East Colfax King Soopers Blessing

It was the Friday after Thanksgiving. I was heading towards Denver to pick up my supplies to witness to the gangs. God said, “Take a left here on Colfax Avenue.”

I saw a King Soopers store. I asked God, “Where are we going?”

God said, “There are families here today who are hungry.” What is so interesting about this is that Blue Mustang and I had breakfast this morning. He gave me $280 and said, “Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, I feel like God has plans to bless two families today.”

I never thought anything about it because normally we only do this on a Saturday. But Blue Mustang was right. God had plans to bless the families today. I continued to drive around the store and I noticed two parents sitting on the grass. Their kids were holding up a sign. The message on the sign said, “We are praying for a miracle. We are hungry.”

I asked God, “Is that them?” God confirmed that it was them. I pulled up close to them and parked. I continued to watch them at a 100 foot distance. Their little girl Elizabeth was facing the traffic that was coming towards them. I continued to watch but nobody stopped. I have seen many signs that people create but this is the only one I’ve ever seen like this.

Elizabeth put the sign down and then she went over to see her mom and dad. She grabbed hold of their hands and began praying. After she finished praying with her parents, they hugged her and she went back to the sign. I found out later that they only had bread and butter in the refrigerator and that was all they had to eat. The parents were working for a company that filed bankruptcy from covid and they were laid off permanently. The parents did get a severance package from the company but it wasn’t enough to survive on. So they were presently applying for new jobs.  All their other bills are paid but food was the last thing on the list when they ran out of money.

I finally got out of my pickup with my Bible and started walking towards them. Elizabeth looked to her left and saw me. She threw her sign down and came running towards me. She said, “You are our miracle aren’t you.”

I said, “Yes, I am the miracle that God sent to you. But it is because of Blue Mustang that I am here to help you.”

She exclaimed, “A car told you that!”

I said, “No, that is his nickname that the Latinos gave him.” Elizabeth had a puzzled look and murmured “Latinos”. I then said, “They are a gang from San Jose, California.”

Elizabeth responded, “Wow!”

Her parents began crying as they listened to our conversation and walked over to me.

I looked at her parents and said, “God sent me here to help you.”

Elizabeth asked, “Does that mean we get to buy groceries today? Boy do I miss having cereal.”

Her parents continued crying and shaking my hand. The parents were more curious about Blue Mustang. I told them that God shifted his heart to help gangs and bless families like you who are hungry. He gives $140 to each family and his desire is to bless two families a week. Our God is a God of numbers. God has some fascination with the number 140 and he honors it greatly. We get to see him do great blessings on a weekly basis. The parents still have not seen the money but asked, “Can we pray for Blue Mustang right now?” All the parents held hands and prayed for Blue Mustang. Then the kids prayed for Blue Mustang next. They then prayed for me. I reached into my pocket and gave each family $140. They looked at me and then said, “This is going to buy us a lot of groceries today. We don’t buy the name brands. We only buy the generics.”

I then said, “Make sure you buy only what you need. God always reminds me to tell everyone to buy what they need but not what they want.”

A white construction van pulls up. The guy driving the van got out and said, “Little girl, I saw your sign that said “Praying for a miracle. We are hungry.” I should’ve turned around right away but I didn’t. I drove almost 7 miles and God said, “Turnaround, you need to go back and help that family.”

He then looked at the families and asked them if they lived together. They said, “We live in the same complex but different apartments.” They shared with him also what happened and how they got laid off work from Covid.

The business owner asked if they had jobs and they confirmed they did not but were applying for work right now. He then asked, “What did you guys do?”

They answered, “We are cabinet builders.”

He said, “That’s funny. I’m in the construction business. Do you guys know how to hang them?”

They said, “Yes, we build them and then we would hang them for the company that we worked for.”

He then asked, “If I get the cabinets, will you hang them for me? I build apartment complexes and we hang a lot of cabinets. I can’t keep anybody working. No one wants to help me. Would you men want a job?”

They said, “Yes, we will take it.”

He said, “I will pay you guys $21 an hour. If you stick with me for six months I will give you $25 an hour. If you stick with me for a full year, I will give you $30 an hour.”

They said, “We will definitely stay with you for a year. We both have families to take care of.”

The businessman said, “I am a Christian man and I do not allow smoking and drinking.”

They said, “We are Christians also.”

He then said, “I saw this man giving you money.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his checkbook. He then said, “Go into the store and get what you need.” All of a sudden he changed his mind and said, “You know what! Let’s go shopping together and then I will pay for it.” I was watching him and he was still writing something out on the checks.

Elizabeth said, “We were praying for a miracle but God is just pouring miracles on to us.” She started listing all the things that happened with her parents: getting jobs, money for food, etc.. She then said, “It just couldn’t get any better. It is just an awesome miracle. God answered our prayers.”

I said, “God is faithful. You have not because you ask not but you have asked and he has given. God heard your cry. For whenever two or more are gathered in his name, God is there.”

One wife said, “Things are sure working out great today.” The contractor handed each family a folded check. As they entered the store, the curiosity of one wife made her ask her husband what is on the check. He husband unfolded the check and said, “It’s made out for $1000.” The other husband checked his check. It was for $1,000 also. Everyone started crying when they realize what he did. They are not even working for him yet. This contractor definitely had a Kingdom heart. The contractor grabbed four shopping carts and told the families to fill them up. He said, “Get what you need and also get what you want.” I even started crying after this was all unfolding. The families all started shopping but none of them went crazy. Both of the wives got out their lists and pretty well followed them. I observed that they wrote “the miracle list” on the top of each one of their lists. They said, “When the miracle comes, this is what we’re going to get.” Pretty soon all the carts were filled up and we headed to the checkout line. This is the first time I’ve ever been at this King Soopers ever. I’ve driven by it many times but my King has never brought me here before. The manager knows the contractor because he shops here frequently.

The manager said, “James, what are you doing here?”

The contractor said, “I am blessing people.”

The manager figured out who he was blessing. Soon he walked over to the cashier and started whispering something into her ear. She rang up the first family but she said I am supposed to put everything on one bill. The bill finally came up and the contractor was ready to hand the cashier his card. The charge was almost $700 for all four carts. The manager pushed the contractor’s card away. He said, “I want to be part of this blessing.” The manager paid for the whole thing. The manager loves the Lord. He said, “You bless them and I want to bless them also.”

Elizabeth went up to the manager and said, “This is Sonny and his best friend is Blue Mustang.” I always love it when kids speak. They never sugarcoat anything. Their hearts are so honest.

The families were bound together by brother and sister. That’s how they knew each other so well. Elizabeth just loves to pray. God gets the Glory and the Victory.