Two Gangs Give Hearts to Jesus Before the New Year

I just returned from my vacation in Reno Nevada with my sister. God wanted me to get back to see two gangs that I knew before the weekend. When I went to the airport all of Southwest Airlines flights were canceled but mine. People were extremely angry and could not believe that my flight was the only one going out. The only thing I could say was that God needed me to come back home to reach out to these two gangs on Friday. It was an amazing thing to see that big board with all the flights canceled but mine. It was even on time. Like I say, God gets the Glory and the Victory on this one. I am firm believer that God makes things happen if you are in his will.

I made it home in plenty of time to rest up from my vacation to prepare to meet the two gangs that I knew tomorrow. I am going to be meeting Blue Mustang for breakfast before I go, while the undercover police make the burritos for them to eat.

because the weather has been cold I have been forced to make them in their home. When I arrived at their address they were watching outside just in case another gang had drive-by. It is required that two men stay up each night to watch over the house. It happened to be that the two watching were the right hand man men of the leader. When I started carrying the coolers up to the house, they excitedly came out and said, “Where you been Sonny? We haven’t seen you what seems like forever. We thought maybe you might’ve been bumped off.”

I said, “No, God protects me.  I had the opportunity to spend last weekend with my sister in Reno.”

One man then said, “I have been thinking about what you said about John 3:16. That is incredible to think that even if I was the only person on the planet that he would still die for me. I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ. I do not know what these other guys want to do, but I don’t care. I want my heart transformed by Jesus before I go home.”

The guy watching with him decided that he was ready to do that also. they both give their hearts to Jesus Christ before anybody else was even awake. Both men began crying. Soon the leader came out and asked what was going on. They told him that would they just gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. At that time the leader began also to cry. He said you know I have not seen my parents and seven years. I too feel like I need to give my heart to Jesus Christ and go home. He then went back to his room and made a call to his parents. Meanwhile more of his men came out and they saw me standing there. They all asked did you bring us something to eat and I said sure I have something here for you. That’s great because we are hungry. him and they looked at all of the burritos that I had and asked are all these burritos for us. I said no I have another gang that I need to go to. As they begin eating they too noticed what was going on. After the leader came out and gave his life to Jesus Christ along with his two right-hand men the rest of the gang wanted to do that also.

Meanwhile the second gang that I was going to witness to, God decided to bring them to me. They only reason they stopped was when they saw my truck parked here. They figured that I would have something for them to eat and cautiously came up to the house they were neither friends nor enemies of this gang.

they too noticed that the men were crying. He then asked what is going on here. The leader then said me and my men have given their hearts to Jesus Christ and we are going home. About that time the other leader began to think you know it has been five years since I’ve been home. But I don’t know if my dad will even have me. I said you know with men it is impossible probably for you to go home but we are dealing with God. Let me pray for you that you will have the opportunity to go home. I prayed for him and he immediately dialed his dad he kinda went off into a secluded’s place and they talked. Soon this gang began giving their hearts to the Jesus Christ after the leader submitted his own life. The men all started calling family members and soon there was a whole bunch of people showing up. One of the gang leaders boldly asked does everybody here know Jesus Christ. Now is the time to give your hearts to him. So many of the parents began turning their lives over to Jesus Christ. Soon the landlord came up and was wondering what was going on and asked if they were having a party. The first leader said now we were just giving our hearts to Jesus Christ and going home. The landlord said you guys have been awesome tenets this house looks good. I am giving you both your last post deposit and your damage deposit back. Then one of the gang leaders members asked him are you Charlie’s dad. And he said yes I am I love the Lord and I am praying that Charlie comes home soon. They described who he was because he was the only blonde kid in that gang. And about this time that gang that Charlie belong to drove by the house. God says you go see them tomorrow on Saturday

more to come but you can hear the story

Open Cross Blessing II

After we had breakfast on Saturday I had to meet with three undercover police officers at the Windsor King Soopers store. They came from Fort Collins and when I met them I also prayed for them. They then asked me what I was going to do now.

I said, “God is sending me to meet with two families in Denver because they need groceries bad.”

The undercover policeman asked, “What do you mean by that statement?”

I replied, “God sends me to families that are praying for a miracle in the area of groceries.”

The undercover policeman asked, “How do you know where to go?”

I replied, “I just go. Many times God will just tell me where the next turn is while I’m driving. I just follow his directions until we get there.”

The undercover policeman exclaimed, “Are you serious?”

I said, “Yes I am. God always brings me into the presence of needy families praying.”

He exclaimed, “Now, that is incredible. I want to be able to hear God’s voice like that.”

I replied, “The number one rule is that you have to listen. If you are not listening you will never hear him speak.” At that moment both of the undercover policeman started crying. They turned to me, prayed for me and then left.

I started heading towards Denver and God guided me to that field where the open cross is located. He brought me here a few months ago. I began to drive down the road towards the cross. I could see two families there praying in the distance. (I found out later that the husbands were brothers). They had already been here one and a half hours before I arrived. They had been worshiping God with music. I made sure that I did not have my outside speakers on because I did not want to disturb their prayers. As I approached them, I carefully parked my pickup and waited until they finished praying. As soon they stood up, I got out of my pickup to go meet them. One dad immediately complemented me on my pickup on how nice it looked. I said, “It does not belong to me.”

With a puzzled look he said, “It doesn’t?”

I said “No, it belongs to my boss.”

Still with a puzzled look he said, “Your boss!”

I replied, “Yes, his name is Jesus Christ.”

All of the sudden he began to laugh and said, “That is a good one.”

I then asked him, “Can I tell you what you guys were praying for?”

He then asked, “How would you know that?”

I replied, “Because God told me what you were praying for. You were praying for food because you are totally out.”

Their little girl Isabella asked, “Did you hear us? Because that is exactly what we were praying for. I don’t even have cereal.” (Like a typical young child they are either wanting cereal or ice cream.)

I then turned back towards the parents and said, “God told me that you guys needed food. He brought me here to help you. The guy who is responsible for all this is spirit led by God. He gives me money to bless people just like you to buy groceries. His name is Blue Mustang.”

Their little boy Ishmael said, “That is a car! That is definitely not a man!”

I replied, “That is the nickname the Latinos gave him.”

He interrupted, “The Latinos?”

I continued, “They are a gang from San Jose California.”

Ishmael then asked, “Are they mean?”

Before I had a chance to answer him his parents interrupted me and asked, “So God brought you here just to give us food?”

I said, “Yes, that is the only reason why I am here.”

The husband shared, “We were praying for food while we were driving. We saw this cross here. I like to kneel before a cross because of what Jesus Christ did on that cross for me. I wanted to kneel before God to give him all my troubles. I am setting everything before the altar. We cannot handle what is going on right now we want to give everything to him. We are asking God for help.”

The other husband Jaden said, “We were not going to move from this spot until God answered our prayer. We do not care if it would’ve been all day and all night. He brought us here to pray.”

I said, “God has answered your prayer. You poured your heart out to him. You did not just give him a one minute prayer but you faithfully worshipped him and prayed for a miracle. You continued honoring him until he answered your prayer.”

Up to this point I still had not shown any money but Isabela said, “We need to thank you and Blue Mustang for coming here and helping us.”

I was surprised when she said that. Usually the parents bring this up. But she was understanding the significance of people helping people. Isabela began praying, “I do not know who Blue Mustang is but I think that is a cool name. Bless him tenfold for everything he has done to help families like us. Bless Mr. Sonny for bringing the money to us. Protect him as he ministers to gangs today. Amen!”

This prayer came from an eight-year-old girl. She learned everything from her parents by listening to them pray. If she continues in this path, Isabella is going to be quite a prayer warrior.

I then reached into my pocket and pulled out the money. I gave each family $140. Both families began to cry as they saw the money laying in their hands. They then said, “We are going to use this money for God. We are not going to get what we want but we are only going to get those things that we need.”

Isabela then asked, “Mr. Sonny, do you want to go grocery shopping with us?” I just cannot say no to that. We all jump back into our cars and headed to a King Soopers store that was near where we were at.

I went into the store with both families. The manager noticed that we were such a large group and was interested in what we were up to. He began to follow us around the store at first then left.

We were walking down one of the aisles when I noticed one of the girl employees putting stock on the shelves. She looked at me and noticed my hoodie and said, “God Over gangs! That message is powerful! So you must minister to gangs.”

I confirmed that I did.

Isabela then said, “Yeah and he has this friend who helped us with money because we don’t have anything to eat at home. They call him Blue Mustang.”

She said, “That is really a cool name.”

Isabela replied, “Yes, I know.”

She then said, “God bless you guys” and walked away with her cart.

We continued shopping until we had two carts filled with groceries. Both families tried to figure out to the dime what to buy so they did not go over their budget. I was there just in case they did go over. I would cover the rest.

The manager then came over and whispered something into the ear of the girl at the cash register. The girl we met earlier in the aisle reported to the manager what was happening. (All of the employees of this store keep a watch out for families in need.) The manager then left. The cashier said, “I will just ring both of these carts up together.” She finished checking out the one cart then she pulled up the second cart and continued on tallying the groceries. The checker then said, “All of your groceries have been paid for. We are all Christians at the store and we are always on the lookout for families in need. That is the reason why we paid for your groceries.”

Both families began crying again as they received another miracle. The manager came over to us and looked at the families. He said, “That money that Blue Mustang gave you, just use it to buy gas or go out for ice cream later. But we are taking care of your groceries at this store today.”

It is interesting that when we stay faithful to God that pleases him. They so trusted that he was going to do something today that they continued to worship and pray. God honored that by multiplying the blessing. I finally saw their bill and they must have miscalculated. I was watching them as they were trying to keep track of how much everything costs and was surprised when it was over that much. It was over $400.

That girl in the aisle saw what they were buying and doubled up on on several items. God put it in her heart to get those items. That is the reason why they were so far off. God already knew what he was going to do. That manager was an extremely interesting individual. When we walked in he was really kind. He asked us how we were doing and to enjoy shopping. I felt he already was suspicious and began to realize. That girl stocking the shelves was a plant to find out more of what was going on. Somehow he sensed that these families were in need. It was also strange that the girl who was stocking shelves then all of a sudden I saw her with a grocery cart putting items in it.

I began to wonder what she was up to. She is a teenager and I usually see them put in items like chips and junk food. But this looked like all serious food that one would feed their families. I even noticed that a ribeye steak even showed up in their cart.

We all went outside the store where I prayed over all the families. Both families then prayed over me. They even anointed my truck and prayed over it. Isabela then said, “I am going to pray over you that gang members do not hurt you anymore.” I told her about Blue Mustang’s prayer that he made over me. Isabela then said, “God is listening. He is for real. He is not dead. He is alive to take care of you. Keep your eyes on Jesus, Sonny.”

After hearing that from her, I said to myself “I think she’s going to be a pastor someday.” We said our good byes and I headed off to witness to the gangs.

Thank you God for adding families to your ministry.

Grandma Leads Three Gangs to Jesus Christ

It was Saturday and the weather was decent so I knew that the gang members would be outside. God told me which gangs that I needed to witness to today. The undercover police know where all the gangs are at and I began heading to the park. There was a double highway next to this park. I noticed that there was an old lady who is trying to get across both highways. She was using a walker trying to get across the road. She just was not fast enough to make it across. The walk sign would not stay on long enough for her to make it across. She could not even make it halfway across the first lane. She would have to turn around and go back to start all over again.

I was in a bad location to be able to help her. I parked my pickup on the other side where the park was at. I noticed two gangs were there already. I have met both of these gangs before. I also know that these gangs both know each other but they don’t totally trust each other. God then said, “Sonny, you need to go help that lady get across the highway. Take both of these gangs and have them help you get her across the road.”

I walked over to the gang leaders and said, “Guys, I have an emergency. I need your help. There is an old lady over there that is trying to get across the highway and she just cannot make it across. The light is just too fast and she is never going to make it across. We have to set up a chain all the way across and block the intersection. Even if the light changes nobody will be able to cross the crosswalk until she makes it across.”

One leader then said, “It is like being pirates.”

I confirmed that is true. I then said “You guys will all have to work together if we are going to make this work.”

Both gangs agreed and said “We definitely have enough cars to do what you want to do.” All of these guys are driving classic cars ranging from 1951 to 1961. Everybody got into their cars and headed to block that intersection. The lady was still trying to get across the road. Nobody else has even tried to help her get across. We had a plan which was to block every lane so that no matter which way any car was coming they would not be able to cross the crosswalk.

The gang leader said, “You know Sonny we could get in trouble for doing this.”

I replied, “You guys are always in trouble anyway. Why are you even worried about that? If it makes you feel any better I will take full responsibility for what we are doing. I will even take the ticket.”

We put our plan into effect. We had enough cars that every lane was blocked. I got out of my pickup and introduced myself to the lady and said, “The guys and I are going to help you across the highway.”

She said, “I’m trying to get to Walmart.”

Juan came up to the lady and said “Hey, you can get into my car if you want to. I will take you across. If you want to go to Walmart, I will take you to Walmart.”

She thought that would be a great idea.

I placed her walker in the back of my pickup.

Juan was driving a 1956 Chevy. The lady just loved that car.

I found out later that when she met her husband that he was driving a similar car. She said ” I actually loved his car more than I did him when we first met but of course that all changed and I married him.”

It was interesting, that while all this was going on that no one honked at us. They must’ve been able to see what we were trying to do. It also could be the fact that everyone of these gang members was carrying pistols. That also might have been a deterrent to keep people from honking. Juan’s car had an open path to get across the street because we had the roads blocked. Juan took her directly into the Walmart parking lot.

The old lady introduced herself and said, “My name is Martha.” She then asked the gang members if they wanted to go shopping with her. The fact that they were gangsters did not deter her at all. She did not care because she was beginning to fall in love with all of them as a grandma would with her grandchildren. Seventeen of them decided to go shopping with her. The rest of the boys stayed and watched cars. So there were eighteen of us walking around Walmart with Martha. We were in that store for a full hour. It was fun the entire time. Martha shared stories of her past and it was all very interesting. She was also telling the boys how much God loves them. She was quoting the scriptures John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11. Towards the end she said, “You know that your grandma and grandpa and your family really miss you guys. I just bet they are really crying because they miss you very much. You guys are just lost boys and broken but God can heal your hearts.”

Martha ministered to them the entire time they were in the store. She had filled her cart with a bunch of groceries and we all headed to the checkout line. I pulled my wallet out to pay for her groceries but the boys said “You are not going to pay for her bill. We want to help out.”

Juan then said, “Sonny, put your card away. We are going to pay the entire bill.”

I watched as both gang leaders took out their wallets and paid for the entire bill. It was over $200.

Martha then said, “You boys don’t have to do that. Even though I am on a fixed income, I know what I can spend.”

Both leaders replied, “No mam, we are going to take care of your bill.” At that moment Martha started crying.

Juan then said, “We are taking you back to your house. You are not going to walk 10 blocks with your walker.”

She excitedly climbed back into his 56 Chevy and Juan took her home. You can see the expression on her face as she drove with Juan back to her house. Both gangs followed in their cars. Her home was nice. Her husband died three years ago so she was all alone. The neighborhood that she lives in consists entirely of mostly older people.

When all of these cars showed up, you could see all the drapes separate as they peered outside. The other homes were trying to figure out what was going on at Martha’s house.

I was trying to imagine what they were all thinking as all these tattooed, pistol carrying young men got out of their cars.

Martha invited us all in to be guests at her home.

After accepting her invitation, a third gang showed up. They happened to be looking for these other two gangs. The leader thought it was very odd that they were not there at the park. So he began to investigate where they possibly might have gone. So the entire gang began driving around looking for them. One of his gang members reported that he saw the cars leaving Walmart and he began to follow them to Martha’s home. The rest of the gang caught up to him.

The confused gang leader then got out of his car and asked, “What are you guys doing here?”

The other gang leaders replied, “We were helping this cool lady. She needed help getting across the highway. We all blocked the highway and escorted her to Walmart. We then went shopping with her. She is just awesome. She is now inviting us into her home for milk and cookies.”

Martha then said “You boys are invited to come in and join us.

Can you imagine three gangs walking into Martha’s home while all the neighbors are watching. This is definitely going to be the talk of the town. Martha began serving all the gang members. She brought out the cookies and the milk and began passing around napkins and glasses. She continually talked about Jesus. Even in her home every wall had scriptures on them. Many of the Scriptures were created as paintings.

The boys began reading them all. Once in a while you would hear one blurt out “That Scripture is my mom’s favorite.”

Martha kept serving and praying over them. She told more stories and shared the message of Jesus Christ to them the entire time.

The curiosity of what Martha was up to just became to much for her neighbors. They had to come over and find out what was going on. When Martha answered the door, they asked if she was okay and what’s going on here.

Martha replied, “These guys are all gangsters but they all helped me get across the highway. They even went shopping with me at Walmart and paid my bill for me. They are just lost boys that need the Lord. I’m here telling them that Jesus loves them.”

She invited her neighbors to come in and introduced them. She then asked the leaders Juan and Ringo to come with her. She took them to a room and handed them two boxes of albums to bring downstairs. Martha then said, “I want to show you guys some pictures.”

She began showing them pictures of when she was a little girl with her family. Soon the leaders started crying as they began to see her family having fun together. They really began to miss that. Family just hit them right in their hearts. They all began to think back of the special times they had with their own families. Martha was just like a grandmother to these boys. Her ability to show love to them like they were her grandchildren had a profound effect on them. Martha continued hugging them and praying over them just like a grandma would with her grandchildren.

Juan decided to order some pizza because his boys were getting hungry.

I realized that I had forgotten that there were still breakfast burritos in my pickup. I mentioned that to Juan.

Juan said, “That’s okay Sonny but we still want some pizza.”

I brought them in and they ate everything I had with the pizzas Juan ordered. My burritos were spicy but everyone seemed to love them. While this was all going on the neighbors continued to come to the house and stay. They too began witnessing to the gangs. Most of the neighbors became impressed with the young men. One neighbor asked them why they wear the pistols.

Juan replied, “We always have people wanting to shoot at us. We have the guns to defend ourselves.”

That same neighbor then asked, “Juan, how long has it been since you talked to your mom and dad?”

Juan replied, “It has been over a year since I talked to them.”

The neighbor immediately said, “You need to call them now. They miss you a lot. Please call them.”

Juan then stepped into Martha’s kitchen and called his parents. Soon you could hear Juan crying as he was speaking to them.

I went into the kitchen to pray with him.

Juan then said, “I am done being a gang leader. I’m tired of this life. I want to go home. I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ.”

Martha then came in and took Juan back to the living room. She then prayed over Juan as he began giving his life to Jesus Christ.

One by one Martha began leading all of the gang members to accept Christ. Soon families began showing up after their sons began calling them. Martha’s daughters also came to see their mother. When they saw all the cars and people at her home, they asked Martha what was going on there.

Martha begin explaining to her everything that happened today. Her daughters began to cry as the story unfolded.

One daughter, whose name is Kelly, said, “Mom, I will be right back!” and she quickly left the house. About 25 minutes later she came back with two boxes full of Bibles. She immediately began passing them out to the boys. They were not big Bibles but they consisted of the New Testament.

I later found out that there were 72 boys that received Bibles at Martha’s home. I figured at least 70% of the families that showed up were Christians. But you know by the time their sons confessed what just happened to their lives, those other parents also gave their lives to Jesus Christ.

When you see a major heart change like that in your children, it does have impact on your own life. They too said, “I want what my son has. I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ also.”

We were at Martha’s home for approximately 5 1/2 hours. As it was getting late into the day, it was time for everybody to go.

Martha’s daughter Kelly went to go get her walker. Martha called out to Kelly and said, “I don’t need it anymore. God has restored me and I am going to walk out with these guys on my own.”

Her daughter argued with her at first trying to get her to use it because of her loss of balance. Martha still resisted and began walking with the boys without it. Both daughters were amazed as they watched their mom walk the boys to their cars. She didn’t even come close to losing her balance. God truly did restore her.

This story has more to it than the salvation of three gangs. God brought Martha into this because since her husband died she has been basically giving up and to a certain extent lost her will to live. It is a lot like being self absorbed. We feel life has cheated us and we focus on that disappointment. But what happened today has reenergized Martha. She has found a new purpose for her life and she is on fire for God and the love of these boys. She has taken them on like they were family. Martha now is looking outward and sees her life entirely different. I was basically silent during this whole event as it unfolded. Martha brought the word of God to these boys. And just being a grandma had such an impact on them. When they viewed her family albums, that brought them back home. God gets the Glory and the Victory on how he used everything today to bring all three of these gangs into his Kingdom. Martha is now restored and she’s excited to disciple everyone of these boys. She still likes to talk about that ride in Juan’s 56 Chevy.

Juan said, “Any time you want to go for a ride in that car, you just let me know and I will pick you up.”

Martha then said “You got a deal.”

Another thing that Martha did was whenever she would walk by me she would grab hold of my cheek and say, “You are so adorable. You just continue to do what you’re doing with these gangs.”

Martha has been calling me all week. She has been going to all the homes of these boys. They are starting group meetings where 10 or 12 of the gang members will meet. Martha is checking up on them just to make sure they’re okay. She’s even checking on their families to make sure they’re okay also. If the families are not Christians yet, Martha’s is praying for them too that they will accept Jesus Christ. Martha said, “Sonny, I have adopted all of them. I love them all. They are my boys now. I am going to make sure that they are doing well.”

The main thing Martha is concerned about is making sure that all of the families have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Martha’s love for these boys is so strong that I really don’t believe she even noticed the tattoos on their bodies or the pistols they were carrying. She only saw their hearts.

The Power of Specific Prayer

Sometimes we do not fully understand the power of specific prayer. Many times I have had people generically pray protection over me as I witness to the gangs. Even though I never have to go to the hospital for injuries, I get thrown around a lot. The earth and I get real close to each other as I am tossed about. Some of the stronger gang members like to play basketball with me. They pick me up and throw me into my pickup bed to make 2 points. In fact this game is so frequent the undercover police jokingly said, “Sonny, you need to borrow some of our bean bag chairs and put them in the back of your pickup. They will feel good on your body when they try to score.”

Things began to change when Blue Mustang decided to create a specific prayer for my protection. Blue Mustang said, “I need to ask God to specifically protect your body from injury.”

He knew that the gang members needed to show off for dominance. He prayed that they would not throw me on the ground or beat me to cause bodily injury. I greatly appreciated that prayer over me. It still had not sunk in yet. God had me go and witness to the Eastsiders gang again. The last time I was there they beat me with those small Colorado Rockies baseball bats. I was getting ready for them to come after me again. God knew that I was anxious and said, “Sonny, you have been prayed over. You need to watch what is about to happen.”

I walked over to the leader and he said, “My boys have something to show you.” There were five men holding those Colorado Rockies baseball bats. I was thinking that I was going to be hit again. They walked up to me until they were close enough to hit me. They lifted their bats up in the air and all five guys dropped their bats by my feet. They all said, “We are never going to hit you again!”

Blue Mustang’s prayer flashed before my eyes. It now has been a couple of months since he prayed that prayer and I have not been touched. All of the gang leaders have been threatening their men not to touch me. I am a firm believer in the power of specific prayers. The spiritual enemies of God hate specific prayers. You may have to ask God to send his angels to bind those spirits to make sure your prayer get through.

Three Gangs Surrender to Jesus

My King had me go to one of the parks in Commerce City to meet up with three gangs. I had a bunch of frisbees and Nerf footballs in my pickup to entertain them. As I got near to the park, I noticed a bunch of vehicles parked on every side of the park. Each set of cars had a gang attached to them. I watched as all three gangs began to converge to the center of the park. They all looked extremely angry as they were approaching each other. Some of them even had their pistols drawn. God said, “Sonny, drive your pickup onto the lawn and cut them off from each other.”

I always get nervous about doing this because many times I get in trouble for driving on the grass. But it is interesting I’ve never physically got in trouble with the park ranger while the gangs are carrying pistols. They are a mile away. After the gangs surrender their lives to Jesus, they will say, “You know it’s my job to tell you to stay off the grass with that large pickup. But off the record you have my support.”

As I drove my pickup between the three gangs, I rolled my window down and asked, “What’s up?”

One of the gangs knew who I was. The leader said, “This is Sonny. Everybody just leave him alone. He is a good guy and he brings food to the gangs. That’s his ministry. You guys better not touch him. If you touch him my boys are going to start shooting you. So just listen to what he has to say. Then we will get on with our business.”

The other gangs were surprised at his response and asked, “You know this guy!?”

The leader replied, “He is a man of God. Just leave him alone.”

I began to think back when Blue Mustang specifically prayed that the gangs would not physically harm me in any way. I could see how God answered his prayer by having this gang leader stand up for me.

That leader then said, “There are a lot of people praying for this guy and this guy named Blue Mustang. So you just leave him alone.”

He then looked at me and asked, “Sonny, what are you doing? We have some business to do.”

I then said, “I brought tacos, cheeseburgers and cookies for everybody to eat.”

The leader then rephrased what I just said.

The other gangs said, “Move your truck or we will begin shooting at it.”

I replied, “Before you shoot me or my pickup, why don’t we sit down and have a good lunch. But let me pray for you guys before we do anything else.”

The leaders asked, “You want to pray for all of us?”

I replied, “Yes, you can shoot me and my truck later.”

They weren’t expecting the answer I gave them and they responded, “What!” They did not know how to answer my response.

I began setting up all the food and praying for all of them. They all began eating while I prayed. I then began walking around talking to each one of them and reading scriptures over them and asking them for prayer request.

One of the gang members whose name is Sammy asked “Sonny could you pray for my grandma she’s got covid real bad.”

Another gang member also said, “Sonny could you pray for my uncle? He has Covid real bad. He’s in the hospital and he is really sick.”

At this moment, they lost interest in shooting each other and were more concerned with me praying over them. All three gangs started giving me prayer requests. After they finished eating, I reached into my box of toys and grabbed a nerf football and said, “I know you guys are probably full but who can catch a ball.”

I began putting the boxes out with all the balls and Frisbees in them. All of the guys began grabbing a ball and started playing with them. I then grabbed a nerf football and said, “Anyone ready to catch a football?”

The one guy said, “Yes, I’m ready to go.”

I then said “Hut” like a quarterback would. The gang member then took off running and I was interrupted by a question and began talking to the guy. The gang member who went for the pass was not to happy and came back.

He said, “I went out for a pass and you just started talking to these guys. You better never do that again. If I run out for pass you are going to pass it.”

He took off again and this time I made sure that I passed it to him. It wasn’t a very good pass but he still caught it. That looked fun to the rest of the gang members and they started creating teams. Even God had to be part of this because competition is what got them fighting in the first place. But this competition ended up being a blessing from God. When God shows up, things do change.

After they played for while, I then asked them “who wants their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” I then began reading John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 to them. I asked, “If you guys want to accept Jesus Christ today, your names will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”

One leader said, “I’m beginning to get tired of this life. I am tired of looking over my back all the time. I am done with this life and I want a new life. I want a new purpose.”

After the leader made this confession, one by one they all began giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. I spent a total of 5 1/2 hours with these guys as they went through the process of accepting Jesus Christ into their lives. They kept on playing games. There were more balls and frisbees than they all could use.

Some of gang members grabbed a few of the balls and frisbees and took some of them over to the homeless to share with them. They said, “Sonny, we just wanted to share with them too so they could have fun like we are today.”

By this time it was getting close to suppertime. I have no idea who did it but a white van showed up with 39 pepperoni pizzas. Their excuse was there was a lot of mistakes made in ordering pizzas today and they did not want to throw them away. As I watched these guys I said to myself “I think that I know these guys” but I could not recollect where I saw them last.

The homeless guys were watching what was going on here and they were hoping that they might get something to eat when they saw all those pizzas arrive. A brave homeless guy asked if they had any extra food for them. The gang members then took some of the boxes of pizza to the picnic table near them and started serving them pizza.

I said to myself “How in the world is this happening? Gang members usually do not have a servant’s heart. In fact they live to serve themselves.” But yet again when you give your life to Jesus Christ he will change your heart from a selfish heart to a servant’s heart.

Forty minutes later all kinds of cars began showing up. Parents and family members were coming to pick up their sons who had been making phone calls home. It is interesting when families lose their sons to gangs how many of them come to know Jesus Christ. There still were at least 30% of the families though, who still did not acknowledge who Jesus Christ was.

The gang leader Ringo looked at his dad and said, “I’ve given my heart to Jesus Christ and my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”

His dad then said, “Ringo, I have never heard you speak like this before! You have never talked about Jesus ever. ”

Ringo replied, “God is real. I want a new purpose in my life. His name is Jesus Christ. This guy told me there is either the Lake of Fire or heaven. I have chosen heaven.”

At this moment his dad started crying and he too accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior. The sons all had this effect on their parents. Many of those unsaved parents became saved today.

On Wednesday all three leaders got baptized at the same time. One of their dads runs a swimming pool/recreation place and opened it up to them so they could get baptized. The pastor from that dad’s church welcomed and baptized them all. It was a very big celebration.

If I would’ve known that they would’ve been doing this, I would’ve taken the day off just to celebrate with them. All three leaders are now meeting once a week having a Bible study. It is open for all those who were part of their gangs along with their families.

Only with God can you have three gangs that were ready to have a shoot out come to peace. I found out later that the gang that knew me claimed the turf of that park first. The other two gangs decided they also wanted to take control of that park. They were ready to find out who was the better man. Jesus ended up claiming victory when they gave their lives and their families to Jesus Christ.

The next time I met with the undercover police I asked, “Who delivered those pizzas? I saw you guys out working with us that day.”

They replied, “I don’t know Sonny, but maybe you don’t have to think about that.”

I had food for them too but it just was not quite enough. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

The park Ranger did tell me to stay off the grass at the end of the day. I talked to him about Jesus Christ then prayed with him. He ended up giving his heart to Jesus Christ before I left the park.

Ghetto King Soopers Blessing

God sent me to the ghetto in Denver again where I have been before. The reason why they call it a ghetto is because it is not a normal part of being in Denver. It’s like you either belong here or you don’t. The people either except you or they may hurt you. You definitely do not want to be here at night. The only reason why I’m even here is because God sent me here. He heard the prayers of needy families. When you are obeying God, he will always protect you especially if he has more work for you to do in the future. I’ve never seen God use dead people to accomplish his will. So I am learning to trust in my King’s ability to protect me in all situations.

I pulled into the King Soopers parking lot and I could hear some people that just started singing. They were singing the words to “Amazing Grace”. Their voices were beautiful. At this moment God said, “Sonny, play ‘Amazing Grace’ on your speakers.”

I found the song on my phone. This happens to be one of my favorite songs. I turned the external speakers on my pickup on and began playing “Amazing Grace”. As the music began to play, the people heard it and just stopped singing. They immediately started over from the beginning. They were excited to have music to be able to sing with. With the music playing, they even sang louder. The people there just began to worship God just like they would if they were in church. They all raised their hands praising God to the words of the song. As I watched them sing I noticed that they begin to circle around two families with their kids. They all began laying hands on both families. God then said, “Sonny, those are the families that I want to bless today. They need help.”

I was about ready to get out of my pickup but God said, “Wait! Just continue to watch.” After the song finished playing, one of the guys asked me if I could play that song again. I confirmed that I would and started playing it again. Everyone again started worshiping God to the song “Amazing Grace”. I played the song three more times. I silenced my stereo and all the families began hugging each other. I turned off my pickup and went out to meet them. Everyone there assumed that God had sent me there today for them.

They said, “You know what our King is – a way maker. He can shift things anytime he feels like it. We are believing in a miracle. Like all of us are hurting in this neighborhood. But God sent you here for us to receive a miracle.” They paused for a moment then said, “That sound system you have on your pickup is amazing. Could you tell us about you?”

I said, “I have a ministry but I am not the only one who’s in it. I minister to the gangs in the city and all over the United States. My King also has me minister to people on the streets. But God has given us a new ministry which also is getting huge. Both Blue Mustang and I are involved with this one.”

At that moment I was interrupted by the little girl Savannah who exclaimed, “Blue Mustang, that’s a car! So you have a ministry with a car.” At that moment everybody started roaring with laughter.

I said, “No, that’s his nickname the Latinos gave him. He’s from San Jose California. They gave him that name because he drives a Blue Mustang just like the leader does.”

Savanna replied, “That makes sense.” She then came towards me and asked, “Can I hold your hand Mister?” I confirmed that it would be okay for her do that.

Her parents then looked at her and asked, “Why do you want to hold his hand?”

She replied, “He just loves Jesus. I want to be next to him at this moment.” I was about ready to cry but I kept my composure.

Leroy said, “What is the miracle? Why did Blue Mustang send you here?”

I said, “Actually God brought me here. But Blue Mustang provided money for two families so they could buy groceries.” At this moment I heard the loudest hallelujah I’ve ever heard. The whole crowd began shouting “Praise you, Jesus”. The crowd has a certain style when they praised the Lord that is encouraging. They continued praising Jesus as loudly as they could. They kept thanking him for answering their prayer.

I found out that they were here worshiping God 45 minutes even before I arrived. As we continued talking about the goodness of our King, the neighborhood began taking notice. Everyone tries to watch out for each other in this area. That is one thing that makes living here special. How many people do you know that look out for other people. I notice a lot of this goes on with these families whom God blesses.

People started coming over to us. One family said, “We were here two weeks ago. When we saw that red pickup sitting here by this crowd, we knew that another miracle was taking place today. We had to come over and see what it is. We know that God brings you here.” The family then said, ” Sonny, this is my mom and my dad. They want to accept Jesus Christ. We were listening to you playing “Amazing Grace” from your pickup.” They paused then said, “Dad you tell him!”

The dad then took over and said, “It is time for me now to give my heart to Jesus Christ. I noticed that you were having a prayer meeting over here and I told my family that we should go over there. I want to turn my life over to Jesus Christ. ” At this moment he gave his heart to Jesus Christ.

Leroy still was not sure if I was serious. He looked directly at me, then asked, “You brought money so we could buy groceries?”

I confirmed that I did.

Samuel the other dad said, “God is faithful. God told us to come here and worship him first then we could ask for a prayer request. That is the reason why we came. We did it in front of the grocery store because we had to be specific with what we wanted. It’s just like if we wanted a cheeseburger, we would have to go to Burger King because they grill them there.”

(I started laughing when he gave the analogy of the cheeseburger. I told Blue Mustang to meet me at one of the other fast food restaurants for a burger. He mentioned that we could go across the street to have it flame broiled. Blue Mustang’s famous words were, “I bet you would rather have a flame broiled burger over a fried one” as he pointed towards the Burger King restaurant across the street where they do flame broil burgers.)

Samuel continued speaking and said, “If you want something, you gotta go to the source. Then ask God to not only help you but to bless you too. If it’s his will, he will do it. If it does not happen today, he will definitely do it another day. We came here because we needed groceries. So we faithfully came here. When you pulled up Sonny and began playing that music for Amazing Grace for us to worship, we knew that God was behind it.”

I was thinking about how well they could hold a tune without music. They did an amazing job praising God with the music to that song.

Leroy then said, “Even if it’s five dollars we will still be able to buy some bread. It doesn’t matter how much it is.”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet and said, “Here’s $140 for each one of you.”

Both families started crying as I laid the money into their hands. These families were very appreciative. They firmly believed that this was a tremendous amount of money.

Leroy who was all choked up said, “This is definitely enough to get what we need to get by.”

At this moment the manager Jerome showed up. Jerome said, “I just love it when you guys show up and worship in front of my store. It makes me so happy. I wanted to come out on Friday to meet you guys but I had too much book work to do. I cracked the window in my office just so I could hear you sing ‘Amazing Grace’. It really sounded good when this guy shows up with the music.”

This is the third time that these families have done this. They came yesterday on Friday and a week ago.

Jerome then looked at me and said, “You came here to bless these families here today didn’t you?”

I replied, “Blue Mustang and I were both sent here by God. This is a new ministry to give money to people who need food. God put that in Blue Mustang’s heart to do that for people. God then sends me to where the families are in need. As I drive to Denver, God always guides me to where I need to go. I usually never come to this part of town. I minister to gangs 12 blocks to the east from this area. I didn’t even know that there was a King Soopers here but he is bringing me here again to this same store to bless families.”

The manager reached into his back pocket and pulled out a black booklet. The manager said, “In this booklet are the names of people with how much money they owe me. Some people come to me and say I need to get groceries but I don’t have quite enough to pay for all of them. Could I pay you after Friday? And on Friday or Monday they will come and stop by and pay me. I tell them it is okay for people to do that because I am here to help them.” He then looked back to the families and asked, “Do you guys need groceries too?”

Savanna still holding my hand said, “Blue Mustang gave $140 to us and $140 to the other family. Now we can buy groceries.”

At this moment the manager began crying. He then said, “So somebody gave you money just to bless families?”

I said, “Not just any family but the families that God has chosen.”

So Jerome reached into his own wallet and exclaimed, “I am going to match Blue Mustang.” The manager then handed each family $140. He then said, “I want your names so I can put them in my book. In the future, if you guys need food, come and talk to me. We can get you some groceries to get you by for a week. And then we will go from there.”

A lot of cars started lining up while Jerome was standing outside with us. The people began jumping out of their cars and began paying off their bills that Saturday. Jerome looked at me and said, “This has never happened before. They usually come on Monday to pay up.”

The neighborhood continued handing him money as Jerome began scratching their names off his book for money owed. Jerome then looked at me again and said, “Sonny this is a miracle. Thanks for coming here today and showing me that God is real.”

Savanna tugged on my hand and said, “Do you want to go shopping with us Mr.?”

I said, “Let’s go.” So I locked my pickup up and went into the store with the families. They needed a lot of groceries but they only picked up what they needed. After their list was filled, the families went to the checkout and paid for everything. We then went outside the store back to our vehicles. When I approached my pickup, there was a little boy throwing a big fit and crying as loud as he could. His parents were trying to calm him down as they were standing right next to my pickup. They were trying to pull him away from my front tire. The little boy had his arms wrapped around my tire like it was his.

I continued walking towards my pickup and asked, “What’s going on here?”

The little seven-year-old boy stopped crying and said, “I have always wanted to drive in a monster pickup. I told my dad that I want to drive this pickup.”

His embarrassed dad said, “Ever since I took him to that monster pickup show here in Denver, he has always wanted to be in one of those pickups. My son just loves your pickup.”

While his dad was speaking, God said, “Sonny, take him on a pickup ride and let him drive.”

I immediately said, “Let’s just go for a ride.”

The dad said, “Are you serious?”

I confirmed that I was. His wife and daughter climbed into my backseat while dad sat in the passenger seat. I started the pickup and motioned to the parents to have their son sit on my lap. I put my seat as far back as I could and still reach the pedals to give him room. I then asked him what his name was.

He said that his name was “Billy.”

I asked him what his middle name was and he said, “I’m kind of embarrassed of it but it is Snoopy.”

I then said, “Snoopy, do you want to drive my pickup?” You should’ve seen his eyes get real big when I mentioned that. I then said, “You sit here right on my lap and you will be in charge of the steering wheel. We are going to drive around the park and take a cruise.”

Billy said, “Are you really serious?” I confirmed that I was. I never would’ve done this but God made sure there was no traffic around at all in this area. We did not go real fast as we navigated out of the parking lot and began driving around the park.

The mom in the back was taking pictures of her son driving my pickup. Man you should see the expression on Billy’s face as he was maneuvering my pickup around the park.

I then asked Billy, “What’s your favorite song?”

Billy replied, “You probably don’t have it but it is from the Newsboys that Jesus is not dead.”

I immediately found the song “God Is Not Dead” on my phone and began playing it. I played it on all of my speakers so everyone can hear it even in the park.

As Billy continued driving, he noticed that his friends were playing in the park. I rolled the window down and Billy started making hand signals to his friends.

They yelled back at him and said, “Billy what are you doing?” and they began running towards him as they saw him drive the pickup. We drove around that park three times and headed back to the grocery store.

I then asked, “Billy how does it feel to travel in a monster pickup?”

Billy replied, “One of these days when I get older, I am going to buy me one of these. I would then go pick up my best friends and we will go for a ride.”

I then shared with Billy that God told me to let him drive my pickup. Billy’s parents were Christians and I prayed over Billy’s family. After I finish praying I then asked, “Billy, are those your best friends there at the park?”

He replied, “We used to have a picnic together at the park. We would only have crackers and peanut butter.”

I then asked, “That was your entire picnic. You did not have anything else?”

He confirmed that was it.

I then said, “Why don’t you meet me over here at the park at noon and we will have a picnic. I will bring the food.”

Billy then asked, “Are you going to bring cheeseburgers from Burger King?”

I then confirmed that I would do that.

The dad and mom then asked, “Are you serious?”

I replied, “Yes I am. Tell Billy to have his friends come too.”

Billy was becoming ecstatic just thinking about having cheeseburgers for a picnic at the park with his friends. I met Billy’s family at noon in the park. He and his friends all sat down together to eat cheeseburgers from Burger King. Billy will remember this day forever.

Cuban Drug Cartel Leader Gives Life to Jesus Christ

One of the new drug cartels in Denver heard about me on the streets. Because I minister to gangs on the street, the gangs have a tendency to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. This action in turn hurts their business moving drugs. Jesus Christ sets you free from this kind of behavior.

I happened to be in a parking lot and the drug cartel saw my pickup. They pulled into the parking lot and surrounded me with nine black Cadillacs. The interesting part about this is actually the fourth time that black Cadillacs from various organizations have surrounded me. It seems like black Cadillacs and bad guys go hand-in-hand.

I got out of my pickup with my sword, the Bible, to see what they wanted. They said, “We just want to let you know we are going to beat you up. You are hurting our business and we don’t like it. We are only beating you up this time because it’s a warning. The next time we are going to physically shoot you. You just leave all the gang members alone.”

I replied, “I do not listen to you guys. I only listen to what my King tells me to do. He gave me a ministry to witness to gangs but he also gave me a ministry to witness to guys like you. My King says I am to make disciples of all nations. I am here to tell you that Jesus loves you and he has a different purpose for your lives than what you are doing now. If you want to beat me up, go ahead, but let me pray for you first.”

The leader seemed to become fearful. He said, “You know what, you just pray for us and we will get out of here.” When he said that all of his men started looking at him really strangely. They knew they came here to beat me up and they could not figure out what was going on. Every one of his men was holding one of those small black clubs just to hit me.

I began praying for each man. The Holy Spirit gave me insight into each person as I prayed. As I finished praying, the leader then said, “See you around later Sonny.” They all began heading toward the cars. I gave each man a ministry card as they passed by me.

The leader then called me later and wanted to meet with me on Friday night. We made arrangements to meet at 9:30 PM. As I was face to face with the leader, he said, “That night that we surrounded you I wanted to put a hurt on you so bad. I was trying to reach for my pistol but every time my hand would go near, it went into excruciating pain. Whenever I pulled my hand back it would return back to normal. I tried this several times. Every time I reached for my pistol my hand would severely cramp up. This scared me and I realize then that God was protecting you. I am now ready to give this life up. I want to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I have left the organization. I even told the organization what my plans were. I told them that I am finished with what I was doing and I want a new purpose of my life. I just do not want to do this anymore.” He looked intently into my eyes and said, “I want to surrender my life right now Sonny! Tell me what to do and I will do it!”

I said, “Just ask Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. You don’t have to make an itemized list but just ask him to forgive you for the things that you have done.” I paused for a moment then said, “Then ask him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose in three days? Do You believe that he came to this world to save us?”

He replied, “I have heard it all but I’ve always been running away from God.”

He, his wife, and entire family was there listening to him as he gave his life to Jesus Christ. His wife began crying as her husband spoke the words giving his heart to Jesus Christ. His little girl and two little boys grabbed a hold of their dad and gave him a big hug. At this moment he said, “I want my name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!” As he spoke these words, little girl began crying. Those kids are going to remember this day when their dad gave his life to Jesus Christ.

The dad then shared with me that when he left the organization that they gave him a payoff like a retirement. To honor God he wants to invest all that money into God’s Kingdom. I then asked, “What happened to the rest of the boys?”

He responded, “They all went home to their families.”

There is a Cuban leader who resides in Denver and hires people to be part of his cartel. I asked him if he was the one that hired him and he confirmed that it was. Everyone’s been trying to find out who he is or where he’s at to arrest him. But he is very good at what he does and he stays hidden. The leader then said, “Sonny before I came here tonight he gave me a message to shoot you. I told him that after you prayed for us, I can’t do that because I cannot kill someone who just prayed for me. I was extremely nervous but he answered okay and gave me the envelope with the money and the title to the Cadillac.”

God gets the Glory and the Victory for this. Without God’s protection over the leader, he would have been shot. God has plans for this leader and he needs him alive. I cannot wait to see how God is going to use him.

Restoring Faith in God

God sent me to another King Soopers in Denver. What was so unusual about this store was that everyone was black. I definitely stuck out in the crowd but I was welcomed here. Another thing I began to realize was the tight-knit community all of these people were.

When I arrived, I noticed a family in a circle praying. They were praying for a miracle. I asked the Lord, “Is this is the family?” and he confirmed it was. I continued watching the family pray and another car pulled up making a lot of racket. The muffler was hanging down. I happened to have a piece of baling wire in my pickup that I used to fix it. The family asked, “Are you a mechanic?”

I said, “No, I am definitely not a mechanic.”

I then asked everyone how they are doing. The first family said, “We are praying for a miracle because we are hungry.”

Their little girl said, “We have not had food for two days now. We’ve been eating crackers and peanut butter.”

When she said that, it just broke my heart. I begin thinking about all of the other families out there who are currently experiencing what these families are going through. And we do not even know they exist. I said, “Let’s pray.”

They then said, “We have been praying that God sends us someone to help us. We came here by faith.”

I replied, “That is what it takes. We step out in faith and let God do the rest.”

The family then said, “God brought us here. He told us that somebody would be coming here to help us with groceries.”

I then said, “Let me tell you about Blue Mustang…” As usual the kids pick up on that and always comment about Blue Mustang being a car. After I explain everything to them, they always say “Wow!” Their little girl said, “May God bless him 100 fold.” I finished with, “Yes. Amen.”

I then said, “He doesn’t do it to get recognized because he just hands the money to me and I get to witness the miracle. He wants to bless you so you can have food so that you can have groceries at home.”

A wife said, “You have truly restored our faith. The light was dimming in the faith department.”

I said, “God restored your faith. Let me pray for you guys.” I begin praying for them that God would restore them and bless them. I then reached in my pocket and pulled out the money. Like I said, it seems everyone knows everybody here. They were watching to see what their friends were up to. They stopped by to see what was going on. One family explained to the crowd that Blue Mustang gave this man money so we could buy groceries today. One man replied, “We are your neighbors. Why didn’t you say something?”

The family said “We rely on God and not on our neighbors.”

The neighbor then replied, “Yeah, we are to rely on God to but God puts people in your life just like me and this man here. But we can talk about that later. It is a miracle that this man showed up.”

The families said, “Now we can go and buy groceries.”

The little girl said, “I am tired of eating peanut butter for two days. Mom, I’m not really complaining but I am tired of peanut butter.”

While this was all going on people continually kept walking up to us. They were curious to know what was happening. They all noticed my Bible and asked me if we were having church out here. I said, “Yes I am.” Some of them said they wished that there was a church nearby because they didn’t like driving. It was interesting most of these neighbors were not Christians but they knew these families well. The families continued explaining to everyone there what just happened. The crowd was amazed with what just happened. Soon the crowd began to experience what the power of God meant. One family said, “We need to know God like you do because it would sure be nice to have the miracle today.” Soon a larger crowd of people began asking more questions. This was my opportunity to talk about Jesus Christ to them. I asked, “Who would like their names written in the Lamb’s book of Life?” Every one of them raised their hands.

While this was all going on, a low rider Cadillac drove by us. One man said not to look because this man deals in drugs. He continued driving slow just staring at us. Eventually he left the parking lot. I then turned back to the crowd and began praying for them. A total of 30 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ today at this parking lot.

The manager of this store came out. He is very tall and well built like the manager at the last store I was at last week. He asked, “What’s going on out here? Is everything okay?”

The little girl said, “This man brought us money so we could buy groceries. We are having church out here in the parking lot. Do you know Jesus mister?”

The manager replied, “You know, I have been running away from God for five years. It just seems to get me into a lot of problems.”

This little girl said, “You need to quit running from God. You cannot run from him because he knows where you live. He can see everything. He is one that created the world. Isn’t that right Dad? If you think that you can do things in the dark, Jesus can see through the dark. Because he is a light.” Quite a profound statement from someone who is only seven years old.

One family began sharing Christ with the manager. The little girl then asked, “Do you want your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

The manager then replied, “Yes I do!”

Their little boy, Jerome, spoke up and said, “I would like to pray for you. I know how to pray.” Jerome then led the manager to accept Jesus Christ. This store is not real busy because they are more community oriented. The employees had an opportunity to wonder what was going on. The employees came out and asked their manager if he was okay. The employees saw us surrounding the manager and thought maybe we were attacking him and they came out to defend him. The manager then said, “No, I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. I am ready to surrender to God.”

Some of the employees then began praising God and started rejoicing. They said, “We have been praying for you for awhile for this day. Even our families have been praying for you. And now you have given your heart to Jesus Christ. That is something to celebrate about.”

The manager replied, “These two families need groceries. This guy and a man named Blue Mustang gave them money.”

One of the teenage girls wondered if that was really his name because it sounded so cool. I told her that the Latinos gave him that name because of the car he drives. I continued to share with them things about God’s ministry. One of the employees then spoke up and said, “Isn’t there a reason why we collect $20 a week in that box for families. We did that because families might be short on being able to buy the groceries. Why don’t we just give them that money so they can go buy groceries.”

The manager then asked, “Does anyone else here needed help buying groceries today?”

Everyone replied, “No, the only reason why we came here was because we were concerned that something might be going on here with our neighbor. We saw a huge crowd circled around them and we wanted to make sure they were okay. We all could use something for groceries but they are the ones that cannot afford it at all.”

The manager then invited everybody into the store to have some donuts and coffee. The little girl then looked at me and invited me to go shopping with her. She then grabbed my hand and we walked towards the store. The father then said, “Brother Sonny, you tell Blue Mustang God bless him.”

The other little girl holding the Bible said, “Before we go inside the store, we should pray for Blue Mustang and his family to give thanks to God for them.” She immediately led the prayer. It was amazing to watch this little girl pray for someone she didn’t even know. After she finished we entered the store and sampled the donuts and drinks. This manager was now an entirely different person. He was totally transformed because of Jesus Christ. He called his wife, parents and grandparents. His wife showed up in 20 minutes. When she arrived she was crying. She began jumping up and down with excitement while holding her husband. The manager then said, “I am going to go to church with you tomorrow.”

Later three teenagers and more people in the crowd gave their hearts to Jesus Christ because of what happened here today. There are 30 people going to church tomorrow because of Jesus Christ transforming lives today. I am so blessed to get to see all of this. God is continuing to send me to needy families in this area that are praying for a miracle.

Faith of One Mom Brings Blessing

God had me go to the King Soopers in Commerce City, Colorado. When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a bunch of people praying for a woman. Soon her family showed up with another family. The kids went to their mom and put their arms around her. Soon they began crying. I asked, “God, what is going on here.”

He replied, “These are the families that need groceries.”

I asked, “But she was here by herself?”

My King did not answer my question but said, “Go talk to them and stop asking questions. Sonny, just do it!”

I headed over there with my Bible and asked them how I could pray for them? One of the husbands whose name is Stephan introduced me to his wife Rachel. I then introduced myself. Rachel has been here since seven this morning. She said, “God told me to come here and wait for a miracle. Both of our families need groceries. No one wanted to come here with me. That did not stop me. If none of you want to go with me, I am going by myself. We have faith to walk by faith and not by sight.” Rachel repeated herself and said, “God said to come here so I am doing it.”

Her family reminded her that she has done this twice already and that nothing has happened. Rachel said, “I am not going to stop. It is in God’s timing and not mine.” From 7 AM this morning, she was praying until I arrived. Her aunt and uncle came later and were praying with her. But they made no effort to help her out of their families situation. Rachel then thanked them for their prayers and said, “There is another man coming here to help us and it is not you guys, no offense. God did not put it in your hearts to help us. I am staying here until he shows up.”

It was Rachel’s faith that brought the miracle to the families. I then prayed with her and said, “God has heard your prayers and they have been answered. Let me tell you by whom. First it was by God who started it by putting into Blue Mustang’s heart to bless needy families.”

Rachel’s little girl Maria exclaimed, “Blue Mustang! Isn’t that a car? A car can talk to you!”

I said, “No, he is a human being. The Latinos gave him that nickname because he has a blue Mustang.”

Maria said, “Well, that makes sense.” She then asked, “What is the miracle, Mister?”

I said, “It is money to help you buy groceries.”

Rachel came up to me and hugged me like I was her sister. Her sister, Virginia, came over to speak with Rachel and said, “The next time God tells you to come here and wait for a miracle, I am coming with you. I just witnessed a miracle that just happened here today. I am witnessing faith in action.” Everyone was quiet for a moment, then Virginia said, “I guess that we need to sit down and make a grocery list.”

Rachel said, “Yes, we need to make a list.” Here they were ready to make a list and I have not even told him how much money that I was going to give them. Even here they were stepping out in faith. I took out my wallet and gave each family $140. Rachel said, “Oh my gosh! I see chili dogs in action right now.” Rachel was definitely craving chili dogs. Even something as simple as a chili dog was more than they could afford.

All of a sudden I could hear this rattling behind me. I turned around to look and I saw four teenagers each pushing a grocery cart. They were pushing the carts on the sidewalk coming directly toward us. I said, “Good morning, Lydia!” Lydia is one of the employees at this store. I have gotten to know her since I’ve been here before.

Lydia said, “I saw your monster truck in the parking lot and I went and told my coworkers that something was going down. We saw you praying for this family when you got here. We all went over to the break area and began praying over you and the families. We decided since we got a nice bonus this year that we want to help families with the bonus we received. We want to buy them groceries.”

Rachel went over and began hugging all these teenage girls for what they did. Those teenagers have learned about giving. This is the third time that they have done something like this. The husbands just stood there watching while everyone began crying. Lydia then spoke up and said, “Let’s go grocery shopping guys.”

Maria asked, “Can I ride in the cart.” She then looked at me and asked, “Do you want to go grocery shopping with us?”

I said, “Yes, let’s go!” We all went inside of the store and began shopping. I watched the families shop and they were not just throwing anything into their carts. They were carefully trying to get only the things they needed. Both families did fill up the four carts and proceeded to the checkout line. All four teenagers were planning on paying for the family’s groceries. The manager was running the register. He put in his managers card and it displayed his name on the machine. He is capable of giving discounts. I do not know how much it was. The teenagers were crying as the manager was scanning the items in their carts. They looked at me and said, ” Now we know why you and Blue Mustang do this. When you do this. your heart just explodes with joy. ”

I said, “It does relate to being a giver and not being a taker. It is about being a blessing and not just hanging onto what you’ve got.”

These families needed a blessing today. The families were put in the situation because the husbands businesses were shut down by covid. When you’re not working, the money stops coming in. Like most of the families that I have been coming to help, they seem to have enough to pay for rent and utilities but that takes everything and they sacrifice groceries to make sure they have protection for their families.

I was totally impressed with how Rachel came to the store today. She was not going to move from this store until the miracle happened. I went over and hugged Rachel and said, “Whatever you do, do not lose that faith you had in coming here today. This is the kind of faith that God wants. To have the faith of a child that when God says he will move a mountain, the child will watch waiting for the mountain to move. They don’t have all the skepticism that adults do.

Rachel then said, “You and Blue Mustang have strengthened my faith even more today.”

I said, “It was God who restored your faith. We’re just messengers in God’s Kingdom. He is the one that does it all and gets credit for it.”

Rachel then said, “I wish I could bottle you up and take you with me.”

I said, “Here is my ministry card. You can call me anytime you need to.”

Maria said, “We are going to make up our own ministry cards. But we are not sure what that will be.” As soon as they create one, they plan to send me one of their cards.

Most of the families I have dealt with support each other from the very beginning. Rachel stood alone as her family was against what she was doing. Her faith brought the miracle. It was also interesting that none of their immediate family would help them out financially either. After today, they’re going to see God in a new way. God gets the Glory and the Victory. He has more families for us to visit in the new year.

Isaiah 41:10 Brings a Blessing

I went down to the Aurora King Soopers. I parked my pickup in the parking lot and began to wait. 35 minutes had already passed. I started to speak to God and said, “I parked where you asked me to park. 35 minutes have passed and I still have not seen anybody. I am trying to be patient.”

God replied, “Sonny just be at peace. Just sit down and rest.”

I was just sitting there in my pickup and looking at every vehicle that was driving by and in my mind I was saying to myself “Are these the ones?” but this did not help. So I opened my Bible and began reading Psalms. I was getting totally involved with reading the book of Psalms and I never noticed what was going on around in my surroundings. I soon heard a knock at my pickup door. I turned my head and noticed that a whole family with three kids was standing beside my pickup as they continued knocking on my door. I immediately got out and asked, “How can I help you?”

They replied, “We parked alongside your pickup and noticed the scripture Isaiah 41:10.

‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’

that you had posted on your passenger door. When we saw that we walked around your pickup as you were sitting there. We knocked on your door because we figured that you were sent here by God to help us.”

I said, “Yes, I was sent here by God.”

Their little girl Rebecca said, “We do not have any cereal at all. We don’t have anything for sandwiches. We are totally out of peanut butter and jelly.” She continued talking about different things and she finally finished up saying, “We don’t even have any paper towels when we make a mess.”

The parents then said, “When we saw that Scripture on your pickup, we told ourselves that this was totally amazing. That Scripture is a testimony. Just driving around with the Scripture on the door like that is testimony at every light you stop at. People have nothing else to do but look over and see that. It just blesses them.”

I replied, “God told me to put that Scripture on my door like that. It is to help people like you said. I personally may not be able to witness to them but that Scripture does. I had nothing to do with putting that on my pickup. God gets the entire glory for that.”

The wife said, “I noticed that you have a breakfast burrito next to you.”

I said, “Yes I do. I am taking some of them to the gang members today. They are pretty spicy but do you guys want some?”

The parents replied, “Yes, we will take one.”

The kids took one bite but it was too spicy for them. The parents thoroughly enjoyed the burritos. Another man pulled up while we were speaking. It was the wife’s brother. He went to his sister and said, “I talked to mom and dad but they have not gotten their monthly check yet. They cannot help us until they receive their check.”

I looked at her brother and asked, “Does your family need groceries?”

Her brother replied, “Yes, we do need groceries.”

I said, “Well let me tell you about Blue Mustang. God uses him to bless families in need to buy groceries.”

Rebecca interrupted me and said, “Blue Mustang! That’s a car!”

Her older brother confirmed to her that is a car. Rebecca who was really confused then said, “You know a car that can talk. A car can actually talk to you?”

Before I could answer, she felt bad for interrupting me and apologized. She then wanted me to continue on with what I was about to say about Blue Mustang. I told them everything about Blue Mustang and said, “He always gives me money to allow needy families to buy groceries. It is not to buy cigarettes or liquor. This is strictly for food. If this money is used for anything else God will not honor them.”

The parents replied, “We are all Christians. We don’t smoke or drink. But we definitely could use a miracle right now.”

Rebecca then asked, “Do you have a gift card for us right now?” She definitely knew about gift cards.

I said, “No, I don’t have any gift cards but I do have $140 for each family so you can buy groceries.” By this time even the men began crying.

Rebecca exclaimed, “$140! We are millionaires! Now we can go buy some baloney, bread, mayonnaise and mustard. We can have sandwiches for lunch.”

I could tell that they were hungry and anxious to get something to eat. I said, “Let me pray for you guys first.”

The husbands shared, “Our wives have a deeper faith than we do. They walk by faith and not by sight. We have a tendency to walk by sight. We need to be like our wives and walk in faith like they do.”

I said, “Let’s pray about that to. Without faith you cannot please God.”

As I began praying for these men, they both began crying. I still haven’t pulled the money out. The wives began hugging me. I then said, “Let’s thank God for what he has provided for you.” I then reached in my pocket and gave them the money. That even brought more tears to everyone’s eyes as I laid the money into their hands..

A van with six elderly couples in it pulled up beside us. They were watching us and they saw us praying. They asked, “What are you guys praying about?”

Rebecca said, “Blue Mustang gave Mr. Sonny money to buy us groceries.”

One old lady exclaimed, “Blue Mustang!”

Rebecca said, “That is exactly what I said. Sonny knows a car that talks to him.” Rebecca then shared everything with the old couples that just happened. Rebecca was representing faith in the way she described everything. She had no problem believing our King is capable of doing everything. Rebecca then said, “My dad does not walk by faith. He just walks by sight. But my mom she walks by faith but not by sight. That is definitely a big difference between them. I don’t even believe in Santa Claus. It is all about Jesus Christ.”

This little girl just stole my heart the way she talked. She was only six years old but was saying so many profound things.

The little boy Samuel said, “When Jesus Christ came to the earth, he came as a baby. Why would God send his son as a baby?” Samuel is definitely trying to figure this one out. He then said, “It is just like when God sent Blue Mustang to us.”

By now all of the old couples have gotten out of the van and they said, “We live together in one of those retirement places and we came here to get some groceries. We have decided that we want to help you buy groceries today. We all want to pitch in. You can keep Blue Mustang’s cash for other things like gas. Or just to go get lunch someplace.”

One of the older gentleman said, “Yes, there is nothing like getting a charcoal broiled hamburger.”

These couples all live on a fixed income and they all pooled their money together in order to buy groceries today. God is going to honor them for doing that. They gave from themselves to see these families blessed. All of the old couples took them grocery shopping.

Rebecca asked, “Sonny, do you want to go grocery shopping with us?”

I said, “Yeah, let’s go and have some fun!”

All of a sudden time was not an issue. When God orchestrates something time does not even come into the equation. No matter how long it takes it is going to be worth it. Rebecca held my hand the whole time while we were shopping for groceries. Her parents said that she could let go of my hands. Rebecca said, “No way! He is my hero because he knows Blue Mustang.”

Samuel asked, “Can we get some ice cream?”

His mom said it would be okay but we just cannot get any ice cream right now or it will melt. We will have to get that at the very end.

Isn’t it interesting how God sends people out. Blue Mustang gave me $280 to take to Denver to bless two families in need. God then sends these older couples out to also bless the families. It is not as though $140 per family is not enough but God really does want to bless us. We get to experience it weekly so we know it’s true. Again, none of us on any given weekend even have an idea who or where God will send me. We walk in faith and know that he has somebody lined up for us to bless each week. He in turn brings other people into the area to do the same. This action of God strengthens our faith tremendously.

I found out later the families had parked there by the sidewalk and didn’t notice my pickup until they started walking towards it. It’s just a lot safer when you have kids to be able to walk on the sidewalk and not have to worry about anyone backing over them. But as they started walking towards the store, that is when they saw my pickup with the Scriptures printed on it.

Rebecca has more faith then most adults I know. And why is that? She pays attention to what her mom does. She has learned from watching her. When Rebecca saw her dad crying for the first time she said, “My dad has never cried ever! Jesus is real because I have seen my dad cry.” We were all standing together as she confessed this. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

I have learned myself just to walk by faith and not by sight. If I would have walked by sight every time the gangs pulled pistols on me, I would have taken off and run. I have learned that when God sends me on a mission it is to succeed and not fail. Even though the pistols are intimidating I put my full trust in my king. Now I need to learn to do that with my patience. After those 35 minutes past I was beginning to wonder if something really was going to happen. Even I need to continue building my own faith and let God control my time. Our God will continue to bring us more families because there are many out there who are hungry right now. They’re not only hungry for food but they are hungry for Jesus Christ and the word of God.