Isaiah 41:10 Brings a Blessing

I went down to the Aurora King Soopers. I parked my pickup in the parking lot and began to wait. 35 minutes had already passed. I started to speak to God and said, “I parked where you asked me to park. 35 minutes have passed and I still have not seen anybody. I am trying to be patient.”

God replied, “Sonny just be at peace. Just sit down and rest.”

I was just sitting there in my pickup and looking at every vehicle that was driving by and in my mind I was saying to myself “Are these the ones?” but this did not help. So I opened my Bible and began reading Psalms. I was getting totally involved with reading the book of Psalms and I never noticed what was going on around in my surroundings. I soon heard a knock at my pickup door. I turned my head and noticed that a whole family with three kids was standing beside my pickup as they continued knocking on my door. I immediately got out and asked, “How can I help you?”

They replied, “We parked alongside your pickup and noticed the scripture Isaiah 41:10.

‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’

that you had posted on your passenger door. When we saw that we walked around your pickup as you were sitting there. We knocked on your door because we figured that you were sent here by God to help us.”

I said, “Yes, I was sent here by God.”

Their little girl Rebecca said, “We do not have any cereal at all. We don’t have anything for sandwiches. We are totally out of peanut butter and jelly.” She continued talking about different things and she finally finished up saying, “We don’t even have any paper towels when we make a mess.”

The parents then said, “When we saw that Scripture on your pickup, we told ourselves that this was totally amazing. That Scripture is a testimony. Just driving around with the Scripture on the door like that is testimony at every light you stop at. People have nothing else to do but look over and see that. It just blesses them.”

I replied, “God told me to put that Scripture on my door like that. It is to help people like you said. I personally may not be able to witness to them but that Scripture does. I had nothing to do with putting that on my pickup. God gets the entire glory for that.”

The wife said, “I noticed that you have a breakfast burrito next to you.”

I said, “Yes I do. I am taking some of them to the gang members today. They are pretty spicy but do you guys want some?”

The parents replied, “Yes, we will take one.”

The kids took one bite but it was too spicy for them. The parents thoroughly enjoyed the burritos. Another man pulled up while we were speaking. It was the wife’s brother. He went to his sister and said, “I talked to mom and dad but they have not gotten their monthly check yet. They cannot help us until they receive their check.”

I looked at her brother and asked, “Does your family need groceries?”

Her brother replied, “Yes, we do need groceries.”

I said, “Well let me tell you about Blue Mustang. God uses him to bless families in need to buy groceries.”

Rebecca interrupted me and said, “Blue Mustang! That’s a car!”

Her older brother confirmed to her that is a car. Rebecca who was really confused then said, “You know a car that can talk. A car can actually talk to you?”

Before I could answer, she felt bad for interrupting me and apologized. She then wanted me to continue on with what I was about to say about Blue Mustang. I told them everything about Blue Mustang and said, “He always gives me money to allow needy families to buy groceries. It is not to buy cigarettes or liquor. This is strictly for food. If this money is used for anything else God will not honor them.”

The parents replied, “We are all Christians. We don’t smoke or drink. But we definitely could use a miracle right now.”

Rebecca then asked, “Do you have a gift card for us right now?” She definitely knew about gift cards.

I said, “No, I don’t have any gift cards but I do have $140 for each family so you can buy groceries.” By this time even the men began crying.

Rebecca exclaimed, “$140! We are millionaires! Now we can go buy some baloney, bread, mayonnaise and mustard. We can have sandwiches for lunch.”

I could tell that they were hungry and anxious to get something to eat. I said, “Let me pray for you guys first.”

The husbands shared, “Our wives have a deeper faith than we do. They walk by faith and not by sight. We have a tendency to walk by sight. We need to be like our wives and walk in faith like they do.”

I said, “Let’s pray about that to. Without faith you cannot please God.”

As I began praying for these men, they both began crying. I still haven’t pulled the money out. The wives began hugging me. I then said, “Let’s thank God for what he has provided for you.” I then reached in my pocket and gave them the money. That even brought more tears to everyone’s eyes as I laid the money into their hands..

A van with six elderly couples in it pulled up beside us. They were watching us and they saw us praying. They asked, “What are you guys praying about?”

Rebecca said, “Blue Mustang gave Mr. Sonny money to buy us groceries.”

One old lady exclaimed, “Blue Mustang!”

Rebecca said, “That is exactly what I said. Sonny knows a car that talks to him.” Rebecca then shared everything with the old couples that just happened. Rebecca was representing faith in the way she described everything. She had no problem believing our King is capable of doing everything. Rebecca then said, “My dad does not walk by faith. He just walks by sight. But my mom she walks by faith but not by sight. That is definitely a big difference between them. I don’t even believe in Santa Claus. It is all about Jesus Christ.”

This little girl just stole my heart the way she talked. She was only six years old but was saying so many profound things.

The little boy Samuel said, “When Jesus Christ came to the earth, he came as a baby. Why would God send his son as a baby?” Samuel is definitely trying to figure this one out. He then said, “It is just like when God sent Blue Mustang to us.”

By now all of the old couples have gotten out of the van and they said, “We live together in one of those retirement places and we came here to get some groceries. We have decided that we want to help you buy groceries today. We all want to pitch in. You can keep Blue Mustang’s cash for other things like gas. Or just to go get lunch someplace.”

One of the older gentleman said, “Yes, there is nothing like getting a charcoal broiled hamburger.”

These couples all live on a fixed income and they all pooled their money together in order to buy groceries today. God is going to honor them for doing that. They gave from themselves to see these families blessed. All of the old couples took them grocery shopping.

Rebecca asked, “Sonny, do you want to go grocery shopping with us?”

I said, “Yeah, let’s go and have some fun!”

All of a sudden time was not an issue. When God orchestrates something time does not even come into the equation. No matter how long it takes it is going to be worth it. Rebecca held my hand the whole time while we were shopping for groceries. Her parents said that she could let go of my hands. Rebecca said, “No way! He is my hero because he knows Blue Mustang.”

Samuel asked, “Can we get some ice cream?”

His mom said it would be okay but we just cannot get any ice cream right now or it will melt. We will have to get that at the very end.

Isn’t it interesting how God sends people out. Blue Mustang gave me $280 to take to Denver to bless two families in need. God then sends these older couples out to also bless the families. It is not as though $140 per family is not enough but God really does want to bless us. We get to experience it weekly so we know it’s true. Again, none of us on any given weekend even have an idea who or where God will send me. We walk in faith and know that he has somebody lined up for us to bless each week. He in turn brings other people into the area to do the same. This action of God strengthens our faith tremendously.

I found out later the families had parked there by the sidewalk and didn’t notice my pickup until they started walking towards it. It’s just a lot safer when you have kids to be able to walk on the sidewalk and not have to worry about anyone backing over them. But as they started walking towards the store, that is when they saw my pickup with the Scriptures printed on it.

Rebecca has more faith then most adults I know. And why is that? She pays attention to what her mom does. She has learned from watching her. When Rebecca saw her dad crying for the first time she said, “My dad has never cried ever! Jesus is real because I have seen my dad cry.” We were all standing together as she confessed this. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

I have learned myself just to walk by faith and not by sight. If I would have walked by sight every time the gangs pulled pistols on me, I would have taken off and run. I have learned that when God sends me on a mission it is to succeed and not fail. Even though the pistols are intimidating I put my full trust in my king. Now I need to learn to do that with my patience. After those 35 minutes past I was beginning to wonder if something really was going to happen. Even I need to continue building my own faith and let God control my time. Our God will continue to bring us more families because there are many out there who are hungry right now. They’re not only hungry for food but they are hungry for Jesus Christ and the word of God.