Little Bird Blessing

God had me go to the east side of Denver. He had me go to a King Soopers that  I’ve never been to before.  The store was in the southeast Quarter of Denver. It was a real nice store. I went and parked where God told me to. I then began to question God and asked, “What am I doing here. This looks like a pretty rich neighborhood. So why am I here?”

God said, “No Sonny! There is a family that is coming. Just sit right here.”

So I continued to sit where He told me to wait. Soon a minivan showed up. A little girl got out of the van and starts playing with her dolls on the grass. I found out later that her name was Lydia. It was not that warm outside but I guess she just wanted to do something outside. I continued watching her. A little bird landed next to her. It picked up a piece of bread that was near her and tried to fly away with it but it was too heavy. So the bird ate it there. She began folding her hands  I was still far enough away that I did not know what she was up to. God still has not told me what to do. Soon there was a station wagon that pulled up. There was another family in that car. The parents climbed out of the vehicle. There a little boy got out with them. They pulled out what appeared to be a grocery list. I noticed that the wife grabbed her purse and she pulled out something that look like anointing oil. They laid the list out on the hood of the van. She opened the bottle then put a drop on that piece of paper. The only time I had ever seen something like that was last Saturday when another family whom God blessed, anointed their grocery list. After she put her bottle away everyone gathered around and prayed over it. It was now time for me to go talk with them. I grabbed my Bible and headed over their way. Lydia saw me coming first and got up. Then she asked, “Are you a preacher or something because you have a Bible?”

I said, “Yes, I minister to gangs and to people on the streets. I saw you praying. What were you praying about?”

Lydia said, “There was a piece of bread laying there where I was playing. A little bird came to get the bread. The bird tried to fly away with the bread but it was too big. I was just thanking God for providing food for that little bird.”

Lydia was eight years old and she was thanking God for that food the bird ate.

The parents confirmed with me that they anointed the grocery list that they were going to share together. It was a small list but it was to get food to last for a week.

I said, “I have to tell you what God is doing. Blue Mustang, whom the Latinos gave that nickname, provides money for people like you to buy groceries.”

They asked, “God tells blue Mustang to give money to families so they can have groceries?”

I said, “It is not for liquor or smokes. It is for food to feed your families. That is what the money is intended for and nothing else.”

They said, “We are all Christian families and we don’t do that kind of stuff. We are praying for a miracle today because we are really hungry. We were going to come here at 9 o’clock but God said to wait till 10:45.”

When I left from eating breakfast with blue Mustang, I came directly here and I was just a couple minutes early. Blue Mustang told me that I should get going because there is a family waiting right now to be blessed. It was 9 AM when he said this. We were running a little bit behind schedule but God knew that. That is the reason why he had the family wait until 10:45 so I would have enough time to get there.

I separated the money and gave $140 to each family. They looked at me and said, “All of this for us!” To them it was like the world. They asked me to go shopping with them and I obliged. We went into the store and they began buying those things that they needed. They were being careful to stay within their budget. After they picked up the things that they could buy, we headed to the front of the store to check out.

The manager comes up to us and asked, “Are you going to go on a picnic?”

Lydia said, “No, we can’t afford that. This food has to last us a week.”

The manager started crying after Lydia revealed what was going on. This manager has a real tender heart. He saw a need and said, “You are not going to pay for any of it.”

The parents weren’t sure exactly what they heard but Lydia asked, “Does that mean I can go get cookies?”

They did not have any desserts of any kind in their cart because they were trying to be careful. The manager then said, “You know what! Why don’t you guys go shopping again but get things that you want this time. Then come back here and see me. I will take care of it. You keep that money that Sonny gave you and buy something else like gas.”

Isn’t it interesting when people see people getting blessed how they want to get in on the action. Lydia kept talking about blue Mustang and how he provided a miracle for us. Lydia then said, “We are moving too fast. We have to thank God for what he has done.”

I can tell that Lydia was a prayer warrior. She then reached out her little hands to make a circle to pray. Lydia’s dad began praying for what just happened then Lydia finished up and said, “God thank you for providing food for the little bird.”

The manager was listening to them pray and he began to cry as they prayed. He felt like he needed to leave the scene but he quickly said, “Just have fun shopping.”

The families got two more carts to put the bathroom stuff and nonfood items in. They then brought all their carts up to the front of the store to check out. They asked the manager, “Is this okay? Is this too much.”

The manager then said, “If you need to fill more carts it is up to you. I am here to take care of you.”

The assistant manager was also listening in on what was going on and said, “You are not going to do all this blessing by yourself. I am going to help with this blessing.”

The kids working in the checkout area asked, “Are we blessing somebody today?”

The manager said, “Yes we are buying these families groceries. They don’t have anything at home.”

The kids then said, “We want to be part of this blessing also.”

So the four kids that were working up front went back to their lockers to get some money. They split their money up between the two families. The families began crying because all these people were coming to their aid to bless them. There was a lot of commotion going on in the store and people were starting to ask questions. The staff said, “This family does not have any food and blue Mustang started by giving them some money. We just want to bless them and help out.”

One of the store patrons asked, “Do your vehicles need gas? I will meet you outside and fill them for you if you do. You just drive over to the gas pumps and I will meet you there.”

The families began talking to the patrons at the store and sharing what was going on because they were all curious. Lydia pointed to me and said, “This is Sonny and he is an angel. He just doesn’t have his wings on today. The other angel is blue Mustang they both helped us. It was a miracle.”

It was amazing on how many people were helping out with the blessing today but this was all orchestrated by God. With Him there are no coincidences.

The next day I called the parents to just ask how they were doing. They said, “We have more food than we can handle. All of our refrigerators and freezers are full of food. We made some breakfast burritos and shared our blessing with some homeless people on the street. We fed them breakfast and prayed over them. We know how it is to have plenty and we also know what it’s like to have nothing. If God says go bless people we are going to go bless them. We are just going to do it.”

The families are starting to get their checks now and they are going to make it. The company that they worked for shut its doors because of covid but the owner decided to pay the employees anyway. So he sent a check out to everyone of his employees even though they did not work that week. God gets the Glory and the Victory.”