Vision Brings Blessing

It was Saturday and God sent me to the King Soopers on 144th Ave. I then parked my pickup and began watching. My eyes were feeling heavy and I felt like I wanted to take a nap. I said to myself, “The day hasn’t even begun yet. I need to stay awake.”

God said, “Why don’t you just lay your head back and rest. Just go ahead and take a nap.”

I then said, “I have to be awake so I can see the families come.”

God repeated himself, “Just lay your head back and relax. Just do it.”

I listened to him by laying my head back and closing my eyes. I began praying but I quickly fell asleep because I never remembered saying “Amen”. Soon I heard this knock at my door. I opened my eyes and looked over and I saw this young girl, whose name is Jennifer, knocking at my door. Her family was just right behind her standing there watching. I could see her dad talking to her but I could not make out what he said. While I rolled my window down, I asked, “How can I help you?”

Jennifer said, “You might think this is crazy mister. If it is, you can just roll your window back up. What I am about to tell you scared me. We were all sitting at home eating toast. That is all we had to eat. I was praying for food because we are hungry. God then showed me this vision of this huge red monster truck. Then I heard this voice that said, ‘He is the one that has the miracle for you. I have sent him to you.’ When I heard that voice, it just scared me to death. This is the first time I have ever heard God’s voice like this. I immediately went to my parents and told them about what God showed me. They said that it was a vision that God showed you. They then asked me where this place is at and I  told them it was here. This King Soopers is just down the street from where we live. I then said that we need to go now. That is why we are here now.”

Sometimes when experiencing fear, we don’t want to say anything to anyone. She overcame that fear and told her parents about what she saw. If she would’ve stayed quiet, they would’ve missed out on a blessing. She was bold and stepped out in faith to tell her parents, aunt and uncle everything that God showed her. Because of financial circumstances, both families lived in the same apartment. Both families also stepped out in faith as they got into a van and headed to this store.

Jennifer continued, “We were driving through the parking lot when I saw your truck and I told them that is the one that God showed me.”

Everyone stayed in the van as she spoke. But soon they were starting to work their way out to follow her.  After she then explained the vision to me, I got out of my pickup and said, “You were obedient enough to tell your family about God’s vision. You had the faith to come here. I have been waiting here because God sent me here. Not only that Blue Mustang has provided me with the money that God gave him to give to you so you can buy groceries.”

Jennifer exclaimed, “Blue Mustang! That’s a car!”

I said, “That is the name the Latinos gave him. That’s his name forever. Even our King in heaven calls him Blue Mustang. Whenever God tells me to pray for Blue Mustang or Terry Bird, I just do it.”

Jennifer exclaimed, “Terry Byrd!”

I said, “Yeah, he is related to Big Bird. He is a big guy.”

Jennifer said, “Are you serious that he’s related to Big Bird on Sesame Street?”

I said, “Yeah, that’s the one.” They all began to giggle. Just making them laugh makes them forget about the things they are going through in their life.

Jennifer then asked, “How much money did he give us?”

Her mom looked at her and said, “You know, that is rude. Why don’t you let him finish telling us what God has shown him and why God brought him here.” The mom paused then said, “Blue Mustang must be a Christian man.”

I said, “He has a heart for God’s kingdom.”

The minute I said that Jenifer started crying and said, “This is my first vision and it already has come true today.” She got her phone out and started writing notes on what just happened today. She took details about her vision, about me and Blue Mustang. She then asked, ” Would you pray for us. We need a miracle. If God brought you here. You must be a mighty man of God. We don’t know too many of them other than our parents.”

I now had a chance to pray for them. Their little boy came over and said, “My name is Luke but I like Lucas better. I think Lucas is cool.”

I asked, “Lucas, how can I pray for you?”

Lucas said, “Well my favorite song is ‘Jesus Loves Me This I Know’.” He stopped there.

I then asked, “So do you want to sing it.”

Lucas said, “Yes, that would be awesome!”

I said, “Let me find it on my phone and we can play it on the outside speakers on my pickup.”

Lucas exclaimed, “Do you really have speakers on the outside of your pickup.” I confirmed that I did and began to play it off my phone. We all started singing to that song. We did not realize it but in the next section of the parking lot, four old couples were listening to us sing that song. They continued to sit in their cars until we sang the entire song. Meanwhile, Lucas said, “Mister can you kneel down so I can place my hand on your heart. This is how my grandma prays for me.”

I got down on my knees and his little tiny hand pressed right into my heart. He prayed, “Thank you for Mr. Sonny and thank you for Blue Mustang and thank you for the miracle today because we can buy some cereal. In Jesus name. Amen.”

The little things like that for a child are important. Lucas knew how to pray. When Lucas finished praying, the old couples came over and said, “That is the most beautiful song for children ever. It really blesses me because I remember teaching it to little children in Sunday school.”

I began to cry as I began thinking about the impact that the song was happening to everybody here today. Jennifer then said, “Does that mean that we can now buy sandwich stuff? Because I love sandwiches.”

I said, “Yes” and I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. I handed $140 to each family. They said, “This is going to buy a lot of groceries. I can’t wait to go into the store and get the things that we need. The older couples then said, “Why don’t we go into that store and go shopping together so you can get the things you want. Not just the things you need.”

Lucas never met any of these people but he went up to the old couples and introduce himself to them. He said, “My name is Lucas.” He then looked at one of the gentlemen and said, “My grandparents live really far away. You look so much like my grandfather. Can I hold your hand?”

He said, “I will hold your hand Lucas. We will go to the store together and we will fill up these grocery carts.”

Those two ended up going by themselves to the store. Lucas was just talking up a storm with this man as they walked. I was not sure what they were saying.

I looked at Jennifer and asked, “What did your dad tell you when I first saw you?”

Jennifer replied, “He asked, ‘Are you sure this is the right truck.’ I then turned around and told him that this is the truck that I saw in my vision. God sent this truck here for us today. I am going to knock on the door.”

I was beginning to feel emotional as she shared this with me. The older couples then said, “Just keep the money that this man gave you for gas or just go out for ice cream tonight. We want to take care of your groceries today.”

Again, God multiplied the money that we gave this family. When we obey God and do what he says, we get to see the harvest of God. We all walked into the store together. I went to get a couple of donuts that were not for me and plastic bowls, cookies, and milk for my cooler. These are things that I am going to use to witness to gang members today. I was watching the families shop and saw that they were about done and started to head towards the cash registers. The manager then came around the corner and asked me, “Is that another couple that Blue Mustang blessed?”

I said, “Yes it’s those families right there.”

The manager then asked, “Who are the older people?”

I said, “They are going to buy their groceries.”

The manager then realized who they were and said, “My dad, he is such a character. Two or three times a month they come to the parking lot and look to see who they can bless. Sometimes they will come into the store and check out everybody’s grocery carts. If they discover that there’s not much in their carts, they will start asking questions. Those people, who are in need, usually will reveal themselves to them. And when they find that out, they tell them to turn their grocery carts around and fill them up because we are paying for their groceries.”

I found out that all of the old couples are very well-to-do and they are using the wealth that God has given them to help bless people. We can change people’s destiny all around us if we just listen to what God says. Sometimes it may look crazy but it will end up being fun. God gets the Glory and the Victory.