Blessing Families at Les Schwab

Every year I always change my rims on my pickup for winter driving. The mag chloride is hard on the chrome rims. I scheduled my appointment after work. My King had other plans. God said, “Sonny, I wanted you to schedule it for Saturday. You cancel your appointment right now.”

I called Les Schwab and moved my appointment to Saturday morning at 9am. I had no idea why my King had to have it on Saturday. These thoughts of running out of time started entering my mind because I was thinking like a human.

I met with Blue Mustang for breakfast on that Saturday. He gave me $280 to bless two families. I said to myself, “The families are going to have to wait today.” I drove back to Loveland, Colorado to get my rims exchanged. I was sitting there relaxing while getting scriptures ready for the gangs. This did not last long. God said, “Sonny, get up and go for a walk.”

I said to myself, “I am very comfortable right here. Besides I will be walking a lot today.”

God again reiterated, “Get up and go for a walk. Just do it.”

I went outside to begin my walk. I had a 25% chance of getting the right direction so I pick North but God said, “You need to go west.”

I was thankful that I wasn’t Jonah who went in the opposite direction God wanted him to go. So I begin to walk west. As I was walking, a wind came from the northwest. The wind carried their sound to my ears. I could hear a family on the extreme side of the Walmart parking lot near the Subway store that might be praying. I begin walking towards them. I could see them holding hands and praying. It appeared there were two families that came out of that van. I could tell there were too many for all of them to be buckled in safely. Right now both of them were trying to figure out how they were going to buy groceries. As I really got close, I realized how difficult things were actually getting. They were starting to write “We need food” on a sign. When I saw them praying while holding hands, I knew for sure that it was them. God was trying to get my attention because I was about to relax my way out of blessing these families. I was surprised that God sent me up to the families here because usually he does only the families in Denver. But God revealed to me that this family has come from Denver and they were told to come up here.

I was listening to each prayer of the families. The one prayer that was so vivid was from the little girl whose name is Chelsea. She’s looked up at God and said, “I am so hungry for cereal. God bring me something.”

Again I was about to find out that Chelsea favorite cereal is Captain Crunch. I stood behind them remaining quiet as they prayed. I silently prayed, “Lord just provide for them whatever they need.”

The next child said Lord, “I am so hungry. I would love something to eat. I am tired of digging in trash cans to find food to eat.”

When I heard that I lost it. It is emotionally difficult to envision a child rummaging through the garbage just to find something to eat. Especially in this country, we are so blessed and we take so much for granted. I’m almost sure they heard me cry because it was very emotional listening to what she just said.

They finally finished their prayer and looked over at me. They acknowledge me and and said, “You must be a preacher. We see that you are carrying the word of God.”

I said, “I minister to gangs all over the United States. I also minister to people in the streets. I asked for a Ministry that nobody wanted and God gave me this. God has brought in a lot of people into my life like Terry Bird and Blue Mustang. There are also many other prayer warriors out there supporting me.”

Chelsea said, “Terry Bird and Blue Mustang! Is Terry’s brother Big Bird?”

I have learned to go with the flow and confirmed it. Then Chelsea asked, “What color are his feathers?”

I said, “Well they are kind of white and some other colors.”

Chelsea then said, “And he even talks to you.” Before I could answer she asked, “You also know a car that can talk to you.”

So I finally had to tell her who these two people are. She then said, “Oh, now I get it.”

I then looked at the families and said, “Blue Mustang is a big part of this ministry. He gives me $280 each week to find two families that need groceries. He does not want anybody to go hungry that’s what God put on his heart.”

As they begin to think about what I said, they asked, “So you are about ready to give us $280?”

I said, “Yes and it is to buy groceries.”

Chelsea then asked, “Could you go with us to the grocery store? I want to ask you more questions about Terry Bird and Blue Mustang.”

I had plenty of time because they were working on my pickup at Les Schwab. They would call me when the pickup was ready. I told the families that I was going to walk over to the store because I knew that they were totally packed in that van. You’re probably envisioning this to be one of those bigger vans. It is just a traditional minivan that a single family would use. I started walking towards Walmart. Chelsea wanted to walk with me but her parents said, “No, you better come with us. He will see us over there.”

When I finally reached the door, they saw me. Chelsea came running towards me. The first thing she said, “I am going to get some Captain Crunch.”

They bought the milk at the very end. I went up to pay for their groceries. One of the kids, whose name s Samuel, turned around and looked at me. He said, “Mr Sonny, if it wasn’t for you we would be starving to death today.”

I said, “It is because of God and Blue Mustang. All Glory goes to our King. He chooses people to bless people. That is who our God is. I have prayer warriors that also help make this all happen.”

Chelsea asked, “What is a prayer Warrior?”

I said, “Prayer warriors are people who pray for me constantly. They all have different sleeping schedules so many times they’re praying for me 24/7.”

Chelsea said, “That is so cool!”

There was an older couple standing behind us and that checkout line. They heard everything that the kids were sharing. The cashier tally the bill and it came out to be $279. There was really not much left. When one of the wives handed the money to pay for their groceries, the older gentleman walked up to the cashier and said, “Here’s $300. You can keep the change.”

She said, “No, I can’t do that.”

He then said, “That’s okay. Just give the family the change.”

It always seems like God brings extra people to help out. I am certain that it shows two things: How much God loves us and there are other people who are blessing other people. We are not unique when it comes to blessing other people.

When we walked outside, the older couple asked the families where they were living. They said, “We have a place in Denver and we are all paid up through the month of November. We came here in faith because God said that there was going to be a miracle here.”

This is when I realized that my question had been answered. Denver families have come to me. These families have seen the power of God today and their faith has been restored. The older lady said, “Give me your address in Denver so I can talk to your landlord. I want to discuss with him about paying your December rent. We always look for a family around Thanksgiving and Christmas and when we find them we give them money just to bless them.” As she finished he said, “Yeah, we are just like that Blue Mustang. We are on the same boat that he is on.”

It was really interesting the old couple followed the families back to Denver to where they lived. They contacted their landlord and paid December’s rent. Both families have been working. They were forced to make a job change where they had to work first then get paid so they did not have any cash flow for a few weeks. The families were related by husbands which are brothers. One moved here from Nebraska and the other one moved here from Kansas.

God orchestrated the whole thing. He gets the Glory and the Victory.