Krispy Kreme Miracle

God sent me to the King Soopers on 144th Ave. in Denver and I parked my pickup and sat there for a moment. I then asked, “God, when is this family going to show up?”

God said, “Look to the right. You are missing it.”

I looked over to my right which happened to be east. I asked, “God is that the families?” The wives of each family are sisters. God instructed me they would be on the east side of the parking lot.

God replied, “Yes, that is them.”

The little girl, whose name is Lizzie, went running to the van. She reached inside and grabbed what appeared to be her Bible and brought it back to the family. She opened it up and began reading it. I was still far enough away that I could not tell what she was reading. I decided it’s time to get out of my pickup and go meet them. Lizzie saw me walking towards her. She stepped my way and said, “My name is Lizzie. You must be a Christian because you are carrying a Bible also.”

I said, “Yes, I love God.”

Lizzie said, “I can tell. I can see the truth on you.”

It was amazing the way she spoke. I asked how old she was and she said that she was seven years old going on eight. She then said, “I was born one day after Christmas. It is such a bummer.”

I said, “No, everybody is focused on Christmas until it’s finally over with. Now they can focus on you.”

Lizzie thought about what I said and replied, “Yes, you are right. I am special.”

I then asked, “What Bible verse were you reading to your family? I saw you reading the Bible.”

Lizzie said, “I read John 3:16 to them.”

I asked her if she could read it again. So she picked her Bible up and read it to me. She said, “16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

I asked, “Can you imagine that? That is real love for God to do that.”

Lizzie then asked, “Why did you come to us?”

Everybody was beginning to stare at me because they were all curious. I said, “Well, first I have to tell you that Jesus is faithful. I’m telling you that he loves you and that is why I am here. And another reason I am here is because of Blue Mustang.”

Lizzie then exclaimed, “That is a car!”

It just never fails when I tell little kids about Blue Mustang. I then said, “Blue Mustang gives me money to bless families each weekend for groceries. That is the reason why you are praying here today. You do not know what to do about groceries today.”

Then Lizzie said, “So Blue Mustang gives you money and tells you to go out and find people to give them money? Does that mean that I can get cereal?”

I said, “Yes, you can get some cereal.”

Lizzie sighed and said, “I have not had cereal for four days now.”

I started tearing up when she shared that. Her Mom said, “We went back to work and the company my husband works for shut down again because of covid. We have not been paid for three weeks and it will still be another week before anything comes in. We are trying to figure it all out. We were just thinking that we should go into the store and talk to the manager. We hoped that he would give us some food and we could pay him back later. But we just do not know how to present our dilemma to him.”

I said, “You do not have to say anything to him now. God has now provided money for both of your families.”

The families then asked, “So he gives you $280 to give us?” They paused to try to understand what God was about to do. They then asked, “So God told you that we are the families that are hungry?”

I replied, “It’s just not anybody. God always directs me to families like you who are praying. He has taken me many places like the King Soopers here, Walmart, gas stations and even into an open field. Wherever God says to go, I go there.”

They then asked, “How do you hear God’s voice?”

I said, “It is not about a religion. it is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. He talks to me and I listen.”

The Mom said, “Lizzie told me this morning that if we go to the grocery store that maybe God will provide food for us because there is food in the stores. Let’s just go there. After Lizzie said that, we decided to come to this store to pray for a miracle.”

Samuel, their little boy interjected, “Does that mean we can get Oreo cookies and milk? We only get dessert once a month. We cannot get dessert all the time. If we do get dessert, we usually go to Dairy Queen and get their Oreo cookie blizzard.”

They asked me to pray for them because they were really hungry. The second she said that, a white van pulled up next to us. A bunch of teenagers jumped out and asked, “Would you guys like some Krispy Kreme donuts? We are just blessing people today.”

Lizzie said, “God is faithful! And yes, we will take them.”

The teenagers then prayed for both families. Then they laid out a box of crispy cream donuts on a table. I said, “Oh my gosh! Those are the best donuts in the world. Especially when you get a fresh box of them.”

I could tell they were fresh because the boxes of donuts were still warm. One of the Dads started cutting the donuts. The teenage girls said, “You can have a whole one. It’s okay. You do not have to share one.”

The families were large enough to warrant getting out another box. Of course I had to have one. The youth pastor then asked, “What is going on here?”

Lizzie then said, “This man and we cannot forget Blue Mustang brought us money so we could buy groceries. We were about to ask the manager of the store for help.” Lizzie did not sugarcoat anything. The girls from the youth group began to cry. Both the boys and the girls went to the other side of the van. You could still hear the girls crying. Lizzie grabbed her Bible and she went over where the kids were at. I could see her being a minister in the streets. God has shown me that she has the heart for the broken and the lost.

Lizzie disappeared behind the van for a short time. What is interesting on both sides of the van it is written “God hears your prayers. He is listening to you.” Lizzie then asked the youth pastor and the teenagers if she could pray for them. The youth pastor and the teenagers then prayed for the families.

The youth pastor prayed, “God will provide all of our needs. God is faithful. God provide everyone here their needs. But most of all, if their names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life that today will be the day of their salvation. I ask this in the name Jesus. Amen.”

The men of the family said, “All of us are Christians and we love the Lord. Like you said we came here in faith. We are not walking by sight.”

The youth pastor then asked, “How much gas do you have in your vehicles?”

One husband said, “My pickup has ¼ of a tank. I do not know how much my sister-in-law has.”

She looked and replied, “It is empty.”

The youth pastor then said, “When we are done here we will go and fill everything up.”

The teenage kids began walking around the van towards the families. They said, “We have been praying and asking God to direct us. We asked him about giving you money so you can buy groceries. We would love to go grocery shopping with you.”

Lizzie then said, “This extra money will take care of everything.”

The teenagers divided the money they collected from each other. It came out to be $150 to each family. I had already given each family $140. The families  began crying out of control. The youth pastor then said, “What a fantastic miracle that just happened. God is showing you that he is faithful. He listens to your prayers. Do not give up.” The youth pastor paused then said, “Use our money to help buy groceries. This money that we have given you is for whatever you need. I am still going to fill up your vehicles but let’s go inside the store. I want to take you grocery shopping.”

Lizzie then looked at me and asked, “Sonny, can you go shopping with us? You can watch me buy some cereal.” She held out her hand and we went into the store.

The manager noticed me walking by. Then she pointed her two fingers at her eyes and then pointing the two fingers towards me. That’s her signal that she is watching me bless these families. Each family grabbed a grocery cart. The youth group and I both grabbed a grocery cart. Lizzie’s brother was getting tired of walking and he asked to ride inside my grocery cart.

As we were walking down the condiments aisle, Lizzie asked, “Have you ever had dill pickles with potato chips.?”

I said, “That is such a good snack.”

Lizzie said, “I wish we could get some pickles.”

I said, “That sounds good. I am going to get some pickles for myself.” Then we went to the potato chip aisle and I picked up some potato chips.

Lizzie figured out what I was up to and asked, “Are you getting that for me?”

I said, “Yes. You are going to have some tonight whenever you want.”

All the families filled up both grocery carts. My cart just had the food they wanted but didn’t need. They were good at making sure that they only got the things they needed. The last thing we picked up was the ice cream.

Lizzie said, “If I had a spoon, I would dig into that ice cream right now.”

I looked at her and asked, “You have not had lunch yet. You just had breakfast which was Krispy Kreme donuts.”

She replied, “Yeah, but we have not had any ice cream for over a week.”

The manager started ringing up the grocery carts. The manager started sharing with the families that whenever Sonny and this Blue Mustang come into the store, they always are blessing people who are hurting. The manager then said, “Whatever money you have keep it.” The manager was about ready to pay for their groceries when this gentleman, who was standing next to us, asked the manager where the restroom was. As the manager was pointing where the restrooms were located, the wife of the old gentleman put her credit card into the credit card machine. The manager then caught a glimpse of them doing that and asked, “What are you guys doing?”

The old gentleman said, “God told us to pay for their groceries for what ever reason.”

The manager inquired, “So your husband was strictly a distraction so you could do that?”

The old lady said, “This is not the first time around the block for us.”

These families really got blessed. They do not have to pay for groceries today. That manager looked at the old couple and said, “It looks like I’m just gonna have to wait for Sonny to bring in another family. I want to make sure I beat you with the credit card next time.”

I just love what God does. God is faithful. You just cannot stop praying. Yes, God does know my heart and he does know what I’m going to say tomorrow. But the blessings do not appear until we speak it. You have not because you ask not. Whenever you have needs continue to speak it out. Even though Jesus knows our needs but as the Scripture says you ask not and you receive nothing.

Lizzie’s final words were, “When we receive something from God, we need to thank him for it. Before the carts left the store, Lizzie prayed over every cart and thanked God for what was in them. I cannot wait till next week when God will bring us more families to bless.

The only reason why God does this is because he loves us so much and he loves to hear us pray to him for our needs. I continue to remember that it is God who does this. God needs to receive the Glory and the Victory.