Open Cross Blessing

It is Saturday and out of habit I was heading to the King Soopers store where I usually go. But as I got closer God said, “No, I want you to go east.”

So I took the next left and headed east. As I was getting closer to Commerce City, Colorado, I saw a large cross that was sitting out in the middle of a large field. I noticed a van parked next to it. It looked like there were two families together around the front of the cross praying. At this moment God revealed to me that these are the two families that he wanted  me to bless.

I was thinking there should be a grocery store around here. God then said, “Why do you think there has to be a grocery store in order for me to bless people to buy groceries? Stop talking and go pray with them. Just do it.” I drove up to the cross as quietly as I could trying not to interfere with their praying. I noticed that they did hear me because they looked in my direction as I got closer. One guy held out his hand, signaling me to stop so they could finish praying. I stopped where I was at and I got out of my pickup with my Bible. I got close enough and continued listening to everything they said. I noticed that there were three kids in one family and two in the other family. Their two kids were too small to say much. It is interesting, many times one family dominates the conversation because they have a stronger faith than the other one. So they tend to dominate the conversation because of their experience. Susan was the wife of this family and their daughter was Samantha.

Susan’s husband finished the prayer saying, “If we put everything at the cross, you would take it over. You know what our heart’s desires are. You know what we’re going through.”

Samantha said, “Dad, do not forget to tell God that we need cereal.”

The way the little ones pray always makes me want to cry.

Her Dad then prayed, “Lord, we need cereal because Samantha is craving it.”

Their son spoke up and said, “Oh yeah Dad! Don’t forget the double stuffed Oreo cookies.”

Soon, all the other kids were making their request. The last one said, “Don’t forget the wheat bread so we can make toast in the morning.”

Susan’s husband prayed, “God you know everything that we need so we can have food at home. Right now we only have things to make bologna sandwiches. I am getting tired of just eating bologna sandwiches. God, I am not complaining but it would be nice to have a hamburger or even a slice of pizza.”

Samantha then interjected, “or a chili dog”.

Their little son said, “Dad, don’t forget Mom’s ankle because she is hurt.”

I could tell they must pray at home a lot because the kids all new about prayer. Susan prayed, “God you know our kids are struggling in school please help them. We need a computer because the classes are online.”

To do homeschooling the family had to go pick up paperwork everyday. The assignments were all online if you had access to a computer. I stood there for 45 minutes while they prayed for their families, their parents and the different people that they knew. The kids sat there the whole time as the family was praying. They had been taught to sit still while people were praying. When they finally said, “in Jesus name. Amen” the husband’s pulled out the list they made for groceries and laid them on the ground in front of the cross.

They then got up and introduced themselves to me. Susan’s husband said, “My name is Frederick and this is my brother Castle. This is his wife Martha and my wife Susan. These are our children.”

I said, “My name is Sonny.”

Frederick said, “I love your hoodie. It looks tough.” He then asked, “How can we help you?”

I said, “I am actually here to help you. The first thing we always do is to be obedient to God. I am going to tell you about this gentleman whose name is Blue Mustang…”

It never fails that the kids get all inquisitive and ask, “Isn’t that a car?”

Samantha asked, “Does a Blue Mustang actually talk to you?”

I began to laugh. The kids always assume that it’s a real car that is helping me out. I then explained to the kids that it was a real man and the Latino gang gave him this nickname. Samantha then asked, “Why is Blue Mustang so important?”

I answered, “God put it into his heart to give $280 to two families to buy groceries each weekend.”

Samantha got off her knees and ran over and gave me a big hug. Samantha figured it out. She looked me in the eyes and said, “Would you tell Blue Mustang thanks for what he did. Now I can go buy cereal.”

I asked, “What kind of cereal do you like?”

She replied, “I like Captain Crunch cereal.”

I said, “I have a new box of Captain Crunch in my pickup right now.”

She immediately ran over to my pick up to see my box of Captain Crunch cereal. I then asked the families, “Have you had breakfast yet?”

They said, “We had a small breakfast. We ate the last of everything that we had.”

So I immediately got out the bowls. I already had milk in my cooler because the gangs drink milk. So I took my box of Captain Crunch cereal and poured it out in each bowl and added milk so the families could eat. The families were all eating Captain Crunch cereal and they loved it. I then finished what I was saying, “God put into Blue Mustang’s heart to bless families. He gives me the money too bless you and then God brings me to you.”

I already had the money split and I gave $140 to each family. They immediately began to cry. The wife of the quieter family immediately got her purse and pulled out some anointing oil. She said, “Lay out the money.” Both families laid out the money in the palm of their hands. She then anointed the money so that God could multiply it to meet all their needs.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen this. It was beautiful. Just as God brought the money to them he could easily multiply it. She believed God would.

Susan said, “This has boosted my faith. I really didn’t know what we were going to eat today. Now we can go buy groceries.”

While all this was going on, three white vans appeared. They seemed to magically appear from nowhere. A youth pastor and a bunch of teenagers climbed out of one van and asked, “How’s everyone doing?”

Like most people do, we said, “We’re doing well.”

They said, “It looks like you just finished eating breakfast.”

Samantha interjected, “Captain Crunch cereal”. The families ate that whole box of cereal. Samantha then said, “God answered our prayer. We came here to pray and ask him for money so we could buy groceries because we don’t have any.”

It is interesting how we as adults try to hide everything. Kids don’t do that. They reveal what they are feeling. The youth pastor said, “It is all about being obedient. We are here today just because of that. God told me to bring my entire computer system to this spot. He told me to package it up nice because a family needs it.”

Susan asked, “You have a computer for us?” She paused a moment then said, “No way! Do you?”

The youth pastor said, “Follow me.” They walked around to the back of the van. He then opened the door. The entire youth group was watching all of this unfold. They were seeing what God was doing. When he open the door, he stepped aside. Sure enough, they saw a computer system with everything wrapped up nicely in the box. He looked at Susan and said, “I thought I bought it for myself but God said, ‘It is not for you but it’s for a family!’. I had just enough time to make sure everything is there.”

We watched as the family checked out their blessing. The youth pastor then said, “If you need help setting this up, we can help you do that.”

Susan said, “That would be great.”

The youth pastor showed Susan the other van. Inside of that van was a a desk and chair for the computer. Both families became overwhelmed and began to cry. So did the youth group when they saw God’s miracle unfolding.

The youth then spoke up and said, “Our youth pastor said to us that there will be a family waiting for us out in a field. We looked at him and said, ‘Whatever!’. We then asked, ‘Did God tell you that?’ Our youth pastor told us that we have to go now. When we arrived we saw everything as our youth pastor said it would be.”

They asked who I was and I said, “My name is Sonny.”

Samantha said, “Yes and he has a friend call Blue Mustang who helped us.”

The girls said, “Blue Mustang! That is cool. Who is that dude?”

I then began telling them about him. One girl then asked, “Is that true that he doesn’t wear shoes year round.”

I said, “Yeah, he walks around barefoot year-round.” She said, “That’s cool.”

Samantha then comes over and puts her hand inside the pocket of my hoodie. It felt like we were friends forever.

Now my time here is over. I have to leave now and minister to the gangs. Before I left, I prayed with everybody. Before I could leave, the youth also wanted to pray for me and the families. At the end, the youth pastor prayed over everyone. There was so much crying going on while we were praying because the power of God was present.

This goes to show you that even if you’re in the middle of nowhere God can still answer your prayer. God not only came today he even showed off. They prayed for groceries and they prayed for a computer and they received both. The youth pastor went back to his church and shared what happened. His church is going to setup and pay for their internet and pay for a month’s rent. If you want to see God work, you need to be obedient to him. Every time I do what I am told he reveals himself not only to me but to whoever I am trying to reach. God gets the Glory and the Victory. Even greater stories will be coming.