Thanksgiving 2021

During the week prior to Thanksgiving, God made plans to take Thanksgiving dinner to Marcus’s gang in Denver. I made arrangements to get the two turkeys and the food that goes with a Thanksgiving meal and to have it ready by Thanksgiving. It is now Thanksgiving morning and I am heading to Denver with what I picked up at Costco. I am going to pick up the rest of the food in Denver. After I had my pickup fully loaded, I headed to Marcus’s home. When I knocked on the door, I had a turkey in one hand and a tray box in the other. I knocked on the door with my foot again to get someone to open the door. Marcus opened the door holding a double barrel shotgun. Marcus hates me because I talk about Jesus Christ too much. They keep telling me that they do not want to hear about Jesus then they throw me on the ground. The earth and I have seen each other face to face many times. I have also been slammed against my pickup many times. But when I showed up at their home things were different. They were very hostile at first. Marcus asked, “What are you doing here Sonny? We do not want to hear about Jesus Christ.”

Then Marcus noticed the food I was carrying. He asked, “Is that a turkey that you are holding?”

I said, “Yes, it is cooked and it is ready to eat. I have brought you and your men two turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner. Today, we know is Thanksgiving. I want to bring a good meal to you and your men.”

Marcus still couldn’t believe what he heard and repeated, “So you really brought us two turkeys for Thanksgiving.”

I said, “Yes, I also have everything that goes with a turkey dinner. In my pickup I have a cooler filled with pop and water, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole with bacon on top, biscuits, corn bread and for dessert I brought pumpkin pies. God told me to bless my enemies by preparing a feast for them. Even if you guys don’t like me, I am still here to bless you.”

Marcus then took the lid off the tray that I had in my other hand. He looked inside and said, “Man that sure looks good. Just put it over there on the table.”

His mindset changed as he discovered that I had food for him and He knew they were hungry. I then said to Marcus, “I need some help. I have a lot of food in my pickup.”

Marcus then said, “Boys, go help Sonny bring the food in.”

So they came out and helped me bring in all the food. After everything was brought inside, I started setting out all the plastic plates silverware and plastic glasses. When the table was set, I started carving the turkey. As I worked on the turkey, I was praying out loud thanking God for the food. I then prayed for the young men around me. I began looking around the room as I was speaking to God and I noticed several of Marcus’s men had their eyes closed. I had not prayed for the meal yet but I was just physically thanking God for all the wonderful things that he does in my life. I then thanked him for the people who help me in this ministry. I specifically prayed for Blue Mustang for providing the food for this meal. After I mentioned Blue Mustang, I also noticed some of the men began talking. One man looked at another man and said, “Who in the world is this Blue Mustang?” I wanted to laugh between me and God but I continued praying out loud. I finally said “Amen” as I finished the prayer. One of the gang members said, “I have never heard anybody pray like that. I usually hear prayers that always start out with ‘My Father who art in heaven’.”

I said, “There is nothing wrong with that prayer. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself prayed that. It is a simple but very powerful prayer so you can learn how to talk to God. Praying is really just like talking to him. But God likes it when you talk to him from your heart. You do not have to be perfect. Pour your heart out to God. That was basically just what I was doing when I was carving the turkey.”

He replied, “That was still a pretty good prayer.”

Marcus came to me and said, “I want to show you something.” He took me over to the refrigerator and opened the door. Inside the refrigerator was three slices of cheese, a package of baloney, two pickles and some mayonnaise. That was the entire contents of his refrigerator. He then opened up the freezer which contained nothing but ice.

I looked at Marcus and said, “The Lord knew that you were hungry. That is why God told me to go prepare a meal before my enemies. But know this; I don’t want you to be enemies. I want you to be Christian brothers so that we can fight the fight together. We don’t want to fight each other but we want to fight for the Kingdom of God.”

As I said that, three of his men started crying. In fact, you can tell that the Holy Spirit was really working in their hearts. I said, “My King knows about every tear that is running down your face.”

One man replied, “Does God know everything about me?”

I said, “Yes he does.” He replied, “I have sinned a lot against God. I don’t think that God will ever forgive me.”

I said, “Yes, he will forgive you. All you have to do is ask.”

At this moment, Marcus said, “I want to eat now. I am getting hungry.”

I said, “Okay men. Let’s eat!”

As I was still carving on the turkeys, the gang members began loading up their plates. Everything was good to them. They all had their full plates as they began eating. The pies were still in the refrigerator from Costco. As they continued eating, I continued sharing the word of God with them. I walked around and began praying for each one. God revealed to me what was in each man’s hearts as I prayed. Each man listened to what I prayed for. None of them told me to walk away and to leave them alone. They listened and they kept nodding their heads agreeing with me as God revealed things to me about them, agreeing with what I prayed. Some of them questioned me. Francisco a gang member asked, “How did you know that? I did not tell you about anything.”

I said, “That is what my King showed me. I am just repeating to you what God said. I myself don’t know you because I have only seen you three times. The only thing I know about you is that you body slammed me three times and that is all I know.”

Francisco said, “I am so sorry that I hurt you. I am never going to do that to you again. Not when you’ve done what you have done today by bringing all of this to us.”

I noticed some of the gang members were sitting in the corner real quiet. They had tears coming down their eyes while they were eating. I went over to talk to that group. I said, “I noticed that you have tears running down your face. What is going on?”

One man said, “You tell me. When you are praying for the guys, God was showing you what was going on in their lives. What is God showing you about me?”

I said, “You are missing your family. You are thinking about past Thanksgivings spending time with your grandparents and family and all the fun things you did. You are missing all of that. You should call your parents and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving.”

After Marcus was full, he went to his room. He was gone for a while to do something. Shortly he came out and said, “Sonny, I need to talk to you man.” I walked over with him and we sat down in one of the corners of his home. Marcus then said, “I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ. I am done with this kind of life. When you brought us this food this morning something happened in my heart.  It reminded me about the times I had Thanksgiving with my parents, Grandparents and family. I don’t know about my men but I am ready.”

As Marcus gave his heart to Jesus Christ, he began crying. His gang noticed and asked, “What is going on? Why are you crying?”

Marcus replied, “I don’t know about you but this lifestyle is over for me. I am going to give my heart to Jesus Christ. It is up to you guys what you want to do but I have made my decision. You need to decide if you still want to be a gang. I miss my family and I want to go back home. God has a purpose for me and for you.”

Before Marcus gave his life to Jesus Christ he just ordered his men around. But now he was having a one-on-one conversation with them. Now he is crying in front of his men. Before he was always stone faced and serious. You definitely can see a transformation in Marcus as the Holy Spirit shifted his heart.

Marcus’s men began thinking about what just happened.  They said, “You know I have been missing my family also.”

Some of them then said, “I have already called my parents to have them come and get me.”

One at a time they started coming to me. I said, “If any of you want your name written in the Lamb’s book of Life, come and stand to my right.” They started coming as soon I made the comment.

They all began crying as they lined up. They asked, “What is going wrong with us?”

I said, “It is Jesus Christ penetrating your hearts.”

Marcus took a deep breath and said, “I finally feel peace in my heart. I do not feel that anger anymore. I have no desire to beat up or rob someone like before. Now that my heart belongs to God, I want to make a difference.”

By now everyone in Marcus’s gang gave their hearts entirely over to Jesus Christ. With all that power of God in the room, it became quite warm. We all headed outside to cool off.

As we were all standing outside, Marty’s gang shows up. I found out when Marcus was in his room before he made his commitment to accept Jesus Christ, he invited Marty to come over. Marty asked, “You guys are not hurting Sonny are you? I know Sonny.”

Marcus said, “No! Sonny brought us Thanksgiving dinner. Are you guys hungry?”

Marty was puzzled and repeated the question, “Are you hungry?” because he did not know what that meant.

Marcus said, “Yes, we are not fighting anymore. Sonny brought his food and we gave our hearts to Jesus Christ.”

Marty exclaimed, “You gave your hearts to Jesus Christ!”

Marcus said, “Yes and our families are coming to get us.” Marcus paused to compose his thoughts then said, “Marty, I want to ask for forgiveness for everything that I have done to you and your men.”

Just two weeks ago they got into a big fight. God had me separate them by driving my pickup right down the middle of their battle lines. Both sides had their pistols drawn towards each other and they were shouting obscenities at each other. Each side was waiting for the other side to make the first move.

Marty said, “We just fought two weeks ago and I cannot even remember why we were fighting.”

Marcus said, “That is all in the past. I am looking forward to the future. Right now, I’m just telling you that I am going home. I have given my heart to Jesus Christ. Marty, today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised even for me.”

Marty then said, “I also have been thinking about going home. I am tired of this kind of life.”

Marcus said, “Let’s go inside and eat. We have plenty of food for you.”

Marcus and Marty walked together into the house. Marcus was tearing up while he was talking to Marty. Marty grabbed a plate and filled it with food. As he was thinking about sitting down he said, “It is time for me to give my heart to Jesus Christ also. I am tired of this life. I am tired of fighting all the time. I never know what tomorrow is going to bring.”

Marty then looked at his men and said, “You guys can do whatever you want. But as for me I’m giving my heart to Jesus Christ. I am done with this life. Whatever you decide is not up to me but it is between you and God. If you want to give your heart to him today that would be great.”

His men then said, “It would be nice to be able to get a meal every day. It would also be nice to see our families again.”

I then prayed for Marty and his men. While this was going on, a whole bunch of cars began showing up. They were friends and family from Marcus’s side. It has not been long enough yet for Marty’s families to show up. Marcus and his boys just ran outside to greet their parents. I could hear one man excitedly say “My mom is here.” There was a lot of hugging and crying going on out in front of the house. I stepped out and you could sense the power of God working out there between the families and the gang members. I can hear the men say “I’ve given my heart to Jesus Christ. I am not a gangster anymore. I want to be a difference. I now have a purpose like Sonny said.”

They begin pointing me out to their parents. They then said, “He would bring us food and we would either beat him up or just leave. He continually brought us food and we would always spurn him but he would never give up on us. But today, he brought us Thanksgiving dinner. That changed my whole heart when I began thinking of past Thanksgivings.”

One of the sons asked, “Mom have you accepted Jesus Christ in your heart.” She confirmed that she had not. He then said, “I am going to be a Christian.”

She has never heard about Jesus Christ and asked, “How do you do that?”

He then shared with her everything what I had told him. She gave her heart to Jesus Christ along with her son.

Marty then gave his life to Jesus Christ. Everyone in the room began crying. Marty’s gang began calling their family because they too were ready to go home. We finished eating Thanksgiving dinner and went back outside. Up to this point, no one has had dessert.

When Marty’s parents started to come for him, he asked, “Sonny, could you pray for my dad. When I left home six years ago, my dad was an alcoholic. My dad always beat me and I just couldn’t take anymore. That is the reason why I left home. Will you pray for him?”

I said, “Yes, I will pray for him.” I prayed for Marty and his dad. Marty was watching outside when his dad and mom arrived. They both got out of the car but his dad was carrying a Bible. Marty looked at me and excitedly said, “My dad is carrying a Bible!”

I said, “Marty, I can tell he loves Jesus Christ. Just look at his face!”

Marty took off and ran towards his parents. He embraced his dad when they met. It was very emotional. They both started crying as they held each other. His dad immediately asked Marty for forgiveness for what he did. Marty then asked for forgiveness from both his mom and dad for what he did. His siblings also came along. They too started crying as the Holy Spirit began mending their hearts. Marty told his dad that he wanted his dad to see him give his heart to Jesus Christ before going home. It wasn’t as though he wanted to brag but he wanted to show his parents that he was serious about making a commitment to Jesus Christ and change his life. There was a lot of activity going on between the parents and their sons.

As everyone was talking outside, Carlos and his gang showed up. He got out of his car and said, “You know what; we decided to take a drive just to see what you guys were up to.” Carlos looked around and asked, “Are you guys having a party? I just remember two weeks ago when you guys were fighting. And now you’re having a party? What is going on here? I don’t even know what brought me here.”

Marty said, “Marcus invited us over today for Turkey.”

Marcus then stepped in and asked, “Are you guys hungry? We have plenty to eat here.” Marcus started a list of all the stuff that was in the house to eat for Thanksgiving.

Carlos replied, “Thanksgiving dinner!” He still did not understand what was going on.

Marcus said, “Sonny, brought it to us. There were also a lot of people behind the scene who made this all happen just for us. And it was all delicious.”

Carlos looked at me and said, “Sonny, why didn’t you invite me to this party.”

I said, “I did. You are here aren’t you? God brought you here.”

Carlos said, “Yes, we are hungry.”

All three gang leaders began walking back to the house. Marcus then told Carlos that he has given his heart to Jesus Christ. Marty then confirmed that he also gave his heart to Jesus Christ. Carlos said, “What you guys are not gangsters anymore? That means we are not going to fight each other anymore!”

Both Marcus and Marty agreed there is going to be no fighting anymore.  There were a lot more parents who were showing up at this time. Marcus’s neighbors Noah and Ruth became curious and they came over. Ruth brought over pies. They went up to Marcus and said, “We brought you some apple and cherry pies for Thanksgiving.”

Marcus began to realize all the things that these neighbors have been trying to do for him and said, “I know we have been your neighbors a long time and we have not made much of an effort to talk to you. We ask for forgiveness for that. Those pies sure look good.”

Ruth said, “To be honest with you, we were scared of you. You carried pistols all the time. But we are not scared today. Today is Thanksgiving and we want to bless you.” Ruth paused then asked, “How did you like the cookies I left on your front porch?”

Marcus said, “I was wondering who was leaving those cookies. They were always delicious and greatly appreciated.”

I looked over to my left and I could see that all of Noah’s family was on the front porch looking in trying to figure out what was going on. Soon all the grandkids started coming over trying to figure out what the parents were up to. The grandkids really did not have any fear because they do not understand pistols.

Marty came up to Noah and said, “You guys remind me of my grandparents. I have not seen them for a long time.”

Carlos said, “Let’s eat.” Both Marty and Marcus along with their men began serving Carlos’s gang. I could hear the pans rattling as all the food was being cleaned up. There was now nothing left as Carlos and his men sat down to eat.

Marcus looked at me and said, “I have not experienced this much peace in my life, ever.”

After Carlos’s men finished eating, Noah and Ruth along with some parents began cutting the pies for dessert. I had brought huge Costco pumpkin pies but some of the gang hated pumpkin. That is why God had Ruth bring only apple and cherry pies.

Marcus then went to Carlos and asked, “Please forgive me for anything that I may have done wrong to you. I know that we hurt you bad and if you feel like you cannot forgive me that’s okay.  Sonny told me that if we do not forgive others our heavenly Father will not forgive us. I do not want to be in that boat and possibly spend my entire life in the Lake of Fire.”

Marcus’s neighbors, parents and all the gang members were all listening to Marcus speak. Carlos began crying after Marcus asked for forgiveness. Carlos had a lot of sin in his own life. Carlos said, “Can God really forgive me for all the things I have done. I have done a lot of bad things in my life. I have hurt a lot of people. You can ask any of these guys here today and they will tell you that I did not show any mercy.”

I said, “Jesus has shown mercy to you.”

Marcus then interjected, “He died on the cross for us but he rose again in three days. That’s what the Bible says.”

Carlos was really emotional as the Holy Spirit began the transformation of his heart but once he completely gave his life to Jesus Christ it was over. It brought peace to his life. When Carlos’s men saw him change they wanted what he had.

Carlos was watching what was going on around him and said, “Boy that must be nice having your parents hug you. I have not seen my parents in close to four years now. They probably won’t hug me.”

I said, “You won’t know that unless you call them. Invite them over.”

Carlos said, “I’m going to go do that.” He walked over to his car which was a restored red and white 1956 Chevy. He sat down in the driver seat and made the call. He was in there for quite a while. Pretty soon Carlos’s parents were coming to get him. I also notice that the parents of his men began showing up. They too were all requesting to go home. Carlos finally got out of the car and said, “Boys, I’m done with this life. I want to go home. I do not want to do this anymore.”

It was now time for the entire last gang to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Noah excused himself and went back to his garage. He then backed his truck up to Marcus’s home. It contained full boxes of Bibles. Noah then started handing out Bibles to all the men.  We were getting low on Bibles when a white van showed up that had more Bibles in it. I have seen this van before.  I asked myself, “Who are these people? They follow me everywhere. They always bring Bibles just at the right time.”

Everybody here received a Bible. There were still more parents and families that are still coming. I prayed for anybody that needed prayer. When the parents arrived it looked more like a party. They would ask, “What is going on here? I’m just here to pick up my son.”

I always replied, “Your son just gave his life to Jesus Christ.”

I was not sure how many people got saved that day but it was difficult to stop crying when I realized how many broken hearts were fixed today by the power of the Holy Spirit. By now it is late and I began to get ready to go home.

Three gangs gave their hearts to Jesus Christ on Thanksgiving Day. They were once enemies. Now they are Christian brothers under Jesus Christ. Carlos said, “Sonny thank you for never giving up on us. Every time I would see you, both you and Blue Mustang would feed us.”

I returned from the drive and noticed that Ruth and Noah brought all three leaders together and put their hands on them.  Noah began praying for them. I noticed there grandkids were there to but they still seemed to be a little scared because the men still had their pistols. After they finished praying, the parents started to disciple these men. They had churches that they might want to go to and people who help them in their walk with Jesus Christ. The parents then turned to me and said, “Sonny, thanks for not giving up on our sons.”

I said, “God has never given up on me. I am never going to give up on them either. I myself am never going to be perfect until I am in his presence. My name is in the Lamb’s book of Life. You have to continually stand against the enemy using the word of God. You cannot do it by yourself.”

Marty commented, “Everybody keeps talking about this Blue Mustang. He must be a pretty cool dude. He must have a Kings heart like Sonny.”

I too said, “If it wouldn’t be for him, I could not afford to bring all this food to you guys. I just bring the word of God to you guys.”

They said, “God supplies just like you said Sonny.”

I said to myself they are already learning. Many times when I am speaking to these guys I don’t think that they are paying attention. But they have been listening to every word that I speak. Just remember if God calls you to do something even though you don’t think you’re making a difference continue to be obedient because you will see what I am seeing here today.

Carlos then asked, “Sonny have you ever driven a 56 Chevy before?” I confirmed that I had not. Carlos then threw me the keys and said, “Why don’t you drive it around the block a bit.” I climbed into his car. If you’ve ever been in an older car they used not to have power steering. This thing had a huge steering wheel. It was beautiful how he restored it. He added air conditioning to this car. In a lot of the older cars air conditioning was either not available or was an option. He had a cool sound system installed. It sounded really amazing. It had a manual transmission and the ability to make the car go up and down. I did not want to damage his beautiful car so I just left that switch alone. Now I physically started it and put it in gear. I took my time as I drove around the block. It sure was fun to drive an old classic. It was getting late and I said good bye to everyone and went home to get some sleep. But I was about to find out my night was about to change.

My return to Denver Thanksgiving night

On Friday at 1 a.m. all three gang leaders asked me to come to Carlos’ home to pray for their families. They all loved their families and wanted them to also have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and asked for my help. His parents had a large beautiful home with a five car garage.  I went into a room where the families of the three gang leaders were hanging out. I said, “Those of you that have not accepted Jesus Christ and want to accept him as your personal Savior come over here and stand on the right side.”

Almost the whole crowd came over and stood on my right hand side. Marcus then asked, “Sonny, do you think that I could pray for some of my cousins. I am not sure if I know what to do.”

I said, “Marcus, go ahead and do whatever God tells you to do. You know the sinners prayer.”

So Marcus began praying for some of his family. All of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ there in that room. When the families saw what happened to their sons, they began to understand the importance of knowing Jesus Christ. They saw the difference that Jesus Christ made in their son’s life. Before they knew Jesus, they were tough and selfish. And now they’ve been transformed into entirely different people that show kindness and love for those around them. Jesus Christ is the only one who is capable of making such a transformation because only he can change hearts. I began seeing all the broken lives in the parents coming forward. Again it was difficult to keep from crying because when the Holy Spirit moves it is so powerful. God gets the glory and the victory

Marty Asks to speak with me  Friday Afternoon

On Friday Marty asked to speak with me. I met him at one of the parks where he would frequent. As I was speaking with Marty, Marcus drove up to us. Marcus got out and said, “I figured you’d be here at the park where you usually come on these nice days. I brought your cooler back. You will need to bring pop and water to other gangs. I am so sorry for taking this cooler from you.” Marcus did a good job of washing and cleaning up the cooler. Two of his brothers that were with him helped load it into my pickup because it was full of Dr. Pepper and water on ice. They carried it over and put it on the back of my pickup. Marcus then said, “Sonny, every time I would walk by the cooler God would convict me. He showed me that you are using this cooler to reach souls for the Kingdom of God. I felt so guilty that I just had to get rid of this cooler. So I filled it with Dr. Pepper and water just to show how sorry I am.”

Marcus then left because he needed to make plans to clean up the house. A lot of people went back to Marcus’s home to help clean up. Noah’s brother had a business where he had dump trucks. He brought two of them to the home so they could clean up. Most of the furniture they had in the house was free stuff they got off the street. Almost everything was trashed. They got everything loaded on one dump truck. They said they only needed one but Noah’s brother wanted to make sure they had enough trucks. Noah’s brother even paid the dumping bill. The home was in excellent condition when they finished. Marcus came to me and said, “While we’re throwing out the trash, I took the cushions off the couch. To my surprise, I found the hundred dollar bill I lost a while back. It was lurking beneath one of the couch cushions.”  Marcus was still so appreciative that he felt like thanking me again for bringing him back to his family. I reminded him that it was God who brought me to you in the first place. Marcus said, “Yeah, I know but still we would beat you up and you continued to love us. You were never afraid to tell us about Jesus Christ. That does take a lot of guts.” Marcus then took that hundred dollar bill he had put in his wallet and gave it to me saying, “Sonny apply this hundred dollars to the ministry. Go buy some donuts for the next gang.”

His dad was watching everything that he did and said, “Who would’ve ever thought that my son would do something like that.” His dad saw how Jesus Christ has been transforming his son’s heart in such a short period of time.

Marcus then said, “I may not be Blue Mustang but at least I can still be part of that army.”

It was getting late in the day. I then went back out on the streets and started to witness to some more gangs that my King had already planned for me to meet.

Praying for Marcus Marty and Carlos

On Wednesday, I met with Marcus, Marty and Carlos just to pray with them. Boy what a transformation when I met them. They were all clean-cut with haircuts. Before they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ every one of them carried a ponytail. I said, “Man, you guys got some haircuts.”

They said, “Yeah man, we just don’t want to look like we used to.”

Carlos then said, “Sonny, I have a lot of tattoos and a lot of them don’t look good.  I have been thinking about getting my tattoos removed. I don’t think that God likes them.”

I said, “God is interested in your heart. Let those tattoos be a testimony to other people about God’s Kingdom.

Carlos said, “That brings peace to my spirit.”

I said, “When you die, you will not be taking those tattoos with you. God will be giving you a new body.”

Carlos said, “Does that mean that I am going to be taller.”

I said, “Yeah, you definitely will be taller.”

Carlos’s final words to me were, “Sonny, thanks for never giving up on us.”

Our King definitely knows how to throw a Thanksgiving party. He truly loves us to spend that kind of time on these men just to bring them into his Kingdom. God gets the Glory and the Victory.