A Typical Friday Serving the King

It is Friday night and I am beginning to crave some potato chips. The Timnath Walmart was close by so I stopped at that store. As I was nearing the potato chip aisle, I could hear this little girl crying. She was crying uncontrollably and was saying, “I want Sonny back.”

I went over to see if I could help or pray over the situation. Her parents told me that she just lost her little black lab puppy, Sonny, to an infection. I went over to the little girl and asked, “Would you like to hear a story?”

She was still sobbing but said, “Yes, I would like that.”

I began to tell her about the story of Noah and how God had him gather up all the animals including the puppies and the cats. God loves animals very much in order for Him to want to do that. I said, “Your puppy will be in heaven when you get there. He is waiting for you.” I paused a moment then said, “By the way, my name is Sonny.”

When she heard me say my name, she tried to wiggle out of the cart she was sitting in to hug me. By this time her parents were also crying.

Another couple in the store also noticed what was going on. They came over and asked what was happening. The little girl told them everything. They then asked, “Would you like to have another black lab puppy?”

She said, “Yes, I would like that.”

The old couple had a picture of the puppies on them. The wife described in detail each puppy’s characteristics. She then said, “You can pick anyone you want.”

She then said, “I would like to do that. Could we do it today?”

Her folks then asked how much would they cost. The couple looked at them and said, “Merry Christmas!” Even in tragedy, God still does miracles. He gets the Glory and the Victory.

By now it was time to head out to Denver to meet with the undercover police. We had our Bible study as we usually do on Friday night and I headed out to witness on the streets. Blue Mustang texted me 1 John 4:19 which stood out to him for some reason. I read it and at the end he wrote “Wow!”  It was powerful. I had no idea why he sent this particular verse but I was about to find out.

While I was out witnessing on the streets, I could hear two couples arguing. God said, “Sonny, I want you to go over to them and read that verse Blue Mustang sent you to them.”

I walked over and stepped right in between both couples. I then said, “I have a text that was just sent to me. God wants you to hear it.”

They were a little shocked and stopped arguing and sheepishly said, “Okay”. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone and began reading the verse 1 John 4:19 to them. “19 We love each other because he loved us first. Wow!”

Immediately, the women who were sisters began to cry. They then asked, “Who sent that to you?”

I replied, “Blue Mustang sent it to me. He was reading the Bible and wanted to send 1 John 4:19 to me for you guys.”

The men then asked, “Is that really in the Bible?”

I replied, “Everything but the word ‘Wow.’ He just added that because it was such a powerful verse.”

The men told me “We needed to hear that word.” Both couples asked for forgiveness. After they forgave each other, they all rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ. God gets the Glory in the Victory.