in the parents coming forward. Again it was difficult to keep from crying because when the Holy Spirit moves it is so powerful. God gets the glory and the victory

Marty Asks to speak with me  Friday Afternoon

On Friday Marty asked to speak with me. I met him at one of the parks where he would frequent. As I was speaking with Marty, Marcus drove up to us. Marcus got out and said, “I figured you’d be here at the park where you usually come on these nice days. I brought your cooler back. You will need to bring pop and water to other gangs. I am so sorry for taking this cooler from you.” Marcus did a good job of washing and cleaning up the cooler. Two of his brothers that were with him helped load it into my pickup because it was full of Dr. Pepper and water on ice. They carried it over and put it on the back of my pickup. Marcus then said, “Sonny, every time I would walk by the cooler God would convict me. He showed me that you are using this cooler to reach souls for the Kingdom of God. I felt so guilty that I just had to get rid of this cooler. So I filled it with Dr. Pepper and water just to show how sorry I am.”

Marcus then left because he needed to make plans to clean up the house. A lot of people went back to Marcus’s home to help clean up. Noah’s brother had a business where he had dump trucks. He brought two of them to the home so they could clean up. Most of the furniture they had in the house was free stuff they got off the street. Almost everything was trashed. They got everything loaded on one dump truck. They said they only needed one but Noah’s brother wanted to make sure they had enough trucks. Noah’s brother even paid the dumping bill. The home was in excellent condition when they finished. Marcus came to me and said, “While we’re throwing out the trash, I took the cushions off the couch. To my surprise, I found the hundred dollar bill I lost a while back. It was lurking beneath one of the couch cushions.”  Marcus was still so appreciative that he felt like thanking me again for bringing him back to his family. I reminded him that it was God who brought me to you in the first place. Marcus said, “Yeah, I know but still we would beat you up and you continued to love us. You were never afraid to tell us about Jesus Christ. That does take a lot of guts.” Marcus then took that hundred dollar bill he had put in his wallet and gave it to me saying, “Sonny apply this hundred dollars to the ministry. Go buy some donuts for the next gang.”

His dad was watching everything that he did and said, “Who would’ve ever thought that my son would do something like that.” His dad saw how Jesus Christ has been transforming his son’s heart in such a short period of time.

Marcus then said, “I may not be Blue Mustang but at least I can still be part of that army.”

It was getting late in the day. I then went back out on the streets and started to witness to some more gangs that my King had already planned for me to meet.

Praying for Marcus Marty and Carlos

On Wednesday, I met with Marcus, Marty and Carlos just to pray with them. Boy what a transformation when I met them. They were all clean-cut with haircuts. Before they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ every one of them carried a ponytail. I said, “Man, you guys got some haircuts.”

They said, “Yeah man, we just don’t want to look like we used to.”

Carlos then said, “Sonny, I have a lot of tattoos and a lot of them don’t look good.  I have been thinking about getting my tattoos removed. I don’t think that God likes them.”

I said, “God is interested in your heart. Let those tattoos be a testimony to other people about God’s Kingdom.

Carlos said, “That brings peace to my spirit.”

I said, “When you die, you will not be taking those tattoos with you. God will be giving you a new body.”

Carlos said, “Does that mean that I am going to be taller.”

I said, “Yeah, you definitely will be taller.”

Carlos’s final words to me were, “Sonny, thanks for never giving up on us.”

Our King definitely knows how to throw a Thanksgiving party. He truly loves us to spend that kind of time on these men just to bring them into his Kingdom. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

Krispy Kreme Miracle

God sent me to the King Soopers on 144th Ave. in Denver and I parked my pickup and sat there for a moment. I then asked, “God, when is this family going to show up?”

God said, “Look to the right. You are missing it.”

I looked over to my right which happened to be east. I asked, “God is that the families?” The wives of each family are sisters. God instructed me they would be on the east side of the parking lot.

God replied, “Yes, that is them.”

The little girl, whose name is Lizzie, went running to the van. She reached inside and grabbed what appeared to be her Bible and brought it back to the family. She opened it up and began reading it. I was still far enough away that I could not tell what she was reading. I decided it’s time to get out of my pickup and go meet them. Lizzie saw me walking towards her. She stepped my way and said, “My name is Lizzie. You must be a Christian because you are carrying a Bible also.”

I said, “Yes, I love God.”

Lizzie said, “I can tell. I can see the truth on you.”

It was amazing the way she spoke. I asked how old she was and she said that she was seven years old going on eight. She then said, “I was born one day after Christmas. It is such a bummer.”

I said, “No, everybody is focused on Christmas until it’s finally over with. Now they can focus on you.”

Lizzie thought about what I said and replied, “Yes, you are right. I am special.”

I then asked, “What Bible verse were you reading to your family? I saw you reading the Bible.”

Lizzie said, “I read John 3:16 to them.”

I asked her if she could read it again. So she picked her Bible up and read it to me. She said, “16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

I asked, “Can you imagine that? That is real love for God to do that.”

Lizzie then asked, “Why did you come to us?”

Everybody was beginning to stare at me because they were all curious. I said, “Well, first I have to tell you that Jesus is faithful. I’m telling you that he loves you and that is why I am here. And another reason I am here is because of Blue Mustang.”

Lizzie then exclaimed, “That is a car!”

It just never fails when I tell little kids about Blue Mustang. I then said, “Blue Mustang gives me money to bless families each weekend for groceries. That is the reason why you are praying here today. You do not know what to do about groceries today.”

Then Lizzie said, “So Blue Mustang gives you money and tells you to go out and find people to give them money? Does that mean that I can get cereal?”

I said, “Yes, you can get some cereal.”

Lizzie sighed and said, “I have not had cereal for four days now.”

I started tearing up when she shared that. Her Mom said, “We went back to work and the company my husband works for shut down again because of covid. We have not been paid for three weeks and it will still be another week before anything comes in. We are trying to figure it all out. We were just thinking that we should go into the store and talk to the manager. We hoped that he would give us some food and we could pay him back later. But we just do not know how to present our dilemma to him.”

I said, “You do not have to say anything to him now. God has now provided money for both of your families.”

The families then asked, “So he gives you $280 to give us?” They paused to try to understand what God was about to do. They then asked, “So God told you that we are the families that are hungry?”

I replied, “It’s just not anybody. God always directs me to families like you who are praying. He has taken me many places like the King Soopers here, Walmart, gas stations and even into an open field. Wherever God says to go, I go there.”

They then asked, “How do you hear God’s voice?”

I said, “It is not about a religion. it is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. He talks to me and I listen.”

The Mom said, “Lizzie told me this morning that if we go to the grocery store that maybe God will provide food for us because there is food in the stores. Let’s just go there. After Lizzie said that, we decided to come to this store to pray for a miracle.”

Samuel, their little boy interjected, “Does that mean we can get Oreo cookies and milk? We only get dessert once a month. We cannot get dessert all the time. If we do get dessert, we usually go to Dairy Queen and get their Oreo cookie blizzard.”

They asked me to pray for them because they were really hungry. The second she said that, a white van pulled up next to us. A bunch of teenagers jumped out and asked, “Would you guys like some Krispy Kreme donuts? We are just blessing people today.”

Lizzie said, “God is faithful! And yes, we will take them.”

The teenagers then prayed for both families. Then they laid out a box of crispy cream donuts on a table. I said, “Oh my gosh! Those are the best donuts in the world. Especially when you get a fresh box of them.”

I could tell they were fresh because the boxes of donuts were still warm. One of the Dads started cutting the donuts. The teenage girls said, “You can have a whole one. It’s okay. You do not have to share one.”

The families were large enough to warrant getting out another box. Of course I had to have one. The youth pastor then asked, “What is going on here?”

Lizzie then said, “This man and we cannot forget Blue Mustang brought us money so we could buy groceries. We were about to ask the manager of the store for help.” Lizzie did not sugarcoat anything. The girls from the youth group began to cry. Both the boys and the girls went to the other side of the van. You could still hear the girls crying. Lizzie grabbed her Bible and she went over where the kids were at. I could see her being a minister in the streets. God has shown me that she has the heart for the broken and the lost.

Lizzie disappeared behind the van for a short time. What is interesting on both sides of the van it is written “God hears your prayers. He is listening to you.” Lizzie then asked the youth pastor and the teenagers if she could pray for them. The youth pastor and the teenagers then prayed for the families.

The youth pastor prayed, “God will provide all of our needs. God is faithful. God provide everyone here their needs. But most of all, if their names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life that today will be the day of their salvation. I ask this in the name Jesus. Amen.”

The men of the family said, “All of us are Christians and we love the Lord. Like you said we came here in faith. We are not walking by sight.”

The youth pastor then asked, “How much gas do you have in your vehicles?”

One husband said, “My pickup has ¼ of a tank. I do not know how much my sister-in-law has.”

She looked and replied, “It is empty.”

The youth pastor then said, “When we are done here we will go and fill everything up.”

The teenage kids began walking around the van towards the families. They said, “We have been praying and asking God to direct us. We asked him about giving you money so you can buy groceries. We would love to go grocery shopping with you.”

Lizzie then said, “This extra money will take care of everything.”

The teenagers divided the money they collected from each other. It came out to be $150 to each family. I had already given each family $140. The families  began crying out of control. The youth pastor then said, “What a fantastic miracle that just happened. God is showing you that he is faithful. He listens to your prayers. Do not give up.” The youth pastor paused then said, “Use our money to help buy groceries. This money that we have given you is for whatever you need. I am still going to fill up your vehicles but let’s go inside the store. I want to take you grocery shopping.”

Lizzie then looked at me and asked, “Sonny, can you go shopping with us? You can watch me buy some cereal.” She held out her hand and we went into the store.

The manager noticed me walking by. Then she pointed her two fingers at her eyes and then pointing the two fingers towards me. That’s her signal that she is watching me bless these families. Each family grabbed a grocery cart. The youth group and I both grabbed a grocery cart. Lizzie’s brother was getting tired of walking and he asked to ride inside my grocery cart.

As we were walking down the condiments aisle, Lizzie asked, “Have you ever had dill pickles with potato chips.?”

I said, “That is such a good snack.”

Lizzie said, “I wish we could get some pickles.”

I said, “That sounds good. I am going to get some pickles for myself.” Then we went to the potato chip aisle and I picked up some potato chips.

Lizzie figured out what I was up to and asked, “Are you getting that for me?”

I said, “Yes. You are going to have some tonight whenever you want.”

All the families filled up both grocery carts. My cart just had the food they wanted but didn’t need. They were good at making sure that they only got the things they needed. The last thing we picked up was the ice cream.

Lizzie said, “If I had a spoon, I would dig into that ice cream right now.”

I looked at her and asked, “You have not had lunch yet. You just had breakfast which was Krispy Kreme donuts.”

She replied, “Yeah, but we have not had any ice cream for over a week.”

The manager started ringing up the grocery carts. The manager started sharing with the families that whenever Sonny and this Blue Mustang come into the store, they always are blessing people who are hurting. The manager then said, “Whatever money you have keep it.” The manager was about ready to pay for their groceries when this gentleman, who was standing next to us, asked the manager where the restroom was. As the manager was pointing where the restrooms were located, the wife of the old gentleman put her credit card into the credit card machine. The manager then caught a glimpse of them doing that and asked, “What are you guys doing?”

The old gentleman said, “God told us to pay for their groceries for what ever reason.”

The manager inquired, “So your husband was strictly a distraction so you could do that?”

The old lady said, “This is not the first time around the block for us.”

These families really got blessed. They do not have to pay for groceries today. That manager looked at the old couple and said, “It looks like I’m just gonna have to wait for Sonny to bring in another family. I want to make sure I beat you with the credit card next time.”

I just love what God does. God is faithful. You just cannot stop praying. Yes, God does know my heart and he does know what I’m going to say tomorrow. But the blessings do not appear until we speak it. You have not because you ask not. Whenever you have needs continue to speak it out. Even though Jesus knows our needs but as the Scripture says you ask not and you receive nothing.

Lizzie’s final words were, “When we receive something from God, we need to thank him for it. Before the carts left the store, Lizzie prayed over every cart and thanked God for what was in them. I cannot wait till next week when God will bring us more families to bless.

The only reason why God does this is because he loves us so much and he loves to hear us pray to him for our needs. I continue to remember that it is God who does this. God needs to receive the Glory and the Victory.

Blessing Families at Les Schwab

Every year I always change my rims on my pickup for winter driving. The mag chloride is hard on the chrome rims. I scheduled my appointment after work. My King had other plans. God said, “Sonny, I wanted you to schedule it for Saturday. You cancel your appointment right now.”

I called Les Schwab and moved my appointment to Saturday morning at 9am. I had no idea why my King had to have it on Saturday. These thoughts of running out of time started entering my mind because I was thinking like a human.

I met with Blue Mustang for breakfast on that Saturday. He gave me $280 to bless two families. I said to myself, “The families are going to have to wait today.” I drove back to Loveland, Colorado to get my rims exchanged. I was sitting there relaxing while getting scriptures ready for the gangs. This did not last long. God said, “Sonny, get up and go for a walk.”

I said to myself, “I am very comfortable right here. Besides I will be walking a lot today.”

God again reiterated, “Get up and go for a walk. Just do it.”

I went outside to begin my walk. I had a 25% chance of getting the right direction so I pick North but God said, “You need to go west.”

I was thankful that I wasn’t Jonah who went in the opposite direction God wanted him to go. So I begin to walk west. As I was walking, a wind came from the northwest. The wind carried their sound to my ears. I could hear a family on the extreme side of the Walmart parking lot near the Subway store that might be praying. I begin walking towards them. I could see them holding hands and praying. It appeared there were two families that came out of that van. I could tell there were too many for all of them to be buckled in safely. Right now both of them were trying to figure out how they were going to buy groceries. As I really got close, I realized how difficult things were actually getting. They were starting to write “We need food” on a sign. When I saw them praying while holding hands, I knew for sure that it was them. God was trying to get my attention because I was about to relax my way out of blessing these families. I was surprised that God sent me up to the families here because usually he does only the families in Denver. But God revealed to me that this family has come from Denver and they were told to come up here.

I was listening to each prayer of the families. The one prayer that was so vivid was from the little girl whose name is Chelsea. She’s looked up at God and said, “I am so hungry for cereal. God bring me something.”

Again I was about to find out that Chelsea favorite cereal is Captain Crunch. I stood behind them remaining quiet as they prayed. I silently prayed, “Lord just provide for them whatever they need.”

The next child said Lord, “I am so hungry. I would love something to eat. I am tired of digging in trash cans to find food to eat.”

When I heard that I lost it. It is emotionally difficult to envision a child rummaging through the garbage just to find something to eat. Especially in this country, we are so blessed and we take so much for granted. I’m almost sure they heard me cry because it was very emotional listening to what she just said.

They finally finished their prayer and looked over at me. They acknowledge me and and said, “You must be a preacher. We see that you are carrying the word of God.”

I said, “I minister to gangs all over the United States. I also minister to people in the streets. I asked for a Ministry that nobody wanted and God gave me this. God has brought in a lot of people into my life like Terry Bird and Blue Mustang. There are also many other prayer warriors out there supporting me.”

Chelsea said, “Terry Bird and Blue Mustang! Is Terry’s brother Big Bird?”

I have learned to go with the flow and confirmed it. Then Chelsea asked, “What color are his feathers?”

I said, “Well they are kind of white and some other colors.”

Chelsea then said, “And he even talks to you.” Before I could answer she asked, “You also know a car that can talk to you.”

So I finally had to tell her who these two people are. She then said, “Oh, now I get it.”

I then looked at the families and said, “Blue Mustang is a big part of this ministry. He gives me $280 each week to find two families that need groceries. He does not want anybody to go hungry that’s what God put on his heart.”

As they begin to think about what I said, they asked, “So you are about ready to give us $280?”

I said, “Yes and it is to buy groceries.”

Chelsea then asked, “Could you go with us to the grocery store? I want to ask you more questions about Terry Bird and Blue Mustang.”

I had plenty of time because they were working on my pickup at Les Schwab. They would call me when the pickup was ready. I told the families that I was going to walk over to the store because I knew that they were totally packed in that van. You’re probably envisioning this to be one of those bigger vans. It is just a traditional minivan that a single family would use. I started walking towards Walmart. Chelsea wanted to walk with me but her parents said, “No, you better come with us. He will see us over there.”

When I finally reached the door, they saw me. Chelsea came running towards me. The first thing she said, “I am going to get some Captain Crunch.”

They bought the milk at the very end. I went up to pay for their groceries. One of the kids, whose name s Samuel, turned around and looked at me. He said, “Mr Sonny, if it wasn’t for you we would be starving to death today.”

I said, “It is because of God and Blue Mustang. All Glory goes to our King. He chooses people to bless people. That is who our God is. I have prayer warriors that also help make this all happen.”

Chelsea asked, “What is a prayer Warrior?”

I said, “Prayer warriors are people who pray for me constantly. They all have different sleeping schedules so many times they’re praying for me 24/7.”

Chelsea said, “That is so cool!”

There was an older couple standing behind us and that checkout line. They heard everything that the kids were sharing. The cashier tally the bill and it came out to be $279. There was really not much left. When one of the wives handed the money to pay for their groceries, the older gentleman walked up to the cashier and said, “Here’s $300. You can keep the change.”

She said, “No, I can’t do that.”

He then said, “That’s okay. Just give the family the change.”

It always seems like God brings extra people to help out. I am certain that it shows two things: How much God loves us and there are other people who are blessing other people. We are not unique when it comes to blessing other people.

When we walked outside, the older couple asked the families where they were living. They said, “We have a place in Denver and we are all paid up through the month of November. We came here in faith because God said that there was going to be a miracle here.”

This is when I realized that my question had been answered. Denver families have come to me. These families have seen the power of God today and their faith has been restored. The older lady said, “Give me your address in Denver so I can talk to your landlord. I want to discuss with him about paying your December rent. We always look for a family around Thanksgiving and Christmas and when we find them we give them money just to bless them.” As she finished he said, “Yeah, we are just like that Blue Mustang. We are on the same boat that he is on.”

It was really interesting the old couple followed the families back to Denver to where they lived. They contacted their landlord and paid December’s rent. Both families have been working. They were forced to make a job change where they had to work first then get paid so they did not have any cash flow for a few weeks. The families were related by husbands which are brothers. One moved here from Nebraska and the other one moved here from Kansas.

God orchestrated the whole thing. He gets the Glory and the Victory.

Red Robin Encounter

It was Friday after work and Blue Mustang still had not called me for my weekend prayer so I decided to call him to see what he was up to. He answered the phone and I was relieved that the enemy wasn’t attacking him. We prayed for each other and I continued heading down to Denver to meet with the undercover police in the Aurora area. As I was getting closer to my destination, God said, “Sonny, I want you to pull over at this Red Robin. There is a family in great need of me they are in distress right now.”

I said to myself, “This is a Friday night and with all the families there I’m not going to be able to figure out who it is.”

God replied, “Don’t worry about it Sonny! Just do it!”

When I walked inside the door, God said, “Look to the right.”

Sure enough! I could see a table where a man was speaking a lot louder than everybody else. He was just sitting there yelling at his wife. I walked over and stood by him. I said, “God sent me here to talk to you.” That made him quiet. I then said, “I want you to come outside with me because I want to pray with you.”

He said, “Just pray for me here.”

I said, “No, I want you to follow me. I want to pray with you outside. I will lead the way.”

As I was talking to him, I could see the expressions on all the people’s faces. I was sure that they were thinking that I was going to pound on this guy. The guy was six foot three and I was a lot shorter than that. So I didn’t know whether they thought there would be much competition, but I brought God’s kingdom with me so I had the advantage. He followed me outside and I had him stand on the handicap label on the pavement. I looked in the window and I could see his family and all the people in the restaurant. They were looking out at the window to see what I was going to do. He did as I asked. I said, “You are a handicap to your wife and your children. You need to get control of your mouth. Do you know Jesus Christ?”

He said, “I go to church.”

I said, “Just because you’re in the garage does not make you a car. It is the relationship of your heart with Jesus Christ that’s important.” I let him think before I continued. I then said, “Are you ready to make that change. If you don’t change, I know you will go home and yell at your wife at the dinner table.”

He asked, “How do you know me?”

I said, “God has revealed your heart to me. It is showing me what you are doing to yourself, your wife and your children. I want to pray for you that you rededicate your life to Jesus Christ. Then I want you to go back in there with me and apologize to your wife and to your children.”

As I finished saying all this, he began crying because he knew I was right and the Holy Spirit had convicted him. I prayed for him and he did give his heart to Jesus Christ. We went back into the restaurant and everybody was still pretty quiet. He went up to his wife and he physically looked at her and said, “You know I’ve been a jerk and I’m not even sure why you fell in love with me. I want to change how I speak to you and the children.”

Their little daughter said, “Are you sure Dad?. Will you pinky swear that you’re not going to do that anymore?”

The man ended up apologizing to his wife and his children in front of everybody in the restaurant. His wife stood up and gave her husband a big hug. Soon the kids did the same thing. Everybody in the restaurant started to applaud when this happened. His wife was so appreciative that she put my phone number into her contacts after I gave her one of my Ministry cards. In the comments field she wrote “Red Robin Angel”. She thanked me for obeying God today. I looked into the eyes of the the husband and quietly said, “Call me if you need someone to talk to, if you have any questions or just need me to minister to you. But God sent me here today to talk to you. If you do not keep your word, just as God sent me here today he will send me to your address to come against you.”

The manager was amazed how I did that. I told him that Jesus Christ gives me the wisdom to do things like this. He happened to be a Christian and I told him you need to do like I did when you get into a situation like this. You tell the party that this is a family restaurant and ask if you could pray for them outside. I prayed over the manager and began to leave the restaurant. As I was walking by an older couple, he stopped me and said, “I was sure that you were going to get a stick and spank that guy. But I like the way everything turned out.”

God gets the Glory and the Victory.

Open Cross Blessing

It is Saturday and out of habit I was heading to the King Soopers store where I usually go. But as I got closer God said, “No, I want you to go east.”

So I took the next left and headed east. As I was getting closer to Commerce City, Colorado, I saw a large cross that was sitting out in the middle of a large field. I noticed a van parked next to it. It looked like there were two families together around the front of the cross praying. At this moment God revealed to me that these are the two families that he wanted  me to bless.

I was thinking there should be a grocery store around here. God then said, “Why do you think there has to be a grocery store in order for me to bless people to buy groceries? Stop talking and go pray with them. Just do it.” I drove up to the cross as quietly as I could trying not to interfere with their praying. I noticed that they did hear me because they looked in my direction as I got closer. One guy held out his hand, signaling me to stop so they could finish praying. I stopped where I was at and I got out of my pickup with my Bible. I got close enough and continued listening to everything they said. I noticed that there were three kids in one family and two in the other family. Their two kids were too small to say much. It is interesting, many times one family dominates the conversation because they have a stronger faith than the other one. So they tend to dominate the conversation because of their experience. Susan was the wife of this family and their daughter was Samantha.

Susan’s husband finished the prayer saying, “If we put everything at the cross, you would take it over. You know what our heart’s desires are. You know what we’re going through.”

Samantha said, “Dad, do not forget to tell God that we need cereal.”

The way the little ones pray always makes me want to cry.

Her Dad then prayed, “Lord, we need cereal because Samantha is craving it.”

Their son spoke up and said, “Oh yeah Dad! Don’t forget the double stuffed Oreo cookies.”

Soon, all the other kids were making their request. The last one said, “Don’t forget the wheat bread so we can make toast in the morning.”

Susan’s husband prayed, “God you know everything that we need so we can have food at home. Right now we only have things to make bologna sandwiches. I am getting tired of just eating bologna sandwiches. God, I am not complaining but it would be nice to have a hamburger or even a slice of pizza.”

Samantha then interjected, “or a chili dog”.

Their little son said, “Dad, don’t forget Mom’s ankle because she is hurt.”

I could tell they must pray at home a lot because the kids all new about prayer. Susan prayed, “God you know our kids are struggling in school please help them. We need a computer because the classes are online.”

To do homeschooling the family had to go pick up paperwork everyday. The assignments were all online if you had access to a computer. I stood there for 45 minutes while they prayed for their families, their parents and the different people that they knew. The kids sat there the whole time as the family was praying. They had been taught to sit still while people were praying. When they finally said, “in Jesus name. Amen” the husband’s pulled out the list they made for groceries and laid them on the ground in front of the cross.

They then got up and introduced themselves to me. Susan’s husband said, “My name is Frederick and this is my brother Castle. This is his wife Martha and my wife Susan. These are our children.”

I said, “My name is Sonny.”

Frederick said, “I love your hoodie. It looks tough.” He then asked, “How can we help you?”

I said, “I am actually here to help you. The first thing we always do is to be obedient to God. I am going to tell you about this gentleman whose name is Blue Mustang…”

It never fails that the kids get all inquisitive and ask, “Isn’t that a car?”

Samantha asked, “Does a Blue Mustang actually talk to you?”

I began to laugh. The kids always assume that it’s a real car that is helping me out. I then explained to the kids that it was a real man and the Latino gang gave him this nickname. Samantha then asked, “Why is Blue Mustang so important?”

I answered, “God put it into his heart to give $280 to two families to buy groceries each weekend.”

Samantha got off her knees and ran over and gave me a big hug. Samantha figured it out. She looked me in the eyes and said, “Would you tell Blue Mustang thanks for what he did. Now I can go buy cereal.”

I asked, “What kind of cereal do you like?”

She replied, “I like Captain Crunch cereal.”

I said, “I have a new box of Captain Crunch in my pickup right now.”

She immediately ran over to my pick up to see my box of Captain Crunch cereal. I then asked the families, “Have you had breakfast yet?”

They said, “We had a small breakfast. We ate the last of everything that we had.”

So I immediately got out the bowls. I already had milk in my cooler because the gangs drink milk. So I took my box of Captain Crunch cereal and poured it out in each bowl and added milk so the families could eat. The families were all eating Captain Crunch cereal and they loved it. I then finished what I was saying, “God put into Blue Mustang’s heart to bless families. He gives me the money too bless you and then God brings me to you.”

I already had the money split and I gave $140 to each family. They immediately began to cry. The wife of the quieter family immediately got her purse and pulled out some anointing oil. She said, “Lay out the money.” Both families laid out the money in the palm of their hands. She then anointed the money so that God could multiply it to meet all their needs.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen this. It was beautiful. Just as God brought the money to them he could easily multiply it. She believed God would.

Susan said, “This has boosted my faith. I really didn’t know what we were going to eat today. Now we can go buy groceries.”

While all this was going on, three white vans appeared. They seemed to magically appear from nowhere. A youth pastor and a bunch of teenagers climbed out of one van and asked, “How’s everyone doing?”

Like most people do, we said, “We’re doing well.”

They said, “It looks like you just finished eating breakfast.”

Samantha interjected, “Captain Crunch cereal”. The families ate that whole box of cereal. Samantha then said, “God answered our prayer. We came here to pray and ask him for money so we could buy groceries because we don’t have any.”

It is interesting how we as adults try to hide everything. Kids don’t do that. They reveal what they are feeling. The youth pastor said, “It is all about being obedient. We are here today just because of that. God told me to bring my entire computer system to this spot. He told me to package it up nice because a family needs it.”

Susan asked, “You have a computer for us?” She paused a moment then said, “No way! Do you?”

The youth pastor said, “Follow me.” They walked around to the back of the van. He then opened the door. The entire youth group was watching all of this unfold. They were seeing what God was doing. When he open the door, he stepped aside. Sure enough, they saw a computer system with everything wrapped up nicely in the box. He looked at Susan and said, “I thought I bought it for myself but God said, ‘It is not for you but it’s for a family!’. I had just enough time to make sure everything is there.”

We watched as the family checked out their blessing. The youth pastor then said, “If you need help setting this up, we can help you do that.”

Susan said, “That would be great.”

The youth pastor showed Susan the other van. Inside of that van was a a desk and chair for the computer. Both families became overwhelmed and began to cry. So did the youth group when they saw God’s miracle unfolding.

The youth then spoke up and said, “Our youth pastor said to us that there will be a family waiting for us out in a field. We looked at him and said, ‘Whatever!’. We then asked, ‘Did God tell you that?’ Our youth pastor told us that we have to go now. When we arrived we saw everything as our youth pastor said it would be.”

They asked who I was and I said, “My name is Sonny.”

Samantha said, “Yes and he has a friend call Blue Mustang who helped us.”

The girls said, “Blue Mustang! That is cool. Who is that dude?”

I then began telling them about him. One girl then asked, “Is that true that he doesn’t wear shoes year round.”

I said, “Yeah, he walks around barefoot year-round.” She said, “That’s cool.”

Samantha then comes over and puts her hand inside the pocket of my hoodie. It felt like we were friends forever.

Now my time here is over. I have to leave now and minister to the gangs. Before I left, I prayed with everybody. Before I could leave, the youth also wanted to pray for me and the families. At the end, the youth pastor prayed over everyone. There was so much crying going on while we were praying because the power of God was present.

This goes to show you that even if you’re in the middle of nowhere God can still answer your prayer. God not only came today he even showed off. They prayed for groceries and they prayed for a computer and they received both. The youth pastor went back to his church and shared what happened. His church is going to setup and pay for their internet and pay for a month’s rent. If you want to see God work, you need to be obedient to him. Every time I do what I am told he reveals himself not only to me but to whoever I am trying to reach. God gets the Glory and the Victory. Even greater stories will be coming.