Faith of One Mom Brings Blessing

God had me go to the King Soopers in Commerce City, Colorado. When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a bunch of people praying for a woman. Soon her family showed up with another family. The kids went to their mom and put their arms around her. Soon they began crying. I asked, “God, what is going on here.”

He replied, “These are the families that need groceries.”

I asked, “But she was here by herself?”

My King did not answer my question but said, “Go talk to them and stop asking questions. Sonny, just do it!”

I headed over there with my Bible and asked them how I could pray for them? One of the husbands whose name is Stephan introduced me to his wife Rachel. I then introduced myself. Rachel has been here since seven this morning. She said, “God told me to come here and wait for a miracle. Both of our families need groceries. No one wanted to come here with me. That did not stop me. If none of you want to go with me, I am going by myself. We have faith to walk by faith and not by sight.” Rachel repeated herself and said, “God said to come here so I am doing it.”

Her family reminded her that she has done this twice already and that nothing has happened. Rachel said, “I am not going to stop. It is in God’s timing and not mine.” From 7 AM this morning, she was praying until I arrived. Her aunt and uncle came later and were praying with her. But they made no effort to help her out of their families situation. Rachel then thanked them for their prayers and said, “There is another man coming here to help us and it is not you guys, no offense. God did not put it in your hearts to help us. I am staying here until he shows up.”

It was Rachel’s faith that brought the miracle to the families. I then prayed with her and said, “God has heard your prayers and they have been answered. Let me tell you by whom. First it was by God who started it by putting into Blue Mustang’s heart to bless needy families.”

Rachel’s little girl Maria exclaimed, “Blue Mustang! Isn’t that a car? A car can talk to you!”

I said, “No, he is a human being. The Latinos gave him that nickname because he has a blue Mustang.”

Maria said, “Well, that makes sense.” She then asked, “What is the miracle, Mister?”

I said, “It is money to help you buy groceries.”

Rachel came up to me and hugged me like I was her sister. Her sister, Virginia, came over to speak with Rachel and said, “The next time God tells you to come here and wait for a miracle, I am coming with you. I just witnessed a miracle that just happened here today. I am witnessing faith in action.” Everyone was quiet for a moment, then Virginia said, “I guess that we need to sit down and make a grocery list.”

Rachel said, “Yes, we need to make a list.” Here they were ready to make a list and I have not even told him how much money that I was going to give them. Even here they were stepping out in faith. I took out my wallet and gave each family $140. Rachel said, “Oh my gosh! I see chili dogs in action right now.” Rachel was definitely craving chili dogs. Even something as simple as a chili dog was more than they could afford.

All of a sudden I could hear this rattling behind me. I turned around to look and I saw four teenagers each pushing a grocery cart. They were pushing the carts on the sidewalk coming directly toward us. I said, “Good morning, Lydia!” Lydia is one of the employees at this store. I have gotten to know her since I’ve been here before.

Lydia said, “I saw your monster truck in the parking lot and I went and told my coworkers that something was going down. We saw you praying for this family when you got here. We all went over to the break area and began praying over you and the families. We decided since we got a nice bonus this year that we want to help families with the bonus we received. We want to buy them groceries.”

Rachel went over and began hugging all these teenage girls for what they did. Those teenagers have learned about giving. This is the third time that they have done something like this. The husbands just stood there watching while everyone began crying. Lydia then spoke up and said, “Let’s go grocery shopping guys.”

Maria asked, “Can I ride in the cart.” She then looked at me and asked, “Do you want to go grocery shopping with us?”

I said, “Yes, let’s go!” We all went inside of the store and began shopping. I watched the families shop and they were not just throwing anything into their carts. They were carefully trying to get only the things they needed. Both families did fill up the four carts and proceeded to the checkout line. All four teenagers were planning on paying for the family’s groceries. The manager was running the register. He put in his managers card and it displayed his name on the machine. He is capable of giving discounts. I do not know how much it was. The teenagers were crying as the manager was scanning the items in their carts. They looked at me and said, ” Now we know why you and Blue Mustang do this. When you do this. your heart just explodes with joy. ”

I said, “It does relate to being a giver and not being a taker. It is about being a blessing and not just hanging onto what you’ve got.”

These families needed a blessing today. The families were put in the situation because the husbands businesses were shut down by covid. When you’re not working, the money stops coming in. Like most of the families that I have been coming to help, they seem to have enough to pay for rent and utilities but that takes everything and they sacrifice groceries to make sure they have protection for their families.

I was totally impressed with how Rachel came to the store today. She was not going to move from this store until the miracle happened. I went over and hugged Rachel and said, “Whatever you do, do not lose that faith you had in coming here today. This is the kind of faith that God wants. To have the faith of a child that when God says he will move a mountain, the child will watch waiting for the mountain to move. They don’t have all the skepticism that adults do.

Rachel then said, “You and Blue Mustang have strengthened my faith even more today.”

I said, “It was God who restored your faith. We’re just messengers in God’s Kingdom. He is the one that does it all and gets credit for it.”

Rachel then said, “I wish I could bottle you up and take you with me.”

I said, “Here is my ministry card. You can call me anytime you need to.”

Maria said, “We are going to make up our own ministry cards. But we are not sure what that will be.” As soon as they create one, they plan to send me one of their cards.

Most of the families I have dealt with support each other from the very beginning. Rachel stood alone as her family was against what she was doing. Her faith brought the miracle. It was also interesting that none of their immediate family would help them out financially either. After today, they’re going to see God in a new way. God gets the Glory and the Victory. He has more families for us to visit in the new year.