Red Robin Encounter

It was Friday after work and Blue Mustang still had not called me for my weekend prayer so I decided to call him to see what he was up to. He answered the phone and I was relieved that the enemy wasn’t attacking him. We prayed for each other and I continued heading down to Denver to meet with the undercover police in the Aurora area. As I was getting closer to my destination, God said, “Sonny, I want you to pull over at this Red Robin. There is a family in great need of me they are in distress right now.”

I said to myself, “This is a Friday night and with all the families there I’m not going to be able to figure out who it is.”

God replied, “Don’t worry about it Sonny! Just do it!”

When I walked inside the door, God said, “Look to the right.”

Sure enough! I could see a table where a man was speaking a lot louder than everybody else. He was just sitting there yelling at his wife. I walked over and stood by him. I said, “God sent me here to talk to you.” That made him quiet. I then said, “I want you to come outside with me because I want to pray with you.”

He said, “Just pray for me here.”

I said, “No, I want you to follow me. I want to pray with you outside. I will lead the way.”

As I was talking to him, I could see the expressions on all the people’s faces. I was sure that they were thinking that I was going to pound on this guy. The guy was six foot three and I was a lot shorter than that. So I didn’t know whether they thought there would be much competition, but I brought God’s kingdom with me so I had the advantage. He followed me outside and I had him stand on the handicap label on the pavement. I looked in the window and I could see his family and all the people in the restaurant. They were looking out at the window to see what I was going to do. He did as I asked. I said, “You are a handicap to your wife and your children. You need to get control of your mouth. Do you know Jesus Christ?”

He said, “I go to church.”

I said, “Just because you’re in the garage does not make you a car. It is the relationship of your heart with Jesus Christ that’s important.” I let him think before I continued. I then said, “Are you ready to make that change. If you don’t change, I know you will go home and yell at your wife at the dinner table.”

He asked, “How do you know me?”

I said, “God has revealed your heart to me. It is showing me what you are doing to yourself, your wife and your children. I want to pray for you that you rededicate your life to Jesus Christ. Then I want you to go back in there with me and apologize to your wife and to your children.”

As I finished saying all this, he began crying because he knew I was right and the Holy Spirit had convicted him. I prayed for him and he did give his heart to Jesus Christ. We went back into the restaurant and everybody was still pretty quiet. He went up to his wife and he physically looked at her and said, “You know I’ve been a jerk and I’m not even sure why you fell in love with me. I want to change how I speak to you and the children.”

Their little daughter said, “Are you sure Dad?. Will you pinky swear that you’re not going to do that anymore?”

The man ended up apologizing to his wife and his children in front of everybody in the restaurant. His wife stood up and gave her husband a big hug. Soon the kids did the same thing. Everybody in the restaurant started to applaud when this happened. His wife was so appreciative that she put my phone number into her contacts after I gave her one of my Ministry cards. In the comments field she wrote “Red Robin Angel”. She thanked me for obeying God today. I looked into the eyes of the the husband and quietly said, “Call me if you need someone to talk to, if you have any questions or just need me to minister to you. But God sent me here today to talk to you. If you do not keep your word, just as God sent me here today he will send me to your address to come against you.”

The manager was amazed how I did that. I told him that Jesus Christ gives me the wisdom to do things like this. He happened to be a Christian and I told him you need to do like I did when you get into a situation like this. You tell the party that this is a family restaurant and ask if you could pray for them outside. I prayed over the manager and began to leave the restaurant. As I was walking by an older couple, he stopped me and said, “I was sure that you were going to get a stick and spank that guy. But I like the way everything turned out.”

God gets the Glory and the Victory.